Carolina Mammal Brain Dissection Guide

CarolinaTMMammal Brain
Dissection Guide
Cerebral aqueduct
Fourth ventricle
Central canal
Pineal body
Superior colliculus
Third ventricle
Corpus callosum
Septum pellucidum
Olfactory bulb
Optic nerve
©2005 Carolina Biological Supply Company
Printed in USA
CarolinaTMMammal Brain Dissection Guide
The Carolina™ Mammal Brain Dissection Guide is a general set of instructions for dissecting mammal brains. With each type of brain, there will be differences in the size of the structures and brain regions, but the general structures and their relative location will be the same or very similar.
Follow safe laboratory practices when performing any dissection. Wear safety glasses or goggles, gloves, and lab aprons when dissecting. Perform dissections on a dissecting tray or pan to contain specimens and fluids. Be careful when using sharp instruments such as scalpels, forceps, teasing needles, and scissors.
1. Review the glossary provided at the end of the dissection guide. Refer to the Mammal Brain Section
diagram to help you observe and identify external and internal structures.
2. Place the brain on a dissecting tray
3. Observe the dura mater, or outer meninges, if they are present and were not removed prior to
preservation. The two remaining meninges, pia and arachnoid, form a thin covering which adheres to the surface of the cerebrum. Use forceps to gently remove these layers.
4. Identify the cerebrum. On the cerebral surface, observe the grooves known as sulci. Also observe the ridges called gyri. Identify the medial longitudinal fissure, which separates the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.
5. Locate the four lobes of the cerebrum. At the anterior portion of the brain is the frontal lobe, which controls motor functions. Dorsal to this lobe is the parietal lobe, which receives and processes somatic sensory information. Inferior to the parietal lobe are the temporal lobes. The temporal lobes receive and process auditory sensations. The dorsal portion of the cerebrum mak receives and processes sensations from the eyes.
6. Locate the cerebellum, which is inferior to the occipital lobe of the cerebrum. The cerebellum has an outer cortex and is folded. It is incompletely divided by a dorsal central ridge called the vermis. The cerebellum controls muscle coordination.
7. Place the brain on the dissecting tray brain stem, and spinal cord.
8. The cranial nerves and pituitary were cut when the brain was removed from the skull. You should be able to identify the olfactory bulb, which lies below the frontal lobe of the cerebrum. Identify the optic chiasma. This x-shaped structure is formed by the crossover of the right and left optic nerves. The optic nerves have been removed, but portions of the optic chiasma are visible.
, dorsal side up.
es up the occipital lobe, which
, ventral surface up. Locate the following structures: medulla, pons,
9. Place the brain on a dissecting tray longitudinal fissure. Insert a scalpel into the fissure and cut through the corpus callosum connecting the two cerebral hemispheres. Continue to cut, dividing the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem into two longitudinal halves.
10. Each hemisphere contains a lateral ventricle, referred to as the first and second ventricles. The lateral ventricles can be located by removing the septum pellucidum. The septum pellucidum is a thin, transparent membrane located inferior to the corpus callosum on each hemisphere.
, dorsal side up. Using your fingers, gently widen the medial
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