CAS Scale CL5000-P, CL5000-B, CL5000-R, CL5000-H User Manual

Table of Contents
1.1 Precautions 10
1.2 Introductions 12
1.3 Specifications 13
1.5 Basic Set - Up 19
1.6 Symbols 20
1.7 Key Functions 21
1.8 Installation of the Label Roll 25
2.1 PLU Programming 31
2.1.1 Create By-Weight PLU (Menu code 1120) 33
2.1.2 Create By-Count PLU (Menu code 1120) 40
2.1.3 Create By-PCS PLU (Menu code 1120) 42
2.1.4 Editing PLU (Menu code 1120) 43
2.1.5 Sample Printing (Menu code 1170) 43
2.1.6 Listing PLU (Menu code 1150) 43
2.1.7 Copying PLU (Menu code 1141) 44
2.1.8 Deleting PLU (Menu code 1142) 44
2.1.9 Moving PLU (Menu code 1143) 45
2.1.10 Selecting PLU field Items (Menu code 1144) 45
2.1.11 PLU Sale Count (Menu code 1145) 46
2.2. Programming PLU Data Table I 47
2.2.1 Department (Menu code 1210) 47
2.2.2 New/Edit Department (Menu code 1211) 48
2.2.3 List Department (Menu code 1212) 48
2.2.4 Delete Department (Menu code 1213) 49
2.2.5 Group (Menu code 1220) 49
2.2.6 New/Edit Group (Menu code 1221) 49
2.2.7 List Group (Menu code 1222) 50
2.2.8 Delete Group (Menu code 1223) 50
2.2.9 Tax Rate (Menu code 1230) 50
2.2.10 New/Edit Tax Rate (Menu code 1231) 51
2.2.11 List Tax Rate (Menu code 1232) 52
2.2.12 Delete Tax Rate (Menu code 1233) 52
2.2.13 Sales Message (Menu code 1240) 52
Table of Contents
2.2.14 New/Edit Sales Message (Menu code 1241) 53
2.2.15 List Sales Message (Menu code 1242) 53
2.2.16 Delete Sales Message (Menu code 1243) 54
2.2.17 Origin (Menu code 1250) 54
2.2.18 New/Edit Origin (Menu code 1251) 54
2.2.19 List Origin (Menu code 1252) 55
2.2.20 Delete Origin (Menu code 1253) 55
2.2.21 Barcode (Menu code 1260) 55
2.2.22 New/Edit Barcode (Menu code 1261) 55
2.2.23 List Barcode (Menu code 1262) 58
2.2.24 Delete Barcode (Menu code 1263) 58
2.2.25 Tare (Menu code 1270) 59
2.2.26 New/Edit Tare (Menu code 1271) 59
2.2.27 List Tare (Menu code 1272) 60
2.2.28 Delete Tare (Menu code 1273) 60
2.2.29 Tare Key (Menu code 1274) 61
2.2.30 Unit Symbol (Menu code 1280) 61
2.2.31 New/Edit Unit Symbol (Menu code 1281) 61
2.2.32 List Unit Symbol (Menu code 1282) 62
2.2.33 Delete Unit Symbol (Menu code 1283) 62
2.3 Programming PLU Data Table II 63
2.3.1 Ingredient (Menu code 1310) 63
2.3.2 New/Edit Ingredient (Menu code 1311) 63
2.3.3 List Ingredient (Menu code 1312) 64
2.3.4 Delete Ingredient (Menu code 1313) 64
2.3.5 Nutrition Facts (Menu code 1320) 64
2.3.6 New/Edit Nutrition Facts (Menu code 1321) 65
2.3.7 List Nutrition Facts (Menu code 1322) 69
2.3.8 Delete Nutrition Facts (Menu code 1323) 69
2.4 Discount Programming 70
2.4.1 Discount (Menu code 1130) 70
2.4.2 New/Edit Discount (Menu code 1131) 70
2.4.3 List Discount (Menu code 1132) 73
2.4.4 Delete Discount (Menu code 1133) 74
2.4.5 Delete by PLU No. (DC) (Menu code 1137) 74
2.4.6 Delete by Dept. No. (DC) (Menu code 1138) 74
2.4.7 Delete ALL (DC) (Menu code 1139) 75
2.5 Global Discount Programming 76
2.5.1 Global Discount (Menu code 1530) 76
2.5.2 Priority Setting (Menu code 1531) 76
2.5.3 Weight/Count/PCS Discount (Menu code 1532/1533/1534) 76
2.6 Speed Key Setting 78
2.7 Traceability 79
2.7.1 Traceability (Menu code 1330) 79
