Carrier 16DF013-050 User Manual

Hermetic Absorption Liquid Chillers/Heaters
Start-Up, Operation, and
Maintenance Instructions
Absorption liquid chillers/heaters provide safe and reliable service when operated within design specifications. When operating this equipment, use good judgment and safety precautions to avoid damage to equipment and property or injury to personnel.
Be sure you understand and follow the procedures and safety pre­cautions contained in the machine instructions as well as those listed in this guide.
DO NOT USE OXYGEN or air to purge lines, leak test, or pressurize a machine. Use nitrogen.
NEVER EXCEED specifie d test pressures. For the 16DF machine, the maximum pressure is 12 psig (83 kPa). For the chilled/hot water and condensing water piping, the maximum pressure is stamped on the machine.
WEAR goggles and suitable protective clothing when handling lith­ium bromide, octyl alcohol, inhibitor, lithium hydroxide, and hydro­bromic acid. IMMEDIATELY wash any spills from the skin with soap and water. IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES with water and con­sult a physician.
DO NOT USE eyebolts or eyebolt holes to rig machine sections or the entire assembl y.
DO NOT work on high-voltage equipment unless you are a qualified electrician.
DO NOT WORK ON electrical components, including control pan­els or switches, until you are sure ALL POWER IS OFF and no resid­ual voltage can leak from capacitors or solid-state components.
LOCK OPEN AND TAG electrical circuits during servicing. IF WORK IS INTERRUPTED, confirm that all circuits are deenergized before resuming work.
NEVER DISCONNECT safety devices or bypass electric interlocks and operate the machine. Also, never operate the machine when any safety devices are not adjusted and functioning normally .
DO NOT REPEAT unsuccessful ignition attempts or restart after flame failure without assurance that post-purge and prepurge have eliminated combustible gas or all vapors from the combustion cham­ber. DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT IGNITION of a burner if there is shutdown leakage of gas or oil through the fuel shutoff valves or from the fuel lines.
DO NOT syphon lithium bromide or any other chemical by mouth. BE SURE all hydrogen has been exhausted before cutting into purge chambers. Hydrogen mixed with air can explode when ignited.
WHEN FLAMECUTTING OR WELDING on an absorption ma­chine, some noxious fumes may be produced. Ventilate the area thor­oughly to avoid breathing concentrated fumes.
DO NOT perform any welding or flamecutting to a machine while it is under a vacuum or pressurized condition.
NEVER APPLY an open flame or live steam to a refrigerant cyl­inder. Dangerous overpressure can result. When necessary to heat a cylinder, use only warm (1 10 F [43 C]) water.
DO NOT REUSE disposable (nonreturnable) cylinders or attempt to refill them. It is DANG EROUS AND ILLEGAL. When c ylinder is emptied, bleed off remaining gas pressure, loosen the collar and unscrew and discard the valve stem. DO NOT INCINERATE.
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE fittings, covers, etc., while ma­chine is under pressure or while machine is running, and DO NOT
OPERATE or pressurize a machine without all cover plates or bolts in place.
CONNECT THE ABSORPTION CHILLER to a n em ergency power source to ensure that a constant power supply is maintained to the unit in the event that the main electrical power source is interrupted or temporarily lost. Failure to provide an emergency power source to the chiller could result in crystallization of the lithium bromide solution inside the machine, rendering it temporarily inoperative. A potentially lengthy decrystallization process might be required to return the chiller to normal operation depending on the severity of the crystalli­zation and/or the length of time the machine was without power.
PROVIDE AN EMERGENCY POWER SOURCE to the chilled water and condenser water pumps to prevent the possibility of an evaporator freeze-up. Failure to provide emergency power to these pumps could result in machine operation with no flow of water through the tubeside of the evaporator, absorber and condenser sec­tions thereby allowing the water inside the evaporator tubes to freeze. Further, a frozen evaporator tube can burst causing contamination of the lithium bromide solution and the inside of the chiller. A freeze-up in the evaporator will also result in a long period of chiller down time due to the extensive repairs required to bring the chiller and the lith­ium bromide solution back to its original condition.
DO NOT climb over a machine. Use platform, catwalk, or staging. Follow safe practices when using ladders.
DO NOT STEP ON machine piping. It might break or bend and cause personal injury.
USE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (crane, hoist, etc.) to lift or move inspection covers or other heavy components. Even if com­ponents are light, use such equipment when there is a risk of slipping or losing your balance.
VALVE OFF AND TAG steam, water, or brine lines before opening them.
DO NOT LOOSEN water box cover bolts until the water box has been completely drained.
DO NOT VENT OR DRAIN water boxes containing industrial brines, liquid, gases, or semisolids without permission of your process control group.
BE AWARE that certain automatic start arrangements can engage starters. Open the disconnect s a head of th e st ar ters i n addition to shut­ting off the machine or pum p.
INVESTIGATE THE CAUSE of flame failure or any other safety shutdown before attempting a restart.
KEEP EYES sufficiently away from sight tubes or burner openings, and wear a protective shield or safety glasses when viewing a burner flame.
USE only replacement parts that meet the code requirements of the original equipment.
DO NOT ALLOW UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS to tamper with burner equipment or machine safeties, or to make major repairs.
PERIODICALLY INSPECT all valves, fittings, piping, and relief devices for corrosion, rust, leaks, or damage.
PROVIDE A DRAIN connection in the vent line near each pressure relief device to prevent a build-up of condensate or rain water.
IMMEDIATELY wipe or flush the floor if lithium bromide or octyl alcohol is spilled on it.
