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50JS, JX
Single-Packaged Heat Pump
A GuideTo Operating and MaintainingYour
Single-Package Heat Pump Unit
Congratulations on your excellent choice and sound invest-
ment in year-round home COlnfort!
Your new heat pump represents both the latest in engineering
developlnent and the culmination of maW years of experience
fFolrione of the most reputable lnanufacturers of comfort
Your new unit is alnong the most energy-et_cient and reliable
heat pump products available today. To assure its dependabili-
ty, spend just a few lninutes with this booklet now. Learn abom
the operation of your heat pump, and the small amount of main-
tenance it takes to keep it operating at its peak ei_ciency.
With minimal care, your new heat pump will provide you
with year-round home or oi_ce comfort_oth now and for
years to come.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety-alert symbol
z_. When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions
or manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, and
CAUTION. These words are used with the safety-alert symbol.
DANGER identifies the lnost serious hazards whichwill result
in severe personal injuW or death. WARNING signifies hazards
which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is
used to identify unsafe practices whichwould result in lninor
personal iNury or product and property damage. NOTE isused
to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation,
reliability, or operation.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, ser-
vice, maintenance, or use can cause explosion,
fire, electrical shock, or other conditions which
may cause serious injury, death or property dam-
age. Consult a qualified installer, service agency,
or your distributor or branch for information or as-
sistance. The qualified installer or agency must
use factory-authorized kits or accessories when
modifying this product.
Fig. 1--50JS/JX Unit
Maeufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurrieg obligations.
Book 1 1 PC 101 Catalog No. 535-00084 Printed in USA. 1/03 Form OM50-34 Pg 1 Replaces: OM50-26
Tab lb 5a

To prevent serious injury, death, or property dam-
age, read and follow all instructions and warnings,
including labels shipped with or attached to unit
before operating your new heat pump.
Identifying Your System
Take the time to thmiliarize yourself with your packaged heat
pump system. This knowledge will be of use in understauding
the basic operation of your new heat pump.
The unit has a rating plate affixed to it which provides neces-
sary inforlnation for specific identification of aunit. You should
familiarize yourself with the product, model, and serial num-
bers listed on each rating plate. Record theln for fimtre refer-
ence on the last page of this booklet.
To better protect your investlnent and to eliminate unnecessary
service calls, familiarize yourself with the following facts:
• Your heat pump system should never be operated without a
clean air filter properly installed. Plau to inspect the filter peri-
odically. A clogged air filter will increase operating costs aud
shorten the life of the unit.
• Supply-air and return-air registers should not be blocked.
Drapes, filrnimre, aud toys are some of the items colnlnonly
found obstructing registers. Restricted airflow lessens the
unit's efficiency aud life spau.
• The outdoor unit must have unrestricted airflow. Do not cov-
er the unit, lean anything against it, or stand on it. Do not allow
grass clippings, leaves, or other debris m accumulate around
or on top of the unit. Maintain a 12-in. lninilnum clearance
between the outdoor unit and tall grass, vines, shrubs, etc.
• Your lmdtipurpose indoor thermostat is the control center
for your heat pump system. You should t:amiliarize yourself
with its proper operation. Attempting to control the system by
other means for instauce, switching the electrical supply
power ON aM OFF may cause damage to the unit. (See
Fig. 3.)
• During heating, increasing the therlnostat setting more than
2° may cause the supplelnental heaters to be turned on for a
short period of time to satisfy the therlnostat. Needless use of
the supplelnentary heat reduces potential energy savings.
• You may find that you can lnaintain greater personal coin-
fort by running the fan continuously. "Air pockets" can forln
due to the structure of your home or office, placelnent of reg-
isters, etc. These air pockets may be too cool or warm for your
liking. Continuous thn operation minimizes any telnperature
differences. Also, systems equipped with electronic or
lnechanical air cleaners aud/or humidifiers offer the added
benefits of having the air continuously cleaued year-round aud
humidified during the winter season.
• A system equipped with a heat or energy recovery ventilator
offers the advantage of exhausting stale air [}o111your home or
office and allowing fresh air in from the outdoors while mini-
mizing heat loss.
• Your system may also be equipped with a zoning system
Fig. 2mTypical Installation
which allows individtml control over the telnperatures of sep-
arate areas of your home or office.
• Your heat pulnp will relnove hulnidity from your home or
office during the cooling season. After a few lniumes of oper-
ation, you should be able m see water triclde froln the conden-
sate drain. Check this occasionally to be sure the drain system
is not clogged. Of course, don't expect to see much drainage if
you live in a very dry enviromnent.
• During the heating cycle, air from your registers may seem
cooler thau you might first expect. This is because your heat
pump delivers a constaut flow of air at around 90°F to 105°F
instead of sudden bursts of hot air as with a conventional fitr-
nace. This air lnay feel cool because it is slightly cooler thau
your skin telnperature. However, it is sufficiently warm to
keep you COlnfortable.
• Ice or ti_ostwill tend to forln on the coil during the wiuter heat-
ing operation. Your heat pump is designed to atttomatically melt
the ice. When in this defrost cycle, it is norlnal for steam or fog to
rise froln the outdoor unit. Do not be alarmed!
• Do not operate your unit in the cooling mode when omdoor
telnperatures are below 40°F unless your unit was modified
for low-alnbient operation.
• Do not operate your unit in the heating mode when outdoor
telnperatures are above 66°F unless you set your therlnostat
to emergency heat lnode.
The operation of your heat pump system is controlled by the
indoor therlnostat. You simply adjust the therlnostat and it
maintains the indoor telnperature at the level you select. Most
therlnostats for heat pump systems have 3 controls: a temper-
ature control selector, a FAN control, and a SYSTEM or
MODE control. Refer to your T-stat owner's lnauual for more
Fig. 3mCarrier Non-Programmable T-stat