2.7.2 New/Edit Traceability (Menu code 1331) 79
2.7.3 List Traceability (Menu code 1332) 80
2.7.4 Delete Traceability (Menu code 1333) 81
2.8 Country Programming 82
2.8.1 Country (Menu code 1340) 82
2.8.2 New/Edit Country (Menu code 1341) 82
2.8.3 List Country (Menu code 1342) 83
2.8.4 Delete Country (Menu code 1343) 83
2.9 Programming Slaughter House 84
2.9.1 Slaughter House (Menu code 1350) 84
2.9.2 New/Edit Slaughter House (Menu code 1351) 84
2.9.3 List Slaughter House (Menu code 1352) 85
2.9.4 Delete Slaughter House (Menu code 1353) 85
2.10 Programming Cutting Hall 86
2.10.1 Cutting Hall (Menu code 1360) 86
2.10.2 New/Edit Cutting Hall (Menu code 1361) 86
2.10.3 List Cutting Hall (Menu code 1362) 87
2.10.4 Delete Cutting Hall (Menu code 1363) 87
2.11 Programming Store Data 88
2.11.1 Store Data (Menu code 1410) 88
2.11.2 New/Edit Store (Menu code 1411) 88
2.11.3 List Store (Menu code 1412) 89
2.11.4 Delete Store (Menu code 1413) 89
2.11.5 Customer (Menu code 1420) 90
2.11.6 New/Edit Customer (Menu code 1421) 90
2.11.7 List Customer (Menu code 1422) 91
2.11.8 Delete Customer (Menu code 1423) 91
2.11.9 Scroll Message (Menu code 1430) 92
Table of Contents
2.11.10. Configuration (Menu Code 1431) 92
2.11.11. Edit Scroll Message (Menu Code 1432) 92
2.11.12. List Scroll Message (Menu Code 1433) 93
2.11.13 Currency (Menu code 1440) 93
2.11.14. New/Edit Currency (Menu Code 1441) 94
2.11.15. List Currency (Menu Code 1442) 95
2.11.16 Delete Currency (Menu code 1443) 96
2.12 Programming Global Setting 97
2.12.1 Global Label Format (Menu code 1510) 97
2.12.2 Barcode Format (Menu code 1520) 98
2.13 Printing Programming 101
2.13.1 Printing (Menu code 1700) 101
2.13.2 Print label item (Menu code 1710) 101
2.13.3 Markdown (Menu code 1720) 103
2.13.4 Printer Hardware (Menu code 1730) 103
2.13.5 Print Mode (Menu code 1731) 105
2.13.6 Label Size/Ticket Size (Menu code 1732) 105
2.13.7 Sensor Calibration (Menu code 1733) 105
2.13.8 Sensor & Motor (Menu code 1734) 106
2.13.9 Print Intensity (Menu code 1735) 106
2.13.10 Adjust Feed Length (Menu code 1736) 106
2.13.11 Label Preprint (Menu code 1737) 107
2.13.12 Serial Number Format (Menu code 1740) 107
2.13.13 Add-Up Total (Menu code 1750) 108
2.13.14 Ticket (Menu code 1760) 109
2.13.15 Select Ticket Item (Menu code 1761) 109
2.13.16 Select List Item (Menu code 1762) 110
2.14 Programming Scale Configuration 112
2.14.1. Scale Configuration (Menu code 1800) 112
2.14.2 Sale Mode (Menu code 1810) 112
2.14.3 Operation Mode (Menu code 1820) 113
2.14.4 Department (Menu code 1830) 114
2.14.5 Date & Time (Menu code 1840) 115
2.14.6 User/ Security Configuration (Menu code 1850) 116
2.14.7 New/Edit User(Menu code 1851) 116
2.14.8 Change Password (Menu code 1852) 117
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2.14.9 List User (Menu code 1853) 118
2.14.10 Delete User (Menu code 1854) 118
2.14.11 Config Permission (Menu code 1855) 118
2.14.12 Clerk Key ( Menu code 1856) 121
2.14.13 Test (Menu code 1860) 121
2.14.14 Display Test (Menu code 1861) 122
2.14.15 A/D Test (Menu code 1862) 122
2.14.16 Keyboard Test (Menu code 1863) 122
2.14.17 Chess Printer Test (Menu code 1864) 122
