Casio D-20TER, DF-120TER, JF-120TER, MS-88TER, MS-100TER User Manual

Casio D-20TER, DF-120TER, JF-120TER, MS-88TER, MS-100TER User Manual




CODIC: 4107608


6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan

SA0507-A Printed in China/Imprimé en Chine

E S F G I Sw D Nr Fi De Po R Hg Cz Pl

D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER/ MS-88TER/MS-100TER/MS-120TER/ SL-310TER/SL-320TER

User’s Guide

Käyttäjän opas

Guía del usuario


Mode d’emploi

Manual de Instruções


Felhasználói Útmutató

Guida dell’utilizzatore


Návod k použití


Instrukcja Obsługi












English ............................................................................................


Español .........................................................................................


Français .......................................................................................


Deutsch .........................................................................................


Italiano .........................................................................................


Svenska .......................................................................................


Nederlands ..................................................................................


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CASIO Europe GmbH

Bornbarch 10, 22848 Norderstedt, Germany





1/ General Guide ..........................................................................................................


2/ Correcting Input Errors ...........................................................................................


3/ Power Supply ...........................................................................................................


4/ Important Precautions ............................................................................................


5/ Specifications ..........................................................................................................


6/ Euro Currency Conversion .....................................................................................


7/ Tax Calculations ......................................................................................................


8/ Example Calculations .........................................................................................


9/ Currency Conversion Examples ........................................................................


10/ Tax Calculation Examples (Tax Rate = 5%) .....................................................



Please keep your manual and all information handy for future reference.

The switches and keys available on your calculator depend on its model number. Be sure to check the calculator itself to see if explanations in this User’s Guide apply to your calculator model.

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1 / General Guide

kAbout the Selectors

Rounding Selector (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER)

Specifies the rounding system.

F: Floating decimal point system, which displays the value without rounding. CUT: Cuts off the decimal to the specified* number of places.

5/4: Rounds off the decimal to the specified* number of places.

* Use the Decimal Place Selector to specify the number of decimal places.

Decimal Place Selector (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER)

Specifies the number of decimal places for rounding. Note that the Decimal Place Selector is valid whenever the Rounding Selector is in any position other than F.

4, 3, 2, 1, 0: Number of decimal places for the CUT and 5/4 settings of the Rounding Selector.

ADD2: The ‘‘Add Mode’’ automatically adds a decimal point and two decimal places to all values, even if you don’t input a decimal point. This mode is very useful when performing calculations in dollars or other monetary systems that require two decimal places. Two decimal places are not added in this mode if you press the .key while inputting a value, or for any operation other than addition and subtraction.

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kAbout the Display


: 3-digit separator (apostrophe)


: Euro currency indicator

: Negative value indicator


: Local currency indicator

GT : Grand total memory indicator


: Conversion rate indicator




: Tax amount indicator


: Independent memory indicator


: Price-plus-tax indicator


: Error indicator


: Price-less-tax indicator


: Constant calculation indicator

: Arithmetic operation indicators

2 / Correcting Input Errors

To completely clear a value you have just input, press C.

To shift a displayed value digit-by-digit to the right, press +until you get to the digit you want to re-input from. (MS-88TER)

If you press the wrong arithmetic operation key (+, -, *, /), simply press the correct key before inputting anything else.

kClearing Calculations

To clear the calculator except for the independent memory, press A.

To clear the independent memory only, press U twice.

3 –

kError Indicator

If the error indicator “E ” appears on the display, press Cto clear the error and continue with the calculation, or Ato clear the entire calculation.

3 / Power Supply

The Two-Way Power System of this calculator uses a solar cell, in addition to one LR44 or LR54 (LR1130) button type battery. Unlike calculators equipped with a solar cell only, you can use this calculator under virtually any lighting conditions, as long as there is enough light for you to read the display.

kBattery Replacement

Do not try to replace the battery yourself. Have it replaced by an authorized CASIO dealer or service center.

If the display becomes dim and difficult to read, or if nothing appears on the display when you press A(especially when lighting is dim), you probably need to have the battery replaced.

A dead battery can leak and damage the calculator if left in the battery compartment for long periods.

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The battery that comes with this unit discharges slightly during shipment and storage. Because of this, it may require replacement sooner than the normal expected battery life.

kAuto Power Off Function

This calculator is not equipped with an OFF switch. Instead, it switches power off automatically about six minutes after the last key operation is performed. To restore power, press A.

• When you press A, the independent memory contents are not cleared.

