CARLO GAVAZZI POWERSOFT, PowerSoft Configurator Instruction Manual

Instructions for the system configuration
and synoptic setup
PowerSoft – Instruction manual 2
1 THE CONFIGURATOR.............................................................................................3
1.1 What the configurator is........................................................................................................................4
1.2 The configurator functions...................................................................................................................5
1.3 Structure...................................................................................................................................................6
1.3.1 System ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 Communication ports................................................................................................................................8
1.3.3 Meters......................................................................................................................................................10
1.3.4 Synoptic...................................................................................................................................................15
2 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION...................................................................20
2.1 My system is based exclusively on serial lines. Can I configure it in a totally automated way? 21
2.2 My system is based on serial lines and Ethernet lines. Can I configure it in a totally
automated way?........................................................................................................................................................22
2.3 Is it possible to delete one or more instruments?............................................................................23
2.4 How can I add the temperature to the power analyser measured variables? ..............................24
2.5 Is it possible to insert a planimetric diagram in the synoptic pages?..........................................25
PowerSoft – Instruction manual 3
PowerSoft – Instruction manual 4
The configurator is a software, independent of PowerSoft, whose purpose
is simplifying and automating the configuration process which allows
PowerSoft to fit the specific system to be interfaced and monitored. Its use
is limited to the configuration process only.
To carry out the automatic configuration procedure, both the
communication networks and the instrumentation are to be correctly
installed and set by the user. It is always possible to perform a manual
configuration or to modify the automatically-set parameters.
PowerSoft – Instruction manual 5
PowerSoft configurator is a tool which allows to configure the system,
from the instrument networks to the synoptic generation. Particularly, the
configurator allows to:
§ automatically locate the installed communication
§ search for the instrument/s connected to the located
§ configure and test all the found instruments;
§ automatically generate and/or manually modify the
synoptics relevant to the system.
PowerSoft – Instruction manual 6
The configurator is divided in 4 different sections named System,
Communication ports, Meters and Synoptic pages. Opening the software, the
default section is System. Carrying out the proper operations in each section,
the software generates all the configuration files required to adapt
PowerSoft to the system to be monitored. The section order is not random,
but each section needs and uses the information set in the previous one. It
is important to follow the given order when programming the software the
first time. In case of parameter modifications it is possible to act directly in
the relevant section.
1.3.1 SYSTEM
In this section it is possible to set some essential parameters, carry out the
global automatic configuration and save a backup copy of the current
configuration or reload a previously-stored situation.
A very important parameter is the “system recording interval” which is the
period considered by the utility supplier to calculate the demanded power
of the monitored system. In Europe it is generally 15 minutes. It is based
on the PC clock and, in the 15 minutes example, it begins at minutes 00, 15,
30 and 45. To synchronise the PC (and therefore PowerSoft) with the
utility supplier integration periods, it is possible to use the digital inputs of
one of the connected instruments. These inputs are to be connected to the
digital output (synchronisation output or current tariff outputs) if available
on the official watthourmeter installed by the utility supplier.
The language selection is only relevant to the configurator.
Now it is possible to carry out the automatic configuration (Global wizard)
or to manually set all the parameters. step by step following the proposed
order. The best suggestion is to carry out the automatic procedure and then
manually intervene, if necessary, on the generated parameters.
PowerSoft – Instruction manual 7
From this section, the backup archive can be managed. This archive allows
§ store a backup copy of the current configuration
(network/s, meter/s and synoptic/s configuration);
§ properly manage temporary situations during which the
system works in a different configuration.
Through the proper button, the Backup manager access can be gained. It
is then possible to:
§ save the current configuration (a default name is
§ reload a stored configuration;
§ delete a stored configuration.
PowerSoft – Instruction manual 8
This section is dedicated to the configuration of the communication
network/s which link/s PowerSoft and the instruments. The connected
networks can be linked to the PC via serial ports (RS232, real or virtual) or
via Ethernet connection (TCP/IP). Two different areas in this section
manage the two different network typology.
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