2.14.18 Printer Sensor Test (Menu code 1865) 123
2.14.19 Memory Information (Menu code 1866) 123
2.14.20 Firmware Version (Menu code 1867) 123
2.14.21 Scale Parameter (Menu code 1870) 124
2.14.22 Function Key Define (Menu code 1880) 126
2.15 Report 128
2.15.1 Introduction 128
2.15.2 Report Menu (Menu code 1600) 128
2.15.3 X1/X2 Report (Menu code 1610/1630) 129
2.15.4 X1/X2 Scale Sales Report (Menu code 1611/1613) 129
2.15.5 X1/X2 PLU Report (Menu code 1612/1632) 131
2.15.6 X1/X2 Miscellaneous PLU Report (Menu code 1613/1633) 133
2.15.7 X1/X2 Group Report (Menu code 1614/1644) 135
2.15.8 X1/X2 Department Sales Report (Menu code 1615/1635) 136
2.15.9 X1/X2 Hourly Sales Report (Menu code 1616/1636) 138
2.15.10 X1/X2 Clerk Sales Report (Menu code 1617/1637) 140
2.15.11 Z1/Z2 Report (Menu code 1620/1640) 143
2.15.12 Clear All Report (Menu code 1650) 144
3.1 Basic Operation 145
3.2 Zero 145
3.3 Tare 146
3.3.1 Manual Tare Entry 1 146
3.3.2 Weighed Tare Entry 146
3.3.3 How to Clear Tare 147
3.3.4 Preset Tare 147
3.3.5 Successive Tare 147
3.3.6 Tare Override 148
3.4 Calling Up a PLU 149
3.4.1 Using Numeric Key 149
3.4.2 Using Speed Key 149
3.5 Override (FOR key) 150
3.5.1 By-Weight PLU 150
3.5.2 By-Count PLU 151
3.5.3 By-PCS PLU 152
3.6 Sales Operation 153
3.6.1 Weighed Item Operation 153
3.6.2 By Count Item 154
3.6.3 By PCS Item 155
3.7 Discount 156
3.7.1 Unit Price Discount - By Weight PLU 156
3.7.2 % Unit Price Discount - By Weight PLU 157
3.7.3 Unit Price Discount - By PCS PLU 159
3.8 Add-Up Transaction 160
3.9 Clerk Operation 162
3.9.1 Standard Clerk Operation 163
3.9.2 Floating Clerk Operations 164
3.10 Void 166
3.11 Payment & Change 167
3.12 Return 169
3.13 Prepack Key 170
3.14 X Key 172
3.14.1 By-Weight PLU 172
3.14.2 Non-Weighed PLU 173
3.15 How to Change Sell By Date/Time 174
3.16 How to Change Origin 175
3.17 How to Change Origin 176
3.18 Direct Discount 177
3.18.1 Fixed Price Key 177
3.18.2 Fixed Price Key 178
3.19 PLU Connection 179
3.19.1 Referenced PLU Function 179
3.19.2 Coupled PLU Function 179
3.20 Sales Operation Control Parameters 179
3.20.1 Fixed Weight 179
3.20.2 Prepack Without Report 179
4. Appendix
4.1 Label Format 180
4.2 Fixed Label Format Sample 185
4.3 Label Field 186
4.3.1 Item Label Field 186
4.3.2 Total Label Field 192
4.4 ASCII Code Table 194
4.5. Window Character Set Information 195
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Precautions when installing the scale. To ensure that you get the most from your scale, please follow these instruction.
Make sure to plug your scal into the proper power outlet. For maximum performance, plug into a power outlet 30 minutes before the usage for warm up.
When any damage or defect occurs, contact your CAS authorized dealer immediately for proper repair.
Do not disassemble the scale.
Do not overload beyond the maximum weight limit.
This will minimize defect or electric shock.
Scale must be grounded to minimize electricity static.
Incorrect adapter could damage the scale.
Use proper Adapter.
To prevent from fire occurring, Do not place or use the scale near flammable or corrosive gas.
