CartaSense LANUSG01 User Manual

CartaSense Ltd.
Manual for the
Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Wireless Sensing Product Family
Version; 1.3 Nov. 2013
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Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
Triple A – Battery standard size
Abbreviated term
Alternate Current (Abbr.)
Access Point Name
Communication Server
Direct Current
UHF RF Antenna connector of the USG
General Packet Radio Service is a packet oriented mobile data service available to all users of the 2.5G cellular communication GSM systems
Global System for Mobile communications (Cellular Standard)
Local Area Network
Light Emitting Diode (Indicators of the USG and the AC adapter)
Million (1,000,000)
Mobile Country Code
Mega-Hertz – 1M Hertz (Hertz - radio frequency unit)
Millimeters (1/1000 m)
Mobile Network Code
APN's password
Radio Frequency
Relative humidity
Resident Sensor, CartaSense resident wireless sensor
Ultra High Frequency
U-Sensor, CartaSense disposable wireless sensor
APN's username
U-Sensor Gateway, CartaSense Wireless Sensor Gateway
A Wireless LAN (Abbr. for Wireless Fidelity)
Terms and Definition
Captions, abbreviations and definitions used throughout this document are presented herein.
Table of Content
Legal Notice .............................................................................................................. i
Terms and Definition .................................................................................................. iii
1 System Description ...............................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 System Overview .................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Web application ...................................................................................................... 2
2 Product description ...............................................................................................4
2.1 U-Sensors (US) ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Operating the U-Sensor ............................................................................................................. 4 Activation of the US .......................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 U-Sensor LED Indications ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 M-Sensor (Air) ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Deployment of the M-Sensor (Air) ............................................................................................ 6 Assembly of the M-Sensor (Air) ........................................................................................ 6 Activation of the M-Sensor (Air) ....................................................................................... 6 Operation of the M-Sensor (Air) ....................................................................................... 6
2.3 M-Sensor Soil .......................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Deployment of the Soil Sensor .................................................................................................. 7 Assembly of the Soil-Sensor .............................................................................................. 7 Activation of the Soil -Sensor ............................................................................................ 7 Operation of the Soil Sensor ............................................................................................. 7
2.4 M-Sensor Sun .......................................................................................................... 7
2.4.1 Deployment of the M-Sensor Sun (A-Sensor Sun) ..................................................................... 8 Assembly of the Sun-Sensor.............................................................................................. 8 Activation of the Sun -Sensor ............................................................................................ 8 Operation of the Sun Sensor ............................................................................................. 8
2.5 Resident Sensor (RS) ............................................................................................... 8
2.5.1 Deployment of the Resident Sensor .......................................................................................... 9 R-Sensor Assembly ............................................................................................................ 9 RS activation and visual indications ................................................................................ 10
2.6 U-Sensor Gateway ................................................................................................. 10
2.6.1 Deployment of the USG ........................................................................................................... 11 Assembly of the USG ....................................................................................................... 12 Activating the USG .......................................................................................................... 12
2.6.2 U-Sensor Gateway Backup power ........................................................................................... 13
2.6.3 SIM Card Requirements ........................................................................................................... 14 SIM card APN .................................................................................................................. 14
3 Installation and operation .................................................................................. 15
3.1 Pre-installation Preparations ................................................................................. 15
Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
3.1.1 Tools ........................................................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Site Survey ............................................................................................................ 16
3.2.1 Warehouse .............................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.2 Truck and trailer....................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Mounting, installing and interconnecting ............................................................... 16
3.3.1 Pre-Installation Check List........................................................................................................ 16
3.3.2 Rules of “thumb” for locating wireless equipment ................................................................. 17
3.3.3 Equipment placement ............................................................................................................. 17 General Considerations for USG location ....................................................................... 17 Recommended Workmanship and Tips for Fixed USG Installation ................................ 18 Installation of Ethernet USG ........................................................................................... 18
3.3.4 U-Sensor Gateway setup ......................................................................................................... 19
3.3.5 U-Sensor Gateway activation .................................................................................................. 20
3.3.6 Resident Sensor activation ...................................................................................................... 21
3.3.7 Placement of wireless U-sensors ............................................................................................. 21
3.4 Mounting the wireless equipment ......................................................................... 22
3.4.1 U-Sensor Gateway wall Mount ................................................................................................ 22
3.4.2 Truck installation ..................................................................................................................... 24
3.4.3 R-sensor installation ................................................................................................................ 25
3.4.4 Mounting the M-Sensor: ......................................................................................................... 25
