Carrier 19DA User Manual

Start-Up instructions
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Fig. 1 - 19DA Hermetic Refrigeration Machine


General - Use this booklet as a guide for initial
start-up of the 19DA Hermetic Centrifugal Re frigeration Machine. Read and fully understand these instructions plus all necessary Job Data before beginning initial start-up. Instructions are
given in the proper sequence for optimum ma
chine performance.

Job Data Required

1. Machine assembly prints
2. Wiring diagrams
3. Starter details
4. 19DA Installation Instructions
5. 19DA Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Equipment and Materials Required
1. Mechanics' tools
2. Volt-ohmmeter
3. Carrier refrigerant drum charging valve
4. 5/8" SAE X 3/4" MPT cooler charging adapter
5. Five to ten ft of copper tubing or plastic hose
6. Halide or electronic leak detector
7. Low-pressure indicator a. Absolute pressure manometer b. Wet-bulb indicator
8. Clamp-on ammeter
9. Portable dehydration pump


CAUTION: Do not operate refri^rant pump unless machine is charged with refrigerant. Do nor start compressor or oil pump, even for a rotation check, while machine is at vacuum. Check rotation only after compressor has been charged with oil and machine has been charged with refrigerant.
Machine Tightness - A shipping vacuum was ap
plied to the refrigerant side of the 19DA machine before shipment from the factory. Over a period of time, during shipment or storage, part of this vacuum may be lost. The loss of a small amount of vacuum may be acceptable and within Carrier's machine tightness standards. To determine if the vacuum loss is acceptable or not requires the following steps:
© Carrier Corporation 1966
Form 19DA-1SS
Fig. 2 - 19DA Rear View
Record and date vacuum reading shown on
compound pressure gage located on compres sor (Fig. 1).
With this reading and the reading taken when
the machine was received, determine vacuum leak rate using the following formula:
Leak Rate = Vacuum loss
H- No. of days between readings
3. If vacuum leak rate is 0.05 in. Hg or less per 24 hours, the machine is sufficiently tight. If vacuum leak rate exceeds this rate, per form "Refrigerant Pressure Test” and cor rect leakage.
EXCESSIVE OR TOTAL VACUUM LOSS - Ex cessive or total vacuum loss can be caused by accidental opening of a valve or other connec tion. If this is suspected, proceed as follows:
1. Install a mercury manometer (absolute pres sure type) to the cooler charging valve (Fig. 1). A dial type gage can not indicate the small amount of leakage acceptable during a short period of time.
2. Pull a vacuum on the machine equal to 25 in. Hg. Use external vacuum pump or energize purge pump (Fig. 2) using operation No. 2 described on the purge valve operation plate shown on Fig. 2.
3. Let the machine stand with this vacuum, and then perform the leak rate check previously outlined.
4. If the vacuum leak rate is 0.05 in. Hg or less per 24 hours, the machine is sufficiently tight. Perform all steps under "Machine Dehydra tion" (pg 3).
5. If the vacuum leak rate exceeds 0.05 in. Hg per 24 hours, perform all steps under "Re frigerant Pressure Test" (pg 2) and correct leakage. Perform all steps under "Machine
6. Remove the mercury manometer from cooler
charging valve.
1. Pull approximately five inches of vacuum on the machine by energizing machine purge pump
(Fig. 2). Use operation No. 2 described on the purge valve operation plate or with an external vacuum pump connected to the cooler charging valve (Fig. 1).
2. Charge approximately one gallon of Refrig
erant 11 thru the cooler charging valve. Refer to refrigerant charging instructions (pg 4).
3. Increase pressure to eight to ten psi with dry air or nitrogen thru the cooler charging valve. DO NOT EXCEED TEN PSI.
4. Test all joints, valves, fittings, flanges, etc. with a halide or electronic leak detector.
CAUTION: Due to rupture disc limitations : DO NOT EXCEED TEN PSI.
5. Repair any leaks found.
6. Reinspect joints and flanges with the leak de tector to ensure that all leaks have been found and repaired.
Machine Dehydration - The refrigerant side of
the 19DA machine is dehydrated at the factory. It is usually not necessary to repeat dehydration at initial start-up. However, if the machine has been open for a considerable length of time due to compressor removal, or if there was excessive loss of shipping vacuum, it is recommended that dehydration be repeated.
WARMING: Do not start compressor or oil pump even for a rotation check while machine ;
is under dehydration vacuum.
NOTE: Dehj'dration is rea'dily accomplished at
normal room temperature. If room temper ature is high, dehydration takes pbace more quickly. At low room temperature, dehydra tion is extremely difficult and special tech niques must be applied. Contact your Carrier representative.
Perform dehydration as follows:
CHECK WATER FLOW RATE - Water flows thru cooler and condenser must meet job require ments. Measure water pressure drop across cooler and condenser or across the pumps. Check to see that water flow rates agree with the de sign flow.
Follow the instructions on the caution tag
attached to the oil cooler which reads:
CAUTION: Clean water at 85 F maximum temperature to be provided. Valves and/or controls to limit the following:
Max inlet working press. 100 psi Water vel in tube, ft/sec 10 max - 6 min ; Water flow, gaL/min 7 max - 4 min : Water press, drop, psi diff 5 max - 2 min ;
The necessary valves and/or controls are
field supplied.
Field Wiring - Prior to starting equipment, refer
to wiring diagrams provided in Job Data and check power supply as follows:
1. Connect a voltmeter across power wires to compressor motor starter and measure volt age. Compare this reading with voltage rating
on compressor and starter nameplates.
1. Connect dehydration pump to the cooler charg ing valve (Fig. 1).
