Monitoring Relays
1-Phase True RMS AC/DC Over and Under Current
Types DIC01, PIC01
• TRMS AC/DC over + under, over+over,
under+under current and voltage monitoring relays
• DC process signal plus/minus monitoring relay (DIC01)
Selection of measuring range by DIP-switches
Adjustable current and voltage on relative scale
Adjustable hysteresis on relative scale
• Separately adjustable delay functions (0.1 to 30 s)
• Programmable latching or inhibit at set level
• Output: 1 or 2 x 8 A SPDT relay N.D. or N.E. selectable
• For mounting on DIN-rail in accordance with
DIN/EN 50 022 (DIC01) or plug-in module (PIC01)
• 45 mm Euronorm housing (DIC01)
or 36 mm plug-in module (PIC01)
• LED indication for relay(s), alarm and power supply ON
Galvanically separated power supply
Product Description Ordering Key
DIC01 and PIC01 are precise
TRMS AC/DC over+under,
over+over or under+under
current and voltage (selectable by DIP-switch) monitoring relays. DIC01 can perform also DC plus/minus
measurement by short circuiting pins Z3 and Y1. The
devices can be connected to
the MI or MP and A82 or E82
current transformers.
Both relays have two individual set levels with their own
time delay. Only for DIC01
each set level can work with
a single SPDT relay.
Owing to the built-in latch
function, the ON-position of
the relay output can be
maintained. Inhibit function
can be used to avoid relay
operation when not desired
(maintenance, transitions).
The LED's indicate the state
of the alarm and the output
Item number
Power supply
DIC 01 D B23 AV0
Type Selection
Mounting Output Supply: 24 VDC Supply: 48 VDC Supply: 24/48 VAC Supply: 115/230 VAC
DIN-rail 2xSPDT DIC 01 D 724 AV0 DIC 01 D 748 AV0 DIC 01 D B48 AV0 DIC 01 D B23 AV0
Plug-in SPDT PIC 01 C 724 AV0 PIC 01 C 748 AV0 PIC 01 C B48 AV0 PIC 01 C B23 AV0
Input Specifications
Current level DIC01: Terminals Y1, Y2
Voltage level DIC01: Terminals Y1, Y3
DC levels (DIC01 only) Connecting terminals Z3, Y1
Measuring current ranges
Direct Internal resis. Max. curr.
Selectable by DIP-switch
0.5 to 5 mA AC/DC 50 Ω 35 mA
2 to 20 mA AC/DC 50 Ω 55 mA
-5 to 5 mA DC
-20 to 20 mA DC
Max. current for 1 s 100 mA
Measuring voltage ranges
Selectable by DIP-switch
0.1 to 1 V AC/DC > 10 kΩ 7 V
1 to 10 V AC/DC > 10 kΩ 20 V
0.4 to 4 V
-1 to 1 VDC (DIC01 > 10 kΩ 7 V
-10 to 10 VDC
Max. voltage for 1 s 100 V
AC > 10 kΩ 100 V
(DIC01 50
only) > 10 kΩ 20 V
PIC01: Terminals 6, 7
PIC01: Terminals 5, 7
35 mA
55 mA
Max. volt.
nal r
Note 1:
The input voltage cannot
raise over 300 VAC/DC with
respect to ground (PIC01 only)
CT ranges AAC rms Max. curr.
MI and MP ranges (0.4 to 4 Vpinput)
1-ph.: 3-ph.:
MI 5 MP 3005 0.5 to 5 A 20 AAC
MI 20 MP 3020 2 to 20 A 50 AAC
MI 100 MP 3100 10 to 100 A 250 AAC
MI 500 MP 3500
Note 2:
MP 3... current transformers
not suitable for under current
ements due to the
output signal of the device
(see data sheet)
50 to 500 A 750 AAC
Specifications are subject to change without notice (25.09.06) 1

DIC01, PIC01
Input Specifications (cont.)
CT ranges (cont.) AAC rms Max. curr.