4 Web Application test utility ................................................................................ 26
5 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 27
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Problems .............................................................................................................. 27
6 Appendices ........................................................................................................ 29
Appendix-A: Product Specifications ........................................................................... 29
A.1: U-Sensor Gateway Specifications ............................................................................... 29
A.2: Resident Sensor Specifications ................................................................................... 31
A.3: Disposable U-Sensor Specifications ............................................................................ 32
A.4: M-Sensor Specifications ............................................................................................. 34
A.5: M-Sensor Soil specification ........................................................................................ 36
A.6: M-Sensor (A-Sensor Sun) specification ....................................................................... 37
Appendix-B: Ethernet USG installation and setup process .......................................... 38
B.1: Installation assumptions ............................................................................................ 38
B.2: Tools ......................................................................................................................... 38
B.3: Starting the installation.............................................................................................. 38
B.4: Trouble shooting........................................................................................................ 39
B.4.1: Check connectivity with the USG ................................................................................................ 39
B.4.2: Network connectivity ................................................................................................................. 40
B.4.3: DHCP ........................................................................................................................................... 40
B.4.4: Static configuration ..................................................................................................................... 42
B.4.5: Check connectivity with lancusrouter ........................................................................................ 43
Appendix-C: Creating Log Files ................................................................................... 44
Appendix-D: FAQ ....................................................................................................... 50
Appendix-E: Regulatory notices ................................................................................. 53
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Typical system architecture ...................................................... 2
Figure 2: U sensor ................................................................................ 4
Figure 3: M-Sensor, Air – front & rear view .............................................. 6
Figure 5: A-sensor soil ........................................................................... 7
Figure 6: M-Sensor Sun ......................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Resident Sensor top & side view ................................................ 9
Figure 8: Resident Sensor - bottom view ................................................. 9
Figure 9: Ethernet U-Sensor Gateway .....................................................11
Figure 10: GPS- GPRS U-Sensor Gateway ...............................................11
Figure 11: Typical equipment allocation in a warehouse ............................19
Figure 12: USG mount drill scheme ........................................................22
Figure 13: Vertical USG installation ........................................................23
Figure 14: Horizontal USG installation ....................................................23
Figure 15: Resident sensor mounting .....................................................24
Figure 16: RS with USG and UHF Antenna using single mounting ..............24
Figure 17: Dashboard USG unit .............................................................25
Figure 17: M-sensor holder ...................................................................25
Figure 18: Device search status .............................................................39
Figure 19: lancusrouter configuration .....................................................40
Figure 20: Device Status .......................................................................41
Figure 21: Windows IP configuration ......................................................42
Figure 22: Terminal connection test with lancusrouter ..............................43
Figure 23: Device manager screen .........................................................45
Figure 24: USB connection ....................................................................45
Figure 25: Putty software screen ............................................................46
Figure 26: Putty software Session screen ................................................47
Figure 27: Putty software Logging screen ................................................48
Figure 28: Insert log file location ...........................................................48
Figure 29: Opening log data ..................................................................49
Figure 30: Opening log file ....................................................................49
Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
List of Tables
Table 1: U-Sensor elements .................................................................... 4
Table 2: U-Sensor indicator states, after pressing the pushbutton ............... 5
Table 3: M-sensor elements .................................................................... 6
Table 4: Resident sensor elements .......................................................... 9
Table 5: RS LED indications .................................................................. 10
Table 6: USG indicators & controls ......................................................... 12
Table 7: U-Sensor Gateway LED Indications ............................................ 13
Table 8: SIM requirements for cellular USG ............................................ 14
Table 9: Pre-Installation Check List ........................................................ 16
System Description
Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
1 System Description
1.1 Introduction
This manual describes the main features of the CartaSense Wireless Sensing Product Family and defines procedures for the installation, operation and servicing of the system products throughout sites and locations that require environmental monitoring and control.
The CartaSense Wireless Sensing Product family consists of the following:
Single use shipment monitoring:
o U-Sensor (US)
Environmental monitoring:
o R-Sensor (RS)- Resident Sensor o M- Sensors (MS).
U-Sensor-Gateways (USG). Web application software management package.
The manual describes the system products and provides guidelines for a successful system installation.
1.2 System Overview
The CartaSense Wireless Sensing Product Family includes all the elements needed to collect measurements from sensors, transfer them to a central server and visualize them, in a way that provides added value business information. This business information may be used to take ad-hoc decisions or provide the basis for business strategy, thus bringing in significant savings.
CartaSense develops and manufactures various types of battery operated sensors and gateways. The gateways collect measurements from all the sensors and transfer them to a server and a web application to visualize the measurements and generate alerts.
U-sensor (US) is a one-time-use sensor that accompanies controlled
temperature shipments.
