Carrier LonWorks i-Vu Link, LonWorks i-Vu Open Link Integration Manual

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CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018 A member of the United Technologies Corporation family · Stock symbol UTX · Catalog No. 11-808-430-01 · 5/24/2018
Document revision history
Verify that you have the most current version of this document from
Important changes are listed in
CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018. All rights reserved throughout the world. i-Vu is a registered trademark of Carrier Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
at the end of this document.
or your local Carrier
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Before-you-begin checklist .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Create a control program in Snap .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 Assign and download custom control programs and views to the i-Vu® Link/Open Link ............................... 5
3 Configure LonWorks points using the LonWorks Integration Tool ...................................................................... 6
4 Connect an SLTA-10 to each i-Vu® Link/Open Link on the LonWorks network segment ................................ 9
5 Set up the driver properties .................................................................................................................................. 10
6 Verify the controller is set up correctly ................................................................................................................ 12
Appendix A - Common HVAC SNVT's ........................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix B - Obtain network, device, and network variable information ............................................................. 20
Document revision history ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Assumptions .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Items to be installed at the job site ................................................................................................................... 2
Other items needed for the integration ............................................................................................................ 3
To format a LonWorks address .......................................................................................................................... 4
To edit an integration point address .................................................................................................................. 8
To capture communication using PuTTY ....................................................................................................... 12
Option 1: Using an Echelon® U10/U20 USB Network Interface ............................................................... 20
Option 2: Using an SLTA-10 Network Adapter ............................................................................................. 22
Option 3: Using an iLon10 Ethernet Adapter ............................................................................................... 24
i-Vu® Link/Open Link Third party


Follow the steps in this document to integrate one or more third party LonWorks controllers using an i-Vu® Link/Open Link. See the i-Vu® Link/Open Link Installation and Start-up Guide for installation and networking instructions.
LonWorks port S2
Module driver drv_ivulink_lon_6-00-082*
Read/write capability Can read from and write to the third-party equipment
Third party points supported 500
Supported equipment Any device that supports the LonWorks protocol using
Network media type EIA-232 to SLTA-10 network adapter
Quantity of devices you can physically connect to the i-Vu®
1 LonWorks network segment with up to 64 LonWorks devices, daisy-chained
Link/Open Link
You can download the latest drivers from the Carrier Control Systems Support Site Check the latest bulletin releases for new or updated drivers.
** UNVT's and nci SNVT's are proprietary and not supported.
The i-Vu® Link/Open Link drivers support LonWorks devices connected to Port S2 and BACnet or Modbus devices connected on the Ethernet port simultaneously. The third party point count for the i-Vu® Link/Open Link is the total of the 2 ports.
LonWorks Integration Guide CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018 i-Vu® Link and Open Link All rights reserved 1
Before-you-begin checklist


Items to be installed at the job site

Item Notes
#73354 for RS-485 networks

Before-you-begin checklist

You know how to create custom control programs in Snap.
You know how to install, wire, set up, and download memory to the i-Vu® Link/Open Link.
The LonWorks network/devices have been commissioned by the third-party representative
using LonMaker.
i-Vu® Link/Open Link
LonWorks module driver drv_ivuopenlink_<latest version>.driver.
SLTA-10 Serial LonTalk®
#73351 for FT-10 networks
#73352 for TP-78 networks
#73353 for TP-1250 networks
power supply (part# 78010)
You need 1 adapter for each i-Vu® Link/Open Link that is connected to a LonWorks network segment. Make sure you order the model that matches your network topology. See the Echelon website ( for your local Echelon sales contact.
You can damage the SLTA-10 if it does not have its own isolated power supply.
EIA-232/RS-232 straight-through cable
with 9-pin connectors and an S2-DB9 adapter (purchase S2­DB9 from Carrier)
To connect the i-Vu® Link/Open Link to its SLTA-
10. You can buy an EIA-232/RS-232 cable with connectors or buy 4-conductor cable and wire your own connections.
18-22 AWG, 4-conductor cable and a DB9 male adapter
Custom control programs (.equipment
files) and graphics (.view files)
LonWorks Integration Guide CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018 i-Vu® Link and Open Link All rights reserved 2
Before-you-begin checklist

