The •
Dep •
Butt •
Operation Guide 5283/5332
Note tha t the p roduct illus tration s in t his man ual ar e inten ded fo r refe rence o nly, •
and so the ac tual pr oduct may app ear so mewhat differ ent th an depi cted b y an
illustr ation.
Congratulations upon your selec tion of this CA SIO watch.
About This Manual
Module 5283 Module 5332
The oper ational proce dures f or Mod ules 5 283 and 5332 are ide ntical . All o f the •
illustr ations in thi s manu al show Modul e 5283 .
Dependin g on th e mode l of yo ur wat ch, di splay t ext ap pears e ither as dark fi gur es •
on a li ght ba ckgroun d, or light fi gures on a da rk bac kground . All sample displa ys in
this ma nual a re show n usin g dark fi gures on a l ight b ackgrou nd.
Button o peratio ns are indica ted us ing th e lette rs sho wn in t he ill ustrat ion. •
Things to check before using the watch
1. Check the Home C ity and the day light saving ti me (DST) setting .
Use the procedur e under “To con fi gure Home City s ettings” (page E-14) to
confi gure your Home City and daylig ht saving time settings.
Proper Worl d Ti me Mo de da ta de pend on c orrec t Ho me Ci ty, t ime, and date •
setti ngs i n the Tim ekeep ing M ode. Make sure you conf igure the se se tting s
corre ctly.
2. Set the current time.
See “Adj usting the Di gital Time an d Date Settin gs” (p age E-1 7). •
The watch is now ready for use.
E-3 About This Manual
E-5 Things to check be fore using the watch
E-9 Mode Reference Gui de
E-13 Timekeeping
E-14 Confi guring Home Cit y Settings
E-14 To confi gure Home C ity settings
E-16 To change the Da ylight Saving T ime (summer tim e) setting
E-17 Adjusting the Di gital Time and Date Settings
E-17 To confi gure the di gital time and d ate settings
E-21 Checking the Cur rent Time in a Different Time Zone
E-21 To enter the Wor ld Time Mode
E-21 To view the time in another tim e zone
E-35 To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off
E-35 To stop the alar m
E-36 Adjusting the An alog Hand Setti ng
E-36 To adjust the an alog time
E-38 Illumination
E-38 To turn on illum ination
E-39 To change the il lumination dura tion
E-40 Troubleshooting
E-41 Specifi cations
E-22 To specify stand ard time or day light saving ti me (DST) for a city
E-23 Countdown Timer
E-23 To enter the Cou ntdown Timer Mo de
E-26 To confi gure the co untdown timer
E-28 To perform a cou ntdown timer op eration
E-28 To stop the alar m
E-29 Using the Stopwa tch
E-29 To enter the Sto pwatch Mode
E-30 To perform an el apsed time oper ation
E-30 To pause at a sp lit time
E-30 To measure two fi nishes
E-32 Using the Alarm
E-33 To enter the Ala rm Mode
E-34 To set an alarm time
E-35 To test the alar m
Mode Reference Guide
Your watch has 6 “modes”. The m ode you should select depends on what you
want to do.
To do this: Enter this mode: See:
View the current date in the Home Ci ty •
Confi gur e Home City and daylight savi ng time (DST) •
Confi gure time and date settin gs •
View the current time in one of 27 c ities
(29 time zones) around the gl obe
Use the countdown time r Countdow n Timer Mode E-23
Use the stopwatch to m easure elapsed time Stopwat ch Mode E -29
Set an a larm time Alarm M ode E-32
Adjust t he analog hand s Hand Set ting Mode E-36
Timekee ping Mod e E-13
World Ti me Mode E-21
Operation Guide 5283/5332
Selecting a Mode
Press • C to c ycle b etween the mo des as shown below.
In any m ode (ex cept w hen a setting mode, with fl ashing digits is on the di splay) , •
press B to i llumina te the displa y.