4 / Important Precautions

Avoid dropping the calculator and otherwise subjecting it to severe impact.

Never try to take the calculator apart.

Wipe the unit with a soft, dry cloth to clean it.

The contents of these instructions are subject to change without notice.

CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise from the use of this product.

5 –

5 / Specifications

Power Supply:


Two-Way Power System, with solar cell and one button type battery (LR44) MS-88TER/MS-100TER/MS-120TER/SL-310TER/SL-320TER:

Two-Way Power System, with solar cell and one button type battery (LR54 (LR1130))

Battery Life: Approximately 3 years (1 hour operation per day)

Operating Temperature: 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)


D-20TER: 32 (H) × 151 (W) × 158 (D) mm (11/4"H × 515/16"W × 61/4"D) DF-120TER: 36 (H) × 126 (W) × 175 (D) mm (17/16"H × 415/16"W × 67/8"D) JF-120TER: 29.3 (H) × 107 (W) × 175.5 (D) mm (11/8"H × 43/16"W × 615/16"D)


30.7 (H) × 103 (W) × 145 (D) mm (13/16"H × 41/16"W × 511/16"D)


7.5 (H) × 70 (W) × 118.5 (D) mm (5/16"H × 23/4"W × 411/16"D)

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Approximately 195 g (6.9 oz) (including the battery)

JF-120TER: Approximately 165 g (5.8 oz) (including the battery)


Approximately 120 g (4.2 oz) (including the battery)


Approximately 55 g (1.9 oz) (including the battery)

6 / Euro Currency Conversion

Pressing Ato clear the calculation memory does not clear the conversion rate setting.

kSetting a Conversion Rate

Example: To set the conversion rate for your local currency as 1 euro = 1.95583 DM (Deutsche marks).

1. Press A.


2.Hold down efor about two seconds and the currently set rate appears on the display.

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3. Input the conversion rate (1.95583) and then press eto



store it in memory.*



*For rates of 1 or greater, you can input up to six digits. For rates less than 1 you can input up to 8, 10 or 12 digits, including 0 for the integer digit and leading zeros (though only six significant digits, counted from the left and starting with the first non-zero digit, can be specified).

Examples: 0.123456, 0.0123456, 0.0012345 (MS-88TER)

You can check the currently set rate at any time by pressing Aand then E.

The rate is retained in memory even when calculator power is turned off by operation of Auto Power Off.

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7 / Tax Calculations

Pressing Ato clear the calculation memory does not clear independent memory or the tax rate setting.

kSetting a Tax Rate




Example: Tax rate = 5%




















(about two seconds)



Current rate setting











(You can input a value up to 6 digits long.)











(Stores rate and completes operation.)



• You can check the currently set rate at any time by pressing Aand then t.






The rate is retained in memory even when calculator power is turned off by operation of Auto Power Off.

