Installing, starting up, and servicing this equipment can be
hazardous due to system pressures, electrical components, and
equipment location. Only trained, qualified installers and
service mechanics should install, start up, and service this
When working on this equipment, observe precautions in
the literature; on tags, stickers, and labels attached to the equipment, and any other safety precautions that apply. Follow all
safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use care in
handling, rigging, and setting this equipment, and in handling
all electrical components.
Electrical shock can cause personal injury and death.
Shut off all power to this equipment during installation
and service. There may be more than one disconnect
switch. Tag all disconnect locations to alert others not to
restore power until work is completed.
This unit uses a microprocessor-based electronic control
system. Do not use jumpers or other tools to short out
components, or to bypass or otherwise depart from recommended procedures. Any short-to-ground of the control board or accompanying wiring may destroy the
electronic modules or electrical components.
This publication contains Start-Up, Controls Operation, and
Troubleshooting information for the 50BV,XJ units. These
OMNIZONE™ packaged units are self-contained, watercooled or remote air-cooled indoor units for use in VAV
(variable air volume) applications. Units are equipped with
Comfort Controller 6400 (CC6400) system controls. Refer to
the unit Installation Instructions for unit layout.
Comfort Controller Processor (PCB1) —
The central processing unit for the OMNIZONE system
control is the Comfort Controller 6400. The Comfort Controller provides general purpose HVAC (heating, ventilation and
air conditioning) control and monitoring capability in a standalone ornetwork environment using closed-loop, direct digital control. The Comfort Controller 6400 has been pre-programmed to work in either stand-alone or CCN (Carrier Comfort Network) system installations.
The CC6400 processor is designed to provide heating and
cooling control, loop control, scheduling, and custom programming. The main processor provides 16 field points (8 input and
8 output). Additional points are provided by the I/O modules
described on page 2. Table 1 lists the control inputs and outputs
for all CC6400 modules.
Specifications for the Comfort Controller 6400 may be
found in the Comfort Controller literature.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 1 1
Ta b 2 a 2 b
PC 111Catalog No. 535-00137Printed in U.S.A.Form 50BV,XJ-2TPg 12-04Replaces: 50BV,XJ-1T
Comfort Controller I/O Module (PCB2) — This
input/output module is factory installed in the 50XJ unit and
allows additional field points (8 inputs and 8 outputs): VFD
(variable frequency drive) Bypass, VAV Terminals Control,
Building Ventilation, and Heating Interlock.
Comfort Controller I/O Module (PCB3) — This
accessory control input/output module can be ordered separately and field-installed in the 50XJ unit. This module allows the
addition of the following field-installed sensors: Tower Sump
Temperature Sensor, Leaving Water Temperature Sensor,
Building Pressure Sensor, CO
Sensor, Indoor Relative
Humidity Sensor, and Outdoor Temperature Sensor.
The accessory I/O module provides the following control
outputs (relays): 4-stage heat control, water pump request, tower
request, modulating exhaust fan, and external dehumidification.
Local Interface Display — The Local Interface Display
(LID) is mounted on the front of the 50BV,XJ units. A number
of user-adjustable features are entered/changed using the
display keypad. These features described in detail in the Using
the Local Interface Display section of this manual.
PCB Addresses — Switch 1 (SW1) is used to set each
controller’s address. Individual DIP switches on each board are
used to set the addresses for individual hardware points. PCB1
switches are factory-set for hardware points 1-15, PCB2 DIP
switches are set for points 17-32, and PCB3 for points 33-48.
For more information, refer to Table 1 and the Optional and
Field-Installed Accessory Sensors/Devices section.
Control Module Communication — When power is
applied to the OMNIZONE™ System Control panel, the red
LED (light-emitting diode) on the top front of the processor
module will flash at a rapid pace (about twice a second) for the
first 30 to 60 seconds. See Fig. 1. This rapid flash will then be
replaced by a slower paced flash (about once per second).
The green LED below the red LED will start flashing. This
LED indicates input/output communications for accessory input
output modules and the LID.
The yellow LED (the third LED from the bottom of the controller [PCB1]) will flash when the controller is broadcasting
CCN messages to a laptop or other computer.
(Comprs.Status; Resister Bd.)
Fire Alarm/ShutdownFSDSwitch closure444Up4Down4Down
Condenser Waterflow SwitchCDWFSwitch closure555Up5Down5Down
Remote OccupancyRMTOCCSwitch closure666Up6Down6Down
Duct High Static Limit SwitchDHSSwitch closure777Up7Down7Up
Entering Water Temp. SensorEWTAnalog; 5K888Up8Down8Up
I/O Board (PCB2)Addr = 17-32
Mixed/Return Air SensorMAT/RATAnalog; 10K MCI111Up1Down1Up
Filter Status Switch
(Dirty Filter Detect)
PhaseLossMonitorPHASESwitch closure333Up3Down3Down
External resetRESET0-10VDC Externally Powered444Up4Down4Down
Water Econ. FreezeStatFREEZESwitch closure5—5Up5Down5Up
Differential EnthalpyENTHSwitch closure—55Up5Down6Down
Space Zone Sensor(s)SPTAnalog; 10K MCI666Up6Down7Up
VFD Bypass EnableBYPASSSwitch closure777Up7Down8Up
Refrigerant Pressure
I/O Board (PCB3)Addr = 33-48
Tow e r S um p Te mp .TWRTEMP Analog; 10K MCI111Up1Up1Up
Building PressureBSP4-20mA; Internally Powered222Up2Down2Down
Leaving Water Temp.LWTAnalog; 10K MCI333Up3Up3Down
Indoor Air QualityIAQ4-20mA; Internally Powered—44Up4Down4Down
Indoor relative HumidityIRH4-20mA; Internally Powered—55Up5Down5Down
Outside Air Temp.OATAnalog; 10K MCI—66Up6Up6Up
Head Pressure Control
Hot Water Coil Valve ControlHWV4-20mA modulating555Down—1AO
Heat Interlock RelayHIR24VDC Discrete666Either—2DO
VFD Bypass StartBPSS24VDC Discrete777Either—3DO
VAV Terminals OpenDAMPERS 24VDC Discrete888Either—4DO
I/O Board (PCB3)
Electric Heat Control — Stage #1 HEAT124VDC Discrete111Either1DO—
Electric Heat Control — Stage #2 HEAT224VDC Discrete222Either2DO—
Electric Heat Control — Stage #3 HEAT324VDC Discrete333Either3DO—
Electric Heat Control — Stage #4 HEAT424VDC Discrete444Either4DO—
Water Pump RequestPUMP24VDC Discrete555Either—1DO
Tower RequestTOWER24VDC Discrete666Either—2DO
Modulating Exhaust FanEXH4-20mA modulating777Down—3AO
External DehumidificationDEHUM24VDC Discrete888Either—4DO
AO— Analog Output
DO— Discreet Output
MCI — Precon Type II Thermistor
VAV — Variable Air Volume
VFD — Variable Frequency Drive
CMP MUX Analog; 0-10VDC333Up3Down3Down
FLTSSwitch closure222Up2Down2Down
PRES4-20mA; Internally Powered888Up8Up——
ECONO4-20mA modulating33Down3AO—
MODVLV4-20mA modulating444Down4AO—
Water Econ. Units Air Econ.Units
Water Econ. Units Air Econ.Units
Switch No. and Position
Switch No. and Position
Fig. 1 — CC6400 Control Module LEDs
Carrier Comfort Network Interface — The 50BV,XJ
units can be connected to the CCN (Carrier Comfort Network)
if desired. System elements are connected to the communication bus in a daisy chain arrangement. The negative pin of
each system element’s communication connector must be
wired to the respective negative pins, and positive pins on each
component must be connected to respective positive pins. The
controller signal pins must be wired to the signal ground pins.
Wiring connections for CCN must be made at the 3-pin plug.
At any baud rate (9600, 19200, 38400 baud), the number of
controllers is limited to 239 devices maximum. Bus length may
not exceed 4000 ft, with no more than 60 total devices on
any 1000-ft section. Optically isolated RS-485 repeaters are
required every 1000 ft.
NOTE: Carrier device default is 9600 baud.
The CCN Communication Bus wiring is field-supplied and
field-installed. It consists of shielded three-conductor cable
with drain (ground) wire. The cable selected must be identical
to the CCN Communication Bus wire used for the entire
network. See Table 2 for cable recommendations.
NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be at least 20 AWG
(American Wire Gage), stranded, and tinned copper.
Individual conductors must be insulated with PVC, PVC/
nylon, vinyl, Teflon, or polyethylene. An aluminum/
polyester 100% foil shield and an outer jacket of PVC,
PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl, or Teflon with a minimum
operating temperature range of –20 C to 60 C is required.
The communication bus shields must be tied together at
each system element. If the communication bus is entirely
within one building, the resulting continuous shield must be
connected to ground at only one single point. If the communication bus cable exits from one building and enters another
building, the shields must be connected to the grounds at a
lightning suppressor in each building (one point only).
Optional and Field-Installed Accessory Sensors/
Devices —
accessories that add functionality and control. These options
and accessories are controlled by the CC6400 system as
described below.
NOTE: The CC6400 Control software includes all PCB1
functions, and most of the sensors/devices associated with
those functions are factory installed. However, some PCB1
sensors/devices must be field-connected to the proper terminal.