To reduce electric shock or incorrect reading, Do not spill water on the scale or place it in humid condition.
Avoid placing the scale near heater or in direct sunlight.
Insert plug firmly to wall outlet to prevent electric shock.
Damaged cord could cause electric shock or fire.
Do not pull the plug by its cord when unplugging.
For consistent and accurate reading, maintain periodical check by your CAS authorized dealer.
Avoid sudden shock to the scale.
Grab on the bottom of the scale when moving.
This may interfere with accurate reading.
Keep the scale away from other electromagnetic enerating devices.
Place the scale on firm and temperature consistent environment.
By adjusting 4 comers of the scale, set the scale even using the built in scale leveling indicator.
CE Mark Warning
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Max. Capacity 6/15kg 15/30kg 15/30 lb 30/60 lb Interval 2/5g 5/10g 0.005/0.01 lb 0.01/0.02 lb Max. Tare -5.998kg -9.995kg -9.995 lb -29.99lb A/D Conversion Rate Approx. 8 times/sec. Measurement Type Load Cell Platter Size 382 x 246 mm
48 PLU key, 72 PLU key,
Standard Type (B)
36 function key
Pole Type (P, R)
36 function key
Speed Key 96 PLU
Hanging Type (H)
144 PLU
24 digit VFD + Graphic LCD
Tare : 4 digit
Weight : 5 digit
Weight : 5 digit
Unit Price : 6 digit
Unit Price : 6 digit
Total Price : 7 digit
Total Price : 6 digit
Printer Speed 100 mm/sec. Printing Resolution 202 dpi
Label Size
Width: 40mm~60 mm Length: 30mm~120 mm
Barcode Type
Small, Middle, Large Size, Free Format, Italic, Bold, Underline, Through Line, Double through line, Reverse, shadow, outline
Thank you for purchasing the CAS CL5000 price computing electronic printing scale. We have designed this equipment with many advanced features, high quality construction, and user-friendly menu driven programming. We are confident that you will find the CAS CL5000 scale will meet all of your most demanding needs.
Remember, for proper installation and maintenance please have your Authorized CAS Dealer do the primary installation, programming, and demonstration. Your CAS Authorized Dealer also has a wide variety of supplies, accessories, and expansion options for whatever your new and increasing demands may require. Authorized CAS dealers are trained to help you with every aspect of the CL5000 and should you need servicing, they are expertly trained by CAS to assist you with virtually any problem.
Operating Temp. -10°C ~ 40°C (14°F ~ 104°F)
Power AC 100~240V 50/60Hz 1.5A
Sales Period Dual totals for daily/monthly or user selectable reporting period. Sales Report Mode Read: X1/X2 Mode, Read & Reset: Z1/Z2 Mode
Number Range
PLU 3000 1~99999
Ingredient 510 character 999 1~999
User Defined Barcode Format 99 1~99
Department 99 1~99
Tax Type 9 1~9
Group 99 1~99
Clerk 31 1~31
Discount 99 1~99
Origin 499 1~499
Traceability 99 1~99
Slaughter House 99 1~99
Programmable Data Cutting Hall 99 1~99
Traceability Country 99 1~99
Label Format
45 Fixed 20 Free Format
Bitmap Image 14 1~99
Customer 99 1~99 Quanty symbol 8 1~8 Scroll Message 9 1~9
X1,X2,Z1,Z2 Report
Pay Type 7
Sales Message 99 1~99
Nutrifact 99 1~99
Tare Table 99 1~99
Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Basic set - up
H - type tray
NOTE: Push down ball
B,P,R type
Numeric keys. Used to enter pricing, qty, count, tare, etc.
Double zero key.
Clear key. Used to clear erroneous entries and error conditions.
Re-Zero key. Use to remove small variations in the scale’s zero.
Tare key. Use to manually enter and remove tare weights.
Override key. For temporary price change entry.
Date & Time key. Toggles the display between time, date, scale number and department number.
MENU key. This key toggles from program menu to sale mode. Page up key: Used to go to previous page in program mode.
For key. Use this key for by- count or by pcs pricing: 3 @ 3 FOR $1.00. It toggles between the QTY, PIECE, and PRICE fields.
AUTO key. Auto-print mode
Pre-Pack key. Used to enter Pre-Packaging mode in which the scale Auto-prints for every transaction and prevents the auto clearing of data.
