Bore-Gard® Installation – 150 ft.,190 ft. & 240 ft.
Gross Automation (877) 268-3700 · www.carlonsales.com · sales@grossautomation.com
Liberty Island, New York
Distance of Installation: 150 feet,190 feet and 240 feet
Maximum Pulling Force on Pipe: Approx. 1000 pounds
Reamer Diameter: 16” Backreamer
Soil Conditions: Granite wall, rock fill, dirt and water
The Liberty Island was needed to provide future utility and cable needs. Horizontal
Directional Drilling was the preferred method of installation because it minimized any
disruption to the islands pristine environment and tourist activities and Bore-Gard’s
convenient 10 and 20 foot lengths were ideal for limited space. Three bores were needed
on the island, the first was 150 ft. under a bricked walkway to the corner of the gift shop,
the second was 190 ft near a row of oak trees, and the third was 240 ft. under a recessed
walkway near the base of the statue.
Left: Limited spaces and
minimizing disruption to the
pristine environment and
daily tourist activities made
Horizontal Directional
Drilling and Carlon BoreGard the ideal solution.
bove: Bore-Gard was transported to the
island, after visiting hours, on a 10,000 s.
ft barge pushed by a tugboat.
Left: Using a 16” backreamer, two 6
inch Bore-Gard ducts are being pulled
into the 190 ft. bore