Configuration Software
G3800 X015
User Manual
Preliminary Data
December 2002
Du line
2 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
1. Introduction 4
1.1. Start-up 4
1.1.1. Hardware requirements 4
1.1.2. Installation 4
1.1.3. Start-up of program 4
1.2. Functions in the main window 5
1.2.1. File menu 5
1.2.2. Edit menu 6
1.2.3. Select menu 7
1.2.4. Tools menu 7
1.2.5. Help menu 8
1.2.6. Configuration of channel functions 9
1.3. Basic Setup 10
2. Objects 11
2.1. General 11
2.2. Standard objects 12
2.2.1. Blank channel (no function) 12
2.2.2. The push-button function 13
2.2.3. The toggle switch function 15
2.2.4. Timer/Recycler 17
2.2.5. Real-time clock 20
2.2.6. Master function 22
2.3. Special objects 25
2.3.1. Analog sensors 25
2.3.2. Motion detector 30
2.4. Alarm functions 33
2.4.1. Overview 33
2.4.2. General features 33
2.4.3. ISA Alarm 34
2.4.4. The Smoke Alarm 39
2.4.5. The Intruder Alarm 44
2.4.6. The Water Alarm 50
2.4.7. Common Siren 55
2.5. Roller blind control 56
2.5.1. Decentralized roller blind up-down function 56
2.5.2. Roller blind master 61
2.6. Counter and Multiplexer 64
2.6.1. Multiplexer (transmission of counter values) 64
2.6.2. Multiplexer (transmission of analog values) 66
3. Logic Setup 68
3.1. Introduction 68
3.2. The dialog - logic functions 68
3.2.1. Setup 68
3.3 Application 69
3.3.1. Setups and Functions 69
3.3.2. Inversion and Edge Triggering 70
3.3.3. Using flags 71
3.3.4. Internal processing of the logic setups 71
3.4. Notes and Documentation 71
4. GSM Modem functions (only valid for G38001015) 72
4.1. SMS Setup 72
4.2 Event-based SMS messages 73
4.3. SMS Control commands and Requests for Dupline data 74
5. Radio Modem driver 76
5.1. General 76
5.2 Setup of Radio Modem Central 77
5.3. Setup of Radio Modem Substation 78
Table of Contents
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4 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
1. Introduction
The G38xx15 program has been designed for configuration of the G3800X015 master generator. All functions in the generator are represented by graphic symbols. To each channel function are related parameters and comments, which can be edited locally in the PC and transferred to the master generator through RS232. Likewise, data from the master generator can be uploaded and edited.
1.1. Start-up
1.1.1. Hardware requirements
The program operates under Windows 95/98/2000/xp and NT and requires at least:
486 processor with 8 Mbytes Ram or higher
A free serial port (Com1 or Com2)
5 Mbytes hard disk for installation
Screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, 256 colours or higher
Mouse or other pointing tool desirable, but not necessary
1.1.2. Installation
Insert disk 1 in the A-drive and run the program “Setup.exe”. This will guide you through the installation pro­cess. After installation, the program can be started by clicking G38xx15.
1.1.3. Start-up of program
When G38xx15 is started, two windows will open:
To the left, the main window showing the 128 channels available in Dupline and the menus. To the right, the properties window, which for each function shows the parameters related to this particular function.
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
1.2. Functions in the main window
1.2.1. File menu
The file menu contains the usual functions:
Menu Item: Explanation
New: Start from the beginning with default data Open: Open existing file Save: Save file Save As: Save file under new name Write Generator: Download the present configuration file to the Generator Read Generator: Read the configuration file from the Generator Print: The following options are available:
Print-out of: Address Listing Master Channels Real time Channels or Logic Settings SMS Setup
Exit: Exit program
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Menu Item: Explanation:
Basic Setup: Basic setup of the G3800X015 generator
Logic Setup: Configuration of logic functions
Holiday Setup: Setup of holiday period. The holiday setup is active when
the current date falls within any of the set time intervals.
SMS (only valid for G38001015) Basic setup of the SMS messaging functions facilitated by
the built-in GSM modem.
Counter and Mux analog Setup: Basic setup of the multiplex functions required when
Counter Modules and Multiplexed Analog Modules are used.
Communication Setup: Configuration of the communication functions available for
the two RS 232 ports and the RS485 port of the Generator.
1.2.2. Edit menu
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Menu Item: Explanation:
Language: Select between 3 languages. By using the “Select new” menu,
other languages can be inserted in the 3-language menu.
Serial port: Selection of Com 1, Com 2, Com 3 or Com 4 port, for connection
of the G3800X015 Generator.