Save key. Save mode prevents the auto clearing of any called-up data like tare weight, PLU pricing, etc.
Void key. To remove erroneous sales from ADD-Up
When you type a PLU number and press this key, it calls-up that PLU.
ST Stable weight indicator
0 Zero weight indicator NET Net weight indicator AUTO Print Mode indicator SAVE Auto clearing status indicator PREPACK Auto clearing status indicator DC Discount status indicator SHIFT Speed key shift status indicator TR Data transmission status indicator
To change the price of PLU called-up to negative price.
Change Fixed Price Called PLU
Open Cash Drawer
To show total amount added-up. (Greek)
Call Reference PLU
To continue to use the weight selected by user.
To switch label to ticket and vice versa.
On/Off LCD Backlight
Edit Sell by Date
Edit Origin
Edit PLU Item
Edit Discount
To assign speed key.
Clerk Key
ADD-Up key. This key when used in conjunction with ST/TTL key allows you print a customer-total label as well as individual transaction labels. Multi-Label key. Use this key to print multiple sales of the same transaction. Escape key. It is used to exit in program mode.
Subtotal / Total key. Used with the ADD key in order to print ustomer­totals. Test key. Used to print test pattern
Feed key. Use this key to feed labels or paper through printer
Pay key. Use this key to calculate change.
Print key. Used to manually print transactions and also serves as an ENTER key.
Return key. Used to credit sales for erroneous transactions or returns. Shift Key. Used to SHIFT function in program Mode
Discount % key. Used to discount price. Insert key: Insert mode for text typing in program mode.
WT/CT key. Toggles between Weight PLU and Count PLU. DELETE key. Used to delete text data in program mode
Miscellaneous Weighed PLU key.
Miscellaneous By-Count PLU key.
Miscellaneous PCS PLU key.
Negative Discount
Special Discount by Special Unit Price
Label Specifications
Outer diameter of roll : 100mm Inner diameter of roll : 40mm Width of receipt roll : 40, 50, 60mm Width of label roll : 60mm(MAX)
Print Area
Width of label : 60mm(MAX) Length of label : 120mm(MAX)
Installation of the Label Roll
Indirect Clerk Call
Alpha keys. Used to type text data.
Used to type $
For future
Backspace key. Used to backspace and delete text data.
Space bar.
Used to go to next line to enter text
Special symbol keys.
Used to type special symbol. (See ASCII code table on page 194)
Note: X key is only used in sale mode and ESC key is only used in program
mode. Sale mode : X key Program mode : ESC key
Press the FEED key. two or times forauto Label adjustment
*If label position is not correct, you have to check follows :
a, Label size.(Label setting menu) b. Feed Adjustment .(Feed adjustment menu) c. Sensor calibration(Sensor Calibration menu)
Program Mode Menu Tree (Menu code : 1000)
To install the label roll at ANY time you must follow the directions in this section:
How to access PROGRAM MODE
You can see the Program Menu screen by pressing the MENU key.
The 2 numbers at top right (1/3) indicate the number of pages or screens. The number to the left of the slash is the current page or screen number and the number to the right of the slash indicates the total number of pages or screens. You can use the PG UP and PG DOWN keys to navigate from page to page, or you can use the Arrow keys to go through each page.
If you press “PG DOWN” key, you can see other menu screens as below.
You can set 47 items for a PLU as below table and if you do not want to use
some items, you can prohibit those items in menu code:1144.
No Item Description
1 Department Department No. 2 PLU No PLU No. 3 PLU Type Select PLU type among By Weight, By Count or By-PCS 4 Name Enter name 1 of item. Maximum 40 characters. 5 Name 2 Enter name 2 of item. Maximum 40 characters. 6 Name 3 Enter name 3 of item. Maximum 40 characters. 7 Group No. Select group number. This value can be from 0 to 99.
Label No.
(0~99) (0=Do not use Label No.), Label Formats “1~30”. If Global Setting is YES, it is not shown.
