Dp Supply Only for units of constant pressure with control over two flows. Pressure value in pascals below the driving fan.
Fan exhau. Exhaust fan speed, see vent. Entr.
. Remote
Only Evo-d. If on, it indicates the independent regulation of the return fan from Modbus.
Only for units of constant flow with control over two flows or with flow sensors. Value in m³ \ h of the return flow.
DpExhau Only for units of constant pressure with control over the two flows. Pressure value in pascals above the return fan.
Flow Only for units of constant flow with control over a flow. Value in m3 \ h of flow of the fan of impulsion.
Dp Only for units of constant pressure with control over a flow. Pressure value in pascals below the driving fan.
Fan hours Hours of operation of the unit.
Bypass It is active if the bypass is configured:
- On open bypass.
- Off bypass closed.
- Bypass Mod Modulation (if set from the factory menu).
It is active if air or water after-treatment is configured:
- Heat On \ Off active afterheating \ inactive.
- Refriger. On \ Off after cooling active inactive.
/VOC ppm It is active if a CO2 or VOC / VOC probe is present: it indicates the concentration of CO2 or CO2 / VOC in parts per
million (ppm) measured by the air quality probe, it can take values between 0 and 2000.
Humidity % It is active if a relative humidity probe is present: it indicates the relative humidity value in percentage measured by
the probe, it can take values between 0 and 100.
Auto est .% It is active if the automatic operation of the fans is configured by an external 0-10V signal. Indicates the percentage
value of the external signal (10V corresponds to 100%).
Remote It is active if a digital input (DI) is configured as remote (parameter adjustable in the factory):
- On if DI closed (the fans operate at the speed set on the remote panel).
- Off if DI open (fans stopped).
Boost It is active if a digital input (DI) is configured as a booster (parameter adjustable in the factory):
- end DI open and a time exceeding Boost min. since the last impulse, therefore inactive booster (fans at the speed
established by the control).
- Max. the time has not yet elapsed Boost min. (1 -> 240 minutes) since the DI has received the impulse, active
booster (fans at maximum speed).
PIR It is active if a digital input (DI) is configured as PIR (parameter adjustable in the factory).
- min Open DI (fans at minimum speed).
- max. DI closed (fans at maximum speed) and the minimum PIR time has not yet elapsed.
(1 -> 240 minutes) fixed in the installer menu.
- off DI closed (fans at the speed set by the user in the control) and has
after the time PIR min. from the moment of closing the DI entry.
Summer It is active if a remote digital input (factory default) is set as summer / summer.
- Yes / yes DI open, the summer station is established.
- No DI closed, the winter season is established.
Humidity I t is active if a remote digital input (factory default) is set as humidity / humidity.
- Yes / yes DI open, the humidity threshold of the humidistat has been exceeded.
- No DI closed, the humidity threshold of the humidistat has not been exceeded
Fire It is active if a remote digital input (factory) is configured as fire / fire.
- Yes / yes DI open (exhaust fan at maximum speed and blower fan off).
- No DI closed (fans at the speed set by the control).
PFanSupply It is active if the fan alarm is set to 2Press (factory default).
- off open alarm contact, drive fan stopped or broken
- on closed alarm contact, running fan in operation.
PFanExhau It is active if the fan alarm is set to 2Press (factory default).
- off contact of open alarm, return fan stopped or faulty
- on closed alarm contact, return fan in operation.
Recircul.Req. Off/On It is active if it is set to Recircul. one of the digital inputs (at the factory, when recirculation gates are installed).
- open contact off, standard recirculation management.
- on closed contact, maximum active recirculation.