Casio XD-B Series Quick Manual

Dictionary/ mode keys
Dictionary/ mode keys
RJA523360-001V01 MO1011-A
CASIO Electronic Dictionary Quick Guide (XD-B Series)
The contents of this Quick Guide apply to the CASIO XD-B Series Electronic Dictionaries. Most illustrations and screen shots show the XD-B8500.
Hangul, Russian, Simplifi ed Chinese, and accented characters cannot be input on a model that does not include a dictionary that requires such characters. Installing optional content automatically enables input of characters that match the installed content.
The screen shots and product illustrations shown in
• this manual may be different from those of the actual product. Also note that some keys and icons are not shown in examples of this manual for the sake of simplicity.
Example: ,
Loading Batteries for the First Time
Load the two AA-size batteries that come with the electronic dictionary before trying to use it.
Remove the battery cover.
Pressing at the two points shown in the illustration, slide the cover in the direction indicated by the arrows.
Load two batteries.
Push against the spring with the (–) end of a battery. With the battery on top of
• the ribbon, press the (+) end down. Make sure the (+) and (–)
• ends are facing correctly and that the springs are pressed straight down.
Replace the battery cover.
Remove the stylus
from the side of the electronic dictionary and then press the RESET button on the bottom.
Do not use a toothpick, lead pencil, or other breakable object.
Unfold the electronic dictionary.
Main panel
Sub panel
This causes the 電池設定 (battery setting) screen to appear. If the message
... (Display (main panel or sub panel)
protective fi lm may be...) appears on the display, remove the protective fi lm (option) from the main panel and/or sub panel.
After confi rming that
アルカリ電池 (Alkaline
batteries) is selected for the battery setting
(Battery Settings),
If you have commercially available eneloop batteries or rechargeable EVOLTA batteries loaded, use type and then press
If you have commercially available EVOLTA alkaline batteries loaded, select (Alkaline batteries).
and to select the battery
StylusRESET button StylusRESET button
Arrow keys
Use the time setting
screen to confi gure time settings.
PM (p.m.) before setting the time.
Press .
【保存】 (Save) on the
Turning Power On and Off
Power turns on and off automatically whenever you open or close the electronic dictionary’s panels.
You also can use the following
• key operation to turn power on or off.
Press the key to turn on power.
Press again to turn off power.
General Guide
④ ⑤ ⑥
Use the , , , and
or the stylus to select the setting you want to change, and then use the
Number keysNumber keys
on-screen number keys to change the setting. Touch 【12/24】 to toggle between 12-hour and 24-hour format timekeeping. When you are using 12-hour format timekeeping, you need to touch
AM (a.m.) or
Alternatively, you also could touch
time setting screen. This will display
メニュー (menu)
the screen. To display the menu screen without changing time settings, touch
【中止】 (Cancel).
To avoid misplacing the stylus, always be sure to return it to its storage slot in the side of the electronic dictionary whenever you are not using it.
Power also turns on when you press a dictionary/mode key.
Sub Panel
Use this panel to hand-write characters for input. Also, touching buttons that appear here performs certain operations.
Quick Palette icons
You can use the stylus for instant access to a variety of different operations. (Quick Palette icons that appear along the left side of the screen depend on what is currently displayed.)
Main Panel
Quick Palette buttons
㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕ ㉖
Dictionary/mode keys
Toggle between the initial screens of the two dictionaries/modes assigned to each key.
Toggles power on and off.
(Shift) Key
Shifts the keyboard. To use , press and release it and then press the next key.
さらに検 索
(History) (Additional Search) Key
Accesses history data. Press after
to perform additional search (
らに検索 ).
(Text Size) Key
Cycles through available screen text sizes.
(Jump) (Guide) Key
Enables look up of a term on the currently displayed defi nition or explanation screen. Press after
to view guide information.
(Layout) Key
Changes the screen layout.
(Scroll) Keys
Scroll screen contents up and down. Press after terms.
(Audio) (Read) Key
to jump back or forward between
Press when you want to hear something pronounced by a native speaker. Press after
to hear a reading by a
synthesized voice.
(Back/List) Key
Back-steps through previous operations.
• Press while a dictionary’s initial screen is
• displayed to return to the Press while a defi nition screen is on the display
メニュー screen.
to switch to the list of terms, which includes the term whose defi nition you were viewing.
(Translate/Select) Key
Executes a function or selects an on-screen item.
