Carrier 16DF013-050 User Manual

Installation Instructions
Absorption liquid chiller/heaters provide safe and reliable service when operated within design specifications. When operating this equipment, use good judgment and safety pre­cautions to avoid damage to equipment and property or in­jury to personnel.
Be sure you understand and follow theproceduresandsafety precautions contained in the machine instructions as well as those listed in this guide.
NEVER EXCEED specified testpressures.Forthe16DF ma­chine, the maximum pressure is 12 psig (83 kPa). For the chilled/hot water and condensing water piping, the maxi­mum pressure is stamped on the machine.
WEAR goggles and suitable protective clothing when han­dling lithium bromide, octyl alcohol, inhibitor, lithium hy­droxide, and hydrobromic acid. IMMEDIATELY wash any spills from the skin with soap and water. IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES with water and consult a physician.
DO NOT USE eyebolts or eyebolt holes to rig maching sec­tions or the entire assembly.
DO NOT work on high-voltage equipment unless you are a qualified electrician.
DO NOT WORK ON electrical components, including con­trol panels or switches, until you are sure ALL POWER IS OFF and no residual voltage can leak from capacitors or solid­state components.
LOCK OPEN AND TAG electrical circuits during servic­ing. IF WORK IS INTERRUPTED, confirm that all circuits are deenergized before resuming work.
NEVER DISCONNECT safety devices or bypass electric in­terlocks and operate the machine. Also, never operate the machine when any safety devices are not adjusted and func­tioning normally.
DO NOT syphon lithium bromide or any other chemical by mouth.
BE SURE all hydrogen has been exhausted before cutting into pure chambers. Hydrogen mixed with air can explode when ignited.
WHEN FLAMECUTTING OR WELDING on an absorp­tion machine, some noxious fumes may be produced. Ven­tilate the area thoroughlyto avoid breathing concentrated fumes.
Hermetic Absorption Liquid
DO NOT perform any welding or flamecutting to a machine while it is under a vacuum or pressurized condition.
NEVER APPLYan open flame or live steam to a refrigerant cylinder.Dangerous overpressure can result. When necesary to heat a cylinder, use only warm (110 F [43 C]) water.
DO NOT REUSE disposable (nonreturnable) cylinders or at­tempt to refill them. It is DANGEROUS AND ILLEGAL. When cylinder is emptied, bleed off remaining gas pressure, loosen the collar and unscrew and discard the valve stem. DO NOT INCINERATE.
DO NOTA TTEMPTTOREMOVE fittings, covers, etc., while machine is under pressure or while machine is running. DO NOT OPERATE or pressurize a machine without all cover plates or bolts in place.
DO NOT climb over a machine. Use platform, catwalk, or staging. Follow safe practices when using ladders.
DO NOT STEP ON machine piping. It might break or bend and cause personal injury.
USE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (crane, hoist, etc.) to lift or move inspection covers or other heavy components. Even if components are light, use such equipment when there is a risk of slipping or losing your balance.
VALVE OFF AND TAG steam, water, or brine lines before opening them.
DO NOT LOOSEN water box cover bolt until the water box has been completely drained.
DO NOT VENT OR DRAIN water boxes containing indus­trial brines, liquid, gases, or semisolids without permission of your process control group.
BE AWARE that certain automatic start arrangements can engage starters. Open the disconnects ahead of the starters in addition to shutting off the machine or pump.
INVESTIGATE THE CAUSE of flame failure or any other safety shutdown before attempting a restart.
KEEP EYES sufficiently away from sight tubes or burner openings, and wear a protective shield or safety glasses when viewing a burner flame.
USE only repaired or replacement parts that meet the code requirements of the original equipment.
DO NOTALLOWUNAUTHORIZED PERSONS to tamper with burner equipment or machine safeties, or to make ma­jor repairs.
PERIODICALLY INSPECT all valves, fittings, piping, and relief devices for corrosion, rust, leaks, or damage.
PROVIDE A DRAIN connection in the vent line near each pressure relief device to prevent a build-up of condensate or rain water.
IMMEDIATELY wipe or flush the floor if lithium bromide or octyl alcohol is spilled on it.