BE SURE combustion air inlets to the equipment room are open and clear of any blockage.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 1 Ta b 5 b
PC 211 Catalog No. 531-603 Printed in U.S.A. Form 16DF-1SS Pg 1 801 5-92 Replaces: New
INTRODUCTION ..............................3
MACHINE DESCRIPTION ...................3-13
Basic Absorption Cooling Cycle ..............3
Double Effect Reconcentration ................3
Basic Heating Cycle ..........................3
Machine Construction ........................3
Cooling Cycle Flow Circuits ..................6
Heating Cycle Flow Circuits ..................6
Solution Cycle and Equilibrium Diagram ......9
Purge ......................................13
Operation Status Indicators ..................13
Burner .....................................13
MACHINE CONTROLS .....................14-32
General .....................................14
Start-Stop System ...........................14
Machine Control Panel ......................14
Status Indicator Sticker .....................15
Adjustment Switches ........................15
Indicator LEDs ..............................16
Remaining Time Indication for
Dilution Cycle .............................19
Control Wiring ..............................19
Typical Control Sequence —
Normal Cooling Start ......................25
Typical Control Sequence —
Normal Heating Start ......................25
Typical Control Sequence —
Normal Cooling Stop ......................28
Typical Control Sequence —
Normal Heating Stop ......................28
Abnormal Shutdown ........................29
Operating Limit Controls ....................30
Automatic Capacity Control .................31
Burner Control ..............................32
BEFORE INITIAL START-UP ................32-36
Job Data and Tools Required ................32
Inspect Field Piping .........................33
Inspect Field Wiring .........................33
Inspect Machine Controls ...................34
Burner System ..............................36
Standing Vacuum Test ......................36
Machine Evacuation .........................36
INITIAL START-UP .........................37-40
Job Data and Tools Required ................37
Noncondensable Evacuation .................37
Solution and Refrigerant Charging ...........37
Operational Controls Check and
Adjustment ...............................39
Initial Combustion ..........................39
Add Octyl Alcohol ...........................40
Initial Start Operation .......................40
Capacity Control Adjustments ...............40
Refrigerant Charge Final Adjustment .........40
Check Machine Shutdown ...................40
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ...............40-45
Operator Duties .............................40
Before Starting Machine .....................43
Cooling/Heating Operation
Changeover ..............................43
Start Machine ...............................43
Heating Start-Up or Cooling Start-Up
After Limited Shutdown ...................43
Cooling Start-Up After
Extended Shutdown (More than 21 Days) ...43
Start-Up After Below-Freezing
Conditions ................................43
Operation Check ............................43
Normal Shutdown Procedure ................44
Shutdown Below Freezing Conditions ........45
Actions After Abnormal Shutdown ...........45
Actions After Power Interruption .............45
Every Day of Operation ......................46
Every Month of Operation ...................46
Every 2 Months of Operation ................46
Every 6 Months of Operation or
Cooling/Heating Changeover ..............46
Every Year (At Changeover of Cooling/
Heating Cycle or Shutdown) ...............46
Every 2 Years ...............................46
Every 5 Years or 20,000 Hours
(Whichever is Shorter) ....................46
Log Sheets .................................46
Absorber Loss Determination ................46
Machine Leak Test ..........................46
Machine Evacuation .........................48
Purge Exhaust Procedure ...................48
Solution or Refrigerant Sampling ............48
Solution Analysis ...........................49
Inhibitor ....................................49
Adding Octyl Alcohol ........................49
Removing Lithium Bromide from Refrigerant .49
Refrigerant Charge Adjustment ..............49
Capacity Control Adjustment ................49
Operating and Limit Controls ................49
Burner Checks and Adjustments .............50
Service Valve Diaphragm Replacement .......50
Hermetic Pump Inspection ...................50
Condensing Water Tube Scale ...............53
Water Treatment ............................53
Solution Decrystallization ...................53
Internal Service .............................53
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ...............54-56
Everyone involved in the start-up, operation, and main­tenance of the 16DF machine should be thoroughly familiar with these instructions, the separate burner instructions, and other necessary job data before initial start-up, and before operating the machine or performing machine maintenance. Procedures are arranged in the sequence required for proper machine start-up and operation.
NOTE: In this manual, temperatures are shown in °C first, with °F given in parentheses ( ), when a temperature dis­play is in °C or a control set point scale is in °C values.
Basic Absorption Cooling Cycle —
sorption chiller uses water as the refrigerant in vessels main­tained under a deep vacuum. The chiller operates on the simple principle that under low absolute pressure (vacuum), water takes up heat and vaporizes (boils) at a low temperature. For example, at the very deep vacuum of 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) of mercury absolute pressure, water boils at the relatively cool temperature of only 40 F (4 C). To obtain the energy re­quired for this boiling, it takes heat from, and therefore chills, another fluid (usually water). The chilled fluid then can be used for cooling purposes.
To make the cooling process continuous, the refrigerant vapor must be removed as it is produced. For this, a solution of lithium bromide salt in water is used to absorb the water vapor. Lithium bromide has a high affinity for water, and will absorb it in large quantities under the right conditions. The removal of the refrigerant vapor by absorption keeps the machine pressure low enough for the cooling vaporiza­tion to continue. However, this process dilutes the solution and reduces its absorption capacity. Therefore, the diluted lithium bromide solution is pumped to separate vessels where it is heated to release (boil off) the previously absorbed wa­ter. Relatively cool condensing water from a cooling tower or other source removes enough heat from this vapor to con­dense it again into liquid for reuse in the cooling cycle. The reconcentrated lithium bromide solution is returned to the original vessel to continue the absorption process.