PCB2 devices are field-installed accessories. The CC6400
software includes these functions, but the actual sensor/device
must be installed and wired in the field. PCB3 is an accessory
control module. All PCB3 sensors/devices and software are
The 50XJ unit can be ordered with options and
Table 2 — Communication Cable Recommendations
Alpha2413 or 5463
REMOTE OCCUPANCY CONTROL (PCB1) — This control is a field located switch, controller or timer input which,
when activated, tells system when to switch from Unoccupied
to Occupied mode.
When in Occupied mode, the unit turns on the supply fan
and controls supply fan speed to maintain a duct static set point
measured at the Duct Static Pressure Sensor (DSP). The unit
operates to provide conditioning to a set point. When in
Unoccupied mode, the unit provides no cooling/heating, or
controls to a ‘setback’ set point.
FIRE ALARM (PCB1) — The fire alarm is a control voltage
input to the 50XJ unit, which causes the controller to shut the
system down in the event of a fire.
PCB1) — This thermal dispersion type flow switch if factory
installed, is located in the unit waterline to ensure that there is
waterflow before allowing the unit to start the compressor(s). If
no flow is detected, then compressor operation and economizer
cooling is avoided until waterflow is again detected. An
warning light (yellow) is provided during this state.
is activated whenever heating is activated, commanding the
VAV dampers to operate in heating control mode.
NOTE: In order to this output to function, the Terminal
Occupied output must also be on.
TERMINAL OCCUPIED (50XJ PCB2) — Terminal Occupied is activated to command VAV dampers to control to the
cooling set point. Terminal Occupied must be on along with
Heat Interlock for heating set point control to function.
EXTERNAL RESET INPUT (50XJ PCB2) — This modulating input (0 to 10 vdc) allows remote adjustment (upward) of
the Supply Air Temperature (SAT) sensor set point. The default
External Reset Input setting is 55 F. This variable input can
raise the set point by up to 20 F for a full-range input signal, or
to any point in between.
WATER ECONOMIZER COIL (50XJ PCB2) — This factoryinstalled option contains a water-to-air coil, two (2) electronic
motorized water valves, and related piping. Control of the water
economizer also requires a Mixed/Return Air Temperature
Sensor, a Condenser Water Inlet Temperature Sensor and an
Economizer Freezestat safety switch.
The electronic motorized water valves are each controlled
by the unit controller via separate 4 to 20 mA variable signals
to define variable valve position.
The Mixed/Return Air Sensor (MA_RA) is an air
temperature sensor located in the unit, between economizer
coil and evaporator.
The Condenser Water Inlet Temperature Sensor (CWT) is
located at the unit water inlet connection. This sensor receives
input power from the unit main controller and provides a linear
variable 1 to 5 vdc signal back to the controller. The full
temperature range is 32 to120 F.
The 50XJ units can be connected to two types of building
water systems: variable and fixed or constant flow control. In
either case, the economizer water valves are opened whenever
there is a call for Cooling and the Inlet Water Temperature is
colder than the Econ Start Set Point in the custom configuration.
— Water Economizer option is enabled, and
Fan is On, and Inlet Water Temperature is below set point; or
from “Remote Scheduler,” or from “Remote Linkage.”
Economizer mode is switched to Off or no start if: there is
no condenser waterflow, Fire Input is On, Fan is not On, or Unoccupied mode is On.
Variable Waterflow Systems
— Whenever water economizer
is off, the economizer flow control valve is fully closed, and the
reverse flow valve directly to the condenser is fully open. Upon
engagement of the water economizer, the economizer flow control valve shall be controlled to maintain the MA_RA located
between the economizer coil and the DX cooling coil, at a temperature near the supply air set point. The the reverse flow valve
will be controlled in reverse of the economizer flow control
valve’s position. The following formula is an example: Reverse/
Head Press Ctrl output = 100 – two-position/Econo output.
When the unit is off, both valves are closed.
Constant Waterflow Systems
— Control of the economizer
flow control valve is same as for variable waterflow systems.
Control of the reverse flow control valve position will inversely
track the economizer flow control valve, such that the total sum
of the two valves open positions always equals 100%. The only
difference between the variable waterflow system and the
constant waterflow system is that for the constant flow system
when the unit is off, the economizer valve will be closed and
the reverse flow control valve will be open.
unit, this factory-installed option contains a water-to-air coil, a
two-position diverting valve, and related piping. The water economizer is controlled by an Aquastat and a return-air thermostat.
steam heating options are factory installed. Each includes a
motorized, variable control water or steam flow control valve,
which can be factory supplied for field installation outside the
unit. Installed in the water or steam inlet pipe, this valve is
signal. A Heating mode PID control is needed to control the
valve position (i.e., coil heating capacity) variably between 10
and 100%. The PID will control a set point to + 1° F; for VAV
Units this set point is at the Supply Air Temperature Sensor, or
as communicated from a remote thermostat.
HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL (50XJ PCB2) — Head Pressure Control is required for unit installations that will
experience entering condenser water temperatures of 55 F or
NOTE: Head Pressure Control is not needed or used in
conjunction with a Water Economizer. A refrigerant pressure transducer will monitor head pressure on compressor
circuit 1, allowing the unit main controller to regulate water
flow rate in the main water line entering the unit; i.e., flow
to all condensers. (Water header design to the condensers
will be optimized such as to provide relative flow rates to
each condenser based on its compressor capacity, enabling
successful waterflow control at the main entering pipe.)
There are two possible water valving configurations, as
outlined below.
Pressure transducer input is factory installed in the
discharge line of compressor circuit 1. It is provided 5 vdc by
the unit main controller and returns a signal 1 to 5 vdc linearly.
The sensor’s range is 0 to 550 psig.
Water Valve(s) Control
Variable Building Waterflow Systems — Variable waterflow
configurations use only one water valve in the main water
supply pipe. The factory installed valve is a normally open
motorized variable control type. The valve is controlled by a
4 to 20 mA signal from the main unit controller using the
Reverse/Head Press Ctrl output, which modulates to maintain
the head pressure set point (Setpoint 04).
Constant Building Waterflow Systems — Constant waterflow
configurations use two (2) water valves, only one of which is
in the main water supply pipe. The second valve is located in a
bypass pipe to the main outlet water pipe branched off of the
supply pipe immediately ahead of the first valve. This valve is
same type, but normally closed and is controlled in unison with
the first valve, but opposite position, such that the total opening
of the 2 valves always equals 100%.
VFD BYPASS (50XJ PCB2) — The VFD Bypass option
provides backup for the VFD Drive in VAV units. It uses a
manually operated rotary switch, which includes a series of
high voltage contacts. The bypass is a direct input to the unit
controller, and will be activated via a switch on the unit front
panel. When manually activated, the rotary switch takes the
VFD out of the fan power circuit and provides the 3-phase
power directly to the fan motor, running it at constant speed. A
low voltage control circuit ensures that the unit controller provides a signal to allow all VAV dampers to open fully before
the fan is turned on (at constant/full speed). A blue indicator
light located on the front of the unit indicates that the VFD Bypass is active. A High Duct Static Switch (HDS) shuts the fan
down if duct static exceeds a maximum setting.
VENTILATION OUTPUT (50XJ PCB2) — The ventilation
output is controller output signal (available for field connection)
to a field-supplied ventilation damper(s). This signal is activated
whenever the unit is in the occupied mode.
SPACE TEMPERATURE SENSOR (50XJ PCB2) — A fieldsupplied Carrier space temperature sensor is required to
maintain space temperature in sensor mode.
SUPPLY AIR RESET (50XJ PCB2) — Supply air temperature
set point may be reset using either the SPT or MA_RA.
SUPPLY AIR RESET (50BV) — Reset is provided by a
field-installed temperature sensor.
output is activated whenever the unit is in the Occupied mode.
This is a modulating output that controls based on the Building
Pressure Input set point.
PCB2) — This output (provided for field connection) is used
to control condenser water flow. Either an On/Off signal or a
variable output may be required for this feature.
(50XJ PCB2) — This switch monitors VFD/Fan Motor supply leads to detect phase loss or reversal. If the switch detects
improper phasing, an input is sent to the unit controller, which
shuts the unit down. After a time delay, the controller attempts
to restart the unit.
A phase loss/reversal switch may be installed in the unit to
detect over/under voltage conditions and phase loss or reversal.
When the switch opens, the controller outputs are forced to off
with Safety forces, the alarm output will close and the red
alarm light will be lit. A system alarm will be generated and
displayed on the unit keypad. Unit reset is automatic when the
voltage and power phases have been restored.
Economizer Freezestat, used in conjunction with an optional
water economizer coil or heating coil, is a factory installed
averaging (capillary tube) air temperature sensor positioned in
the unit inlet airstream.
If the freeze protection switch contacts open the ventilation
request output will be closed for 15 minutes and the warning
light will light. If the freeze protection switch contacts are still
open after 15 minutes the supply fan will be stopped, all
compressor cooling will stop, the economizer valve will open
to 100%, the pump request output will remain on, and the
alarm light will light. This will maintain condenser water flow
through the coil to prevent freezing the coil while stopping all
other operations that could have contributed or will be affected
by the freeze condition. Unit reset is automatic when the
contacts on the freeze protection switch close again. The
contacts on the freeze protection switch open below 37 F.
