Mold Inhibitor
(item #876165)
Cooking medium: Mold inhibitors (ours is methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, Tegosept® M) are used
in Drosophila culture media to reduce the growth of undesirable fungi that may contaminate
cultures and retard the development of the flies. It is important not to use more mold inhibitor
than necessary as it also inhibits the growth of yeast and flies.
Various published formulae call for concentrations of Tegosept® ranging from 0.07% to
0.2%. Although most references call for dissolving the mold inhibitor in alcohol, we have found
it simpler to add the mold inhibitor powder to boiling water.
Dissolve 15 g of agar and 1 to 2 g of mold inhibitor (item #876165) in 500 mL of boiling
water. Add 130 mL of sulfur-free molasses and again bring to boiling. Mix 100 g of dry yellow
cornmeal (fine grain) with 250 mL of cold water; pour this mixture into the boiling solution and
cook for a few minutes. While the medium is still thin enough to pour easily, pour it 2 to 3 cm
deep in the culture vessels. Sterilizing is not necessary.
Cooked Drosophila Media (five formula options)
Carolina Biological Supply Company
800.334.5551 • www.carolina.com
© 2013 Carolina Biological Supply Company