The 16DF ab-
Double Effect Reconcentration — With this chiller,
reconcentration of the solution is done in 2 stages to im­prove the operating efficiency. Approximately half of the
diluted solution is pumped to a high-temperature vessel (high stage) where it is heated for reconcentration directly from the combustion of gas or light oil. The rest of the solution is pumped to a low-temperature vessel (low stage) where it is heated by the hotwatervaporgeneratedinthehigh-temperature vessel. The low stage acts as the condenser for the high stage, so the heat energy first applied in the high-stage vessel is used again in the low-stage vessel. This cuts the heat input to almost half of that required for an absorption chiller with a single-stage reconcentrator.
Basic Heating Cycle — The heating cycle uses a dif-
ferent vapor flow path than that used for cooling, and does not use the absorption process. The high-temperature water vapor produced in the direct fired high-stage vessel is passed directly to the heating tubes where it condenses and trans­fers its heat into the circulating hot water. The condensed water then flows by gravity to mix with the concentrated so­lution which had returned from the high-stage vessel. This diluted solution then is pumped back to the high-stage ves­sel to repeat the vapor generation for the heating function.
Machine Construction — The major sections of
the machine are contained in several vessels (Fig. 1- 4, Table 1).
The large lower shell contains the evaporator section in its upper part and the absorber section at the bottom. In the evaporator,therefrigerantwatervaporizesinthe cooling cycle and cools the chilled water for the air conditioning or cool­ing process. In the heating cycle, hot water vapor flows into the evaporator section where it condenses and heats the hot water for the heating process. The heat transfer tube bundle in the evaporator is used for both cooling and heating. In the absorber, vaporized refrigerant water is absorbed by lithium bromide solution in the cooling cycle. In the heating cycle, condensed refrigerant water from the evaporator drains into the absorber where it is mixed with the strong solution.
The short vessel with the burner, located next to the evaporator/absorber assembly,is the high-stage generator.The vessel above it is the separator. In both the cooling and heat­ing cycles, approximately half of the diluted lithium bro­mide solution is heated directly from the combustion of gas or oil. The water vapor created in this process is released from the reconcentrated solution in the separator vessel.
The smaller shell above the evaporator/absorber assem­bly contains the low-stage generator and condenser. In the cooling cycle, about half of the diluted lithium bromide solution is heated and reconcentrated in the low-stage generator by high-temperature vapor from the high-stage gen­erator. The water vapor released from the solution in this process is condensed to liquid in the condenser section. This vessel is not used in the heating cycle, although about half of the diluted solution does flow through the generator.
This chiller also has: 2 solution heat exchangers to im­prove operating economy; an external purge system to main­tain machine vacuum by the continuous removal of noncon­densables; 2 hermetic pumps to circulate the solution and refrigerant; various operation, capacity, and safety devices to provide automatic, reliable machine performance; and the ability to manually switch between cooling and heating operation.
Fig. 1 — 16DF Machine, Front View
Fig. 2 — Machine Controls and Components, Schematic
Fig.3—Valve and Component Locations, Front View
Fig.4—Valve and Component Locations, Rear View
Table1—Valve Descriptions
A Heating/Cooling Vapor B Heating/Cooling Liquid C Heat Exchanger Service D Palladium Cell Isolation E Purge Storage Tank Evacuation
F Auxiliary Evacuation G Vacuum/Pressure Gage H Solution Pump Service
J Refrigerant Pump Service K High-Stage Generator Service
Cooling Cycle Flow Circuits — Figure 5 illustrates
the basic flow circuits of the 16DF absorption chiller during the cooling cycle.
The liquid to be chilled is passed through the evaporator tube bundle and is cooled by the evaporation of refrigerant water sprayed over the outer surface of the tubes by the re­circulating refrigerant pump. The refrigerant vapors are drawn into the absorber section and are absorbed by the lithium bromide-water solution sprayed over the absorber tubes. The heat picked up from the chilled liquid is transferred from the absorbed vapor to cooling water flowing through the ab­sorber tubes.
The solution in the absorber becomes diluted as it absorbs water, and loses its ability to continue the absorption. It is then transferred by the solution pump to the generator sec­tions to be reconcentrated. Approximately half of the weak (diluted) solution goes to the high-stage generator where it is heated directly by the combustion of gas or oil to boil out the absorbed water. The mixture of reconcentrated solution and vapor rises to the separator, where the vapor is released and is then passed to the low-stage generator tubes. In the low-stage generator, the rest of the weak solution is heated by the high-temperature vapor from the high-stage separa­tor, to boil out the remaining absorbed water.
The resulting water vapor from the low-stage generator solution passes into the condenser section and condenses on tubes containing cooling water.This is the same cooling wa­ter which had just flowed through the absorber tubes. The condensed high-temperature water from the low-stage gen­erator tubes is also passed over the condenser tubes where it is cooled to the condenser temperature. The combined con­densed refrigerant liquid, from the 2 generators, now flows back to the evaporator to begin a new refrigerant cycle.
The strong (reconcentrated) solution flows from the 2 gen­erators back to the absorber spray headers to begin a new solution cycle. On the way, it passes through solution heat exchangers where heat is transferred from the hot, strong so­lution to the cooler, weak solution being pumped to the gen­erators. Solution to and from the high-stage generator passes through both a high-temperature heat exchanger and a low­temperature heat exchanger. Solution to and from the low­stage generator passes through only the low-temperature heat
exchanger,mixedwiththe high-stage generator solution. This heat transfer improves solution cycle efficiency by preheat­ing the relatively cool, weak solution before it enters the gen­erators, and precooling the hotter, strong solution before it enters the absorber.