PCB3) — This sensor is used for monitoring (only) the tower
sump temperature.
PCB3) — This sensor is used for monitoring (only) the leaving water temperature.
PCB3) — This sensor is used to control both the speed of the
building exhaust fan and the building static pressure.
PCB3) — This sensor monitors CO
PCB3) — This sensor monitors and controls the humidity
control relay.
PCB3) — This sensor is used to monitor outdoor air and
broadcast the value over the Carrier Comfort Network (CCN).
STAGE HEAT RELAYS (50XJ PCB3) — These relays control up to four stages of electric heat, or other heating methods.
PUMP REQUEST RELAY (50XJ PCB3) — This relay turns
on a tower pump when requested.
This relay is used to activate a tower fan.
PCB3) — This output controls building exhaust fan speed.
controls a humidifier or dehumidification device.
Wiring Control Devices — Standard controls for the
50XJ require no field-wiring. Standard 50XJ controls include:
Supply Air Temperature (SAT), Duct Static Pressure (DSP),
Duct High Static Limit Switch (DHS), Filter Status Switch
(FLTS), Entering Water Temperature (EWT), Compressor Status (CSMUX), Supply Fan Start/Stop (SF), Supply Fan Speed
(SPEED), and Mixed/Air Return/Air sensor (MA_RA).
NOTE: The MA_RA sensor will be located in the return air
steam if the unit does not have a water economizer, and in
the mixed airstream if the unit is equipped with a water
For the 50BV unit, standard controls include: Duct Static
Pressure (DSP), Duct High Static Limit Switch (DHS), Compressor Status (CSMUX), Supply Fan Start/Stop (SF), and
Supply Fan Speed (SPEED).
For the 50XJ unit, optional controls will be wired to the
field terminal blocks (TB5 and TB6) provided. Refer to
Fig. 2A and the descriptions below.
For the 50BV unit, optional controls are wired to field
terminal block TB2 as shown in Fig. 2B.
(50XJ PCB2) — This field-supplied 0 to 10 vdc signal is used
to reset the 50XJ supply-air temperature. The controller will
scale the signal to provide 0 reset at 0 volts and 20 degrees of
reset at 10 volts. Wire the positive of the signal to the RESET
terminal and the negative to the C or common terminal.
SUPPLY AIR RESET (50BV) — Use a 5k ohm sensor
installed at the Entering Water Temperature sensor (EWT)
location on PCB1. For space temperature averaging, two 10k
ohm Space Temperature Sensors (SPT) can be wired in parallel.
space temperature sensor (33ZCT55SPT) is used in the following cases:
• When using the optional water economizer and not using
Carrier’s ComfortID™ System.
Fig. 2A — Field Terminal Blocks for 50XJ Unit
Fig. 2B — Field Terminal Block for 50BV Unit
• To determine the average temperature of the space being
• To determine supply-air temperature reset, occupied
heating, unoccupied heating and cooling (refer to
Sequence of Operation in the Start-Up section.).
To wire the sensor, perform the following (see Fig. 3).
Identify which cable is for the sensor wiring.
1. Strip back the jacket from the cable for at least
3 inches. Strip
/4-in. of insulation from each conductor. Cut the shield and drain wire from the sensor end
of the cable.
2. Wire the sensor to the SPT and C terminals on the field
terminal block (TB5). A typical 10K thermistor such
as the 33ZCT55SPT sensor may be used. If the SPT
sensor is not installed and the MA_RA (mixed air/
return air) sensor is configured for return air, the 50XJ
unit will use this sensor to control supply air reset,
occupied heat, and unoccupied heating and cooling
See Fig. 4 for space temperature sensor averaging.
PCB2) — The HWV terminal supplies the positive signal to
control a 4 to 20 mA hot water or steam valve for occupied and
unoccupied heat. Connect the common side of the valve to the
C terminal or an equipment ground.
PCB2) — The VAV Terminal Open (TRMOP), Ventilation
Output (VENTR), VAV Terminals Control (TRMCT), and
Heat Interlock Relay (HIR) terminals provide dry contacts to
command the VAV terminals open; a ventilation damper open;
VAV terminals to control to their cooling set points; and VAV
terminals to control to their heat set points, respectively.
50XJ) — The 50XJ,BV unit may be commanded by a remote
control system or a twist timer to become occupied and run
when a set of dry contacts close. In order for this to occur, wire
the contacts to ROCC and C.
(TB2 50BV, TB6 50XJ) — To allow a smoke detector to shut
the 50XJ,BV unit down, remove the jumper from FSD to C
and wire these terminals to a set of normally closed contacts on
the smoke detector.
(TB2 50BV, TB6 50XJ) — Two dry contacts output a discrete signal when the alarm and warning lights on the display
are lit. To pick up the alarm output signal, wire between the
ALARM and ALM-CM terminals. To pick up the warning
output signal, wire between the WARN and ALM-CM
Fig. 3 — Space Temperature Sensor
Typical Wiring (33ZCT55SPT)
Field Wiring
Fig. 4 — Space Temperature Averaging
Table 4 — Operative Keys
Using the Local Interface Display —
The Local
Interface Device (LID) is a CCN operator interface that gives
the user the capability to view and modify all configuration and
service data for the CC6400 control system. The LID also
allows the user to override all point display and maintenance
MENU STRUCTURE — The LID operates on a hierarchy of
four levels (menus).
The top level contains the LID’s major functions. Each
function has a corresponding key on the LID. For an explanation of each function key, refer to Table 3.
The second level separates the major functions (items) into
types with corresponding type numbers that can be used for
quick access.
The third level gives the user the capability to access each
occurrence of an item. For example, the application may
require two DO (Discreet Output) — Analog Comparison
algorithms. Thus, the CC6400 Controller would have two
occurrences of the DO — Analog Comparison algorithm.
The fourth level gives the user the capability to access maintenance and configuration data associated with the selected
occurrence of the item.
DEFAULT SCREEN — Figure 5 shows the LID. The LID’s
screen provides the user with the 24-character controller name
and the controller’s current time, date, and alarm status. This
screen appears when the LID is powered up and communicating with the controller or there is no keyboard activity for
10 minutes.
KEYPAD AND DISPLAY — The LID consists of a keypad
with 8 function keys, 4 operative keys, 12 numeric keys (0 to
9,., and -) and a two-line, alphanumeric liquid crystal display
(LCD). Each line on the LCD can display up to 24 characters.
See Fig. 5. Table 4 defines the purpose of the LID’s operative
keys. Table 5 defines the purpose of the LID’s numeric keys.
Table 3 — LID Function Keys
Status — gives access to maintenance
values and configuration data for points.
Alarm — gives access to maintenance
and configuration data for alarms.
History — gives access to maintenance
and configuration data for history system
Service — gives access to maintenance
and configuration data for service system
Setup — gives access to configuration
data for setup system functions.
Schedule — gives access to maintenance
and configuration data for schedules.
Algorithm — gives access to maintenance
and configuration data for AO, DO, and global
algorithms. It also gives access to BEST
custom programs.
Edit — gives the capability to switch from
Status mode to Edit (configuration) mode for
the selected item.
AO — Analog Output
DO — Digital/Discreet Output
Clear — performs three operations:
• Cancels a data entry before the user
presses Enter, thus leaving the current
value unchanged.
• Returns a forced point to automatic
• Redisplays the previous menu level.
Enter — performs two operations:
• Selects the displayed item, thus displaying
either its maintenance or configuration
data, depending on whether the user is in
the Status mode or the Edit mode.
• Accepts the value entered in a configuration
decision as new configuration data or as a
Down arrow — displays the next configured
item or decision. When the last configured
item or decision is displayed, the LID
re-displays the first configured item or
decision. For example, when the user presses
the down arrow key while viewing the last
configuration decision of an algorithm, the LID
re-displays the first configuration decision.
Up arrow — Displays the previous configured
item or decision.
Table 5 — Numeric Keys
Numeric keys
Performs two operations:
• Separates items, such as an algorithm from
its occurrence or hours from minutes.
• Serves as a decimal point in numeric values.
Performs two operations:
• Negates the value of numeric keys.
• Clears current data entry value any time it is
not the first key pressed during the data
entry sequence.
VIEWING MODES — The user can view items in either the
Status (maintenance) mode or the Edit (configuration) mode.
Status Mode
— When the user first powers up the LID, it
displays the CC6400 controller items in Status (maintenance)
mode. The user may view the current value or status of an item
in Status mode without actually logging on to the Controller.
Knowing the current values or status of items can be useful
when troubleshooting. For example, the user could determine
if a point was forced.
NOTE: Not all items have maintenance data. If the item you
select does not have maintenance data, the LID will display
“No maintenance.”
Accessing Items in Status Mode
— The user can access
maintenance data in Status mode in two ways:
• Pressing the appropriate function key (i.e.,)
once to access a category (i.e., alarms) and then continuing to press that key () to scroll through all the
items in that category (i.e., Limit Alarm, Set point
Alarm, Discrete Alarm, First Out Alarm, Runtime
Alarm, and Number of Starts Alarm). Pressto
display the first maintenance decision.
NOTE: Scrolling by repeatedly pressing the function key
displays the name of all the items in that category, whether
or not they are actually configured. Scrolling by pressingthe up or down arrow displays only the configured items
within that category.
