2 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
1. Introduction 4
1.1. Start-up 4
1.1.1. Hardware requirements 4
1.1.2. Installation 4
1.1.3. Start-up of program 4
1.2. Functions in the main window 5
1.2.1. File menu 5
1.2.2. Edit menu 6
1.2.3. Select menu 7
1.2.4. Tools menu 7
1.2.5. Help menu 8
1.2.6. Configuration of channel functions 9
1.3. Basic Setup 10
2. Objects 11
2.1. General 11
2.2. Standard objects 12
2.2.1. Blank channel (no function) 12
2.2.2. The push-button function 13
2.2.3. The toggle switch function 15
2.2.4. Timer/Recycler 17
2.2.5. Real-time clock 20
2.2.6. Master function 22
2.3. Special objects 25
2.3.1. Analog sensors 25
2.3.2. Motion detector 30
2.4. Alarm functions 33
2.4.1. Overview 33
2.4.2. General features 33
2.4.3. ISA Alarm 34
2.4.4. The Smoke Alarm 39
2.4.5. The Intruder Alarm 44
2.4.6. The Water Alarm 50
2.4.7. Common Siren 55
2.5. Roller blind control 56
2.5.1. Decentralized roller blind up-down function 56
2.5.2. Roller blind master 61
2.6. Counter and Multiplexer 64
2.6.1. Multiplexer (transmission of counter values) 64
2.6.2. Multiplexer (transmission of analog values) 66
3. Logic Setup 68
3.1. Introduction 68
3.2. The dialog - logic functions 68
3.2.1. Setup 68
3.3 Application 69
3.3.1. Setups and Functions 69
3.3.2. Inversion and Edge Triggering 70
3.3.3. Using flags 71
3.3.4. Internal processing of the logic setups 71
3.4. Notes and Documentation 71
4. GSM Modem functions (only valid for G38001015) 72
4.1. SMS Setup 72
4.2 Event-based SMS messages 73
4.3. SMS Control commands and Requests for Dupline data 74
5. Radio Modem driver 76
5.1. General 76
5.2 Setup of Radio Modem Central 77
5.3. Setup of Radio Modem Substation 78
Table of Contents