During high-load cooling operation, some abnormal con­ditions can cause the lithium bromide concentration to in­crease above normal. When this happens, a small amount of refrigerant is transferred by an evaporator overflow pipe into the absorber solution to limit the concentration. This is nec­essary to keep the strong solution concentration away from crystallization (see Solution Cycle and Equilibrium Dia­gram section, page 9).
The evaporator refrigerant level is directly related to ma­chine solution concentration. As the concentration increases (has less water), so does the refrigerant level. As the solution concentration increases beyond a safe limit, the refrigerant level rises to the level of the overflow pipe and some spills over to flow into the absorber. The concentration at which the refrigerant overflows is determined by the amount of re­frigerant (water) which is charged into the machine.
If, for some reason, the machine controls and evaporator overflow do not prevent strong solution crystallization dur­ing abnormal operating conditions, and flow blockage oc­curs, the strong solution overflow pipe will reverse or limit the crystallization until the cause can be corrected. The over­flow pipe is located between the low-temperature gen­erator discharge box and the absorber, bypassing the heat exchangers.
If crystallization occurs, it generally takes place in the shell side of the low-temperature heat exchanger, blocking the flow of strong solution from the generators. The strong solution then backs up in the discharge box and spills over into the overflow pipe, which returns it directly to the absorber sump. The solution pump then returns this hot solution through the heat exchanger tubes, automatically heating and decrystal­lizing the shell side.
Heating Cycle Flow Circuits — Figure 6 illustrates
the basic flow circuits of the 16DF absorption chiller during the heating cycle.
The liquid to be heated is passed through the evaporator tube bundle and is heated by condensation of hot water va­por from the high-stage generator. The solution flowing from the absorber, through the heat exchangers to the generators via the solution pump, and then back through the heat ex­changers to the absorber sprays is basically the same as in the cooling cycle. However, the solution is heated and re­concentrated only in the high-stage generator. The heating refrigerant water cycle is quite different from that of the cool­ing cycle. The cooling water flow is turned off, as is the re­frigerant recirculating pump.Thehigh-temperaturewatervapor from the high-stage generator is diverted to the evaporator, and the condensed vapor in the evaporator is drained di­rectly to the absorber solution.
A,B — Connecting Piping from Purge
CA1 — Solution Pump Motor Overload CA2 — Refrigerant Pump Motor Overload CA3 — Burner Blower Motor Overload FA1 — Chilled/Hot Water Flow Switch FD Burner Flame Detector LCD — Level Control Device M—Burner Firing Rate Positioning
PA1 — High-Temperature Generator High-
PA2 — Low Gas Pressure Switch PA3 — High Gas Pressure Switch PA4 — Low Combustion Air Pressure
*See Purge Unit insert.
NOTE: Service valve connections are
Unit Diagram to Machine Cycle Diagram
Pressure Switch
⁄2-in. NPT.
PI1 High-Temperature Generator
Pressure Gage
PI3 Supply Gas Pressure Gage PI4 Regulated Gas Pressure Gage TA1 Chilled/Hot WaterTemperature Limit TA2 Solution Pump Motor High-
Temperature Limit
TA3 Exhaust Gas High-Temperature
TA4 Fire Tube High-Temperature Limit TA5 Return End Refractory
High-Temperature Limit
TI1-3 — Weak Solution Temperature
Measurement Wells
TI4-6 — Strong Solution Temperature
Measurement Wells
Fig. 5 — Cooling Cycle with Data Points
TI7 — Refrigerant Temperature
Measurement Well
TI8 — Refrigerant Condensate Tempera-
ture Measurement Well
TI9 — Exhaust Gas Temperature
Measurement Gage
TS1 — Leaving Chilled/Hot Water
Temperature Sensor
TS2 — Weak Solution Temperature
TS3 — High-Temperature Generator
Vapor Temperature Sensor
TS4 — Entering Chilled/Hot Water
Temperature Sensor
TS5 — High-Temperature Generator
Strong Solution Temperature Sensor
A,B — Connecting Piping from Purge
CA1 — Solution Pump Motor Overload CA2 — Refrigerant Pump Motor Overload CA3 — Burner Blower Motor Overload FA1 — Chilled/Hot Water Flow Switch FD Burner Flame Detector LCD — Level Control Device M—Burner Firing Rate Positioning
PA1 — High-Temperature Generator High-
PA2 — Low Gas Pressure Switch PA3 — High Gas Pressure Switch PA4 — Low Combustion Air Pressure
*See Purge Unit insert.
NOTE: Service valve connections are
Unit Diagram to Machine Cycle Diagram
Pressure Switch
⁄2-in. NPT.
PI1 High-Temperature Generator
Pressure Gage
PI3 Supply Gas Pressure Gage PI4 Regulated Gas Pressure Gage TA1 Chilled/Hot WaterTemperature Limit TA2 Solution Pump Motor High-
Temperature Limit
TA3 Exhaust Gas High-Temperature
TA4 Fire Tube High-Temperature Limit TA5 Return End Refractory
High-Temperature Limit
TI1-3 — Weak Solution Temperature
Measurement Wells
TI4-6 — Strong Solution Temperature
Measurement Wells
Fig. 6 — Heating Cycle with Data Points
TI7 — Refrigerant Temperature
Measurement Well
TI8 — Refrigerant Condensate Tempera-
ture Measurement Well
TI9 — Exhaust Gas Temperature
Measurement Gage
TS1 — Leaving Chilled/Hot Water
Temperature Sensor
TS2 — Weak Solution Temperature
TS3 — High-Temperature Generator
Vapor Temperature Sensor
TS4 — Entering Chilled/Hot Water
Temperature Sensor
TS5 — High-Temperature Generator
Strong Solution Temperature Sensor
Solution Cycle and Equilibrium Diagram — The
solution cycles for cooling and heating operation can be il­lustrated by plotting them on a basic equilibrium diagram for lithium bromide in solution with water (Fig. 7 and 8). The diagram is also used for performance analyses and troubleshooting.