R-sensor (RS) is a fixed installation sensor, used in warehouses. M-sensor (MS) is a rugged sensor for outdoor use (E.g. agricultural
U-sensor Gateway (USG) wirelessly collects the measurements from
the sensors and sends it to a server.
Fixed USG – is a gateway used in warehouses or trucks, with a GPS
Dashboard USG – is a mobile gateway unit, powered from the truck
cigarette lighter plug, where fixed installation in the truck is not possible or not economical.
LAN USG – is a gateway that uses existing LAN infrastructure to
connect to the server
Web application
Version; 1.3
Once a USG is identified to be in communication range, data is transmitted from the sensor to the gateway. Each USG is connected to the Communication Server (CS) either through LAN (Ethernet gateway) or cellular communication (GPRS Gateway), routing the received data from all sensors..
Each one of CartaSense wireless sensors has the capability to operate as a repeater to other Wireless sensors that are not in communication range with the Gateway. All the sensors automatically form a dynamic, self­healing, mesh network which is very resilient even when operating in harsh electromagnetic environments.
1.3 Web application
A Web application provides online access to the data collected from all around the monitored sites and faciltates real time monitoring and observation of temperature and relative humidity conditions down to the single package or pallet.
The application may be accessed from anywhere and enables the operator to perform the following functions:
Figure 1: Typical system architecture
o View measurements from individual sensors or clusters of sensors. o View status of sensors and/or USGs. o Monitor Sensors network structure and performance.
System Description
Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
o Provide reports at various levels of system operation. o Generate alarms when preset threshold conditions are exceeded.
A Web Application manual that provides a detailed description of the application and all its features is available under separate cover.
U-Sensors (US)
Version; 1.3
For wireless communication
Barcode Sticker
U-Sensor unique identification
Power button
U-sensor activation and visual indication enable
Active/not active, connected/not connected visual indicator
2 Product description
2.1 U-Sensors (US)
The U-sensor (US) is a portable and disposable temperature and relative humidity (RH) sensor. The US is designed to be placed inside or near the monitored goods and transmits measurements of the temperature and humidity at that location. See Figure 2 for US unit, for detailed specification see Appendix A.3: below The US sensor should be placed in each pallet to monitor product through the overall supply chain. The US periodically measures temperature and relative humidity. When connection is available to a U-Sensor Gateway, either directly or indirectly through another sensor, the measurements are uploaded to the communication server. When such connection is not available, measurements are stored in a non volatile memory and will be uploaded once wireless connection is re-established. See 3.3.7 for setup and installation.
2.1.1 Operating the U-Sensor
Table 1: U-Sensor elements
Figure 2: U sensor
Product description
Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
LED Indicator
1 sec single blink
Activation visual feedback. Pressing the pushbutton for three seconds, while the US is not active, will cause the U-sensor to go active and to make a single blink of one second
Flashing red
Network connectivity indication. Pressing the pushbutton for at least one second, will cause the LED indicator to show the connectivity sate of the US. A one second repetitive blink means the US is not part of a sensor network and measurements are logged in the sensor's memory
Constant red
Network connectivity indication. Pressing the pushbutton for at least one second, will cause the LED indicator to show the connectivity sate of the US. A constant on LED light means the US is part of a sensor network and measurements are delivered to the U-sensor gateway
Pressing the pushbutton of an active U-sensor, the red light indicator should
light up in 1 sec (either continuously or blinking). If it does not light up, the U-sensor has not been activated Activation of the US
The US unit is powered up by pressing the power button for 3
2.1.2 U-Sensor LED Indications
The US contains one red LED indicator. The LED indicator is normally off in regular operation. To make it active, and see the US state, the pushbutton has to be pressed. There are two distinct patterns to indicate the status of the US, as listed in Table 2.
Table 2: U-Sensor indicator states, after pressing the pushbutton
2.2 M-Sensor (Air)
M-Sensors are targeted for outdoor applications such as metering, agriculture and for integration with external sensors. The basic unit includes internal temperature and RH sensors and has an option for an additional module with extended RH capabilities. See Appendix A.4: for detailed specification.
M-Sensor (Air)
Version; 1.3
Power button
M-sensor activation and visual indication enable
LED indicator
Active/not active, connected/not connected visual indicator
2.2.1 Deployment of the M-Sensor (Air)
Figure 3: M-Sensor, Air – front & rear view Assembly of the M-Sensor (Air)
Installing batteries: Unscrew the rear cover of the batteries
compartment (3) and install 2 AAA batteries. Make sure to keep polarity of battery as indicated in the compartment. Activation of the M-Sensor (Air)
M-Sensor is activated by a pressing the push button for 3 seconds
The M-sensor gives a positive visual indication of the success of the activation process.
