Bore-Gard® Installation - 1,000 ft.
Gross Automation (877) 268-3700 · www.carlonsales.com · sales@grossautomation.com
Perry, Oklahoma
Distance of Installation: 1,000 feet
Maximum Pulling Force on Pipe: Approx. 7,500 pounds
Reamer Diameter: 8 inch “Beaver Tail”
Soil Conditions: Wet Clay
To test the upper limit of Bore-Gard, a 1,000 foot run was installed at the Ditch Witch
test facility. Both 10 and 20 ft. lengths were randomly assembled together. The
challenging installation was successfully completed in only a few hours. Even this
long installation did not exceed Bore-Gard’s maximum load rating of 8,700 pounds.
Above Left: Bore-Gard PVC pipe is being attached to the Condux® pulling eye and Ditch Witch® 8
inch “Beaver Tail” reamer. Above Right: Bore-Gard pipe before the 1,000 ft. installation.
At Left: In the foreground is the reamer attached to the drill string.
Barely visible from 1,000 feet on the horizon is the drilling machine.
Above Right: A close-up look at the powerful Ditch Witch® JT2720
that quickly and easily pulled in the 1,000 ft. string of Bore-Gard.