The WeatherShield™
Shielding Your Investment
There’s no place like the coast. Wit h sandy beaches, the salty spray of the ocean and
the allure of sunny day s spent exploring Mother N ature’s beauty, coast al areas truly off er
something for everyone. However, some of the very same attributes that make these
areas so attractive can also be detrimental to th e life of your air conditi oner or heat
ump. Sun, salt and sand can fade finishe s, corrod e metals, clog coils and m ore. That ’s
why Carrier
choice for the se areas.
WeatherShield products are designed to stand up to the elements longer than standard air conditioners and heat pumps. They
take a three-pronged approach to defending a gainst corrosion: Carrier WeatherAr mor Ultra™ or WeatherArmor ™ protect ion
system, dual p aint coverage, and ArmorPlate™ coated coils . Availab le as Infinity
series units, WeatherSh ield air conditioners and heat pumps can be the answ er for lasting comfort you can really enjoy.
WeatherShield™ coastal air conditioners and heat pumps are such a great
series two-sta ge models as well as Comfo rt
Lasting Durability for
Coastal Applications

Superior Corrosion Protection
WeatherArmor Ultra™ / WeatherArmor™
Included as a part of our Infin ity®series air con ditioners
nd heat pumps, WeatherA rmor Ultra includ es a
galvanized ste el cabinet, louvered coil guard and bakedon powder pain t for superior rust and co rrosion p rotection
that keeps you r outdoor unit looking its best for years. It
also shields t he outdoor unit from physical damag e due
to hail, erran t soccer balls, lawn equip ment and more.
Included as a part of our Comfo rt™ series air conditioners
and heat pumps , the Wea therArmor system offers mu ch
of the same great corrosion protection and i ncorporates a
heavy-duty wire coil gu ard inste ad of a louvered version.
Dual Paint Coverage
Carrier®WeatherShield™ coastal units feature dual paint
coverage on al l external sur faces. By paintin g both sides
of exposed met al surfaces, we e liminate entry points for
corrosive elements to h elp extend the life of the unit. It’s a
small detail, but it’s also one more reason a WeatherShie ld
unit is a great fit for coastal installations.
ArmorPlate™ Coated Coil
The Carrier®Armor Plate coated coil features our excl usive
coastal fins w ith a corrosion-re sistant epoxy-phenolic
therm oset coating. We have also eliminat ed the “lancing”
(strategically placed slits) found on ou r standard
aluminum fins. In coastal areas, lanced fins can trap
contaminants a nd encourage corrosion. Air conditi oners
and heat pumps using ArmorPlate coated coils are
designed to de liver similar comfor t and energy efficiency
s units with o ur standard coils.
Wea therShie ld™ Coa stal Unit
wi th A rmorPla te C oating
esting by Carr ier eng inee rs has show n th e Carri er Weath erShield
coastal un it’s coil to last lo nger than a sta ndard co il in h arsh
coastal co ndit ions.
Standard H eat Pump
and Air Co nditione r Coil
To the original owner, the Carrier WeatherShield™ air
conditioners a nd heat pumps are covered by a 10-year
parts limited warranty upon tim ely regis tration. The
limited warran ty period is five years if not regi stered
within 90 days of installation. Carrier is so confident in
the reliability of this unit that we are also offering a five
year par ts limited warranty on seacoast corrosion.
Jurisdictions where war ranty benefits cannot be
conditioned on registra tion will receive the registered
limited warran ty period. See warranty ce rtificate at
carrier.co m for complete details and restriction s. Be sure
to ask your Ca rrier dealer about optiona l labor warranties.
© Carrier Corporation 3/2012 01-824-066-50
Salt-Water Tested, Proven Performance
Carrier qualit y and rel iability testing exceeds i ndustry
standards and the WeatherShield™ coastal units are no
exception. The se produc ts are in stalled in a salt chamber,
are exposed to a salt w ater fog for one hour, and then
allowed to dry for one hour. This wet-to-dry cycling is an
accurate representation of sea c oast applications.* We also
run the unit’s fan to force a salt s pray of synthetic sea
water** through the coi l, further duplic ating rea listic coastal
conditions. We test the units a minimum of 500 on e-hour
cycles, for a total of 1000 hours of tes ting. The result of this
extensive test ing has shown that Carrier ArmorPlate™
coated coils c an last longer than standa rd coils.
When you put i t all together, Carrie r WeatherShi eld air
conditioners a nd heat pumps deliver the comfort you need
with the lasti ng durability you deserve.
*ASTMG85-A 5 is the te st s tandard.
**ASTMD1141 i s th e stand ard for the synthet ic o cean water.
Always look for these symbols, the air
conditioning and heat pump industry seals of
certified performance, efficiency and capacity.
www.carrier.com 1-800-CARRIER
A member of the United Technologies Corporation family. Stock Symbol UTX.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice or without incur ring obligations.