3. Connect test leads to device or circuit being measured.
4. Voltage value will appear on the display along with the
voltage polarity.
1. Connect red lead to “V Ω mA” jack, black leads to “COM” jack.
2. Set switch to desired DCA position.
3. Open the circuit to be measured, and connect test leads IN
SERIES with the load in which current is to be measured.
4. Read current value on the display.
1. Connect red lead to “V Ω mA” jack, black leads to “COM” jack.
2. Set switch to desired Ω position.
3. If the resistance being measured is connected to a circuit, turn
off power and discharge all capacitors before measurement.
4. Connect test leads to circuit being measured.
5. Read resistance value on the display.
1. Connect red lead to “V Ω mA” jack, black leads to “COM” jack.
2. Set switch to position.
3. Connect the red test lead to the anode of the diode to be
measured and black test lead to cathode.
4. The forward voltage drop in mV will be displayed. If the diode
is reserved, figure “1” will be shown.
1. Set switch to the hFE position.
2. Determine whether the transistor is NPN of PNP type and
locate the emitter, base and collecter leads. Insert the leads
into the proper holes of the hFE socket on the front panel.
3. The meter will display the approximate hFE value at the
condition of base current 10µA and VCE 3V.