BE SURE combustion air inlets to the equipment room are open and clear of any blockage.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 2 Tab 5b
PC 211 Catalog No. 531-602 Printed in U.S.A. Form 16DF-1SI Pg 1 3-92 Replaces: New
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ................ 1
INTRODUCTION .......................... 2
General .................................. 2
Job Data .................................. 2
Identify Machine and Burner ..............2
Inspect Shipment .......................... 2
Check Shipping Vacuum .................. 2
Check Shipping Pressure .................. 2
Provide Machine Protection ................ 2
RIGGING AND POSITIONING .............. 3-6
Rigging One-Piece Units .................. 3
Rigging 2-Piece Units ...................... 3
Position and Level The Equipment ........6
MACHINE ASSEMBLY .................... 7,8
Assemble 2-Piece Units .................... 7
Machine Leak Test ........................ 7
Machine Evacuation ...................... 7
MOUNTING THE BURNER ................8,9
Rigging .................................. 8
Frontplate an Burner Installation ..........8
Fuel System Installation ..................9
FIELD PIPING ............................ 9-12
Connect Water Piping ...................... 9
Fusible Plug Drain Piping .................. 11
Connect Rupture Disc Piping .............. 12
Connect Fuel Piping ...................... 12
Connect Exhaust Duct .................... 12
INSULATION AND PAINT .................. 12
Insulation (If Required) .................... 12
Final Paint Coat (If Required) .............. 12
Check Available Power Supply and Safety
Interlocks ................................ 12
Machine Control Panel External Wiring ... . 12
Burner Control Panel Wiring ..............12
CHARGING .............................. 12
and leak tested. Installation (not by Carrier) consists prima­rily of establishing water, fuel, exhaust, and electrical ser­vices to the machine as well as mounting and connecting the burner. Rigging, installation, insulation, painting, field wir­ing, and field piping are the responsibility of the contractor and/or customer. Carrier has no installation responsibilities for the equipment.
The 16DF machine is factory assembled, wired,
NOTE: The chiller/heater machine and the burner are shipped separately from different sources.
Identify Machine and Burner — The machine and
burner model numbers and serial numbers are stamped on machine identification plates. Check this information against shipping papers and job data.
Inspect Shipment — (Fig. 1). Single-piece machines
Inspect for shipping damage while machine and burner are still on shipping conveyance. If either appears to be dam­aged or has been torn loose from its anchorage, have it ex­amined by transportation inspectors before removal. Forward claim papers directly to transportation company. Manufac­turer is not responsible for any damage incurred in transit.
Check all items against shipping list. Immediately notify your Carrier office if any item is missing.
To prevent loss or damage, leave all parts in original pack­ages until installation.
Check Shipping Vacuum — To check for leaks that
have occurred during shipment on single-piece machines:
1. Connect an absolute pressure gage to a service valve.
2. Record the absolute pressure of the assembly. If vessel
pressure is greater than 0.28 in. (7 mm) of mercury, the machine has acquired a leak in shipping, and must be leak tested. Refer to the Machine Leak Test procedure for in­structions.
Check Shipping Pressure — To check for leaks that
have occurred during shipment on 2-piece machines:
1. Connect a pressure gage (30 psig [200 k Pa]) to a service
valve on each piece.
2. If the vessel has lost its pressure, it has acquired a leak
during shipping and must be leak tested after positioning and assembly.Refer to the Machine LeakTest section for instructions.
Provide Machine Protection — Ifthe machine will
not be installed immediately, it is very important to use a drop cloth or plastic covering to protect the machine from construction dirt and moisture before installation. Also, do
not remove protective shipping cover on control panel until ready to use.
Job Data — Necessary information consists of: ma-
chine location drawings, piping drawings, field wiring dia­grams, and rigging guide.
1—Condenser 2—Low-Stage Generator 3—Flue Stack 4—Separator 5—High-Stage Generator 6—Burner
7—Burner Control Panel 8—Solution Heat Exchanger
9—Chiller/Heater Control Panel 10 — Absorber 11 — Evaporator
Fig. 1 — Machine Components (Front View)
Rigging procedures vary depending on whether the ma-
chine is shipped in one or 2 pieces.
Rigging 2-Piece Units
PREPARATION — Two-piece units must be prepared for installation before they can be rigged.
1. Open auxiliary evacuation valves to relieve pressure in absorber-evaporator shell.
Lifting machine from points other than those specified may result in serious damage and personal injury. Rig­ging equipment and procedure must be adequate for machine weights and sizes. Refer to Table 1 for machine weights, Fig. 2 and Tables 2 and 3 for overall dimensions.
2. Open shipping valve on generator assembly to relieve pressure.
3. Remove all piping end plates by flamecutting the end plate and weld flange around their outer diameter. Cut these pieces as shown in Fig. 5 for proper reconnection.
4. Grind the cut pieces smooth for a close fit when the ma­chine pieces are assembled.
Carefully position cables on machine to avoid damage to
small piping, controls, or wiring. contact the floor at the same time.
Keep shell horizontal when lifting or lowering so all legs
To avoid contaminates and debris getting into chiller, do not leave machine open any longer than necessary.
RiggingOne-PieceUnits — Lift entire assembly with
cable hooks and shackles connected to the 3 lifting holes on the absorber-evaporator assembly (lower part of machine), and with the center balance point location, as shown in Fig. 3 and 4. Lifting from other holes or locations can dam­age the machine. See Mounting the Burner section for burner rigging instructions.
Do not remove any stock from pipe ends. Do not get slag inside machine while flamecu<tting.
V Lifting Holes
Fig. 3 — Rigging One-Piece Units, Typical, Top View
Fig. 2 — 16DF Views (Typical)
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