J.P. Bowlin is a quality-driven Calibration Company
that has provided calibration, repair and sales
of all types of weighing and measurement products since 1931.
Quick Reference
CL 5000
Label Printing Scale
Programming Quick Reference Guide
e following procedures should be performed om the normal weigh mode screen. Some procedures require a
password. When prompted, enter your password. If none has been assigned to you or your password does not allow
you to access a particular program, call your CAS Service Representative for assistance.
Department Names
Press 1 2 1 1 then the MENU key. Enter the Department Num-
ber (1 – 99) you wish to program and press the PRINT key. En-
ter the Department Name (Up to 28 characters and spaces) and
press the PRINT key. Enter the Speed Key Set number (1 - 5 )
this Department will use and press the PRINT key. Repeat these
steps for all remaining Departments.
Create a New PLU
ere are several elds that may be programmed for each PLU.
e number of elds is aected by the Firmware Version of the
CL5000, the Type of PLU you select and the settings in Menu
1144 Select PLU Items. is example represents the elds that
will be available on a new CL5000 right out of the box.
Weigh Mode PLU
Press 1 1 2 0 then the MENU key. Enter the Department Num-
Weight or 2 for Non-Weight or 3 for By Count.) is example is
for a Weigh Mode PLU so enter a 1 and press the PRINT key.
Enter the rst line of the PLU Name and press the PRINT key.
(Up to 38 characters and spaces are available on each line of PLU
Name, keep in mind that the font size on the label format may
not allow you to print all 38 characters.) Enter the second line
of the PLU Name (if any) and press the PRINT key. Enter the
third line of the PLU Name (if any) and press the PRINT key.
Enter the Group No. (1 – 99) and press the PRINT key. En-
ter the Origin No. (1 – 500) and press the PRINT key. Enter
the Item Code (1 – 999999) and press the PRINT key. Enter
the Unit Price and press the PRINT key. Enter the Tare Weight
and press the PRINT key. Enter the Packed Date (1 – 999) and
press the PRINT key. Enter the Sell By Date (1 – 9999) and press
the PRINT key. Enter the Ingredient Message No. you want to
link to this PLU and press the PRINT key. Enter the Nutrifact
No. that you want to link to this PLU and press the PRINT key.
ber (1 – 99) that the new PLU will be assigned to and press the
PRINT key. Enter the PLU Number (1 – 999999) you wish
to create and press the PRINT key. Enter the PLU Type (1 for
Quick Reference
(800) 223-4227 •
Repeat these steps for all remaining PLU’s or press the ESC key
three times to exit.