CARLO GAVAZZI GP62x022xx724-US Series, GP6220 2201 724-US, GP6220 2202 724-US, GP6240 2224 724-US Installation Manual

Specifications are subject to change without notice (19.09.2016) 1
Type: Dupline
Housing Input type Addresses Inputs Supply
• Ultrasonic sensor for detection of cars
• Narrow detection beam makes the sensor suitable for count installation
• Fast reaction detects cars with a speed up to 20 km/h
• Low current consumption
• Self-calibration of the sensor can be performed globally on all sensors at once or locally on a single sensor
• Wide measuring range
• Protected against dust and moisture
• Dupline 3-wire bus system with power
• Address coding with Carpark Configurator GP73800080
• GP6220 2201 724-US has built in green/red LED indicator
• GP6220 2202 724-US has built in blue/red LED indicator
• GP6240 2224 724-US has no LED built in. The sensor is design to be used together with the passive LED indicator GP6289 000x-US
• cULus approved
Dupline Car Park System Type GP62x022xx724-US Ultrasonic Sensor
The ultrasonic sensor is part of the car park system which contains other variants of sensors, monitors and dis­plays. The GP62x0 22xx 724­US sensor is installed in the middle of the ceiling above the parking bay and detects whether a car is parked in the bay. The parking bay status is indicated using the built in LEDs, for GP6220 2201 724­US or GP6220 2202 724-US. The GP6240 2224 724-US has not built in LED, but uses the passive LED indicators GP6289 000x-US to show the status. E.g. green LED indicates that the parking bay is available for parking. A red LED indicates that the
Product Description
Ordering key
GP 62x0 22xx 724-US
RJ12 connector for address programming with Carpark Configurator GP7380 0080
2x3-pin connector • Printed dot on the sensor is Dupline® +
• D- or Gnd
• POW (power from DMM or Coupler). See drawing on page 3 (System diagram)
1x2-pin connector Not in use for Carpark sensors GP6220 220x 724
-US. Only in use for GP6240 2224 724-US and the passive LED indicator GP6289 000x-US. See drawing example on page 5
NOTE: The sensor connectors are using the “push-wire connection” methode. Use 1.5 mm2 single core wire for the sensor installation.
Input/Output Specifications Supply Specifications
Power supply: 21 VDC min.; 30 VDC max.
(Overvoltage category III (IEC60664))
Consumption on the Dupline bus 0.03 mA
Max. supply current GP6220 220x 724-US 20 mA
GP6240 2224 724-US 15 mA Nominel Supply 28 VDC / 19 mA
0,53 W
parking bay is occupied or booked. Each sensor need to be con­nected to the Dupline 3-wire bus. The bus provides power and enables the sensors to transmit the status of the park­ing bays to the carpark moni­toring devices (GP3482 9091
724), which keep track of the number of free parking bays in an area and show the result on the connected displays. The sensors GP62x0 22xx 724-US can also be used for detection of cars in a count system together with GPMZC­SET. The sensor has a mode designed for rapid detection of cars which can be used in a count system. Please refer to the MZC Installation manual.
Type Selection
GP6220 2201 724-US Sensor with green/red LED GP6220 2202 724-US Sensor with blue/red LED GP6240 2224 724-US Sensor without LED
2 Specifications are subject to change without notice (19.09.2016)
GP62x0 22xx 724-US
General Specifications
Ultrasonic frequency 40 kHz Max. distance between ceiling
and floor 4.0 m Min. distance between ceiling
and floor 1.5 m Min. calibration distance 1.5 m Hysterese ±30 cm Sensor in “Normal” mode
Sensor activations time 3 sec. See fig. 1 (Default) Sensor in “Lane” mode
Sensor activations time 0.4 sec. with a max car
speed on 20 km/hour. See fig. 2
Sensor temperature compensation The built-in temperature
compensation makes the sensor stabile and reliable without any calibration
Water and condensation-resistant The bottom part plus
sensor has been designed in a such a way that water entering from the ceiling flows right through the sensor and out of small holes
in the transparent part of the sensor without getting in contact with the electronic board and without doing any dam­age.
LED indication: GP62202201 724-US Occupied: Red LED continuously lit Bay available: Green LED continuously lit GP62202202 724-US Occupied: Red LED continuously lit Bay available: Blue LED continuously lit GP62402224 724-US No LED
The sensor uses 2 Dupline® addresses
Status address Indicates the status of
the sensor. Default Dupline® address is A2
Calibration address For common sensor
calibration. Default Dupline® address is P1
Programming unit GP7380 0080 Approval cULus (UL60950) MTBF 70,000 hours
Mode of Operation
The ceramic sensor emits an acoustic signal at a fre­quency of 40 kHz which is reflected when it hits the floor and returned to the sensor. The reflected signal indicates whether the parking bay is available or occupied.
• Status
Dupline® address The Dupline bus address used by the sensor to trans­mit the status of the parking bay. The same address can be used to force the red LED ON** for booking of free park­ing bays (this feature requires management by central PC software). Please refer to the Dupline Carpark system manual for further information about the Dupline addressing scheme and the rules that apply for the assignment.
• Calibration
This address is used to trig-
ger the sensor to perform a self calibration. Several sen­sors can be given the same calibration address, thereby making it possible to cal­ibrate multiple sensors at once by sending a single trig­ger signal on that address. The programming unit GP73800080 is used to send out the trigger signal.
The sensor has two modes. Normal mode or Lane mode.
In Normal mode, the sensor detects the presence of a car in the parking bay and lights the red LED**. See fig. 1 on page 4. At the same time the sensor sends a signal out on the
Dupline® 3-wire bus. When the parking bay is empty the LED will change to green** and also send a signal out on the
The sensor will not react to objects lower than 0,3 m. To avoid a weak signal, the sensor must be installed pointing directly at a hard surface, as for instance con­crete. A soft or uneven sur­face will reduce the signal.
In Lane mode, the sensor is designed to be mounted in the ceiling above the lane. The sensor is able to detect moving cars with a maximum speed of 20 km/hour. See fig. 2 on page 4. When the sensor detects a moving car it sends a signal to the Carpark system that count down the total amount of free places, and show the reduced amount on the local display but also on the display that show the total amount of free places. This is to prevent to many moving cars in a specific car­park area. The sensor does
not show the actual status on the LED’s. The LED’s** only works as feedback during calbration, startup and show the fail status.
Sensor used as “count sen­sor” with the MZC
The sensor can also be used in a count system, where rap­id detection is needed. When two sensors are mounted in the ceiling after each other, the connected GPMZC can detect the cars and also the direction in which the cars are going. The “Lane Mode” that is used for sen­sors in “count mode”, has additional functions where the installer can program the sensor to detect cars with different velocities. The LED is programmable to be either selected or deselect­ed. Please refer to the MZC installation manual for further information.
** GP6240 2224 724-US uses the passive LED indicator GP6289 000x-US
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