• Pressing the appropriate LID numeric key (i.e., 2) and
the appropriate function key (i.e.,) to directly
access an item without having to scroll through all the
items in that category. Pressto display the first
maintenance decision.
Edit Mode
— Because the LID first displays items in Status
mode when it is powered up, the user must log on to the connected CC6400 Controller and press thekey to
switch to Edit mode.
While in Edit mode, the user can change the configuration
of items. For example, the user could change the value of an algorithm’s configuration decision.
NOTE: Not all items have configuration data. If the item
selected does not have configuration data, pressing the
key will have no effect. The LID will display
“No configuration.”
Accessing Items in Edit Mode
— The two ways to access
items in Edit mode are the same as in Status mode, except for
an additional step — pressing thekey.
The user can access configuration data in Edit mode in two
• Pressing the appropriate function key (i.e.,) once
to access a category (i.e., alarms), pressing
and then continuing to press that key () to scroll
through all the items in that category (i.e., Limit Alarm,
Set point Alarm, Discrete Alarm, First Out Alarm,
Runtime Alarm, and Number of Starts Alarm).
NOTE: Scrolling by repeatedly pressing the function key
displays the name of all the items in that category, whether
or not they are actually configured. Scrolling by pressingthe up or down arrow displays only the configured items
within that category.
• Pressing the appropriate LID numeric key (i.e., 2),
the appropriate function key (i.e.,), and
to directly access an item without having
to scroll through all the items in that category.
MODE — Use Table 6 as a reference to directly access
CC6400 Controller items using a LID in either Status or Edit
mods. For example, to access maintenance data for the AO —
Heating VAV algorithm, press,, and. To
access configuration data for the AO (Analog Output) —
Heating VAV algorithm, press,,,
and. If the database consisted of two AO — Heating
VAV algorithms, to access the second one, press,(decimal),,,,and .
Fig. 5 — Local Interface Display (LID)
Table 6 — Quick Access Chart
1AO—Adaptive ControlHardware PointsAlarm HistoryFunction Definition LimitSet ClockOccupancy
2AO—Cooling CVSoftware PointsAnalog Point TraceChannel DefinitionSetpointReal Time ClockSetpoint
3AO—Cooling VAVTemperature InputDiscrete Point TraceSystem DefinitionDiscreteController Password Holiday
4AO—Fan TrackingMilliamp InputConsumable ChannelSetpoint DefinitionFirst outN/AS/W Setpoint
5AO—Heating CVCustom Milliamp InputInternal ConsumableDatabase ControlRuntimeN/ANetwork Time
6AO—Heating VAVVoltage InputRuntime ChannelComfort Controller# of startsN/AN/A
7AO—Humidity ControlCustom Voltage InputN/ACCN ControlN/AN/AN/A
8AO—Mixed Air CV w/IAQSensed Discrete InputN/ALID PreferencesN/AN/AN/A
AO— Analog Output
AOS S — Adaptive Optimal Star t/Stop
CV— Constant Volume
DO— Digital Output
IAQ— Indoor Air Quality
N/A— Not Available
NTFC — Nighttime Free Cooling
VAV— Variable Air Volume
WSM — Water System Manager
1. To change from Edit mode to Status mode, pressor press
2. Not all available selections will have items to select in sublevels.
Automatic Run Test — The 50BV,XJ unit controls are
programmed with an automatic run test that checks connection
and operation of major components. To perform the run test:
Verify that the control display (LID device/System Monitor)
interface cable is connected to internal jack on main controller;
that the fire alarm/shutdown switch input (FSD) has a factory
jumper or field input; that Bypass (if installed) is set in the
DRIVE position; and that the Local/Off/Remote switch is set to
the REMOTE position.
NOTE: When the Local/Off/Remote switch is in the
REMOTE position, the controller time schedule is pre-set
(from the factory) as unoccupied. This means that the unit
will not turn on until the run test is enabled. However, if the
controller schedule has already been modified in the field,
and the current time of day is occupied, then the supply fan
will start. The run test will shut the fan down when it
begins. The run test will complete and then the supply will
automatically restart.
NOTE: If the Local/Off/Remote switch is in the OFF position, it is normal for the red alarm light on the display panel
to be lit, indicating that the unit is disabled.
NOTE: If the red light stays on when the switch is moved to
REMOTE, or if any other problems occur during the run
test, refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual.
To perform the Run Test:
1. Turn unit power on.
The LID display will show the controller identification, time and date (Fig. 5):
hh:mm mm-dd-yy
2. Press 3 and then. The LID display will show:
Controller Password
3. Press. The LID display will show:
Enter Password
NOTE: The LID display has two modes: Edit mode and
Status/Maintenance mode. If the LID display is in Edit
mode, then the display will only show the word “password.” Press thekey to toggle to the Status
Press theto display:
Enter Password
4. Key in the password and press.
NOTE: The default password is 1111.
5. The LID display will show:
Logged In
NOTE: At this point, for the 50BV unit only, the run
test will follow these steps:
a. Press 37. The display will show:
Custom Program
b. Press. The display will show:
2.0 Global Dictionary
c. Press(NOTE: Display will flash,
indicating that the device is now in edit mode.)
The display will show:
2.0 Global Dictionary
d. Press. The display will show:
Compressor Stages
NOTE: A 50BV unit with only 2 compressors will
display 2.00. Skip to Step 6.
e.Input 2.00 and Press. The display will show:
Compressor Stages
6. Press. The LID display will show:
Hardware Points
7. Pressagain. The LID display will show:
Software Points
8. Press. The LID display will show:
Compressor 1 Status
9. Press6 times. The LID display will show:
Factory/Field Test
10. Press 1 then, The LID display will show:
Factory/Field Test
NOTE: At this point, the yellow warning light on the
display panel will be lit and will stay on throughout the
run test. After each successful step, the red alarm light
will blink once.
11. The control module will now check if there is input from
If the control does not receive open/open/closed/
in range/in range/in range, the red alarm LED will go
on and the test will stop.
If the inputs are OK, the red alarm LED blinks once
and the test continues.
12. Next, the control forces the Supply Fan (SF) and all of the
Compressors (COMP) off, and waits 15 seconds.
For the 50XJ unit, if the REMOTE LED and AUTO
LED on the VFD display are on, the red LED blinks
once and the test continues.
NOTE: For the 50XJ unit, if the controller is configured with a water Economizer, the delay is 2 min. and
both valves are commanded to 0%. Both water valves
will close.
13. The control forces SF on and SPEED to 20 percent and
then waits 30 seconds.
If the VFD display shows “10.6 Hz,” the Remote and
Auto LEDs blink, and the fan goes on, then the red LED
on the control module blinks once and the test continues.
NOTE: For the 50XJ unit, if the controller is configured with a water Economizer the delay is 2 min. and
Econo valve is commanded to 100%. The economizer
valve will open and the RVS/HD (reverse/head
pressure) valve will remain closed.
14. The control forces SF on and SPEED to 35 percent and
then waits 30 seconds.
If the VFD display shows “20.0 Hz,” the Remote and
Auto LEDs blink, and the fan goes on, then the red LED
on the control module blinks once and the test continues.
NOTE: For the 50XJ unit, if the controller is configured
with a water Economizer the delay is 2 min. and RVS/
HD valve is commanded to 100%. The economizer valve
is commanded to 0% and the RVS/HD valve will open.
15. The control forces SF off then waits 15 seconds.
If the VFD display shows “Off,” the Remote and Auto
LEDs are off, and the fan goes off, then the red LED on
the control module blinks once and the test continues.
NOTE: For the 50XJ unit, if the controller is configured
with a water Economizer both valves are commanded
to 0%. The economizer valve and RVS/HD will close.
NOTE: For the 50BV unit, the steps below (16-24)
will be completed for the number of compressors
16. The control forces CMP1 (compressor 1) on then waits
5 seconds.
If CSMUX is not in range the red LED will go on and
the test will stop.
If CSMUX is in range, the red LED blinks once and
the test continues.
17. The control forces CMP1 off.
18. The control forces CMP2 (compressor 2) on then waits
5 seconds.
If CSMUX is not in range the red LED will go on and
the test will stop.
If CSMUX is in range, the red LED blinks once and
the test continues.
19. The control forces CMP2 off.
20. The control forces CMP3 (compressor 3) on, if configured, then waits 5 seconds.
If CSMUX is not in range the red LED will go on and
the test will stop.
If CSMUX is in range, the red LED blinks once and
the test continues.
21. The control forces CMP3 off.
22. The control forces CMP4 (compressor 4) on, if configured, then waits 5 seconds.
The LID display shows:
Factory/Field Test
The yellow LED will go off, and the red LED will go
23. The control forces CMP4 off.
24. The run test is complete.
Power Up the LID Display — After completing the
automatic run test, perform the following procedures to change
the controller password, set the controller clock, configure
schedules, set parameters, view settings, and view alarm
1. Set the Remote/Local/Off switch on the front of the unit to
the OFF position. This prevents operation of the fan and
compressors while still providing power to the unit controls.
NOTE: When the switch is in the OFF position, the red
alarm LED will be lit; this is normal. The bypass point
will also indicate OK.
2. If the unit access panel (for power and controls) is still on
the unit, remove it in order to view the control modules
during start-up.