9 Aux. Label No.
(0~99) (0=Do not use Label No.), Label Formats “1~30”. This function prints aux. label as saved number of label number
10 Origin No. (0~500) 0=Do not use origin.
Unit Weight
Unit weight of Price(No.19) (2:unit price for 100g, 1:unit price
for 1kg) 12 Fixed Weight The weight is fixed regardless of item 13 Prefix Enter serial code for PLU (Greece version of CL5000 series) 14 Item code Item code 15 Use Fixed Price Type You can set whether use Fixed Price or not 16 Pieces (0-999) Set the number for By-PCS PLU 17 Quantity Symbol ID (0~8) Set symbol of PCS or Count 18 Fixed price Price is fixed regardless of weight or pcs 19 (Unit) Price This value can be from 0 to 999999. 20 Special Price It can be unit price by using Special key. 21 Tax No. Enter tax number. This value can be from 0 to9
No Item Description
22 Tare / Tare No.
You can enter tare weight manually or enter No. of tare data. (By-weight PLU)
% Tare
0~99.99 You can enter tare weight as percentage of item. If you set it to 20%, 20% of item is tare weight.
0~99.99 You can enter tare limit.
Tare % Limit %tare < = % limit -> Gross weight is printed
%tare > % limit -> Net weight is printed
25 Barcode No.
This value can be from 0 to 99, If Global Setting is YES, it is not shown.
26. Barcode2 No. This value can be from 0 to 99
27. Picture No. Image no
28 Produced Date
(0~999) This is subtracted to the current date in order to be calculated.
29 Packed Date
(0~999) This is added to the current date in order to be calculated.
30 Packed Time (0~99) If you set it to 0, it is not printed
31 Sell-by Date
(0~9999) This is expirations date that is numbered in days and added to the Packed On date in order to be calculated. If you set it to 0, it is not printed
32 Sell-by Time (0~99) If you set it to 0, it is not printed
33 Cook-by Date
(0~9999) This is expirations date that is numbered in days and
added to the Packed On date in order to be calculated. 34 Ingredients No. (0~999) Enter ingredients 35 Traceability No. (0~99) Enter traceability No. 36 Bonus For future use. 37 Nutri. Fact No. (0~500) Enter nutrition fact ID 38 Sales Msg No. (0~99) Enter sales message No. 39 Reference PLU Dept. (0~99) Enter reference department No. 40 Reference PLU No. (0~999999) Enter reference PLU No. 41 Coupled PLU Dept. (0~99) Enter coupled PLU department 42 Coupled PLU No. (0~999999) Enter coupled PLU No.
No Item Description
43 # of Link PLU (0~2) Enter the number of linked PLU. 44 Link PLU1 Dept. (0~99) Enter PLU1 department No. 45 Link PLU1 No. (0~999999) Enter PLU1 No. 46 Link PLU2 Dept. (0~99) Enter PLU2 department No. 47 Link PLU2 No. (0~999999) Enter PLU2 No.
These items are shown on the display when you select By Weight PLU. These items are shown on the display when you select By Count or By PCS PLU.
2.1.1 Create By-Weight PLU (Menu code 1120)
You can press the SAVE key at anytime to save the current PLU data and if you want to exit without saving, press the ESC key.
Note: You may experice different item menus. You can modify menu items at
menu (1144)
1. Enter Department No. and PLU No.
Department should be set previously
EX) Department No. = [ 1 ] Default PLU No. : [ 1 ]
2. Select PLU Type
1. By Weight
2. By Count
3. By PCS EX) BY-Weight Item By-Weight PLUs are priced as price-per-
weight; for example, $3.99/lb or $1.99/kg. You must weigh these PLUs before you can execute a sales transaction.
3. Enter PLU Name 1
4. Enter PLU Name 2
EX) “Sirloin”
5. Enter PLU Name 3
6. Select Group
If there is no group for this PLU, enter 0
EX) 1. Meat
7. Select Label Format
If you enter 0, standard label format (menu code 1510) is used.
For details about label format, refer to 8. Setting Global option
EX) 1. IS6030-0000(60x30)
9. Enter Fixed Weight
The weight of an item is fixed. If you do not want to use, enter 0.
EX) Do not use Fixed Weight
10. Enter Prefix
If you do not want to use, enter 0.
EX) Do not use Fixed Weight
11. Item Code
EX) Item Code = 1941
12. Use Fixed Price Type
: normal price
1 : fixed price
13. Price
EX) Price = $10.00
8. Select Origin
If you do not want to use origin, enter 0
EX) 49. China
+ 42 hidden pages