Table 3: M-sensor elements Operation of the M-Sensor (Air)
The M-sensor, once active, connects to an available CartaSense sensors network.
Product description
Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
2.3 M-Sensor Soil
The soil sensor has external soil moisture sensor probe and soil temperature probe, enabling precise monitoring of soil water content and temperature. The M-Sensor soil is used for tracking soil moisture and temperature trends in crops, vineyards, or other areas where moisture level is a concern.
See Appendix A.5: for detailed specification.
2.3.1 Deployment of the Soil Sensor
Figure 4: A-sensor soil Assembly of the Soil-Sensor
Assembly of the M-Sensor soil is similar to the assembly of the M-sensor Air. Refer to paragraph  Activation of the Soil -Sensor
M-Sensor is activated by pressing the push button for 3 seconds The M-sensor gives a positive visual indication of the success of the
activation process as described in Table 3 Operation of the Soil Sensor
The M-sensor, once active, connects to an available CartaSense sensors network.
2.4 M-Sensor Sun
The Sun sensor is based on the M-Sensor and has external sun radiation PPF sensor. The unit contains internal temperature sensors and optionally RH sensors - see Appendix A.6: for detailed specification.
Resident Sensor (RS)
Version; 1.3
Figure 5: M-Sensor Sun
2.4.1 Deployment of the M-Sensor Sun (A-Sensor Sun) Assembly of the Sun-Sensor
Assembly is same as defined in  Activation of the Sun -Sensor
Activation is same as defined in  Operation of the Sun Sensor
The M-sensor, once active, connects to an available CartaSense sensors network.
2.5 Resident Sensor (RS)
The RS is a stationary wireless sensor that monitors temperature and RH environmental conditions and also serves as a range extender / repeater for other sensors in its vicinity. See Appendix A.2: for detailed specification. Figure 6 & Figure 7 depict the RS from top, side and bottom views and Table 4 defined RS controls & indicators. 1
Product description
Installation, Operation & Maintenance of the Wireless Sensing Family
Resident Sensor ID
Unique ID of the Resident Sensor
Red LED Indicator
Indication for resident Sensor status
Resident Sensor removable sticker
Resident Sensor antenna
Batteries compartment
Holds 2 AAA batteries
Push Button
A countersunk operation button which is operated with a pin
Figure 6: Resident Sensor top & side view
Figure 7: Resident Sensor - bottom view
Table 4: Resident sensor elements
2.5.1 Deployment of the Resident Sensor R-Sensor Assembly
Unpack the RS unit. Open up the Batteries compartment cover (5) Insert two AAA batteries. Make sure to keep batteries polarity as displayed in the
Make sure that there is good contact of both battery poles Replace the Batteries compartment cover.
U-Sensor Gateway
Version; 1.3
LED Indicator
1 sec single blink
Activation visual feedback. Pressing the internal pushbutton for three seconds (use a pin), while the R-Sensor is not active, will cause the R­sensor to go active and to display a single blink of one second
Flashing red
Network connectivity indication: Pressing the pushbutton for at least one second, will cause the LED indicator to show the connectivity sate of the R-Sensor. A one second repetitive blink means the R-Sensor is NOT part of a sensor network and measurements are logged in the sensor's memory
Constant red
Network connectivity indication: Pressing the pushbutton, for at least one second, will cause the LED indicator to show the connectivity sate of the R-Sensor. A constant on LED light means the R-sensor is part of a sensor network and measurements are delivered to the U-sensor gateway RS activation and visual indications
Turn on the RS unit by pressing the on/off pushbutton (6) using a pin
(paper clip or similar).
The RS has one red LED indicator that can be seen from the two viewing
/ vent holes on the side and back panel (marked as element #2). This indicator blinks as defined in Table 5:
Table 5: RS LED indications
2.6 U-Sensor Gateway
The U-Sensor Gateway is designed to transmit all the data collected by CartaSense sensors throughout the monitored site to the communication server and through it – to the Web application. The USG acts as an access point for U-sensors, R-Sensors, M-sensors and other CartaSense wireless sensors. The USG is the "root node" of the sensors network, where all measurements are uploaded to. The USG also connects to the communication server, further uploading measurements from the sensors through an internet connection, whether cellular or LAN based. Several versions of USGs are available. – The USGs differ in their system interface and include the following:
Cellular GPRS interface. GPRS cellular with GPS location module. Dashboard mounted GPS/GPRS unit Ethernet 10/100 MB interface
For detailed USG specifications – see Appendix A.1:
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