3. Switch the main unit power disconnect to ON.
When power is applied to the OMNIZONE™ System
Control panel, the red LED on the top front of the processor
module will flash at a rapid pace (about twice a second) for the
first 30 to 60 seconds. This rapid flash will then be replaced by
a slower paced flash (about once per second).
The green LED below the red LED will start flashing. This
LED indicates input/output communications for accessory
input output modules and the LID display.
The yellow LED will flash when the controller is broadcasting CCN messages to a laptop or other computer.
The third LED from the bottom of the controller (PCB1)
will light.
The LID display will show the controller identification,
time and date as shown below.
hh:mm mm-dd-yy
Log On to the LID Display — ToLogOntotheLID
display, perform the following procedure:
1. Press 3 and then. The LID display will show:
Controller Password
2. Press. The LID display will show:
3. Key in the password and press.
Enter Password
NOTE: The LID display has two modes: Edit mode and
Status/Maintenance mode. Edit mode allows the user to
change settings on the configurations screens. Status/
Maintenance mode only allows the user to look at the
If the LID display is in Edit mode, then the display will
sure the LID display shows:
Enter Password
NOTE: The default password is 1111.
key to toggle to the Status mode. Make
4. The LID display will show:
Logged In
NOTE: The user will be automatically logged off after
15 min. of non-use.
Change the Default Password — To change the
default password, perform the following procedure:
NOTE: The password must have already been entered to
perform this procedure.
1. Press 3 and then. The LID display will show:
Controller Password
2. Press. The LID display will show:
3. Press. The LID display will show:
4. Enter the new password (up to 6 digits) and press
5. Presstwice to leave the password screen and re-
Logged in
1111 (default password, or previous password entered)
(password just entered)
NOTE: Remember this password; write it down.
turn to the default display screen.
. The LID display will show:
Set the Clock — The user must be logged in to set the
clock. To set the clock, perform the following procedure:
1. Press 1 and then. The LID display will show:
Set Clock
2. Press. The LID display will show:
3. Press. The LID display will show:
4. Enter the time. The time is entered in military time (for
5. Enter the day of week. The numbers 1 through 7 corre-
6. Enter the number of the corresponding month (1 through
7. Enter the day of the month. Pressthen press
No Maintenance
NOTE: There is no maintenance information regarding
setting the clock.
example 14.59 for 2.59 pm). Pressthen press
thebutton. The LID display will show:
Day of Week
spond to the days of the week (1 = MON, 2 = TUE,
3 = WED, 4 = THUR, 5 = FRI, 6 = SAT, 7 = SUN). Press
12). Pressthen press. The LID display
will show:
. The LID display will show:
Ye a r
then press. The LID display will show:
8. Enter the last two digits of the current year. Press
then press. The LID display will show:
Update Clock
9. Press 1 and thento cause the controller to
update the clock. The LID display will flash. Press
twice to view the default display and the clock
should update to the input time and date.
Configure Schedules — Schedules are one method of
starting and stopping the unit at specified intervals. To configure the schedules, perform the following procedure:
1. Press 1 and then. The LID display will show:
Occupancy Algorithm
2. Press. The LID display will show:
Time Schedule
Enter to select
3. Press. If the LID display shows “MODE 0” then
the user is in Maintenance mode and the LID display is
showing the maintenance information for the occupancy
schedule. Pressto enter the configuration
mode. The LID display will show:
Manual Override Hours
0 hours
This is the first configuration for each occupancy
algorithm and is used to put the schedule in or out of
occupancy override for the number of hours entered.
4. Press. The LID display will show:
Period 1: Day of week
The eight digits represent if this period should apply to
certain days of the week or holidays. The digits representM,Tu,W,Th,F,Sa,Su,andHol,respectively.
Enter a series of 0s or 1s with a 1 corresponding to the
days that this period should apply to and a 0 for the
days that this schedule should not apply to. As an
example, entering 11111000 would make the schedule
apply to days Monday through Friday and not apply to
Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays.
5. Press thebutton. The LID display will show:
Period 1 occupied from
6. Input the Occupancy Start time for this period.
NOTE: 12.00 represents 12:00 pm.
7. Press theto input the Occupied To time for period 1.
8. Input the days and times for periods 2 through 8 as
9. Press clear to leave the occupancy programming.
Program Set Points — To program the set points,
perform the following procedure:
1. Press 2 and then. The LID display will show:
Set point Schedule
2. Press. The LID display will show:
Supply Fan Status
3. Press.
4. If “No maintenance” is displayed, pressto
view the set point information. The LID display will
Occupied Lo Set point
0.30 ″ H2O
This is the pressure set point below which the fan is
considered to be off.
5. Press. The LID display will show:
Occupied Hi Set point
0.40 ″ H2O
This is the pressure set point above which the fan is
considered to be on.
The down or up arrow will also display the Unoccu-
pied Low and High Temperature set points. These
values should be kept the same as the occupied values.
6. Setpoint 02 internally coordinates the supply air set point
reset in several of the algorithms and can not be modified.
Setpoint 03 is used for comparison by the unit to return
air, Space temperature or Average space temperature
through linkage to determine when to start reset of the
supply air when occupied, when to turn on heat and
disable cooling when occupied and when to bring the unit
on for unoccupied heating or cooling.
Setpoint 04 is used to set the head pressure set point if
the unit is ordered with the head pressure control
option. Only the Occupied Low set point may be
modified the other values will change to the Occupied
low valued shortly after it is modified so that all the
values remain the same.
Setpoint 05 is used to set the supply air static pressure the
unit should maintain. Only the Occupied Low set point
may be modified the other values will change to the
Occupied low value shortly after it is modified so that all
the values remain the same. The set point in the static
pressure control algorithm will also follow and cannot be
modified in the algorithm configuration screens.
Setpoint 06 is the Supply air temperature set point.
Only the Occupied Low set point may be modified the
other values will change to the Occupied low value
shortly after it is modified so that all the values remain
the same. The set point in DX VAV staging and some
of the other algorithms will also follow and cannot be
modified in the algorithm configuration screens.
Setpoint 07 is the building pressure set point for the
building pressure control of a variable speed exhaust
fan from a field-supplied module. Only the Occupied
Low set point may be modified the other values will
change to the Occupied low value shortly after it is
modified so that all the values remain the same.
Setpoint 08 is the raw milliamp set point for the building pressure control and is tied to Setpoint 07 for the
sensor range selected in the custom programming
configuration. Several choices of building static
pressure sensors may be purchased and supplied for
building pressure control.
Setpoint 09 is used for the humidification/dehumidification
output from a field-supplied module. This set point may be
modified to enable the Humidity output to either humidify
or dehumidify when the indoor relative humidity (IRH)
exceeds the set point.
Table 7 lists the available controller set points and their
default values.
7. Pressing thebutton will take the user out of the
set point configuration mode.
Table 7 — Controller Set Points
Supply fan Status
Occupied Lo Setpoint0.3 in H2OOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint0.4 in H2OOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint0.3 in H2OUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint0.4 in H2OUnOccHgh
Occupied Lo Setpoint0dFOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint0dFOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint0dFUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint0dFUnOccHgh
Heat\Cool Mode & Reset
Occupied Lo Setpoint70dFOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint74dFOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint55dFUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint85dFUnOccHgh
Head Pressure Control
Occupied Lo Setpoint225 PSIGOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint225 PSIGOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint225 PSIGUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint225 PSIGUnOccHgh
Supply Static Pressure
Occupied Lo Setpoint1.5 in H2OOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint1.5 in H2OOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint1.5 in H2OUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint1.5 in H2OUnOccHgh
Supply Air Temperature
Occupied Lo Setpoint55dFOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint55dFOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint55dFUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint55dFUnOccHgh
Building Static Pressure
Occupied Lo Setpoint0.02 in H2OOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint0.02 in H2OOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint0.02 in H2OUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint0.02 in H2OUnOccHgh
BSP raw control
Occupied Lo Setpoint12.32maOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint12.32maOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint12.32maUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint12.32maUnOccHgh
Humidity Control
Occupied Lo Setpoint0 %RHOccLow
Occupied Hi Setpoint99 %RHOccHgh
Unoccupied Lo Setpoint0 %RHUnOccLow
Unoccupied Hi Setpoint99 %RHUnOccHgh
BSP — Building Static Pressure
RH— Relative Humidity
Check System Parameters — To checksystem
parameters, press thebutton. The LID display will
show: “Hardware Points Table 1.” Pressto view the
hardware points. The user can navigate up and down through
the points with the up and down arrows.
Press 2 andto display the software points. The user
can navigate up and down through the points with the up and
down arrows.
Refer to Tables 8 and 9 for hardware and software points.
Display Alarm History — If the controller is indicating
there are alarms, the user can view the alarm history by
pressing thebutton. The LID display will show “Alarm
History.” Press. The LID display will show the date
and type of alarm.
As an example, if the LID display shows:
ALARM — 10:55 11-27-02
That display indicates that on 11/27/02 at 10:55 A.M. the
system Supply Fan was either on when it had not been
commanded on or was off when it was commanded on.