1.2.4. Tools menu
Generator firmware: In this menu it is possible to download a new firmware file to the Generator. New firmware files are typically made available when new features are added to the Generator. Three steps need to be carried out:
1. Browse to select the desired firmware file.
2. Activate the Download button
3. Activate the program button
1.2.3. Select menu
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Menu Item: Explanation:
General information: You can call the Help menu at any time by pressing F1.
About program: Shows the opening screen
1.2.5. Help menu
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
When the basic settings have been made under “Basic Setup”, the functions of the remaining channels to be used are defined as follows:
Activate one of the channels, then click on the right mouse button for pop-up menu. Click on the desired channel function with the left mouse button. The channel is thereby assigned a symbol indicating the selected channel function. Click on the symbol with the left mouse button, and the parameters which can be set for that particular channel function can be viewed in the properties window.
The arrow keys can also be used to select channel function in the pop-up menu. Furthermore, channel func­tion can be selected by clicking on different letters. To see how to select functions by clicking on letters, select the General information menu under Help.
Tool tip
When the cursor is positioned on a channel button, a bar appears indicating channel number, describing channel type and showing the user-defined channel description.
1.2.6. Configuration of channel functions
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
1.3. Basic Setup
General description
The text window is for entering general information, eg name of user, date of configuration, reference to docu­mentation, etc.
No. of channels
For selection of the number of channels desired in the system. The minimum is 8, the maximum is 128 in one Dupline network.
Auto-start Dupline on short-circuit
In case of a short-circuit on Dupline, the Generator shuts down the Dupline signal. Under default conditions, power-off followed by power-on needs to be performed to reset the Generator after removal of the short-cir­cuit. However, if the "Auto-start Dupline on short-circuit" box is checked, then the Generator will automatically start up the Dupline signal after removal of the short-circuit.
Enable automatic update of realtime status upon Config-download and System power-up
If this box is checked, the Generator will automatically set the correct status for realtime channels according to the switch-time settings, provided that the actual Day of the week matches the internal Day of the week of the Generator. Also, the Generator will only scan the switch times (ON or OFF) for that same day.
Enable Automatic Daylight saving. Central European Time standard
If this box is checked, the Generator will automatically change the time settings 2 times per year according to the European standard for daylight savings.
Enable RTC Powerline Autocalibration
Selecting Auto-calibrate, will enable the internal Realtime clock to adjust its internal calibration against the Mains-supply frequency. In most countries, the Mains-supply frequency is very accurate, and in that case an improved accuracy on the Realtime clock can be achieved.
Syncronize Time to PC date and Time
If this button is activated when the Generator is connected to the PC, then the PC date and time will be trans­ferred to the realtime clock of the Generator.
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
2.1. General
The objects are the specific functions of the G 3800 X015. The functions are assigned to channels, and the associated parameters determines the operation of the channels.
2. Objects
12 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
2.2.1. Blank channel (no function)
The use of blank channels in Dupline is based on the circumstance that in- and output are independent of each other. Since this object does not fulfill a function between in- and output, an input on the address con­figured as blank function will be ineffective.
At the same time, it is possible to control the channel - and consequently the functions coded for the address - either through the master function (see chapter 2.2.6) or as output of logic setups (see chapter 3). In addition, a blank channel can be used as a monostable flag.
• Function: None
• Application: Activation of output channels through master functions or logic setups
• Insert with mouse (“Blank channel”)
2.2. Standard objects
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
2.2.2. The push-button function
The push-button function - the most simple object of the Dupline Master Generator - makes it possible to connect any type of push button switch and contact to the Dupline bus. With this function, outputs can indi­rectly be controlled with logic functions.
In this function, the output follows the input signal: the output is activated as long as the input signal is ON (inverted in Normally Closed function).
Configuration window of push-button function:
Time characteristics
The output follows the input upon a short delay. In the Normally closed function, the output function is the opposite of the input function.
Parameter Description
Inverted function When this function is selected, the output signal is inverted. This means that the
output is activated as long as the input has not been set.
• Function: Monostable
• Application: Connection of push-button switches and contacts for load switching
• Also Normally Closed function
• Select with mouse (“Push button”) or short-cut key “0” (Zero)
Normally Open
Normally Closed
14 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Object Function Channel
Relay output Lamp A1 Switch Light switch A1
Configuration of Master Generator
Push button function Light control A1
Application Example
Task: A lamp is to be switched on and off by means of a switch.
Solution: Use for example the universal input module to provide the input signal and configure one of the
inputs for address A1. Assign the same address to one of the outputs of a relay module. Finally, configure channel A1 in the Master Generator as push button function.
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
2.2.3. The toggle switch function
The toggle switch function makes it possible to simulate the operation of a toggle switch: Pressing the switch once activates the output, pressing the switch once more de-activates the output again.
