Except where specifically stated otherwise, this manual
must be used only by a qualified service technician.
In the state of Massachusetts, this product must be
installed by a licensed Plumber or Gas Fitter.
Failure to comply with the above or other requirements in
this manual could result in severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage.
USER — Refer only to User care and maintenance
on back page for information regarding operation of this
burner. The burner Instruction Manual is intended only for
your service technician. The burner and heat exchanger
must be inspected and started at least annually by your
service technician.
Check burner cartons carefully. The Model 702GAS gas
burner was assembled and tested at the factory before
shipment. If the burner was ordered with a completed
assembled gas train, the train was pressure tested and
electrically checked for proper operation. Where possible,
the gas train or components were shipped in the same
carton as the burner. Check your packing slip for the
number of cartons shipped from the factory.
User care and maintenance .................................... Rear cover
Special attention flags . . .
Please pay particular attention to the following when you see them throughout this manual.
Notifies you of hazards that WILL cause severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
Notifies you of hazards that CAN cause severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
Notifies you of hazards that WILL or CAN cause minor personal
injury or property damage.
Notifies you of special instructions on installation, operation or
maintenance that are important, but are not normally related
to injury or property damage hazards.
– 2 –
Before installing or
Should overheating occur:
(1) Shut off the gas supply to the burner.
(2) DO NOT shut off the control switch to the boiler
circulator or the burner.
Follow the guidelines below to avoid potential severe
personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
Installer/service technician . . .
• Read all instructions before proceeding. Perform all procedures,
and in the order given to avoid potential of severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
• Before leaving the site after startup or service, review the User
care and maintenance page with the user. Make the user aware of
all potential hazards and perform the training outlined below.
Installer/service technician —
Train the user . . .
• To properly operate the burner/appliance per this manual and the
appliance instructions. See User care and maintenance.
• To keep this manual at or near the burner/appliance for ready
access by the user and service technician.
• To contact the service technician if he encounters problems with
the burner/appliance.
• To keep the appliance space free of flammable liquids or vapors
and other combustible materials.
• To never use laundry products, paints, varnishes or other chemicals
in the room occupied by the burner/appliance.
• To contact the service technician at least annually for startup and
burner/appliance service.
When servicing the burner . . .
• DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL SUPPLY and all other electrical con-
nections to burner before attempting to service to avoid electrical
shock or possible injury from moving parts.
• CLOSE all manual gas valves before disconnecting any portion
of gas lines and before cleaning or removing any parts from the
burner or related equipment.
• Burner and appliance components can be extremely hot. Allow
all parts to cool before attempting to handle or service to avoid
potential of severe burns.
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
General information
Burner applications
Follow all instructions in this manual, the primary control data sheet and
the appliance manual.
Verify the burner is correct for the appliance being used and for all applicable codes/standards.
Adjust the firing rate if necessary due to positive overfire pressure and/or
altitudes more than 2,000 feet above sea level. See the NOTICE under the
Ratings information at right. Where appliance application information is
available, the recommended firing rate and burner information will include
appropriate adjustments for positive overfire pressure and recommendations for high altitudes. Follow the appliance manual guidelines when
Damage or shortage claims
The consignee of the shipment must file damage or shortage claims immediately against the transportation company. See the NOTICE on page 1
for burner carton information.
When calling or writing about the
Please provide us with the UL serial number and burner model number
to assist us in locating information. This information can be helpful when
troubleshooting or obtaining replacement parts.
( With 0.00” w.c. overfire pressure, altitude 2,000 feet max.; see NOTICE below)
Gas Input
..................................................................................... High fire: 840 to 1,600 MBH
........................................................................................ Low fire: 490 to 940 MBH
..............................................................................................Natural gas or propane
Gas train: (available in straight or angled configuration)
....................................................... (2) Main gas valves & RV-61 or RV-81 regulator
.......................................................................Butterfly gas valve for input regulation
..................................................1” gas train standard; 1¼” or 1½” gas train available
Power ...................................................................................... 120V/60 Hz/1-Phase
Gas valve power...................................................................................120 vac/60 hz
Damper motor (with end switch) .....................................................