2. Ensure that all valves on the purge assembly are closed (Fig. 2). Purge valve Identification
numbers are found on the purge valve opera
tion plate at the valves.
3. Remove the A-B swing connection (shown under Valve Locations on the purge valve operation plate) and connect a mercury manometer (ab
solute pressure type) to the bottom common
4. Operate dehydration pump until manometer
reads 0.20 in. Hg (29.80 inches of vacuum at 30 inches barometer); continue to operate
pump for two more hours.
5. Close cooler charging valve; stop dehydration pump; record manometer reading.
6. After a two hour waiting period, take another manometer reading. If reading has not in creased, dehydration is complete. If reading has increased, repeat steps 4 and 5.
7. If the reading continues to rise after several dehydration attempts, suspect a machine leak. If this is the case, repeat the refrigerant pressure test.
2. Connect voltmeter across power wires to oil pump starter and measure voltage. Compare
this reading with voltage rating on oil pump nameplate.
3. Compare ampere rating on starter nameplate
with ampere rating on motor nameplate for agreement.
4. Test motor and motor supply cable insulation
resistance using a five-hundred volt insulation tester such as a megohmeter. Proceed as follows:
a. Open starter main disconnect switch. b. Test the three phases of compressor motor,
phase to phase, and phase to ground, with tester connected on the motor side of the starter contactor in the starter. Take re sistance readings at ten-second and sixty­second intervals for each phase.
c. Divide sixty-second resistance reading by
ten-second reading. This gives polarization ratio. The polarization ratio must be 1.15 or higher. The ten-second and sixty-second
resistance readings must be 5.0 megohms or higher.
Inspect Piping - Refer to piping diagrams pro
vided in Job Data and inspect chilled water piping,
condenser water piping, and water piping to oil cooler. Ensure that flow direction is correct in all cases and that all specified piping require ments are met.
NOTE: The above procedure will check condi tion of compres-sor motor and motor supply cable insulation. If above requix'ements are
not met, repeat the test at motor terminals with motor supply cables disconnected.
Check Starter - Before starting the 19DA, check
starter as follows:
1. Remove the contactor arc chutes. Be sure con tactors move freely, and that shipping string
has been removed. Replace arc chutes.
2. If starter has been left on jobsite for a consid erable period of time, check contactors for
dirt and rust. Clean contact magnet surfaces with emery cloth. Apply a very thin coating of vaseline to magnet surfaces, then wipe it off. If starter has been in a dusty atmosphere, vacuum clean starter cabinet and wipe with a lint-free cloth.
3. Remove fluid cups from magnetic overload relays. Add dashpot oil to cups per instructions
on relay nameplate. Dashpot oil is shipped in
small vials usually attached to starter frame near relays. Use only the dashpot oil shipped with starter. Do not substitute. Overload re lays are factory set for 111 percent of motor full load amperage and resetting is not nor mally required.
4. Check transfer timer for proper time setting. On Star-Delta starters, timers have adjust able ranges of ten seconds to three minutes and are factory set for one minute. On Auto-
Transformer starters, timers have adjustable
ranges of ten to forty seconds and are factory set for thirty seconds.
5. With main disconnect switch open, manually open and close main control relay (ICR) to be sure it operates freely.
Charge Oil - Use oil shipped with the machine.
Any substitute must meet Carrier's oil specifica tion outlined in 19DA Operation and Maintenance Instructions.
Charge oil thru the oil reservoir charging
valve (Fig. 1). With machine at vacuum, oil is drawn from the oil container. Continue charging until oil reaches middle of sight glass (Fig. 1).
Fig. 3 - Drum Charging Valve and Fitting
3. Start chilled water pump and circulate chilled water during charging process.
4. If machine pressure is eighteen inches of mer
cury (32 F) vacuum or lower, keep refrigerant drum upright, open valves and admit refrig erant gas to cooler. The machine under vacuum
will boil off liquid refrigerant, and raise ma
chine pressure, preventing possible freeze-up.
5. Charge the machine with the proper quantity
of refrigerant for the machine size given on a tag attached to the cooler charging valve (Fig. 1) or in Table 1.
NOTE: The refrigerant supplied v/ith this ? machine is in excess of that required for ^ initial charging. Use the correct amount as shown in T^>ie 1.
The machine under vacuum will draw refrig
erant from the drum.
6. After machine has been started, it may be necessary to adjust refrigerant charge for
optimum machine performance.
CAUTION: After charging oil, energize the oil heater to minimize absorption of refrig erant by the oil. The oil heater indicator light (Fig. 1) comes on when heater is energized. Set oil heater thermostat (Fig. 1) to maintain s a minimum oil reservoir temperature of 145 F i at shutdown.
Charging Refrigerant - To charge the 19DA ma
chine, proceed as follows:
1. Install a charging valve on the 3/4-inch drum opening as shown in Fig. 3. When the 3/4-inch
pipe nipple is screwed into the drum opening,
the nipple forces the bottle cap off its seat.
2. Connect a short piece of clear plastic hose or copper tubing from drum valve to cooler charg ing valve located beneath float chamber.
NOTE: Refer to "Trimming Refrigerant Charge” (pg II) for full load adjustment.
Table 1 - Charging Quantity
19DA-102 19DA-112 400 19DA-131 19DA-147 450
400 425
19DA-228 19DA-255 19DA-284
19DA-325 19DA-160 525 19DA-362 19DA-182 550 19DA-397 19DA-198 575
WT (lbs)
575 850 880 900 935 960
+ 8 hidden pages