Arrow Keys
Move the selection highlighting or cursor up, down, left, or right. Used during volume adjustment to raise and
• lower the volume level.
(Setup/Delete) Key
Deletes the character at the current cursor
• location. Press after
to display a screen for changing
the setup of the electronic dictionary.
Letter Keys
Enter letters and numbers.
【前見出し】・【次見出し】 (Previous Headword/ Next Headword)
Jump from the current term to the previous or next term. The same result can be achieved by pressing
⑯【熟語】 (Compound Terms)
⑰ 【ズーム】 (Zoom)
and then or .
Displays compound terms that use the kanji you are currently viewing in the
新漢語林 (Japanese
kanji) dictionary.
Enlarges the characters of a defi nition or explanation screen.
【成句複合語】 (Phrases and Compound
Displays phrases and compound expressions that use the term you are currently viewing.
⑲【暗記カード作成】 (Create Flash Card)
Creates a fl ash card.
⑳【用例解説】 (Examples and Explanations)
Displays examples and explanations in dictionaries that include such information.
㉑【メニュー】 (Menu)
Displays the menu screen.
㉒【ジャンプ】 (Jump)
Performs the same functions as the (Jump/Guide) key.
㉓【音声 】 (Audio)
Performs the same functions as the (Audio/Read) key.
㉔【戻る/リスト】 (Back/List)
Performs the same functions as the (Back/List) key.
㉕【訳/決定】 (Translate/Select)
Performs the same functions as the (Translate/Select) key.
㉖ (Scroll)
Perform the same functions as the
Display Indicators
The following explains the meanings of display indicators.
This indicator: Means this:
(Compound Term)
(True Voice)
(Display All)
(Word Order)
A defi nition or explanation continues off the top, bottom, left, or right of the screen. Use the arrow keys to scroll the screen.
There is an explanation for the word where the indicator is located.
新漢語林 (Japanese kanji)
dictionary contains a compound term that includes the kanji content you are looking up.
There is a phrase or compound
term that uses the term you are looking up.
With some electronic dictionary models, content is installed.
There is an example that uses the term you are looking up.
Native speaker pronunciation is available for the contents to the right or below this indicator.
Native speaker pronunciation is available.
Synthetic voice reading is available.
Pronunciations are available for the English term on the screen.
The language whose pronunciation is applied for pronunciations and readings
There is a term that contains the term you are viewing or there is related information about the term in the dictionary you are currently accessing.
Jump function in use
History function in use
Display zoom in use
Guide function in use
Indicates the display method when using
成句検索 (Phrase Search).
will appear if optional
例文検索 (Example Search) or
Precautions when Using the Stylus
Strong pressure is not required when performing
• main panel and sub panel touch operations.
Avoid applying excess pressure during touch
• operations and input. Strong pressure can cause cracking or breaking of the panels.
When performing a main panel touch operation,
• be sure to support the back of the panel with your hand.
Main panel
Sub Panel
Keyboard Input
Use alphabetic characters to input Japanese.
To input this: Type this:
いんかん さんぽ or
きょう らっこ or
Alphabetic Characters
Use English input for unaccented alphabetic
• characters.
To input this: Type this: internet ?
Accented Characters
All alphabetic characters are input in lower-case, regardless of their normal capitalization.
For the German “ß”, input “ss”.
For other characters that normally include a diacritic, input the character without the diacritic. Example: “à” --> “a”, “ê” --> “e”, etc.
For the French “ç” input “c”, and for “œ”, input “oe”.
Input hyphenated terms as single words, without a hyphen. To look up “peut-être”, for example, input “peutetre”.
When inputting a term that consists of multiple words, input the words without any spaces. To look up “magna cum laude”, for example, input “magnacumlaude When entering a noun that is normally accompanied
by an article, enter the noun only without the article. To look up “die Elbe” for example, input “elbe”.
To input this: Type this:
Chinese (Pinyin)
To input this: Perform this operation:
ming2tian1 ( 明天 )
Type (Keyboard):
Touch (Sub Panel): 【一声
Type (Keyboard): Q
Touch (Sub Panel): 【二声
Type (Keyboard): W
Touch (Sub Panel): 【三声
Type (Keyboard): E
Touch (Sub Panel): 【四声
Type (Keyboard): R
Touch (Sub Panel): 【軽声
Type (Keyboard): P (Displayed as
(Displayed as
(Displayed as
(Displayed as
(Displayed as
To input this: Type this:
To input a character marked in the upper right corner of a key, press (and immediately release)
and then press the key.