1/2 hp, 3450 rpm, 48-frame, “N” flaNge
115 / 208-230 vac/60 hz/1-ph, 8.4 / 3.8-4.2 amps
Ignition & primary control
........................................................Carlin Model 41000 solid state electronic ignitor
Ignition voltage ......................................................................................14,000 volts
Primary control ..........................................................................Honeywell RM7897C
1.2 amps
hoNeywell m436a
Codes and standards
702GAS burners are U.L. listed for the U.S., certified to comply with:
• UL 795, for use with natural gas or propane.
• Burner labels list compliance, when required, with special local, state
or provincial approvals.
Install this burner in accordance with all local codes and
authorities having jurisdiction. Regulations of these authorities take precedence over the general instructions provided
in this manual.
United States installations
Burner/appliance installations in the United States must comply with the
latest editions of:
• Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Burners, ANSI Z21.8.
• National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.
• National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
.......................................................................................................... UL Listed (US)
Reduce firing rate when required — Maximum burner capacity is
reduced when overfire pressure is positive and for altitudes above
2,000 feet. See below, and adjust firing rate/nozzle selection if
702GAS — Maximum ring rate for
positive overre pressure and high altitude
Overre pressure
Altitudes: For altitudes more than 2,000 feet above sea level, reduce the above
capacities an additional 4% per 1,000 feet higher than 2,000 feet
above sea level.
(Inches w.c.)
Gas – MBH
• All additional applicable national, state and local codes.
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
– 3 –
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
1. The Carlin Model 702GAS gas burner
702GAS overview
The Model 702GAS gas burner is a low-high-low (step modulating) burner
that utilizes a damper motor and butterfly valve to control air (and gas fuel
The burner operates on either natural gas or propane.
See the next page for gas train component locations.
Ignition for main flame is accomplished by a proved gas pilot of approximately 280,000 Btuh. Pilot gas is introduced at the main burner flame retention ring, and is ignited by a Carlin 14,000-volt electronic ignitor wired
to the two electrodes.
After the pilot flame is proven, the two main gas safety valves open. The
pilot gas valve closes after a time delay to allow main flame to establish.
Flame is monitored both for pilot flame and main flame with a UV scanner
mounted to the under side of the burner combustion head assembly.
The burner main flame begins at low fire. If additional input is required,
the damper motor opens the gas butterfly valve and air damper to their
high fire positions.
Gas is introduced into the burner through a manifold around the air tube. The
gas then circulates through a set of four orifice spuds into the air stream,
ahead of the retention ring. The spin of the air flow at the retention ring
thoroughly mixes the gas/air before it reaches the combustion zone.
Firing rate adjustment
• See the “Starting and operating” section of this manual for the complete
description of the adjustment process. The following is a brief summary
• High-fire air is set by adjusting the combustion head position (to control air
flow through and around the retention ring).
• Low-fire air is then adjusted by fine-tuning the position of the low fire
adjusting screw.
• Pilot gas flow is set for a smooth light-off. Then gas inputs are adjusted for
good combustion at low and high-fire air settings.
Gas pressure requirements
The 702GAS burner requires 3.4” w.c. minimum pressure at the butterfly
valve during high fire. Select a gas train that has a pressure drop no more
than the available pressure at the gas train inlet minus the 3.4” needed
at the butterfly valve.
See page 13 for gas train pressure drop information. The burner is equipped
with a 1” gas train unless a larger gas train is ordered.
A boiler has an input rating of 1,300,000 Btuh. Gas pressure available at
the gas train entrance is 6.0” w.c. Subtract 3.4” from the available 6.0”
w.c. The gas train pressure drop must be 2.6” or less. A 1” gas train has
a pressure drop of 3.3” w.c., and cannot be used. Select a 1¼” RV-61
regulator gas train, which has a pressure drop of 0.87” w.c.
