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Item #
Product #
00 - Not Applicable
List Price
$160.84 ea
Case Pack
1 ea
Each UPC
Case UPC
Invoice Description
Pour a perfect 2-1 drink every time with our patented
vented spout design
Two-piece spout and neck design for easy cleaning
Exclusive manufacturing process ensures airtight seal
with no leaks
Made of high density, break-resistant polyethylene
Easy clean containers have straight wall design with no
sharp interior edges that can collect food or bacteria
Unique stacking ridge on quart and pint caps make
storage on shelf in refrigerator easy and secure
Color-coordinated spouts and caps for easy product
Six quart complete units (container, neck, and color-
coordinated spout and cap)
Eighteen quart backup units (container and cap)
One gallon backup unit (container with cap) for mixing
Spouts and caps in assorted colors
BPA free
Tech Specs
US Metric
Material Polyethylene (PE)
Country of Origin United States
Harmonized Code 392330.0000
Case Weight 6.95 lb 3.15 kg
Case Cube 1.83 ft3 0.05 m3
Case Length 15.31 in 38.89 cm
Case Width 11.31 in 28.73 cm
Case Height 18.25 in 46.36 cm
Pallet Case Qty 22
Pallet Tier 11
Pallet High 2
PS601200 - ps501n
Related Products
Product Description
List PricePack Weight Cube
Replacement Parts
PS103 Spouts 12 ea 0.46 lb 0.05 ft³ $3.82 ea
PS103AT Spout Assortment 12 ea 1.00 lb 0.05 ft³ $3.82 ea
PS203 Stor N' Pour® Necks 12 ea 1.60 lb 0.30 ft³ $7.02 ea
PS304 Caps 12 ea 0.70 lb 0.10 ft³ $2.73 ea
PS304AT Stor N' Pour® Assorted Caps 12 ea 0.70 lb 0.10 ft³ $2.73 ea
1. Carlisle suggested d omestic U.S. list prices shown, de aler prices vary.
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