The left scale on the diagram indicates solution and water vapor pressures at equilibrium conditions. The right scale indicates the corresponding saturation (boiling or condens­ing) temperatures of the refrigerant (water).
The bottom scale represents solution concentration, ex­pressed as percentage of lithium bromide by weight in so­lution with water. For example, a lithium bromide concen­tration of 60% means 60% lithium bromide and 40% water by weight.
The curved lines running diagonally left to right are so­lution temperature lines (not to be confused with the hori­zontal saturation temperature lines). The single curved line beginning at the lower right represents the crystallization line. The solution becomes saturated at any combination of tem­perature and concentration to the right of this line, and it will begin to crystallize (solidify) and restrict flow.
The slightly sloped lines extending from the bottom of the diagram are solution-specific gravity lines. The concentra­tion of a lithium bromide solution sample can be determined by measuring its specific gravity with a hydrometer and read­ing its solution temperature. Then, plot the intersection point for these 2 values and read straight down to the percent lithium bromide scale. The corresponding vapor pressure can also be determined by reading the scale straight to the left of the point, and its saturation temperature can be read on the scale to the right.
PLOTTING THE COOLING SOLUTION CYCLE — An absorption solution cycle at typical full load conditions is plotted in Fig. 7 from Points 1 through 12. The correspond­ing values for these typical points are listed in Table 2. Note that these values will vary with different loads and operating conditions.
Point 1 represents the strong solution in the absorber, as it begins to absorb water vapor after being sprayed from the absorber nozzles. This condition is internal and cannot be measured.
Point 2 represents the diluted (weak) solution after it leaves the absorber and before it enters the low-temperature heat exchanger.Thisincludes its flow through the solution pump. This point can be measured with a solution sample from the pump discharge.
Point 3 represents the weak solution leaving the low­temperature heat exchanger. It is at the same concentration as Point 2 but at a higher temperature after gaining heat from the strong solution. This temperature can be measured. At this point, the weak solution is split, with approximately half of it going to the low-stage generator,and the rest of it going on to the high-temperature heat exchanger.
Point 4 represents the weak solution in the low-stage gen­erator after being preheated to the boiling temperature. The solution will boil at temperatures and concentrations corre­sponding to a saturation temperature established by the va­por condensing temperature in the condenser. This condition is internal and cannot be measured.
Point 5 represents the weak solution leaving the high­temperature heat exchanger and entering the high-stage gen­erator. It is at the same concentration as Points 2 and 3, but at a higher temperature after gaining heat from the strong solution. This temperature can be measured.
Point 6 represents the weak solution in the high-stage gen­erator after being preheated to the boiling temperature. The solution will boil at temperatures and concentrations corre­sponding to a saturation temperature established by the va­por condensing temperature in the low-stage generator tubes. This condition is internal and cannot be measured.
Point 7 represents the strong solution leaving the high-stage generator and entering the high-temperature heat exchanger after being reconcentrated by boiling out refrigerant. It can be plotted approximately by measuring the temperatures of the leaving strong solution and the condensed vapor leaving the low-stage generator tubes (saturation temperature). This condition cannot be measured accurately.
Point 8 represents the strong solution from thehigh-temperature heat exchanger as it flows between the 2 heat exchangers. It is the same concentration as Point 7, but at a cooler tem­perature after giving up heat to the weak solution. It is an internal condition and cannot be measured.
Point 9 represents the strong solution leaving the low-stage generator and entering the low-temperature heat exchanger. It is at a weaker concentration than the solution from the high-stage generator, and can be plotted approximately by measuring the temperatures of the leaving strong solution and vapor condensate (saturation temperature). This condi­tion cannot be measured accurately.
Point 10 represents the mixture of strong solution from the high-temperature heat exchanger and strong solution from the low-stage generator after they both enter the low­temperature heat exchanger. It is an internal condition and cannot be measured.
Point 11 represents the combined strong solution before it leaves the low-temperature heat exchanger after giving up heat to the weak solution. This condition is internal and can­not be measured.
Point 12 represents the strong solution leaving the low­temperature heat exchanger and entering the absorber spray nozzles, after being mixed with some weak solution in the heat exchanger. The temperature can be measured but the concentration cannot be sampled. After leaving the spray nozzles, the solution is somewhat cooled and concentrated as it flashes to the lower pressure of the absorber.
Fig. 7 — Equilibrium Diagram, Cooling Cycle
Table2—Typical Full Load Cooling Cycle Equilibrium Data
1 111 44 0.26 6.6 62.2 41 5 2 100 38 0.26 6.6 59.0 41 5 3 158 70 1.20 30.0 59.0 84 29 4 181 83 2.20 56.0 59.0 104 40 5 289 143 23.00 584.0 59.0 198 92 6 300 149 27.00 686.0 59.0 208 98 7 332 167 27.00 686.0 64.5 208 98 8 167 75 0.80 20.3 64.5 72 22
9 194 90 2.20 56.0 62.0 104 40 10 178 81 1.30 33.0 63.4 86 30 11 126 52 0.39 9.9 63.4 51 11 12 117 47 0.30 7.6 62.0 45 7
°F °C in. Hg mm Hg °F °C
PLOTTING THE HEATING SOLUTION CYCLE —Aheat­ing solution cycle at typical full load conditions is plotted in Fig. 8 from Points 1 through 11. The corresponding values for these typical points are listed in Table3.Theheating cycle operates with lower (more dilute) solution concentrations than used with the cooling cycle because most of the refrigerant water is drained from the evaporator into the solution. Note that these values will vary with different loads and operating conditions.