All of the above characters are input in lower-case.
Handwriting Input
Use the stylus to write characters on the sub panel and then touch 【認識】.
With some search methods, like 単漢字 / 熟語を手書き
入力から探す (新漢語林)
using handwriting input only.
, you can enter search terms
Character Input Mode
The indicators described below appear on the main panel to show the current input mode. Also note that the sub panel changes to three characters per screen or fi ve characters per screen in accordance with the input mode.
Three Characters Per screen
Characters Hiragana Katakana Kanji Simplifi ed
Chinese Hangul
Three-character Sub Panel
Three-character Sub Panel
Scroll buttons
Scroll buttons
Character cells 【認識】
Character cells 【認識】
Five Characters Per screen
Characters Alphabetic Accented
alphabetic Russian Numbers
Five-character Sub Panel
Five-character Sub Panel
Scroll buttons
Scroll buttons
Character cells
Character cells
Correcting Character Input
Example: After mistakenly inputting 喜怒衰楽 instead of
Sub panel
Scroll buttons (When there are too many characters to fi t in the display area between the buttons, touch these buttons to scroll the screen contents.)
On the sub panel
or in the input
Character cells
Main panel
Input fi eld
fi eld on the main panel, touch a character ( ).
This displays up to 10 possible candidates for the character.
If you fi nd the
correct character among the candidates, touch it.
If you do not fi nd the correct character,
touch【書き直し】, rewrite the character on the sub panel and then touch 【認識】.
Touching【書き直し】while the character cells
• of the sub panel are blank (nothing input) will delete the character currently in the input fi eld of the main panel.
Stylus Basics
To select a dictionary
Touch the Quick
Palette【メニュー】 (Menu) button to display the menu screen.
Touch a category
and then a dictionary name .
The category and
• mode you touch will be highlighted on the screen.
Touch the highlighted dictionary name again.
This displays the initial screen of the dictionary.
You also could touch the Select) Quick Palette button instead of the dictionary name.
【訳 / 決定】 (Translate/
(Continued on other side.)
To select a headword or screen item
Enter the characters you want to fi nd. On
the list that appears, touch the term or screen item you want.
This highlights the term or item.
Touch the highlighted term or item again.
This displays the defi nition or explanation in the case of a term, or the next screen in the case of a screen item. You also could touch the
• Select) Quick Palette button instead of the term or item.
【訳 / 決定】 (Translate/
Search Functions
There are fi ve basic patterns for term searches.
【パターン 1 (Pattern 1): Entering the fi rst few
【パターン 2(Pattern 2): Entering the term you want
【パターン 3(Pattern 3): Searching step-by-step
【パターン 4(Pattern 4): Specifying multiple
【パターン 5(Pattern 5): Touching a screen item
For details about the search patterns of each dictionary, see the chapter in the
【パターン 1(Pattern 1): Entering the
fi rst few characters of the term you want to fi nd
The displayed list of search results changes as you enter characters of the term you want to fi nd. Example: To look up the meaning of fi ne ( ジーニ
Use and to select 見出し語検索
Enter the term you
Character Represents ? A single unknown character ~
Use and to move the highlighting to
【パターン 2(Pattern 2): Entering a
term and then pressing
Enter the entire term you want to fi nd and then press . Example: To fi nd the phrases that use the words “get” and “to” ( ジーニアス英和辞典 )
Use and to select 成句検索 (Phrase
Enter the term.
Press .
Use and to move the highlighting to
characters of the term you want to fi nd
to fi nd and then pressing .
through a series of titles
収録辞典一覧 (Dictionary List)
取扱説明書 (User’s Guide).
(Headword Search).
As you enter each
• character, the list of terms on the main panel is updated accordingly. When entering a
• headword, you can use the following wildcard characters.
A series of multiple unknown characters of unknown length
a term and then press
This displays the defi nition screen.
Select 例文検索 (Example Search) to search for an example.
When inputting multiple words, separate them using the ampersand character (&), not spaces. Example: get to get&to
This displays a list of all phrases that contain the terms.
a phrase and then press .
This displays the detailed information screen.
【パターン 3(Pattern 3): Searching
step-by-step through a series of titles
With some dictionaries, you simply select successive screen items and settings until you arrive at the information you need. Example: To look up an English conversation expression ( 英会話とっさのひとこと辞典 )
After displaying the
screen, select
the following: [A]
circumstance) →[A
(Daily life expressions) → [A]家のなかで (At home) →[A]起きてから出かけるまで (Morning).