Configuration window of the toggle switch function:
Time characteristics
The first triggering of the input switches the output on, the second triggering switches the output off again.
Parameter Description
Intruder alarm When this function is selected, the input is used in a configured intruder alarm
system. This means that in an armoured alarm system with no time delay set, an alarm is released when the input is activated.
• Function: Bistable Flip-Flop
• Application: Connection of switches and contacts for load switching
• Can be used in intruder alarm systems
• Select with mouse (“Toggle switch”) or short-cut key “F”
16 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Object Function Channel
Relay output Lamp A1 Switch Light switch A1
Configuration of Master Generator
Toggle switch function Light control A1
Application Example
Task: A lamp is to be switched on and off by means of a conventional switch.
Solution: Use for example the universal input module to provide the input signal and configure one of the
inputs for address A1. Assign the same address to one of the outputs of a relay module. Finally, configure channel A1 in the Master Generator as switching function.
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
2.2.4. Timer/Recycler
This object makes it possible to select between two modes of operation: timer and recycler. In both modes, an input coded to the channel of the timer starts the functions, but the input can also be activated by a differ­ent channel or flag.
Timer (with on-delay or off-delay)
The timer allows the setting of an on-delay and/or an off-delay. When an input coded to this channel is acti­vated, the on-delay starts. After elapse of this delay, the Off time starts. The Off time stops after the set time, if the input is released before expiry of the set time. If the input is not released, the output remains activated.
If the recycler is activated by an input, the recycler continuously generates a square-wave signal. The output is activated after the set on-delay period and de-activated after the set off-delay period. This process is repeated, as long as the input or the additional trigger is ON.
Depending on the options selected under Timer function, a number of parameters can be selected for Timer and Recycler:
Timer (with on-delay or off-delay)
Configuration window for timer with on- or off-delay:
Parameter Description
Timer function Select the option On-Off delay, in order to use the Timer function
Activation by pulse Select this option to start the timer by means of a short impulse, eg through a
push button switch
On delay Enter the time (0 s to 99 h, 59 min, 59 s) which must pass before the channel is
Off time Enter the time (0 s to 99 h, 59 min, 59 s) for which the channel should be activat-
• Function: Timer or Recycler
• Application: Switching with on- or off-delay or recycler
• Activation by signal or impulse
• Activation by additional channel or flag
• Select with mouse “Timer” or short-cut key “T”
18 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Time characteristics
Timer with on- or off-delay
The on-delay tEstarts shortly after the input signal at time t1. After elapse of the delay, the On-time tNstarts. After elapse of the On-time (t
), the output switches off again. To achieve this, the input must be reset before
time t
Parameter Description
Enabled by address Entering of an additional channel (A1..P8) or flag (W1..Z8) which will also enable
the timer function. To prevent locking, the channel assigned to the timer itself must not be used. If the additional signal is an impulse, select the option Activation by pulse.
Configuration window for recycler
Parameter Description
Timer function To select the Recycler function, select “Recycler”
On-time Entering of the time (1 s to 99 h, 59 min, 69 s) for which the output is On during
Off-time Entering of the time (0 s to 99 h, 59 min, 59 s) for which the output is Off during
Enabled by address Entering of an additional channel or flag which will also enable the recycler. To pre-
vent locking, the channel assigned to the recycler itself must not be used.
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Object Function Channel
Relay output Bathroom light A1 Switch Light switch A1 Relay output Bathroom fan A2
Configuration of Master Generator
Toggle switch function Light control A1 Timer Fan control A2
Application Example
Task: A fan in a bathroom is to start 5 min after the light has been switched on and run for 10 min.
Solution: The lighting is activated by a push button connected to a sensor module (for example a univer-
sal input module) and configured for address A1 as a toggle switch function. An output of a relay module is assigned the same address and activates the lighting. A second channel A2 is configured as Timer and activated by the above-mentioned push button. An additional channel of the output module is also assigned the address A2 and activates the fan.
The impulse is generated shortly after the input has switched on at time t
. A pulse cycle consists of the On-
time t
and the Off-time tA. When the input is switched off, the pulse cycle also ends.
By use of the additional trigger A1, the timer starts when the light is switched on.
20 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
2.2.5. Real-time clock
The real-time clock enables on- and off-switching of loads in relation to the internal time setting of the Master Generator. It is possible to pre-define up to four switch-on and switch-off times for each clock on freely selectable weekdays and holidays.
