Carson Manufacturing Co., Inc.
5451 North Rural Street
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Phone: (888) 577-6877 Fax: (317) 254-2667
100W 11 OHM
Please consult your state/local vehicle codes to ensure compliance with vehicle horn regulations.
Carson is a trademark of Carson Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Sound Hazard - Sound level from horn speaker (>120dBA @ 10 feet) may cause hearing damage.
Do not operate horn without adequate hearing protection for you and anyone in immediate vicinity.
(Ref. OSHA 1910.95 for occupational noise exposure guidelines)
This product is legal in most states.

Page 2 of 8 HPK-150 Installation and Operating Instructions
The HPK-150 is a complete electronic simulated air-horn system. The system includes a waterproof amplifier with matching speaker along with a switch panel. The switch panel allows changing between the vehicle horn and air-horn and includes a switch for emergency lighting. The
amplifier utilizes short circuit, and reverse polarity protection systems for maximum service life. A
power indicator light is provided on the amplifier for diagnostics.
Amplifier (HA-150-10 14)
Speaker Load Single 100W 11 ohm
Input Voltage 9 - 16 VDC
Input Current 8 AMPS (14 VDC)
Output Power 105 WATTS RMS MAX. (15 VDC)
Short Circuit Current 50 AMPS (supply circuit must be capable of supplying this for 1 second)
Operating Temp. -22° F to +200°F
Size 4-1/8" Long, 2-1/8" Wide, 1-1/2" High
Weight 1 LB.
Speaker (CSP-100B)
Power Handling 100W
Impedance 11 ohm nominal
Frequency Range 400 Hz to 3500 Hz
Size 6.34” Wide, 5.10” High, 2.36” Deep
Weight 6 LBS.
Switch Panel (SP-200)
Voltage 12VDC
Current 15ADC Max.
Size 3-3/4” Wide, 1-1/4” High, 1-3/4” Deep
Due to continuous product improvements, we must reserve the right to change any specifications and information,
contained in this manual at any time without notice.
Carson Manufacturing Co., Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Carson Manufacturing Co., Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
See www.carson-mfg.com for latest information.
02/05/10 CP5061A

HPK-150 Installation and Operating Instructions Page 3 of 8
Proper installation of the system is essential for years of safe, reliable operation. Please read all
instruction before installing the system components. Failure to follow these instructions can
cause serious damage to the components or vehicle and may void warranties.
For the safety of the installer, vehicle operator, passengers and the community please observe
the following safety precautions. Failure to follow all safety precautions and instructions may
result in property damage, injury or death.
Qualifications - The installer must have a firm knowledge of basic electricity, vehicle electrical
systems and emergency equipment.
Sound Hazard - Sound level from horn speaker (>120dBA @ 10 feet) may cause hearing damage.
Do not operate horn without adequate hearing protection for you and anyone in immediate vicinity.
(Ref. OSHA 1910.95 for occupational noise exposure guidelines)
Mounting - Mount the unit for easy access by the vehicle operator. DO NOT mount in air bag
deployment area. Assure clearances before drilling in vehicle.
Wiring - Use wiring capable of handling the current required. Make sure all connections are tight.
Route wiring to prevent wear, overheating and interference with air bag deployment. Install and
check all wiring before connection to vehicle battery.
Testing - Test all horn system functions after installation to assure proper operation. Test vehicle
operation to assure no damage to vehicle.
Keep These Instructions - Keep these instructions in the vehicle or other safe place for future
reference. Advise the vehicle operator of the location.
Inspect contents for shipping damage. If found alert carrier immediately
Contact supplier immediately if any components are missing.
Contents of box should include the following items:
Qty Item
1 Amplifier Unit (HA-150-10 14)
1 Speaker, 100W 11 ohm (CSP-100B)
1 Switch Panel (SP-200)
4 Screw, Hex #8 Self Drilling (CP4051-XK-12)
6 Terminal, 3/16” Insulated Fem. Q.C. (CP4062-K2545)
1 Instruction Manual (CP5061 This Manual)
CP5061A 02/05/10