Carolina 3M Petrifilm Yeast Molds Count Plates User Manual

3M™ Petrifilm™
Yeast and Mold Count
Instruction Manual
Teamed with Teachers
The 3M™ Petrifilm™ Yeast and Mold Count (YM) Plate is a ready-made culture medium system that contains nutrients supplemented with antibiotics, a cold-water-soluble gelling agent, and an indicator dye that makes colonies easier to see. Petrifilm plates are manufactured with a grid background to facilitate counting colonies. Petrifilm YM plates can be used in place of standard fungal nutrient media such as Potato Dextrose Agar in many applications, as described below:
• Petrifilm plates can be hydrated with a culture or a dilution of a culture for counting the viable organisms present. See Method A.
• Petrifilm plates can be hydrated first with water or buffer, then inoculated by swabbing, streaking, or touching to surfaces. See Method B.
• Cells can be removed from colonies growing on Petrifilm plates and used to inoculate additional cultures or for staining.
• Experimental results on Petrifilm plates can be converted into electronic files by scanning the plates on a standard computer-linked scanner. Do not open plates to scan them.
Petrifilm plates were developed for use in the food and beverage industry. They have been certified for official analyses in many countries. For more information about these applications, see the 3M page on the World Wide Web at
Refrigerate unopened packages at 8ºC (46ºF). Use before expiration date on package.
To seal an opened package, fold the end over and tape it shut (fig. 1). Keep resealed packages at room temperature and less than 50% relative humidity. Do not refrigerate opened packages. Use plates from the opened package within one month after opening.
Figure 1
©1999 Carolina Biological Supply Company Printed in USA
Petrifilm YM plates contain the antibiotics chloramphenicol and tetracycline to prevent bacterial growth. The hydrated medium should not come into
contact with skin. Do not inoculate Petrifilm YM plates by touching them.
After use, Petrifilm YM plate will contain viable yeast and mold colonies. Opening a used YM plate risks spreading spores. If allowed to sit for several days, molds can grow out of the plates and spread spores. For these reasons, it is recommended that Petrifilm YM plates be taped shut after inoculation, and disposed of within a week of inoculation.
Use sterile technique when handling Petrifilm plates. Disinfect work area before and after use, and wash hands before leaving the laboratory.
Directions for Use
Method A. Inoculation with liquid sample
Inoculate and spread each Petrifilm plate before going on to the next plate.
1. If a Petrifilm plate pack has been stored in the refrigerator, let the
package come to room temperature before opening it. This step prevents condensation from forming inside the package.
2. Place the Petrifilm plate on a level surface, with the gridded side down.
Lift the top film (fig. 2).
Figure 2
3. With pipet perpendicular to the Petrifilm plate, place 1 mL of sample
onto the center of the bottom film (fig. 3). If necessary, samples can be diluted with distilled water, liquid culture medium, or buffer. If antibiotics are to be added to the medium, add them to the inoculating liquid at the working concentration.
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