Point 1 represents the strong solution in the absorber after being sprayed from the absorber nozzles, before it begins to mix with condensed water vapor draining from the evapo­rator. The temperature of the solution to the spray nozzles can be measured, but the concentration cannot be sampled.
Point 2 represents the diluted (weak) solution, with the con­densed water, leaving the absorber and entering the low­temperature heat exchanger.Thispoint can be measured with a solution sample from the pump discharge.
Point 3 represents the weak solution as it leaves the low­temperature heat exchanger. It is at the same concentration as Point 2 but at a slightly warmer temperature after gaining some heat from the strong solution. This temperature can be measured. At this point, the weak solution is split, with ap­proximately half of it going to the low-stage generator, and the rest of it going to the high-temperature heat exchanger. Although the solution sent to the low-stage generator is not used in the heating function, the solution distribution and flow rates are maintained approximately the same as in the cooling cycle to minimize piping and control differences.
Point 4 represents the weak solution as it leaves the high­temperature heat exchanger and enters the high-stage gen­erator. It is at the same concentration as Points 2 and 3, but at a higher temperature after gaining heat from the strong solution. This temperature can be measured.
Point 5 represents the weak solution in the high-stage gen­erator after being preheated to the boiling temperature. The solution will boil at temperatures and concentrations corre­sponding to a saturated temperature established by the vapor condensing temperature in the evaporator. This condition is internal and cannot be measured.
Point 6 represents the strong solution leaving the high-stage generator and entering the high-temperature heat exchanger after being reconcentrated by boiling out refrigerant water. The heat energy in the vapor produced in this process is used directly for heating the circulating hot water in the evapo­rator. The leaving strong solution temperature can be mea­sured but the saturation temperature cannot be measured ac­curately to plot the point.
Point 7 represents the strong solution from thehigh-temperature heat exchanger as it flows between the two heat exchangers. It is the same concentration as Point 6, but at a cooler tem­perature after giving up heat to the weak solution. It is an internal condition and cannot be measured.
Point 8 represents the weak solution leaving the low-stage generator and entering the low-temperature heat exchanger. It is at a slightly higher concentration than the entering so­lution because it has picked up some heat from the hot vapor in the generator tubes, as an incidental occurrence in the flow process.
Point 9 represents the mixture of strong solution from the high-temperature heat exchanger and the weak solution from the low-stage generator after they both enter the low­temperature heat exchanger. It is an internal condition and cannot be measured.
Point 10 represents the combined strong solution before it leaves the low-temperature heat exchanger, after giving up heat to the weak solution. This is an internal condition and cannot be measured.
Point 11 represents the strong solution leaving the low­temperature heat exchanger and entering the absorber spray nozzles, after being mixed with some weak solution in the heat exchanger. The temperature can be measured, but the concentration cannot be sampled. After leaving the spray nozzles, the solution is somewhat cooled and concentrated as it flashes to the lower pressure of the absorber.
Fig. 8 — Equilibrium Diagram, Heating Cycle
Table3—Typical Full Load Heating Cycle Equilibrium Data
1 188 87 4.1 104 54.4 127 53
2 188 87 6.4 163 50.5 142 61
3 199 93 8.0 203 50.5 152 67
4 248 120 21.0 533 50.5 199 93
5 255 124 24.0 610 50.5 207 97
6 307 153 24.0 610 60.6 207 97
7 195 91 2.8 71 60.6 113 45
8 202 94 8.0 203 51.5 152 67
9 198 92 4.7 119 56.0 130 54 10 190 88 4.0 102 56.0 125 52 11 190 88 4.9 124 54.0 131 55
°F °C in. Hg mm Hg °F °C
Purge — The basic components and flow circuits of the
motorless purge are shown in Fig. 9.
The purge system automatically removes noncondens­ables from the machine and transfers them to a storage cham­ber where they cannot affect machine operation. Noncondensables are gases which will not condense at the normal chiller operating temperatures and pressures (N
, etc.) and, because they reduce the machine vacuum, they
would also reduce the machine capacity.
Hydrogen (H normal operation, and its rate of generation is controlled by
) gas is liberated within the machine during
the solution inhibitor. The presence of most other gases in the machine would occur either through a leak (the machine is under a deep vacuum) or during service activities.
While the machine is operating, any noncondensables ac­cumulate in the absorber which is the lowest pressure area of the machine.
For purging, noncondensables are continuously drawn from the absorber into the lower pressure of an eductor, where they are entrained in solution flowing from the solution pump. The mixture then continues on to the purge storage tank. The noncondensables are released in a separator and the solution flows back to the absorber by way of the generator overflow pipe. Typicallymost of the noncondensable gas is hydrogen, which is automatically passed out to the atmosphere through a heated palladium membrane cell.
Any other gas accumulates in the purge storage tank where it is isolated from the rest of the machine. It is then removed from the storage tank, when necessary, by a vacuum pump connected to the tank exhaust valve. If the machine is main­tained in a leak-tight condition, as it should be, the storage tank is normally exhausted once or twice a year, during a normal shutdown period or seasonal changeover. When it is necessary to remove noncondensables directly from the ma­chine, such as after service work, a vacuum pump can be connected to the auxiliary evacuation valve, which is con­nected directly to the absorber through an isolation check valve.