The user can view other stored alarms by pressing the up
and down arrows. The twenty-four most recent alarms are
Configure Custom Programming Selections —
To configure the custom programming selections, perform the
following procedure:
1. Press 37. The LID display will show:
Custom Program
2. Press. The LID display will show:
2.0 Global Dictionary
3. Press. The display indicates “No Data.”
Pressthen press. Press
Compressor Stages
4. Press 4 and thento indicate that 4 compressors
are installed.
5. Use the down and up arrows to select the other configuration parameters as required. See Table 10 for a list of configuration parameters.
6. A field-supplied 0 to 10 vdc signal to the 50XJ unit may
be used to reset the supply-air temperature.
The reset will be taken off the supply air set point
configured in the controller. The reset range can be
changed by adjusting the High Conversion Endpoint
value of the custom voltage input to a value other than
20. For example for 10 degrees of reset change the Hi
input value to 10. This may be found by pressing 7
custom voltage input point in the controller. The first
will be CSMUX, which is the compressor status multiplexed input. Pressto see the following in the
LID display:
Ext. Supply Air Reset
Press. If the LID display shows:
System Value
Press. The LID display will show:
Low Input Endpoint
2.0 Volts
Pressthree times to get to the High Conversion
Endpoint. The user must be logged in to be able to change this
otherwise you can only view it. See the start up section for how
to log into the controller.
Software Points
Compressor 1 StatusOffCLO1
Compressor 2 StatusOffCLO2
Compressor 3 StatusOffCLO3
Compressor 4 StatusOffCLO4
Bypass Acc Panel Secure NoBP_SAFE
Factory/Field TestStopFLDTST
Building Static Pressure0.03in H2OBSP_IN
Supply Fan StatusOffControl SFS
Ok to run FanNoOKFAN
OK Fan + Sup. Fan StatFA L SES F_ SF S
Fan + Cond. Water FlowFA LS EFAN _C DW F
Equipment ModeCoolControl MODE
Activate Evacuation Mode DisableEVAC
Space Control Point74dFCTRLPT
Mod. Econ EnabledNoControl ECON_OK
Head Pressure ControlDisableControl HEAD
Economizer Control Temp. 77.22dFECONPT
Compressor CoolingDisableCOMPRES
Duct Static FailureNormalDSP_ALM
Compressor 1 AlarmNormalC1_ALM
Compressor 2 AlarmNormalC2_ALM
Compressor 3 AlarmNormalC3_ALM
Compressor 4 AlarmNormalC4_ALM
Cond. Flow Alarm Status DisableControl CDWF_ST
BSP— Building Static Pressure
CDWF — Condenser Water Flow
ECON — Economizer
EWT— Entering Water Temperature
IAQ— Indoor Air Quality
IRH— Indoor Relative Humidity
LW T— Leaving Water Temperature
MAT— Mixed Air Temperature
RAT— Return Air Temperature
SPT— Space Temperature
Set Controller Address — To set the address of the
OMNIZONE™ System Control panel controller, perform the
following procedure:
1. Press 7 and then. Pressand then
2. Type in the CCN element number and press.
3. Press thebutton. Type in the CCN bus number and
Log Off from Controller — To log off from the
OMNIZONE System controller Press 3 and then. The
controller password will be displayed.
1. Press. The display should show:
Log in to Controller
Logged in
If this is not displayed, Pressuntil it is
2. Press thebutton. The LID display will show:
Log out of Controller
Press 1. Pressto log off.
Occupancy Determination —
controller can determine occupancy in many ways. Local occupancy is determined by either a local schedule contained in the
CC6400 controller, the use of the ROCC discrete input point or
by setting the Local/Off/Remote switch to Local. In order for
the CC6400 schedule or ROCC point to function the Local/
Off/Remote switch must be set to Remote.
When the OMNIZONE unit is connected to a Carrier
Comfort Network and the Local/Off/Remote switch is set to
Remote, the controller occupancy can be determined by a
Network Group schedule, a Network Global schedule, or via
Linkage from a linkage device such as a ComfortID™ linkage
Fan Control — All Variable Air Volume (VAV) units have
a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) to provide variable fan
motor speed and thus variable airflow. Fan control turns the fan
on and off based on unit operating mode, and controls fan
speed to maintain a particular duct static pressure at a Duct
Static Pressure Sensor (DSP). The objective is to maintain a
reasonably constant supply-air exit velocity at VAV system
outlet grilles, regardless of damper opening positions. The duct
static pressure sensor is field-installed about
/3of the way
toward the “far end” of the ductwork. A High Duct Static
Switch (HDS) provides protection by shutting the fan down if
the duct static pressure exceeds a maximum setting.
For the 50XJ unit, a VFD interface display is mounted in
the front of the unit. A number of user-adjustable features can
be entered/changed using the keypad on the display. These
features described in detail in the Variable Frequency Drive
Control section.
Sequence of Operation — The following control
sequence of operation for the 50XJ,BV unit describes the
various sequences that occur depending upon the way an
operation is triggered and which software control points are
SUPPLY FAN — The Supply fan can be activated in any of
the following ways:
• Unoccupied space or return air temperature demand.
• Unoccupied Linkage demand.
• Local Time Schedule (TIMCLOCK software point).
• Remote Occupancy (ROCC software point).
• By placing the remote-off-local switch in the local
• Enabled by Schedule.
Once one of the above conditions exists, either TIMECLOCK or ROCC indicates ON or Enable. The software point
OKFAN will turn on followed by the points TRMCT for air
terminal control and PUMP and TOWER to request condenser
water flow and temperature control. Approximately 20 to
30 seconds later the supply fan (SF) point will turn ON and the
VFD output SPEED will increase. The SPEED point will
output a signal, determined by a PID calculation, based on the
duct static pressure DSP input and the Supply Static Pressure
set point in SETPT05.
Once the supply fan is running and the static pressure
increases above the Supply fan status set point in SETPT01, the
supply fan status point (SFS) will indicate ON and the software
point SF_SFS will indicate TRUE.
Enabled By Unoccupied Demand
Control Point” will display the current value of the sensor used
to determine unoccupied demand. The EWT sensor provides
this function for the 50BV unit. The display is based on the
— A software point “Space
sensors installed and the configuration of these sensors in the
custom configuration, or the status of linkage.
If the Return/Mixed air sensor is in the mixed airstream and
configured as such and there is no Space temperature sensor
installed and no Linkage, the Space Control Point will display
a default value of 75 F, which is above the default occupied
cooling set point and below the unoccupied cooling set point.
If this condition exists, supply air reset from a sensor and
unoccupied unit operation will not occur.
If the unit is configured to use a sensor for the Space
Control Point or if Linkage is active and the space has
unoccupied demand, the software point OKFAN will turn on
followed by the points TRMCT for air terminal control and
PUMP and TOWER to request condenser water flow and
temperature control. Approximately 20 to 30 seconds later the
SF point will turn ON and then the VFD output SPEED will
increase. If unoccupied demand is the reason the fan is on, a
control force will appear next to the OKFAN point. Otherwise
there should not be a force on that point.
If the fan is running due to unoccupied heating or cooling
demand, either the space temperature (if installed), return air
temperature or average linkage temperature must rise or drop
to within half way between the occupied and unoccupied set
points in order for the fan to turn back off.
Enabled by Switching to Local Mode
— When the switch is
placed in the local mode the ROCC point will indicate enable.
If ROCC is ENABLED a software routine will override the
occupancy schedule so that TIMECLOCK will also turn on.
When ROCC is turned off the TIMECLOCK point will turn
off within 60 seconds.
Supply Fan Shutdown
— If the unoccupied demand is satisfied and TIMECLOCK and ROCC are off and disabled,
OKFAN will turn off, SF_SFS will turn off, Tower and PUMP
will turn off, and then 5 minutes later the SF point will turn off
and the VFD speed will go to 0%.
During the 5-minute delay, the cooling and heating routines
become disabled. This delay allows a compressor that may
have just started to run for its 5-minute minimum on time with
the supply fan on. For example, if the staging routine had just
started Compressor 3 at the time the OK_FAN point changed
to OFF, the cooling routine would become disabled and compressors 1 and 2 would shut off right away. Compressor three
would continue to run for its minimum on time of 5 minutes.
The fan continues running until all compressors meet the
minimum on time and run with a load, preventing them from
shutting down due to a safety.
Supply Fan operation with Optional Bypass (50XJ)
optional VFD Bypass is installed and the Bypass switch has
been turned to Bypass, and the access panel is in place, the
software point Bypass access panel secure BB_SAFE has been
turned to ON, and the unit operation switch has been placed
back in local or remote, then the bypass start stop point BPS_S
will follow the SF point when it turns on and off. The terminal
open point TRMOP will go on with the TRMCT point before
the fan starts.
COMPRESSOR COOLING — If the fan is on and there is no
demand for Heat, the equipment mode (MODE) will be
COOL, and Cooling (COOLOK) will switch to ENABLE.
If the unit is configured for variable flow the Reverse/Head
Pressure CTRL valve will open (otherwise it will already be
open), and if there is condenser water flow (CDWF is YES),
then the Fan + Condenser water flow point will become TRUE
and the Compressor Cooling (COMRES) point will switch to
COMRES triggers the compressor staging routine that
controls the number of compressors energized. Units are
equipped with 4 compressors piped in separate refrigerant
circuits, and staged On/Off in a fixed sequential manner
(compressor no. 1 through compressor no. 4). The compressor
control routine uses a PID calculation to determine the percentage of cooling required, from 1 to 100%. Demand for the PID
calculation is determined from the supply air temperature and
the supply air set point (SETPT06).