This will bring you to a screen that displays the English expression for the Japanese morning).
(Search by
おはよう (Good
【パターン 4(Pattern 4): Specifying
multiple conditions
With this type of search, you can input multiple keywords, terms, or other conditions. Example: To look up ( 新漢語林 /Japanese Kanji Dictionary)
The kanji has the radical (heart), and a total of 7 strokes. This information can be used to look up the kanji.
を読み / 画数から探 す
Reading/Number of Stroke Search) and then press
Use , , and to move the
highlighting to the 部首読み (Radical Reading) column, enter こころ (heart), and then press .
Use , , and to select and
then press .
Use , , and to move the
highlighting to 総画数 (Total Strokes) and then enter 7.
Press .
Use , , and to select and
then press .
(Single Kanji
If a selection item has a letter at the beginning, you can press the corresponding letter key to execute the selection directly. In case of the above, for example, you could simply press
This displays a list of applicable radicals.
Use the top row of keyboard keys to enter numbers.
This displays a list of kanji characters that satisfy the conditions.
This displays an explanation of the term.
【パターン 5 (Pattern 5): Touching a
screen item
You can perform a search simply by touching some screen items on the main panel screen with the stylus. Example: To look up 十勝岳 ( 百科事典マイペディア )
After displaying the
initial screen, touch the following items on the screen: 地図から検
(Map Search) (twice)
(Search for Mountains in Japan Maps) (twice)
北海道 (Hokkaido) →
十勝岳 (Tokachidake)
This will cause an
explanation of
(Tokachidake) to
appear in the sub
panel. (Depending on the dictionary or search method, the explanation screen may not appear on the sub panel.)
Next, pressing
• of
十勝岳 (Tokachidake) to appear in the main panel.
will cause an explanation
Other Searches
Jump Search
You can use jump search to jump to another location in the same dictionary or to another dictionary.
To jump within the same dictionary
When search
results show items with a large arrow
) or small
( arrow ( ) jump symbol, press
The indicator appears and the fi rst
• character on the screen becomes highlighted.
Use the arrow keys to move the highlighting
to an item to the right of a jump symbol ( or ) and then press to jump.
Instead of the above procedure, you also can perform the jump by touching the term to the right of the arrow symbol.
To jump to another dictionary
While the results of a search are displayed,
After using the
Use and to select a dictionary and
Use and to move the highlighting to
While a search result screen is displayed,
After using the arrow keys to move the
arrow keys to move the highlighting to the term you want to look up, touch the sub panel (Select) button or the Quick Palette
This displays a dictionary menu.
then press .
This displays a list of candidates.
the item you want and then press to jump.
After pressing character or term or dragging the stylus across multiple characters or terms will search for the headwords that match the select character(s) or word(s). If you select multiple words for an example/idiom search jump, only the fi rst words you select will be searched for.
in step 1, tapping a single
To use the Mini Dictionary to look up a term
highlighting to the term you want to look up, touch the sub panel Dictionary) button or Quick Palette (Mini Dictionary) icon.
The Mini Dictionary appears in the sub panel (or
• main panel).
While the Mini Dictionary is displayed, tapping a single character or term or dragging the stylus across multiple characters or terms on the main panel will search for the headwords that match the select character(s) or word(s).
To close the Mini Dictionary, press (Back/List).
Multi-dictionary Search
Use the following procedure to search for a term across multiple dictionaries.
On the メニュー
screen, select the
Functions) tab and then select 複数辞書
(Alphabetic Multi­dictionary Search).
Use and to select アルファベットで検索
(Search using alphabetic characters).
You also could select 複数辞書日本語で検索 (Japanese Multi-dictionary Search).
If you are performing the Japanese Multi­dictionary Search, select using hiragana).
ひらがなで検索 (Search
On the search screen that appears, enter a
Terms starting with the characters you have
• entered appear in a list on the display. Each term also includes an indicator showing
• its dictionary.
Use and to move the highlighting to
a dictionary and term combination and then press
Useful Functions
Powerful features and functions help make dictionary look ups quicker and easier.
Viewing Phrases and Compound Expressions
indicates there is phrase and/or compound expression information available. On the sub panel, touch 【成句複合語】 to display it. On the main panel, touch the phrase or compound expression you want to view and then touch the
【訳/決定】 Quick Palette button. This will display the
meaning of the phrase or compound expression that you selected.