Other items needed for the integration

Item Notes
See Appendix B (page 20).
LonWorks Integration Tool
Network variable information
(.xif file) for each type of LonWorks device. For example, VAV Controller or Fan Coil Controller.
Device address information
(domain, index, subnet, and node address)
Manual for each type of LonWorks
Install from the i-Vu®
Get from:
the third-party representative
the LonWorks device. See Appendix B (page
Get from:
the customer
the third-party representative
a .log file obtained from the LonWork's device.
Get from the third-party representative or the third­party website.
LonWorks Integration Guide CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018 i-Vu® Link and Open Link All rights reserved 3
1 Create a control program in Snap

To format a LonWorks address

LonWorks Integration Tool

1 Create a control program in Snap

When you create a control program for each type of LonWorks device, use the following Network I/O microblocks:
One ANI, ANI2, BNI, or BNI2 to read each element of interest in an nvo SNVT
One ANO, ANO2, BNO, or BNO2 to write to each element of interest in an nvi SNVT
The SNVT definitions in Appendix A (page 14) may help you determine whether you need an analog or binary
All Lonworks addresses should be assigned to "lonworks://" only when setting up address strings in EquipmentBuilder. The
An example of a LonWorks address:
lonworks://domain_index/subnet/node/nv_Number(Selector in HEX)/SNVT Type/NV Element/ Property/group
is used to define these addresses.
group is always 0 (zero)
Property = 1 for ANI/BNI
Property = 0 for ANO/BNO
Carrier does not support a Domain Length of 0 (zero)
LonWorks Integration Guide CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018 i-Vu® Link and Open Link All rights reserved 4
2 Assign and download custom control programs and views to the i-Vu® Link/Open Link
Add Control Program
Display Name
Programmable Controller
Add New
Control Programs
File added successfully
Add New
File added successfully
Download All
Edit Existing
Control Programs
File > Open
Add New
Control Programs
File added successfully

2 Assign and download custom control programs and views to the i-Vu® Link/Open Link

1 If using the i-Vu® or Field Assistant application, go to
Link/Open Link in the navigation tree.
2 Click the
3 Enter a
4 Click
5 Browse to the .equipment file that you created in
6 When message appears
7 To upload a graphic, click
8 Browse to the .view file that you created in
9 When message appears
10 Click OK.
11 Repeat steps 3 - 12 to add additional control programs and views.
12 In the navigation tree, select the i-Vu® Link/Open Link in the router list on the right and click
This loads the control programs and graphics into the i-Vu® Link/Open Link.
. Select the i-Vu® Link/Open Link from drop-down list under
button on the right. A dialog window appears.
. A second dialog window will appear.
, click
and browse to your .view file. A second dialog window
, click
and click
and click
page >
tab and select the i-Vu®
To edit your control program in Snap
Follow these steps to edit an existing control program:
1 Log in to the i-Vu® or Field Assistant application.
2 Double-click the third party controller in the navigation tree. A dialog window appears.
3 Click
4 Save file to a location of your choice.
5 Click
6 Start
7 Select
8 Edit the control program and save to your computer.
9 Start the i-Vu® or Field Assistant application.
10 Double-click the third party controller in the navigation tree. A dialog window appears.
11 Click
12 Browse to your edited control program and click
13 Click OK.
button under
and open the .equipment file that you saved.
. A new dialog window appears.
. A new dialog window appears.
. When message appears
LonWorks Integration Guide CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018 i-Vu® Link and Open Link All rights reserved 5
3 Configure LonWorks points using the LonWorks Integration Tool
Integration Points
All Programs
i-Vu Tools > LonWorks Integration Tool

3 Configure LonWorks points using the LonWorks Integration Tool

The LonWorks Integration Tool installed on your computer
A *.xif file from, the third-party representative, or from the LonWorks device (see Appendix
The Domain Index, Subnet, and Node ID from the third-party vendor or from the LonWorks device (see Appendix A)
1 Log in to the i-Vu® or Field Assistant application.
2 Double-click the third party controller in the navigation tree. A dialog window appears.
3 Click
4 Click
5 Browse to a location on your PC to save the file. (The file will have a .erl extension.)
6 On the Windows Task Bar, select
7 Click the wand icon to start the wizard.
8 Follow the wizard's instructions to create your microblock addresses.
If you obtained your Domain Index, Subnet, and Node from the LonWorks device (Appendix B (page 20)),
you will find this information in your .log file.
LonWorks Integration Guide CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018 i-Vu® Link and Open Link All rights reserved 6
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