Compressor cooling (COMPRES) will be turned off for any
of the following reasons:
• There is no condenser water flow (CDWF is Off).
• Economizer Freezestat (FREEZ) has been in alarm for
more than 15 minutes.
• MODE changes to heat.
• OK-FAN turns off during normal shut down.
• During normal compressor operation the minimum on
time is 5 minutes and the minimum off time is 5 min.
ECONOMIZER COOLING (50XJ) — The unit diverts condenser inlet water flow through an optional economizer coil to
precool evaporator entering airflow. This occurs when there is
demand for the cooling, and the temperature at an Entering
Water Temperature (EWT) thermistor is colder than the
economizer start set point. Waterflow is controlled via two
electronic water flow valves. This option also incorporates an
Economizer Freeze Switch (EFS), located at the inlet of the
economizer coil.
Economizer water flow is in series with the condensers
allowing compressor operation while the economizer is
If the Fan is on, and there is no demand for heat then the
equipment mode (MODE) will be COOL and Cooling
(COOLOK) will switch to ENABLE.
If the unit is configured for variable flow the Reverse/Head
Pressure CTRL valve will open (otherwise it will already be
open), and if there is condenser water flow (CDWF is YES)
then the Fan + Condenser water flow point will become TRUE.
If the entering-water temperature is below the Economizer
start set point in the configuration parameters table (Table 10),
then the Mod. Econ Enabled point (ECONOK) will change to
enable and the Economizer valve will modulate open to lower
the Economizer control temp to the supply air set point
(SETPT06) temperature. The economizer modulation is
controlled by a PID loop and the Reverse/Head pressure
control valve will modulate in reverse of the Economizer valve
using the formula MVLV = 100 – ECONO.
ECONOMIZER COOLING (50BV) — The unit diverts condenser inlet waterflow through an optional economizer coil to
precool evaporator entering airflow. If the entering-water
temperature is colder than the setting on the Aquastat, and the
return-air temperature is warmer than the setting on the return
air thermostat, the two-position diverting valve will direct
water to the economizer coil.
Economizer water flow is in series with the condensers
allowing compressor operation while the economizer is
COOLING RESET (50XJ) — The controller can reset the
supply air set point using these three methods:
• An external 0 to 10 volt input RESET
• The value of the space control point
• Linkage
The external 0 to 10 volt input reset is configured to produce
a 0 to 20 degree supply air reset over the 2 to 10 volt range. If
more than 1.8 volts is sensed on the input, this method of reset
takes priority over other methods.
NOTE: The reset from all methods may be limited to 10 F
or 15 F by changing the high end point of the custom
voltage input from the default (20 F) to 15 F or 10 F.
Either the return air or a space temperature sensor will be
used as the space control point. If this variable goes below the
Occupied High set point in the HEAT/COOL MODE AND
RESET set point (SETPT03), then for each degree that the
Space control point is below the set point value the supply air
set point will be reset by the value configured in the custom
configuration RESET RATIO.
If Linkage is active, for each degree that the average
occupied space temperature is below the average occupied cool
set point, the supply air set point will be reset by the amount
configured in the RESET RATIO. Reset will be limited to the
maximum value the custom voltage input RESET can display.
COOLING RESET (50BV) — The 5k ohm temperature sensor will be used as the space control point. If this variable goes
below the Occupied High set point in the HEAT/COOL
MODE AND RESET set point (SETPT03), then for each
degree that the Space control point is below the set point value
the supply air set point will be reset by the value configured in
the custom configuration RESET RATIO.
HEATING (50XJ) — The controller is configured to control
two types of heat:
• Amodulating4to20mAoutputHotWaterValve
(HWV) in the base unit, wired to the second module.
• Four stages of staged heat wired to a third, accessory
module (PCB3).
For either method of heat to function, a space control point
must be configured in the custom configuration. This control
point comes from a return air sensor or space sensor, or from
the average space temperature received through linkage.
Whenever the space control point is below the occupied or
unoccupied heat set point the mode will change to heat and if
unoccupied the fan will be started. For linkage, this occurs if
the average space temperature is below the appropriate average
heat set point.
Both heat control routines use a PID to calculate a supply air
set point that will satisfy the heat demand in the space. The
modulating output and the staged outputs will both operate at
the same time to control an attached heat source, such as steam
valves or electric heaters, to provide the supply-air temperature
The heat mode changes back to cool when the space control
point is back above the occupied heat set point. For linkage, the
mode changes back to cool when the average space temperature is back above the average occupied heat set point.
When unoccupied heat is enabled the fan will be stopped
and the heat turned off when the space control temperature is
more than halfway above the difference between the occupied
heat set point and the unoccupied heat set point. For example,
if the occupied heat set point is 70 and the unoccupied heat set
point is 60 the unit will come on for unoccupied heating below
60 F and turn off again above 65 F. The average occupied and
unoccupied set points are used when linkage is active.
HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL (HPC) (50XJ) — In installations where entering water temperature can fall below 55 F,
where a water economizer (described above) is not installed,
the HPC provides 1 or 2 electronic water flow control valves to
vary flow to the condensers. Controlling the water flow
maintains compressor discharge pressure above a minimum
value, ensuring sufficient refrigerant flow out of the condenser
and throughout the refrigerant circuit. Refrigerant pressure is
measured at compressor circuit no. 1 by a Discharge Pressure
Sensor (DPS).
Units not equipped with a water economizer can be ordered
with the reverse/head pressure control valve factory installed
and a pressure transducer located in the discharge line of
compressor no. 1.
When the condenser water temperature gets low enough to
cause the head pressure to drop, the valve will be modulated to
control the head pressure of all four compressors by varying
the water flow through the condensers.
When the unit is operating and the COOLOK software
point is enabled and the EWT gets below 60 F, the Head
software point will become enabled and the head pressure
control valve will modulate to keep the head pressure at the
head pressure set point (SETPT04). The default set point is
225 PSI and may be set from 200 to 250 PSI. The minimum
output value for the head pressure control algorithm is 40% in
order to maintain a minimum flow through the condensers. The
valve will modulate between 40 and 100%. Do not set the
minimum lower than 40% or the compressors may shut down
due to low flow, resulting in the high-pressure switch tripping.
VENTILATION REQUEST (50XJ) — The ventilation request
output will close a set of relay contacts to activate a ventilation
damper whenever the supply fan and supply fan status are both
true and the TIMECLOCK software point is on.
VAV terminal control output (TRMCT) closes a set of relay
contacts to indicate to non-Carrier air terminals that the fan is
either forced on or is going to turn on. This signals the
terminals to open and start controlling to the desired CFM and
Temperature set points.
VAV TERMINAL OPEN OUTPUT (50XJ) — The VAV terminal open output (TRMOP) closes a set of relay contacts to
command the air terminals to open to maximum CFM at times
when the fan is operating on the VFD Bypass.
PUMP AND TOWER OUTPUTS (50XJ) — The pump and
Tower outputs close a set of relay contacts to indicate that the
50XJ unit is in operation and may require condenser water
flow through the unit.
pressure control output provides an analog 4 to 20 mA signal to
control return fan or exhaust fan speed. Fan speed is modulated
to maintain the building static pressure set point (SETPT07).
The control parameters for the building pressure set point
and building pressure are read and controlled in milliamps but
are converted to inches of water for ease of setting and display.
The range and low start values of the sensor selected should be
configured in the custom configurations screen. The raw sensor
value in milliamps will be displayed on the hardware point
BSP. The converted sensor reading in inches of H
displayed at the software point BSP_IN. The set point input in
SETPT07 in inches of H
O is converted to a raw milliamp set
point in SETPT08. The algorithm controls to the milliamp
values since the math required for control using the static
pressure in inches generates numbers too small to be used
given the range of the controller configuration parameters.
Diagnostic Features — The CC6400 provides a number
of features to help protect the unit and allow problem
CRITICAL FAULT — The controller provides an output
(for field connection) to signal an external building systems
monitor or control that the unit is not operating properly and
has shut down. A red light mounted on the front of the unit
provides visual indication of this alarm condition.
NOTE: If the Local/Off/Remote switch is in the OFF
position, it is normal for the red alarm light on the display
panel to be lit, indicating that the unit is disabled.
NON-CRITICAL FAULT — The controller provides an
output for a yellow light, mounted on the front of the unit, that
indicates the need for minor maintenance or service.
FIRE INPUT (FSD) — This is a normally closed input, which
when opened, deenergizes an isolation relay in the unit, opening
the input to the controller. When this input turns On, all control
outputs are immediately turned Off, including the fan. Unit
reset requires manual resetting at the main controller keypad.
provides backup protection for the ductwork. It is factory
installed in the unit, wired to the unit main controller to receive
5 vdc. It is a normally open discreet switch, with adjustable
manual setting at the switch (range is 1 to 5 in. wg). Upon
switch closure, the controller immediately turns all outputs Off,
including fan, and then indicates an alarm both by turning On
its Alarm Output, Red Alarm light and via communications.
measures the change (delta) in air pressure across the filters.
When the delta increases beyond the preset setting, a yellow
warning light will be lit, indicating that the filters need cleaning
or replacement.
