CASIO 9860 User Manual

Casio 9860 Self-Guided Instructions – RUN Mode




Contents – RUN Mode:


Input Modes: Line and Math

P 2

ANS key

P 5

Editing on the screen

P 2

Time / Deg-Min-Sec

P 6



OPTN button

P 7


P 3

Memory Button

P 8

Display: Fix / Sci / Norm 1&2


Logs, Absolute Values, calculus

P 9

Fraction result

Probability Button / Random Nos

Main Buttons:

MENU – This brings up the menu screen SET UP – Most modes have a set up. Become familiar with SET UP. If anything is 'not quite right' on the screen ie something isn't showing when it should, or something is showing that needs turning off then SET UP is the place to go.

EXIT – The 'Back out' button, this will take you back to the previous screen

EXE – The 'Execute' button. Also the 'Equals' button.

REPLAY (Joy Stick/Arrows) – up-down-left-right … this button allows you to navigate around the screen

OPTN – more options appear at the press of OPTN, most notably Time-Degrees settings and Probability keys.

DEL – Delete button. It deletes the value to the left of the cursor INS – Insert button allows you to insert numbers, letters, symbols etc into, for example, formulae

SHIFT – Accesses the 'yellow' keys

ALPHA – Access the letters when needing to type formulae

SHIFT-ALPHA – Locks on the ALPHA Function. Handy for typing words as headings, eg in STAT and S-SHT

Casio 9860 Graphic Calculator

Self – Guided Instructions

RUN Mode

© Richard Andrew 2008


Using the Scientific Calculator Mode (RUN):

Press MENU and arrow to RUN as shown in Fig1. Press EXE

NOTE: There are 2 ways that numbers and commands can be entered on the screen – 'Line' and 'Math'

Perform the following calculations in RUN mode (Input Mode = Line):

Press SET UP (SHIFT MENU) and with the cursor over Input Mode ensure it is set to Line. If not, press F2















3 27


Note: Cube root is above the (
















6 34


(6 SHIFT ^ 34)

ANS = 1.8 2sf

Using the EXP button:

IMPORTANT: Using a calculator can be problematic for students. The next exercises illuminate the problems. Common mistake No.1. Enter the following question as it reads ( without using the EXP button; without brackets) 4a) 2.3 x 107 ÷ 4.9 x 10 – 13 (2.3 x 10 ^ 7 ÷ 4.9 x 10 ^ -13) (FigA)

To correct the mistake: Insert brackets - use left and right arrows to move cursor and insert the brackets (FigB) 4b) 2.3 x 107 ÷ (4.9 x 10 – 13 ) (FigB)

Using the EXP button correctly:


4c) 2.3 x 107 ÷ 4.9 x 10 – 13

(2.3 EXP 7 ÷ 4.9 EXP -13 EXE) (FigC)

Common mistake No.2 (for example) when entering 2.3 x 107 some students enter 2.3 x 10 EXP 7!! This is 2.3 x 108 The above points are worth highlighting to students to ensure they understand the need for brackets when dealing with

scientific notation if they don't use the EXP button … and therefore to promote the use of the EXP button. You might want to 'nickname' the EXP button 'the-times-ten-to-the-button'.

Now answer: 5) (7 2.7) 34 + 2.3 × 1014 493.1

Note that the previous few operations can be viewed on the screen. (Fig2)






Casio 9860 Graphic Calculator

Self – Guided Instructions

RUN Mode

© Richard Andrew 2008


CASIO 9860 User Manual

Editing an operation on the screen in line mode:

What if we had made a mistake in the last question? What if the last number in the line was meant to be 903.1 instead of 93.1. We do not need to write out the whole line again!

CHOICE: Press AC and arrow up 1 space Now press right arrow until the cursor is between the 9 and the 3. Enter zero. (Fig3)

Now EXE. (Fig4)

This is a particularly beneficial facility.

Perform the following calculations in RUN mode (Input Mode = Math):

Press SET UP (SHIFT MENU) and with the cursor over Input Mode ensure it is set to Math. If not, press F1

Math Input works a little differently to Line Input but has a more mathematical layout. See if you can perform the same calculations with Math Input























3 27




Note: Cube root is above the (





















6 34

Be Careful!! …..


(SHIFT ^ 6 arrow right 34 EXE)

ANS = 1.8 2sf


4) 2.3 x 107 ÷ (4.9 x 10 – 13 ) (2.3 EXP 7 ÷ 4.9 EXP -13)

ANS = 4.694 x 1019 4sf


(7 2.7) 34 + 2.3 × 1014






4 93.1 Be Careful!! ….. after entering

^ 34 you need to arrow right to drop down

from the index line!!





ANS = 3.467 x 1014 4sf (Fig5)

Editing an operation on the screen in math mode:

Again, if we had made the same mistake in the last question we need to edit it efficiently. Again we will change the 93.1 to 903.1 Simply arrow up 2 places until the cursor is over the required line (Fig6)

Now press right arrow until the cursor is between the 9 and the 3 and enter zero (Fig7)

Now EXE. (Fig8)

NOTE: The next sections are demonstrated in Line Mode. For your screen to look like these screens go to SETUP (SHIFT MENU) and change the Input Mode to Line.







Casio 9860 Graphic Calculator

Self – Guided Instructions

RUN Mode

© Richard Andrew 2008



Most menus have a set up.

With RUN executed (ie you are inside RUN mode) press SHIFT MENU and the screen in Fig9 will appear.

We will consider the more important options:

Angle: scroll down to Angle and use F1, F2 and F3 to change between Deg, Rad and Gra

Choose Rad. (Fig10)

Now press EXIT to return to the main screen.

NOTE: The default setting is Radians. This means that when the calculator is reset for Assessment tasks the calculator will be in Radians. Therefore students need to be very familiar with the SET UP function!


Find cos 3.1 radians

ANS = -0.999 (3sf)


Find sin 27 degrees

ANS = 0.45 (2sf)


Find tan 2.3 grades

ANS = 0.036 (3sf)

Display: From the SETUP screen scroll to Display (Fig11)

Fix: Fixing decimal places. NOTE: Although arguably this is a function that students neither need nor should be encouraged to use, it is necessary when generating random numbers.

To observe the effect of Fix we will firstly leave Fix off. Choose Norm (F3) once or twice to select Norm1 (Fig11) Press EXIT, then AC/ON to clear the screen.

Enter 7 ÷ 9 EXE (Fig12)

Now let's fix the answer to 2 decimal places.

Go to SET UP, arrow up 1 place, choose Fix (F1), press 2 (Fig13)






Casio 9860 Graphic Calculator

Self – Guided Instructions

RUN Mode

© Richard Andrew 2008


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