A82 ranges (2 to 20 mA input)
A82-10/20 25 2.5 to 25 A 30 AAC
A82-10/20 50 5 to 50 A 60 AAC
A82-10/20 100 10 to 100 A 120 AAC
82-10/20 250 25 to 250 A 300 AAC
A82-10/20 500 50 to 500 A 600 AAC
E82-20 ranges (2 to 20 mA input)
E82-20 25 2.5 to 25 A 50 AAC
E82-20 50 5 to 50 A 100 AAC
Contact input
PIC01 Terminals 8, 9
Disabled > 10 kΩ
Enabled < 500 Ω
Latch disable > 500 ms
Terminals Z1, Y1
Supply Specifications
Power supply Overvoltage cat. III
Rated operational voltage (IEC 60664, IEC 60038)
through terminals:
A1, A2 or A3, A2 (DIC01)
2, 10 or 11, 10 (PIC01)
724: 24 VDC ± 20%, insulated
748: 48 VDC ± 20%, insulated
B48: 24/48 VAC ± 15%
45 to 65 Hz, insulated
B23: 115/230 VAC ± 15%
45 to 65 Hz, insulated
Output Specifications
Output 1 or 2 x SPDT relays
Rated insulation voltage 250 VAC
Contact ratings (AgSnO2)µ
Resistive loads AC 1 8 A @ 250 VAC
Small inductive loads AC 15 2.5 A @ 250 VAC
Mechanical life ≥ 30 x 106operations
Electrical life ≥ 105operations
Operating frequency ≤ 7200 operations/h
Dielectric strength
Dielectric voltage
Rated impulse withstand volt. 4 kV (1.2/50 µs)
Dielectric voltage DC supply AC supply
Supply to input 2 kV 4 kV
Supply to output 4 kV 4 kV
Input to output 4 kV 4 kV
Rated operational power
DC 3 W
DC 12 5 A @ 24 VDC
DC 13 2.5 A @ 24 VDC
(at 8 A, 250 V, cos ϕ = 1)
≥ 2 kVAC (rms)
General Specifications
Power ON delay 1 s ± 0.5 s or 6 s ± 0.5 s
Reaction time (input signal variation from
Alarm ON delay < 100 ms
Alarm OFF delay < 100 ms
Accuracy (15 min warm-up time)
emperature drift ± 1000 ppm/°C
Delay ON alarm ± 10% on set value ± 50 ms
Repeatability ±
Indication for
Power supply ON
Alarm ON LED, red (flashing 2 Hz
Output relay ON 1 or 2 x LED(s), yellow
-20% to +20% or from
+20% to -20% of set value)
0.5% on full-scale
LED, green
during delay time)
Mode of Operation
DIC01 and PIC01 monitor
both AC and DC current and
voltage. DIC01 can also
monitor positive and negative DC voltage connecting
terminals Y1 and Z3.
Example 1
(no contact input - under+over
voltage - 2 x SPDT N.D. r
(1 x SPDT for PIC01) - TRMS)
DIC01: One relay operates
when the voltage drops below
Degree of protection IP 20
Pollution degree 3 (DIC01), 2 (PIC01)
Operating temperature -20 to 60°C, R.H. < 95%
Storage temperature -30 to 80°C, R.H. < 95%
Dimensions DIC01 45 x 80 x 99.5 mm
Weight Approx. 250 g
Screw terminals
ightening tor
CE Marking Ye s
Emission According to EN 61000-6-3
the under voltage set point
for more than the respective
delay time. It r
the voltage exceeds the set
level plus the set hysteresis.
The other relay operates
que Max. 0.5 Nm
eleases when
PIC01 36 x 80 x 94 mm
(EN 60529)
acc. to IEC 60947
UL, CSA (except 748)
Electromagnetic Compatibillity
ding to EN 61000-6-2
when the voltage exceeds
the over voltage set point for
e than the r
delay time. It releases when
the voltage drops below the
set level minus hysteresis.
2 Specifications are subject to change without notice (25.09.06)