9 –

8 / Example Calculations

8 / Cálculos de ejemplo

8 / Exemples de calculs

8 / Rechenbeispiele

8 / Esempi di calcoli

8 / Räkneexempel

8 / Rekenvoorbeelden

8 / Utregningseksempler

8 / Laskuesimerkkejä

8 / Eksempel på udregninger

8 / Cálculos de Exemplo

8 / Примеры вычислений

8 / Számítási példák

8 / Příklady výpočtů

– 137 –

8 / Przykłady obliczeń

kBasic Calculations

kCálculos básicos

kCalculs élémentaires

kGrundlegende Berechnungen

kCalcoli fondamentali

kGrundläggande beräkningar


kGrunnleggende beregninger


kGrundlæggende udregninger

kCálculos básicos

kОсновные вычисления


kZákladní výpočty

kObliczenia podstawowe


– 138 –

Example / Ejemplo /

Key Operation / Operación de tecla /

Display / Presentación /

Exemple / Beispiel /

Touche d’opération / Tastenbetätigung /

Affichage / Display /

Esempio / Exempel /

Operazione di tasto / Tangentoperation /

Visualizzazione /

Voorbeeld / Eksempel /

Toetsbewerking / Tastoperasjon /

På skärmen / Display /

Esimerkki / Eksempel /

Näppäintoimenpide / Tastindtryk /

Display / Näyttö /

Exemplo /


Operação de tecla /

/ Display / Apresentação /

Példa / Příklad /


Műveletsor / Klávesové operace /

/ Kijelző /



Klawisz operacji

Displej / Wyświetlacz




6 ÷ 3 × 5 + 2.4 – 1 = 11.4

6/3*5+2.4-1= GT*2


2 × (– 3) = – 6

2*3>= GT







– 139 –

*1 F, CUT, 5/4 (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER): Indicates position of Rounding Selector. / Indica la posición del selector de redondeo. / Indique la position du sélecteur d’arrondi. / Zeigt die Position des Rundungswahlschalters an. / Indica la posizione del selettore di arrotondamento. / Anger position för avrundningsväljaren. / Geeft de instelling aan van de afrondkeuzeschakelaar. / Indikerer avrundingsvelgerens innstilling. / Ilmoittaa pyöristysvalitsimen asennon. / Viser afrundingsvælgerens position. / Indica a posição do selector de arredondamento. / Показывает положение переключателя режима округления. / A kerekítés kiválasztó pozícióját mutatja. / Indikují polohu voliče zaokrouhlování. / Wskazują pozycję selektora zaokrąglenia.

*2 This indicator appears when you press =to indicate that the value is stored in grand total memory (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). This indicator is not shown in some of the example displays of this User’s Guide.

*2 Este indicador aparece cuando presiona =para indicar que el valor se almacena en la memoria de total general (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Este indicador no se muestra en algunas de las presentaciones de ejemplo de esta guía del usuario.

*2 Cet indicateur apparaît lorsque vous appuyez sur =pour signaler que la valeur est stockée dans la mémoire de total général (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Cet indicateur n’apparaît pas dans certains exemples d’affichage du mode d’emploi.

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*2 Diese Anzeige erscheint, wenn Sie die =-Taste drücken, um damit anzuzeigen, dass ein Wert in dem Gesamtsummenspeicher abgespeichert ist (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF- 120TER). Diese Anzeige ist in manchen in dieser Bedienungsanleitung aufgeführten Beispielen nicht dargestellt.

*2 Questo indicatore appare quando si preme =, per indicare che il valore è immagazzinato nella memoria del totale generale (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Questo indicatore non è mostrato in alcune delle schermate di esempio della presente Guida dell’utilizzatore.

*2 Denna indikator visas vid ett tryck på =för att ange att värdet lagras i slutsvarsminnet (DF-320TM). Indikatorn visas inte i vissa bildexempel i detta instruktionshäfte.

*2 Deze indicator verschijnt wanneer u op =drukt om aan te geven dat de waarde in het eindtotaalgeheugen opgeslagen is (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Deze indicator wordt niet getoond in sommige van de voorbeelddisplays in deze gebruiksaanwijzing.

*2 Denne indikatoren vises når du trykker =for å indikere at tallet har blitt lagret i minnet for sluttsum (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Denne indikatoren er utelatt i visse av denne bruksanvisningens skjermeksempler.

*2 Tämä ilmaisin tulee näkyviin kun painat =ilmoituksena siitä, että arvo on tallennettu loppusummamuistiin (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Tämä ilmaisin ei näy joissakin tämän Käyttäjän oppaan esimerkkinäytöissä.

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*2 Denne indikator begynder at lyse, når der trykkes på =for at angive, at værdien er gemt i slutsum-hukommelsen (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Denne indikator vises ikke i nogle display-eksempler i denne brugsvejledning.

*2 Este indicador aparece quando preme =para indicar que o valor está armazenado na memória do total geral (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Este indicador não aparece em algumas das apresentações de exemplo deste manual de instruções.

*2 Этот индикатор появляется на дисплее при нажатии на клавишу =и указывает на то, что значение сохранено в памяти итоговой суммы (D-20TER, DF120TER, JF-120TER). В некоторых примерах индикации на дисплее, приведенных в настоящей инструкции по эксплуатации, этот индикатор не показан.

*2 Ez a jelző megjelenik, amikor megnyomja a =gombot jelezve, hogy az érték a végösszeg memóriában van tárolva (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Ez a jelző nincs feltüntetve némely példakijelzésnél ebben a Felhasználói útmutatóban.

*2 Tato indikace se objeví, když stisknete =, abyste dali příkaz k uložení hodnoty do paměti celkové sumy (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Tato indikace není ukázána u některých příkladů v tomto návodu k obsluze.

*2 Ten wskaźnik ukazuje się, kiedy naciśniesz =, aby wskazać, że wartość została wprowadzona do pamięci sumy ogólnej (D-20TER/DF-120TER/JF-120TER). Ten wskaźnik nie jest przedstawiony w niektórych przykładach wyświetlaczy tej Instrukcji Obsługi.

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+ 39 hidden pages