Operation Status Indicators — The 16DF absorp-
tion chiller/heater is equipped with several instruments and sight glasses for direct observation of its operation in addi­tion to a digital display of the temperature sensed for ma­chine control and for codes (Tables 4 and 5).
High-Temperature Generator Compound Gage
Exhaust Gas Thermometer
Table 4 — 16DF Instruments
Low-Temperature Generator Steam Chamber
High-Temperature Generator Exhaust Stack
High-Temperature Generator Vessel Pressure
Exhaust Gas Discharge Temperature
Table 5 — 16DF Sight Glass
Absorber Sight Glass
High-Temperature Generator Sight Glass
Combustion Chamber Sight Glass
Evaporator Refrigerant Overflow Pipe
High-Temperature Generator Level Control Device Box
High-Temperature Generator Combustion Chamber Return End
Absorber Liquid Level Refrigerant Overflow
High-Temperature Generator Liquid Level
Combustion and Refractory Insulation Status
Burner — The burner is a packaged, forced-draft type,
with modulating firing rate control. It is supplied with com­ponents selected for operation with either gas, light oil, or both fuels, and with appropriate safety and control compo­nents to comply with specified code, insurance, and juris­dictional agency requirements.
Specific information is contained in the burner manual ac-
companying each burner.
Fig. 9 — Purge System
This machine uses a microprocessor control system. Do not short or jumper between terminations on printed cir­cuit boards. Control or board failure may result. Also, when performing welding, wiring, or an insulation re­sistance test on the machine, disconnect wiring to the CPU (Control Processing Unit) board to avoid risk of voltage damage to the board components.
Be aware of electrostatic discharge (static electricity) when handling or making contact with the printed cir­cuit boards. Always touch a grounded chassis part to dissipate body electrostatic charge before working in­side the control center.
Use extreme care when handling tools near boards and when connecting or disconnecting terminal plugs. Circuit boards can easily be damaged. Always holdboards by edges and avoid touching components and pin con­nections. Always store and transport replacement or de­fective boards in anti-static bags.
General — The 16DF machine uses a microprocessor-
based control center which monitors and controls all opera­tions of the machine. It also has a separate burner control center, under direction of the machine control center, to pro­vide burner sequence control and combustion supervision. The integrated control system matches the cooling and heat­ing capacities of the machine to the respective cooling and heating loads, while providing state-of-the-art machine protection.
The system controls the machine output temperatures within the set point deadband by sensing the leaving chilled and hot water temperatures and regulating the burner heat input ac­cordingly. Machine protection is provided by continuously monitoring critical conditions and performing control over­rides or safety shutdowns, if required.
Start-Stop System — The type of start-stop system is
selected by the customer. The most commonly used systems are described below. Review the descriptions and determine which system applies to your job.
SEMIAUTOMATIC START-STOP — In this basic system, auxiliary equipment is wired into the machine control cir­cuit and machine is started and stopped manually with the machine Start and Stop switches. Two variations are used:
With Pilot Relays — The coils for the chilled/hot water and condensing water pump starters (or other auxiliary equip­ment) are wired into the machine control circuit so that the auxiliary equipment operates whenever machine operates. The starter contacts and starter overloads remain in the external pump circuits. The pump flow switch(es) and auxiliary starter circuits are also wired into the machine control circuit and must be closed for the machine to operate.
WithManualAuxiliaries — With this system, the auxiliaries must be started manually and independently from the ma­chine start, and they must be operating before the machine can start. As with the pilot relay system above, the flow switch(es) and auxiliary starter contacts are in the machine control circuit and must be closed for the machine to operate.
FULL AUTOMATIC START-STOP — This system is ba­sically the same as the semiautomatic system with pilot re­lays described above. Machine and auxiliary start and stop, however are controlled by a field-supplied thermostat, timer, or other automatic device when the TS6 Local/Remote switch is in the REMOTE position, and the machine Start switch has been depressed.
Machine Control Panel — The 16DF standard con-
trol panel is shown in Fig. 10.
3CI Three-Character Indicator 51RP Refrigerant Pump Overcurrent Relay 51SP Solution Pump Overcurrent Relay 88RP Refrigerant Pump Electromagnetic
88SP Solution Pump Electromagnetic
BZ Alarm Buzzer CX Remote Control Auxiliary Relay* DL Door Latch ET1,2 Grounds F0 End-Contact Fuse F1-5 Enclosed Fuses MCB1,2 — Main Circuit Breakers NF1,2 Line Noise Filters PB1 Start Pushbutton Switch PB2 Stop Pushbutton Switch PK1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Board PK2 Input Terminal Module PK3 Output Terminal Module RY1 External Emergency Stop Auxiliary Relay RY2-5 Burner Safety Shutdown Auxiliary Relays SK1-3 Surge Suppressors ST1 Display Code Identification Sticker
SWR1,2 — Switching Regulators T1 Burner Safety Shutdown (‘‘Off’’ Delay Timer) TB1-3 Terminal Boards TR1 Transformer TR2 Direct Current Control Circuit
TR3 Alternating Current Control Circuit Transformer TS2-6 Operation Switches TS1 Direct Current Power Supply (On/Off) TX Remote Control Circuit Auxiliary Relay*
*CX,TX auxiliary relays for remote operation are
optionally installed signals.
(see also Fig. 11)
Fig. 10 — Control Panel
Status Indicator Sticker — The sticker shown in
Fig. 11 is located on the front of the control panel. It iden­tifies the basic codes for machine operating status and safety shutdown, as displayed by the 3-character indicator on the front of the control panel.