Configuration window of real-time clock function:
Time characteristics
• Function: Real-time clock with week and holiday planner
• Application: Time-controlled switching on and off of loads
• Also applicable as switching function
• Holiday setting can be performed centrally for all clocks
• Select with mouse “Real-time” or short-cut key “R”
Parameter Description
Switch-on time Time at which the channel is to switch on
Switch-off time Time at which the channel is to switch off
Days of week Day(s) on which the switching time indicated to the left applies
(M: Monday, T: Tuesday, W: Wednesday, T: Thursday, F: Friday, S: Saturday, S: Sunday)
If “H” is activated, the clock also switches on holidays. In this case, the corre­sponding days must be entered under <Edit><Holiday setup>.
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Object Function Channel
Relay output Outdoor lamp A1 Switch Light switch A1
Configuration of Master Generator
Toggle switch function Light control A1
Application Example
Task: A lamp is to be switched on and off by means of a switch.
Solution: Use for example the universal input module to provide the input signal and configure one of the
inputs for address A1. Assign the same address to one of the outputs of a relay module. Finally, configure channel A1 in the Master Generator as a toggle switching function.
: The real-time clock activates the channel at the pre-defined time without affecting the input channel.
: By activation of the input, the output switches off directly.
: By activating the input once more, the output switches on again.
: At the set Switch off time, the input is always deactivated.
: The output can always be activated againg through the output.
22 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
2.2.6. Master function
The master function allows simultaneous activation of a random number of channels configured for suitable objects. When the master function is activated, an on-signal is generated on the channels configured for switching on. Likewise, an off-signal is generated on channels configured for switching off. The objects configured for these channels thus determine the behaviour of the outputs.
Note: the following characteristics of the master function:
A master function has priority over the individual functions at the time of activation, ie it is not possible to activate the individual channels as long as the master function is on. Upon reset of the master function, the decentral functions are accepted again.
• It is to be noted, in particular in connection with real-time clocks, that only one master command can apply at a time. When several master functions are activated at the same time, only the one with the high­est address number (eg B7 has priority over A5) will be applied.
The master function cannot affect channels with advanced functions, eg alarm channels or analog sen­sors.
A master function cannot activate another master function.
Configuration window of Master function: (In this example, a real-time clock is included and the option “Enter Switch times”:
• Function: Simultaneous on- and off-switching of multiple toggle switch functions, real-time clocks, etc, upon activation of input.
• Integrated real-time clock with four switch times
• Application: Simultaneous off- on on-switching of multiple loads, calling lighting scenes in connection with dimmers.
• Select with mouse (“Master function”) or short-cut key “M”.
• Bistable master function
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G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Tip: Entire address groups can be changed by clicking on the right mouse button.
Time characteristics (without toggle function selected)
Switched outputs
Toggle switch
Push button
The master function remains active until the input is switched off. In the above example, the outputs switch on, and - in the case of a push button function - remain on, until the master function switches off again.
Parameter Description
Address matrix Mark the addresses to be switched on by the master function with “1” and the
addresses to be switched off with “0”.* Addresses marked with “x” are not affected. Addresses which are automatically marked with a red line cannot be controlled by a master function, eg master func­tions, roller blind controls, etc.
Toggle switch If this function is selected, the master function will toggle between the selected
output status and the inverted output status, whenever the input is activated.
Include Real-time A real-time clock is included to time-control the master function. The field “Enter
Switch times” appears.
Enter Switch times Click here to open or close a matrix in which to enter switch times
Real-time clock Normally, the real-time clock for time-control of the master function behaves in
the same way as the object “Real-time clock”. See chapter 2.2.5. Real-time clock for further details.
Unlike a separate real-time clock, the built-in real-time clock only generates one switching impulse. This is particularly important to bear in mind when the master function is to control push button functions, since the switch signal may be of very short duration.
As a Flip-Flop Master The real-time function operates both ON-switching and OFF-switching. This
enables simultaneous ON- and OFF-switching of multiple channels. The channels marked with “1” switch on when the master is activated and switch off upon deactivation. The channels marked with “0” behave in the opposite way.
24 © 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software October 2002
Object Function Channel
Push button input Master on A1 Push button input Master off A2 Push button input Push button for call- A3
ing lighting scene 6
Dimmer channels Channels for calling B1.. B4
lighting scenes B5..B8
Relay outputs Lamps C1..C4
Configuration of Master Generator
Master function Master on A1 Master function Master off A2 Master function Calling lighting A3
Push button function Dimmer channels B1..B4
1..4 B5..B8
Toggle switch function Lamps C1..C4
Application Example
Task: The master function is to control four lamps and two dimmers in a building.
- Master on: Switches all lamps on and sets dimmer at 100%.
- Master off: Switches all lamps off and sets dimmer at 0%.
- Lighting scene for living room: lighting scene 6 (factory setting: 85%) is to be called by both
Solution: Three push buttons are configured on addresses A1 to A3 to initiate the master function for
calling the lighting scene. The channels of the dimmer are coded for B1 to B8 and configured as push button functions.
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