The Bamboo Trailer
This trailer is special because
no tubes need bent or welded, and
all joints may be simply pinned or
lashed. At one extreme this trail-
er can be made out of eight pieces
of green wood or bamboo lashed to-
gether, at the other titanium and
Kevlar pinned together. Either way
you can have a very respectable
stiff light trailer. Variations
in width length and strength are
easy; it will take any load you
have. Hitch it behind a donkey if
you lack a bike, or make it fold/
collapse if you lack space.
You’ll need eight lengths of ma-
terial capable of withstanding
bending and compression, tubing
or angle iron are ideal. You also
need eight “spokes” that are good
at taking tension. These could be
wire, chain, or steel strip. The
exoticists amongst could use Kev-
lar. Two bike wheels and a hitch
will also be useful.
Seven tubes are pinned or bound
together where they cross to
create the basic frame shape that
looks like a 6. This structure can
distort like a parallelogram, or
warp like a sheet of paper.
The Clever Bit
With the addition of the eight
spokes and the last tube this
oppy structure transforms into a
stiff light structure reminiscent
of a square bicycle wheel.
Imagine the square load area as
the rim of a wheel, with 8 spokes
connecting from its corners to a
central hub. Trueing these con-
trols how square and at the
trailer frame is. The arrangement
can be dished to make it atter on
the load side than the underside.
Four spokes stops the structure
from parallelograming while the
addition of another four and the
hub stops the frame warping. The
top set of spokes could be re-
placed by a at load bed.
The difcult bits
The wheels are supported from each
side by brackets attached to the
four frame tubes running front
to back. These brackets should be
attached so they have at plates
facing parallel to each other with
slots cut in for the axle stubs.
Each wheel is supported by a ver-
tical slot and a horizontal slot
allowing the ability to adjust the
wheels so they both are point-
ing in the same direction and not
touching the frame. Attach these
plates securely or else you will
have no end of problems.
This trailer hitches to the bike
at the bikes left hand rear axle
stub. This is the most efcient,
and the strongest place to hitch a
trailer. (See our Trailer science
pdf for an explanation).
The Purpose?
If anyone can build a trailer out
of practically anything with hard-
ly any tools that can do anything,
then a whole new world opens up.
The places where bikes are most
essential are the very places
with the least capacity to fab-
ricate them. This trailer allows
what bikes there are to do a more
useful job; from acting as ambu-
lances to carrying food to market.
Furthermore the building of these
trailers provides local jobs, and
helps invigorate the local econo-
my. Carry Freedom will be distrib-
uting plans for it through chari-
ties such as World Bicycle Relief.
The Potential
For the foolhardy the central tube
can be extended to create a mast
for a land sail, and there are
plenty of options left for the
more practical amongst us.
Solid Load Bed
The most obvious step to making
the trailer useful is to replace
the top four spokes with a at
load bed. Onto this most things
can either be lashed or bolted.
It is worth reading our Y-Frame
instructions to see how our box
QR works as this can be copied for
use on the Bamboo trailer.
Fabric load bed
The spokes can support a sim-
ple load bed made from fabric, or
rope could be woven between the
spokes to create a load bed. The
load bed is best supported by the
lower spokes. If it is being woven
between the spokes a single cord
should be woven in a spiral to
form the warp, then four separate
triangular panels can be woven
with the weft running from the
load bed edge to centre.
Cut Down Barrel
Remove the brace wires from the
centre and ll the void with an
old barrel, cutting some form of
access hatch into it.
Lifting Handles
The frame beam over hangs can be
extended to create lift handles.
At the simple level this provides
a useful grips to lift the trail-
er over obstacles on washed out
roads. There is no reason not to
extend the inside right wheel pole
and shortening the outside left
pole to create two long poles run-
ning forward. These are ideal for
hitching to an animal thus turning
the trailer into a cart.
Four Wheeler
A second trailer can be hitched
onto the back of your rst trail-
er, to create a four wheel trail-
er. This is probably best done by
extending the left inside wheel
beam forwards and hitching this
to the rear of the front trailers
inside wheel beam.
innovating trailers
General Notes
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