Timekeep ing Mode
General Function s (All Modes)
The functions an d operations de scribed in this section can be used in all of the
Auto Return Feat ures
If you leave a s etting mode wit h fl ashing digits on the display for two or three
minutes without performing any operation, the watch exits the setting mode
Initial Screens
When you enter t he World Time M ode or Alarm Mo de, the data yo u were viewing
when you last ex ited the mode a ppears fi rst.
The B and D bu ttons are used on the setting mode to scroll through data on the
display. In most cases, holding down these but tons during a s croll operation scrolls
through the data at high speed.
World Ti me Mode Countdow n Timer Mode
Confi guring Home City Settings
There are two Ho me City setting s: actually sel ecting the Home City, and selec ting
either standard time or dayligh t saving time ( DST).
After co nfi guring Home City an d/or D ayligh t Savin g Time •
(summer time) settin gs, be sure t o adju st the analog
hands t o matc h the d igital settin gs.
See “Adj usting the An alog H and Set ting” (page E -36). •
To confi
gure Home City s ettings
In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down 1. A for about two
seconds until th e seconds start to fl ash. This is the
setting mode.
The watc h will exit t he sett ing mo de aut omatica lly if •
you do not pe rform a ny ope ration for ab out tw o or
three m inutes .
Stopwatc h Mode Alarm Mo de
Hand Set ting Mode
Day of w eek
City Cod e
After yo u speci fy a c ity cod e, the watch will u se UTC * offse ts in the Wo rld Tim e •
Mode to calcu late th e curr ent tim e for other time zo nes ba sed on the cu rrent t ime
in your Home City.
Coordina ted Uni versal Time, the wo rld-wi de scie ntifi c standar d of t imekeep ing. *
The ref erence point for UT C is Gr eenwic h, Eng land.
Use the Timekeep ing Mode to set and view the c urrent
time and date.
Each pre ss of • D cycl es the digita l disp lay con tents as
shown b elow.
Day of t he Week Month-Da y Hour : M inutes Seconds
PM indic ator
Press 2. C twice to mo ve the fl ashing to the city code.
For deta ils abo ut cit y code s, see the “C ity Cod e •
Table” at the back o f this manual .
Press 3. D (East) and B (West) to se lect the city c ode
you want to use as your Home Ci ty.
Keep pre ssing • D or B until the c ity co de you want
to sele ct as your Ho me Cit y appea rs on the di splay.
After the setting i s the way you w ant, press 4. A to
return to the Ti mekeeping Mode.
To change the Da ylight Saving T ime (summer tim e) setting
DST indi cator
In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down 1. A for about two
seconds until th e seconds start to fl ash. This is the
setting mode.
Press 2. C to display the DST setting mode.
Press 3. D to toggle b etween Daylight Saving Time (O n)
and Standard Tim e (OFF).
After the setting i s the way you w ant, press 4. A to
return to the Ti mekeeping Mode.
The • DST ind icator appear s to i ndicat e that Daylig ht
Saving Time i s turne d on.
Press 2. C to move the fl ashing in the s equence shown be low to select t he other
Illumina tion Duration
Home Ci ty Code
12/24-Ho ur Format
The foll owing s teps e xplain how to confi gu re tim ekeepin g sett ings o nly. •
Adjusting the Digital Time and Date Settings
Use the procedur e below to adju st the digital time and date s ettings.
After ad justing the d igital time a nd dat e setti ng, be sure to adju st the analog hands •
so the settin gs matc h.
See “Adj usting the An alog H and Set ting” (page E -36). •
To confi gure the dig ital time and d ate settings
When the timekeepin g setting you w ant to change i s fl ashing, use 3. D and/or B
to change it as described below .
Screen To do this: Do this:
Reset th e seconds to 0 0
Toggle b etween Dayligh t Savin g Time (ON)
and Stan dard Time (OFF )
Change t he city code
Change t he hour or min ute
Toggle b etween 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour
(24H) t imekeep ing
Change t he year, month , or da y
Press 4. A to exit the setting mode.
In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down 1. A for about two
seconds until th e seconds start to fl ash. This is the
setting mode.
Press D .
Press D .
Use D ( East) and B ( West).
Use D ( +) and B (–).
Press D .
Use D ( +) and B (–).