Specifications are subject to change without notice (30.09.2005) 1
• High-current, high-voltage
• AC Solid State Relay
• Zero switching
• Rated operational current: 50, 90 and 110 AACrms
• Non-repetitive voltage: U
to 1600 V
• Rated operational voltage: Up to 600 VACrms
• High surge current capability
• Insulation: OPTO (input-output) 4000 VACrms
Product Description
These high-current, high-voltage solid state relays are
designed for ON-OFF or phase
controlling of high-power AC
applications. High current and
high dV/dt capabilities will allow switching of inductive loads
e.g. transformers, motors, val-
Solid State Relay
Switching mode
Rated operational voltage
Rated operational current
Control voltage
Non-rep. peak voltage
Ordering Key
Solid State Relays
Type Selection
Switching mode Rated operational Rated operational Control voltage Non-rep. voltage
voltage current
A: Zero switching 24: 230 VACrms 50: 50 AACrms -D: 4.5 to 32 VDC 06: 650 V
Optional: 40: 400 VACrms 90: 90 AACrms 10: 1000 V
B. Instant-on switching 48: 480 VACrms 110: 110 AACrms 12: 1200 V
60: 600 VACrms 16: 1600 V
RA 24 .. -D 06 RA 40 .. -D 10 RA 48 .. -D 12 RA 60 .. -D 16
Operational voltage range 24 to 280 VACrms 24 to 440 VACrms 24 to 530 VACrms 24 to 690 VACrms
Non-rep. peak voltage ≥ 650 V
≥ 1000 V
≥ 1200 V
≥ 1600 V
Zero voltage turn-on ≤ 15 V ≤ 15 V ≤ 15 V ≤ 20 V
Operational frequency range 45 to 65 Hz 45 to 65 Hz 45 to 65 Hz 45 to 65 Hz
Power factor ≥ 0.5 @ 400 VACrms ≥ 0.5 @ 400 VACrms ≥ 0.5 @ 480 VACrms ≥ 0.5 @ 690 VACrms
Approvals CSA, UL CSA, UL CSA, UL CSA (max 600 VAC),
CE-marking Yes Yes Yes Yes
Selection Guide
Rated operational Non-rep. voltage Control voltage Rated operational current
voltage 50 AACrms 90 AACrms 110 AACrms
230 VACrms 650 V
4.5 to 32 VDC * * RA 24110-D 06
400 VACrms 1000 V
4.5 to 32 VDC * RA 4090 -D 10 RA 40110-D 10
480 VACrms 1200 V
4.5 to 32 VDC * * RA 48110-D 12
600 VACrms 1600 V
4.5 to 32 VDC RA 6050 -D 16 RA 6090 -D 16 RA 60110-D 16
* Please refer to standard range, RA-relays.
General Specifications
Industrial, 1-Phase ZS, High V olt./Current Range
Types RA 60 50 -D 16, RA .. 90 -D .., RA .. 110 -D..
ves and solenoids as well as
all resistive loads. A zero
crossing drive circuit will minimize the negative effects of
different load types. Optocouplers provide an ideal interface to logic level DC-outputs.
RA 60 110 -D 16