The switch receives 5 vdc from the unit controller and
monitors air pressure delta across the return air filters. Switch is
normally open, with manually adjustable setting at the switch
between 0.5 and 1.5 in. wg. Upon closure, controller should
wait to assure closure for minimum 1 minute, then indicate an
alert via its non-critical alert output and via communications.
All other unit operation should remain normal.
compressor circuit is provided with a temperature overload
board (Copeland Protector Bd.), a Current Overload/Sensor
Board (COL), High Pressure Switch (HPS), Low Pressure
Switch (LPS), and Evaporator Freeze Switch (EFS). These
devices are wired in series to the contactor for each compressor.
Each such circuit is then wired through a common resistor board;
such that any one or more input(s) to the main controller allows it
to discern which compressor is not operating when it should be.
The Current Overload Board (COL) is located in the unit
control box, wired in the control power line for the compressor
pilot relay (which drives the compressor contactor), and
incorporates a current loop which monitors one leg of the
compressor power leads. This board is powered along with the
related compressor contactor.
Whenever the compressor current falls below a threshold
level (i.e., compressor not operating), it activates an on-board
relay which opens power to the compressor pilot relay (i.e.,
compressor contactor), and turns On a control power feedback
line to the unit controller, via the resistor board (described
above). Any one of the safety switches described herein will
cause this event. In the event this occurs, the controller shall
turn OFF this compressor, and start the next compressor in
sequence. After a 5-minute period, the controller shall restart
this compressor, and turn the other one off, as cooling demand
requires. If the ‘problem’ compressor then operates for 10 minutes of run time normally, the unit reverts to normal operation
and compressor sequencing. If not, and the same error occurs
again, this compressor shall be shut down and replaced with
the next compressor, as before, and held off for 10 minutes. It
shall then be restarted and the other compressor shut down, as
before. If it does not run successfully for 10 minutes of normal
run time again, it is shut down and replaced a third time. This
time it is held off for 15 minutes. If the “problem” compressor
does not operate successfully for the 10 minutes of normal run
time this third time, this compressor ONLY is shut down and
locked out for servicing. Alarm output (Red light) flashes and
then remains on.
HIGH-PRESSURE SWITCH (HPS) — This switch is located
in the discharge refrigerant line of each compressor, and is set
to open at pressures above 360 psig. It is wired in the 115 vac
control power line of the compressor contactor (in series with
the LPS and EFS), and activates the COL board (above) when
it opens.
Switch is located in the suction refrigerant line of each
compressor, and is set to open at pressures below 27 psig. It is
wired in the 115 vac control power line of the compressor
contactor (in series with the HPS and EFS), and activates the
COL board (above) when it opens.
disk type switch, mounted on a return bend of the evaporator,
refrigerant circuit for which corresponds to each respective
compressor, and is set to open at temperatures below 28 F. It is
wired in the 115 vac control power line of the compressor
contactor (in series with the HPS, and activates the COL board
(above) when it opens.
COPELAND PROTECTOR BOARD — This board is provided with each compressor, installed in the terminal box, since
these compressors do not have internal current protection. This
board activates at an overtemperature setting, and locks out
operation of the compressor for 30 minutes; there is no method
to over-ride or reset this timer. Due to this timing function,
please note that the compressor will not attempt to restart until
the third attempt described above.
ALARMS — Alarms can be provided via 4 methods; Unit
mounted Alarm Light (Red and Yellow), Keypad Display,
Network Communications, or a discreet Alarm Output to the
Field Low Voltage Terminal Strip. This field output circuit
includes an isolation relay and dry contacts. Alarms are
covered in detail in the Troubleshooting section.
50XJ Variable Frequency Drive Control — The
variable frequency drive is factory wired and programmed for
proper operation with the unit controls; no installation or
service adjustments are normally required. There is an interface
display for the VFD, independent of the main control display,
mounted on the front of the 50XJ unit.
The VFD default conditions at unit power up are: “AUTO”
run mode, “REMOTE” speed control, and “OFF” in the LED
display. When the fan is operating, the LED displays the output
frequency in Hz.
OPERATING KEYPAD — The keypad allows users to enable or disable the keypad, input commands from the keypad,
and monitor drive operation. Fig. 6 shows the operating panel
keypad layout and the locations of the keys and display LEDs.
The 7-character LED displays various values, depending
upon what mode is running.
• In Standard Monitor mode: the LED displays the current
output frequency.
• In Status Monitor mode: monitors the status conditions
and frequency command value setting.
•In Setup mode: displays setup parameter titles and values.
• In Program mode: displays parameter group titles, individual parameter names, and parameter values.
• During a trip: displays the trip title.
The appropriate local/remote LED, which is inset into the
speed control key, is lit when the unit is in Local or Remote
The appropriate manual/auto LED, which is inset into the
run mode key, is lit when the unit is Manual or Auto mode.
When numeric data is shown on the LED display, the corresponding unit indication LED will be lit. If no unit indication
LED is lit, the current data has no unit or the corresponding
unit does not exist on the display panel.
KEY FUNCTIONS — Refer to Table 11 for the functions of
each key on the keypad.
NON-TRIP MESSAGES — Non-trip messages are those that
may be displayed but do not cause a trip and are not recorded in
the fault history. Table 12 lists the non-trip messages with their
TRIP MESSAGES — Trip messages and their causes are
shown in Table 13.
CLEARING A TRIP — A trip clear can be performed after
the cause of the trip has been removed. To perform a trip clear,
either switch off power to the inverter or use the following
Press Stop/Reset. The display will show: CLr. Press Stop/Reset again. The display will show: 0.0, indicating that the trip is
cleared and the display will return to Standard Monitor mode.
If any key other than the STOP/RESET key is pressed at the
trip clear command prompt, the trip clear command is aborted
and the display returns to Standard Monitor mode (where the
trip title will be displayed flashing).The trip clear command
does not clear the recorded past faults.
Fig. 6 — 50XJ VFD Display Keypad
STATUS MONITOR MODE — In Status Monitor mode, it is
possible to monitor the VFD status (frequency command, output
voltage, current, terminal information, etc.). Status monitor
mode is entered by pressing the Setup/Program/Monitor key,
then selecting MON at the mode selection menu and pressing
the Read/Write key. Table 11 details the procedure for entering
status monitor mode (from standard monitor mode) and viewing
all the monitored status variables. The present output frequency
(which, just after power is applied, is 0.0) is displayed. (If the STCC terminals are not shorted, OFF will be displayed).
Table 11 — Keys and Functions for 50XJ VFD
If eitheroris pressed continuously, every 0.5 sec
the next/previous item will be displayed. As optional points,
RUN, STOP, displaying the frequency status, and switching to
local/remote and manual/auto modes can be performed.
MANUAL MODE — To override the automatic unit controls
and manually operate the fan from the VFD display, press keys
for “MANUAL” run mode, “LOCAL” speed control, and
press the Up or Down arrow keys to increase or decrease
output frequency.
Local/Remote Key
Switches the source of frequency command information from panel/ter minal
block. The appropriate LED is lit to indicate local or remote frequency command.
Manual/Auto Key
Switches the source of run/stop command information from panel/terminal block.
The appropriate LED is lit to indicate manual or auto run/stop command.
Setup/Program/Monitor Key
Toggles between Setup, Program, Monitor, and Frequency Mode.
Read/Write Key
Mode, group, parameter, data, and frequency selection key. This key is used to
select or enter a parameter value, a frequency command, or a group name.
Up Key
Scrolls up the setting of the currently displayed parameter. If the key is held
down, the scrolling speed gradually increases. Only RAM values are changed.
Also toggles to other function group entries. Pushing Read/Write key saves the setting.
Down Key
Scrolls down the setting of the currently displayed parameter. If the key is held
down, the scrolling speed gradually increases. Only RAM values are changed.
Also toggles to other function group entries. Pushing Read/Write key saves the setting.
Run Key
This key is used to star t a RUN command (only valid when in manual control mode).
Stop/Reset Key
Functions as the STOP key and emergency stop key during local operation.
Functions as the RESET key when an inverter trip occurs. In all other modes,
emergency off is engaged when this key is pressed twice.
Table 12 — VFD Non-Trip Messages for 50XJ Unit
OFFDisplayed whenever the ST-CC connection is open.
pOFFDisplayed when the VFD control power supply voltage is too low.
nOFFDisplayed when the VFD’s main DC bus voltage is low.
rtrYAuto-restart message: alter nately displayed with the output frequency whenever the
Err1Displayed when 2 frequency points (F-P1,F-P2,etc.) are set too close to each other.
CLrDisplayed during a pending clear command (after the STOP/RESET key has been
EOFFDisplayed during a pending emergency off command (after the STOP/RESET key has
CtrLDisplayed during a pending coast stop command (after the Local/Remote key has
HIThis maximum value warning message “HI” will be alternately displayed in the data
LOThis minimum value warning message “LO” will be alternately displayed in the data
PA SSDisplayed if the correct password is entered at the password prompt.
ErrDisplayed if an incorrect password is entered at the password prompt.
E1Displayed when the VFD attempts to display a number that exceeds four
dbDisplayed when DC injection braking is being executed.
dbonDisplayed when motor shaft stationary control is being executed.
FJOGDisplayed when in forward JOG mode.
rJOGDisplayed when in reverse JOG mode.