NOTE: See Digital Temperature Display, page 16, and Ad­justment Switches, below, for switch selections that display temperatures being measured by the machine sensors as well as the machine cumulative run time.
Adjustment Switches — These are located on the cir-
cuit board on the inside panel door. TOGGLE SWITCHES (Fig. 12) — These are summarized
in Table 6 and discussed in greater detail in various sections throughout this manual.
Table 6 — Control Panel Toggle Switches
TS1 On-Off Direct Current Power Supply TS2 Auto.-Manual Dilution Valve TS3 Cool-Heat Select Cool/Heat TS4 Open-Close Capacity Control Valve TS5 Auto.-Manual Capacity Control Valve TS6 Remote-Local Operation
1. Time display selection shows thecumulative machine operating time inhours on the panel door operating status indicator. With the capacity control valve selection in the AUTO. position, momentarily depressing the switch to OPEN displays the first 3 digits of the time, and depressing the switch to CLOSE displays the last 2 digits and decimal. Example:
OPEN position indicates = 012 CLOSE position indicates = 345 Cumulative run time = 01234.5 hours
2. With capacity control valve selection in the MANUAL position, momentarily depressing the switch to OPEN or CLOSE will move the burner fuel control valve and air damper proportionally open or closed.
Fig. 12 — Control Panel Toggle Switches
Fig. 11 — Control Panel Status Indicator Sticker
SET POINT AND DIP (Dual In-Line Package) SWITCHES (Fig. 13-16) — These switches are used to adjust chilled wa­ter and hot water capacity control temperature set points (also see Automatic Capacity Control section, page 31); to select the type of remote control signal; to display temperatures of the various machine temperature control sensors; and for serv­ice selections.
Chilled/Hot Water Control Location — SW11 switch 2 (Fig. 16) determines whether the capacity controller will use the chilled/hot water inlet nozzle sensor (UP position), or the outlet nozzle sensor (DOWN position).
NOTE: DOWN is the typical selection. Chilled Water Capacity Control TemperatureSetPoint — The
chilled water control temperature is determined by the set­ting on SW2 (Fig. 13, right side). The settings are incre­ments of 1° C (1.8° F) from 0° to 9° C (0° to 16° F), and the control temperature is the SW2 setting above a base tem­perature of 5 C (41 F), for an adjustable range of 5 to 14 C (41 to 57 F). For example, a selection of 2 on SW2 would be a setting of 2° C plus5C(7Ctotal) (3.6° F plus 41 F =
44.6 F total). Hot Water Capacity Control Temperature Set Point — The
hot water control temperature is determined by the settings on SW1 (Fig. 13, left side) and on SW10 switches 1 and 2 (Fig. 15). The SW1 settings are increments of 1° C (1.8° F) from 0° C to 9° C (0° to 16° F). The SW10 1 and 2 selec­tions are for a base temperature of either 40 C (104 F), 50 C (122 F), 60 C (140 F), or 70 C (158 F). The control temperature is the SW2 setting above the selected base temperature, for an adjustable range of 40 to 79 C (104 to 174 F). For example, a selection of 2 on SW1 and placing both SW10 switches in the UP position would be a setting of 2° C plus 70 C (72 C total) (3.6 F plus 158 F =
161.6 F total).
Remote ON/OFF Signal — When the Local/Remote Opera­tion toggle switch (Fig. 12) is in the REMOTE position, SW11 switch 1 (Fig. 16) will determine whether the remote signal is to be a remotely powered on/off voltage signal to the ma­chine control circuit (UP position), or is from machine con­trol circuit power through remote dry contacts (DOWN position).
Digital Temperature Display — The temperatures being mea­sured by the machine’s analog sensors will be displayed in °C by the 3-character indicator on the front of the control panel when DIP switch 6 on SW11 (Fig. 16) is placed in the UPposition.OtherwisethisswitchshouldbeleftintheDOWN position for normal operating status indication. The tem­peratures will be shown in 8 sequential displays, with the first of the 3 characters indicating the channel (sensor) and the second and third characters showing the temperature. The first 6 channels indicate temperatures of 0° to 99 C (32 to 210 F) directly, and the seventh indicates, by code, 0° to 200 C (32 to 392 F). See Table 7.
Indicator LEDs — Fig. 17 shows the status of the ma-
chine’s light-emitting diode (LED) indicator lights for DIP switch 5 of SW11 (Fig. 16).
Chilled and Hot Water Temperature Limit Settings on SW9 (Fig. 14) and Capacity Control Response Speed on SW10 (Fig. 15) — The purpose and selection of these settings are
SW1 — Hot Water Temperature Setting SW2 — Chilled Water Temperature Setting
explained in the Automatic Capacity Control section.
Table 7 — Digital Temperature Display Codes
0 00 to 99 Chilled/hot water leaving temperature 1 00 to 99 Weak solution leaving absorber temperature 2 00 to 99 High-stage generator vapor temperature 3 00 to 99 Chilled/hot water entering temperature 4 Not used at this time 5 Not used at this time 6 Not used at this time 7 Code display High-stage generator leaving solution temperature
*Example: A display showing 7C3 means channel 7 measures 123 C (253.4 F).
A 100 212 B 110 230 C 120 248 D 130 266 E 140 284 F 150 302 H 160 320
Fig. 13 — Load Water Temperature
Adjustment Switches
This is the unit of temperature in 1° C increments (1.8° F) added to the base temperature*
Fig. 14 — Switch SW9
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