Viewing Compound Terms
indicates there
is compound term information available. On the sub panel, touch 【熟語】 to display it. On the main panel, touch the compound term you want to view and then touch the 【訳/決定】 Quick Palette button. This will display the meaning of the compound term that you selected.
Viewing Examples or Explanations
indicates there is example information or an explanation available. On the sub panel, touch 【用例解説】 to display it. Use the arrow keys to move the highlighting to the icon you want to view and then touch the【訳/決定】Quick Palette button. This will display the example or explanation.
Your electronic dictionary can produce native speaker pronunciations and simulated voice readings of terms and examples.
To use the built-in speaker
On the side of the electronic dictionary, slide the pronunciation output switch to SPEAKER.
To use earphones
Connect the supplied
earphones to the terminal on the left side of the electronic dictionary.
Use only the supplied
• earphones.
On the side of the
electronic dictionary, slide the pronunciation output switch to PHONES.
/ )
Pronunciation output switch
output switch
To adjust the volume
While any screen is
displayed, press
Use the 音量(大) (increase volume) and
音量(小) (decrease volume) arrow keys
to adjust the volume level.
Press .
While a term is selected for reading, you can
touch the 【+】 and 【−】 buttons on the sub panel to adjust volume. While a
• is in progress, you can adjust its volume by pressing
icon is highlighted or audio output
or .
Using TRUE VOICE® for Native Speaker Pronunciation
TRUE VOICE® capabilities let you hear native speaker pronunciations of terms and examples.
Playing TRUE VOICE® Pronunciation while a Defi nition Screen is Displayed
Use the following steps to listen to a TRUE VOICE® pronunciation of an item that has a icon next to it.
Press .
After you are fi nished using TRUE VOICE®,
The icon becomes highlighted and
on the display.
This plays the pronunciation of the item next to or below the highlighted
If there are multiple to select one.
Instead of the above procedure, you also can play the pronunciation by touching the icon.
press so disappears from the display.
icons, use and
Playing TRUE VOICE® Pronunciation while an English Term is Displayed
Use the following steps to listen to a TRUE VOICE® pronunciation of an English term.
Use the arrow keys to move the highlighting
Press .
After you are fi nished, press .
and appear on the display.
to an English term.
You also can highlight the English term by touching it with the stylus.
If there is only one pronunciation, it plays immediately.
If there are multiple pronunciations, a list of candidates appears. If this happens, move the highlighting to the term whose pronunciation you want to hear and then press
If native speaker pronunciation is not available, a message appears asking if you want to hear a simulated voice reading.
Note that pronunciation may not be correct if a non-English term is selected.
Pronunciation may not be correct in cases that two terms have the same spelling but different pronunciations.
Synthesized Voice Readings
A synthesized voice can be used to check the readings of terms in seven languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, and Korean.
Some dictionaries/modes do not support synthetic
• voice readings. Chinese reading can be selected for a Chinese
• model electronic dictionary and Korean for a Korean model electronic dictionary only. For other models, these languages can be selected after the applicable optional content is installed. For Chinese, pinyin and alphabetic terms, and some
• kanji terms cannot be read by the synthetic voice. For Korean, only hangul terms can be read.
To play readings on a defi nition and
explanation screen
Press and
Use and to move the highlighting to
Press to produce the reading of the
After you are fi nished, press .
• and the fi rst term or example that can be read by the synthesized voice becomes highlighted on the display.
the term, phrase, or example you want to have read.
Instead of using the arrow keys, you also can
• highlight the term, phrase, or example by touching it with the stylus.
term or example.
Confi guring Audio Settings
Use the procedures below to confi gure audio settings.
To display the 音声設定 (Audio Settings)
Press and then
Use and to select a speed and then press
Use the arrow keys to select a language setting and then press .
Use and to select a volume level and then press .
Use the arrow keys
to select 音声設定 and then press
This displays the
• settings screen. Use setting you want to change and then press
setting screen.
. This will display the applicable
and to select the
To adjust the reading speed 音声速度設定
You can select one of the fi ve following settings. Percents indicate the approximate difference from standard (100%).
最高速モード (130%), 高速モード (120%), 標準モード
(100%) ,
低速モード (85%), 最低速モード (75%).
To specify the pronunciation language
This will change the pronunciation setting of only the dictionary that was selected when you performed the procedure under To display the
(Audio Settings) Screen.
To adjust the reading volume level 音量設
eneloop® is a registered trademark of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
EVOLTA is a registered trademark of Panasonic
• Corporation.
Printed in China