625SSM / SSMR ⅝" X ½" 8 GPM ¼ - 20 GPM
6251SSM / SSMR ⅝" X ¾" 10 GPM ¼ - 20 GPM
¾" X ¾"
15 GPM
½ - 30 GPM
200SSM / SSMR 2" 80 GPM 2 - 160 GPM
Leaders in water measurement and control
Website: www.carlonmeter.com
E-mail: carlon@carlonmeter.com
Note: All meter ends have straight threads, not tapered.
*For complete specifications, visit www.carlonmeter.com
Stainless Steel Series Water Meter
The only suggested maintenance is to annually remove the meter from the
water line and gently back flush the meter to remove particles that may have
been trapped by the strainer. Back flushing is running the water into the
meter from the outlet side instead of the normal flow direction. If some
unusual evidence of meter performance is observed during maintenance,
please contact the factory.
A broken tamperproof wire & seal indicates the meter has been
Carlon Meter, Inc.(hereinafter Carlon or “the company”) warrants products of its manufacture to be free of
defects in material or workmanship. Liability under this warranty extends for twelve (12) months from the
date of purchase. Liability is limited to repair or replacement of any failed product or assembly proven to be
defective in material or workmanship upon manufacturer’s examination. Removal and installation costs are
not included under this warranty. Manufacturer’s liability shall never exceed selling price of the meter or
assembly in question. Carlon disclaims all liability for damage its products caused as the result of improper
installation, maintenance, use or attempts to operate products beyond their intended functionality,
intentionally or otherwise. Carlon is not responsible for damages, injuries or expenses incurred through the
use of its products. The above warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied. No
agent of the company is authorized to alter or otherwise revise this warranty.

SSM® & SSMR® Multi-Jet Meter Installation Instructions
1. Flush the line thoroughly after plumbing changes to eliminate the In addition to the multi-jet meters, a reed
possibility of foreign contaminants reaching the meter. switch is supplied which is set to activate every
time a gallon of water passes through the meter. 25 feet of wire is
2. Install meter horizontally with the register facing up and the inlet port provided to allow mounting the non-resettable remote reader in an
facing the supply water line. easily read, convenient location. Additional wire is available.
The remote reader furnished with the meter is battery operated, self
3. Operating pressure maximum of 150 psi. powered with an 8 digit LCD display. It receives the signal from the
reed switch on the meter and is connected by using the two-wire, no
4. It is recommended that if there is any possibility that the water polarity cable provided.
supply contains foreign contaminants, a Carlon strainer be installed
between the water supply and the meter. Display: Liquid Crystal, 8 Digit, .315" high
5. It is not recommended that the meter be run for long periods of Dimensions: Depth 3½", Width 2½", Height 1¾"
time at the maximum flow rating as excess wear will result and Operating Temperature:
the life of the meter will be reduced.
6. To reduce potential harmful effects to equipment from water
hammer caused by quick closing valves, it is suggested that you 1.
Locate the remote in a convenient location. If outdoors; note
purchase and install a Carlon slow-closing solenoid valve.
temperature range. Protect remote from direct exposure to the
7. Protect the meter from freezing and from heat in excess of 122° F.
2. Wire remote reader to electric contact meter.
8. Protect meter from any backflow of water opposite indicated direction
of flow. 3. It is recommended that the remote reader be kept away from
solenoids, contactors, fans and any other inductive devices.
9. For outdoor installation, protect meter (and remote counter) from
direct exposure to the elements. 4.
If the SSMR® remote style meter is installed outdoors; the meter
and counter must be protected from direct exposure to the
■ The straight, unobstructed pipe section in front of the meter elements.
should be as follows:
One Bend = 10 x Diameter of pipe 5. The remote reader advances 1 digit for each contact received
Valves (check, gate, etc.) = 12 X Diameter of pipe from the meter*.
Two Bends or One Tee and one bend(s) at random =
25 X Diameter of pipe *Exception: The remote reader for the 1½" and 2" meters registering in
Liters will advance 1 digit for every 10 Liters of water that passes through
■ Straight, unobstructed pipe section downstream of meter =
the meter.
SSMR® Remote Reader Installation:
SSMR® (Remote Reader) Meters: