Output type: 2 contacts SPST, NO, 5A/250VAC/VDC 40W/1200VA,
130.000 cycles.
Min. response time: < 400 msec. filter excluded.
Insulation: see table 1.
Operating range: 0 to 9999. Filtering coefficient: from 1 to 255.
From 0 to 20mADC / from 0 to 10VDC, programmable within the whole
analogue output range. Accuracy: ±0.3% F.S. (@ 18°C to 23°C). Response time: 500ms (filter excluded). Temperature drift: ±200 ppm/°C.
Load: ≤500 Ω (mA output): ≥10kΩ (V output). Insulation: see table 1.
Multidrop: uni-directional (STD); bi-directional (on request); 2 or 4 wires;
max. distance 1200m; termination and/or line biasing directly on the
instrument; 255 programmable addresses; data format: 1 start bit, 8 data
bits, no parity, 1 stop bit; baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 bauds
selectable by key-pad; communication protocol according to the standard MODBUS, JBUS.
Uni-directional communication:
dynamic data (reading only): measurement, valley data, peak data,
alarm status;
Static data (reading): all programming data;
Bi-directional communication:
dynamic data (reading only): measurement, valley data, peak data,
alarm status;
Static data (reading/writing): all programming data, reset of peak and
valley data, reset of alarm set-points with latch.
DC: NAMUR: ON ≤ 1mADC; OFF ≥ 2.2 mADC
DC: TTL (pins 6 to 4): ON > 4VDC; OFF ≤ 2VDC.
DC: Free of voltage contact: ON<1KΩ; OFF>20KΩ.
AC: PICK-UP voltage up to 100VAC: ON > 2VAC; OFF < 1VAC.
AC: PICK-UP voltage up to 500VAC: ON > 9VAC; OFF < 6VAC.
4 keys for programming and displaying; "S" for menu selection; "UP" and
"DOWN" for value programming/function selection; "F" for special functions and "esc" (escape).
From 0 to 255, numeric code of max. 3 digits, 3 protection levels of the
programming data.
• Frequency measurement of both channels A and B.
• Other functions: Fa-Fb, Fa/Fb, [(Fa-Fb)/Fb]*100, [Fb/(Fa+Fb)]*100, 1/
Fa, Fa (Fb for rotation sensing).
• Peak and valley.
Type: OFF: out of range alarm; UP: up alarm; DO: down alarm; D.DO:
down alarm with disabling at power-on; UP .L: up alarm with latch; DO.L:
down alarm with latch.
Set point adjustment: in the whole range of visualization.
Hysteresis: in the whole range of visualization.
Set-point limit adjustment: programmable minimum and maximum limits.
Activation time delay: from 0 to 255s
De-activation time delay: from 0 to 255s
Relay status: programmable normally energized / de-energized.