LEGENDfor page 5
1 Cast aluminum burner housing
2 Air tube (with gas manifold)
3 Burner flange
4 Burner motor
5 Primary control, Honeywell RM7897C
6 Carlin EZ-Contactor (burner motor contactor)
7 Ignitor (Carlin 41000)
8 Damper motor
9 Air damper & low fire adjusting screw
10 Air damper linkage
11 Air flow switch
12 Junction box (connection for 120
vac power and 120 vac control and
limit circuit input from boiler)
13 ON/OFF switch
14 Low fire hold switch (LFS)
28 Pilot orifice nipple
29 Gas manifold
30 Gas spuds (4 required)
31 Gas butterfly valve
32 Butterfly valve linkage
33 Union
34 Gas shut-off valve (with 2 test tappings)
35 Automatic gas valve (diaphragm type)
36 Automatic gas valve
37 Gas train junction box
38 Gas pressure regulator
39 Manual gas valve (with two test tappings)
40 Gas entrance connection
41 Pressure tap & bleed port
42 Pilot gas line manual valve
(with 2 test tappings)
43 Combination pilot gas valve
60 Head position indicator scale
61 Head position adjustment screw
62 Support rod
63 Electrode lead wires
64 Thermal fuse
65 Electrode ceramic insulators
66 Electrodes
67 Electrode clamp
70 Retention ring assembly
71 UV scanner tube/adapter
72 UV scanner
– 4 –
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
1. The Carlin Model 702GAS gas burner (continued)
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
– 5 –
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
2. Prepare site • assemble burner • mount burner
Vent system
Vent/chimney sizing
1. Follow all local codes when sizing the vent and chimney.
2. Refer to the appliance manufacturer’s manual, when available, for venting
Prepare vent/chimney
1. Secure all metal vent joints with screws, following the vent manufacturer’s
instructions. Seal all joints in the vent system and chimney. Repair masonry
chimney lining and repair all mortar joints as needed.
2. Where draft fluctuations are likely, install a double-acting barometric draft
regulator in the vent piping. (The damper must be located in the same
space as the appliance.) Install a manual reset spill switch in the top of
the draft regulator outlet. Wire the switch into the appliance limit circuit to
shut off the appliance/burner if sustained downdraft should occur. Refer
to the appliance manufacturer’s instruction manual for recommendations
regarding the need for a barometric draft regulator.
3. Provide support for the vent piping. Do not rest the weight of any of the
vent piping on the appliance flue outlet.
Inspect, repair and/or replace vent
Figure 1 Vent and vent connector installations, typical
Do not install this burner unless you have veri-
fied the entire vent system and the appliance are in
good condition and comply with all applicable codes.
And . . .
The vent and chimney must be sized and constructed in
accordance with all applicable codes. If intended for use
with an oil burner as well, the vent system must comply
with relevant codes for both gas and oil firing.
The vent system must not be pressurized unless the vent
piping and vent system are designed accordingly. The vent
must provide draft at all times (negative pressure in vent).
Seal the appliance: Seal all flue-gas containing joints. Seal
all connections to the vent piping or breeching.
Do not install or use an existing manual damper in the vent
connector or vent.
Do not connect the appliance vent connector to a chimney
or vent serving a fireplace, incinerator or solid-fuel-burning
In a cold climate, do not vent into a masonry chimney that
has one or more sides exposed to the outside. Install a
listed stainless steel liner to vent the flue products.
A defective vent system could result in severe personal
injury, death or substantial property damage.
Check codes, standards and the equipment
• Verifythat theburner/appliancewillmaintainall clearances tocombustible walls or floor and all clearances required for service/maintenance as
required in the appliance manual and applicable codes.
– 6 –
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
2. Prepare site • assemble burner • mount burner (continued)
Combustion air/ventilation openings
Sizing air openings
Follow all applicable codes and the appliance instruction manual (when
available) to size combustion air openings. Use the following guidelines
when appliance instructions are not available.
• All air from inside building (building must be well-ventilated):
Size air openings for a free area (after louver deduction) of at least 1
square inch per 1,000 Btuh input of all appliances in the space.
• All air through openings directly from outside the building through an
adjacent outside wall:
If air openings connect directly to outside, provide two openings, one
within 12 inches of the ceiling, the other within 12 inches of the floor.
Each opening must have a free area (after louver deduction) of:
• If directly through side wall: 1 square inch for each 4,000 Btuh of all ap-
pliances in the space.
• If through vertical ducts: 1 square inch for each 4,000 Btuh of all appli-
ances in the space.
• If through horizontal ducts: 1 square inch for each 2,000 Btuh of all ap-
pliances in the space.
Locating air openings
Follow all applicable codes and the appliance instruction manual (when
available) to size combustion air openings. Refer to Figure 2 when appliance
instructions are not available.
Installing the burner/appliance in a space that does
not provide enough air for combustion and ventilation can result in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage. Follow all applicable
codes and guidelines below to ensure space has
sufficient air openings.
Exhaust fans and negative pressure conditions —
Isolate the boiler room from areas subject to negative
pressure. Size combustion air openings to ensure
neutral air pressure in the boiler room whenever the
burner operates.
Make sure the space provides enough ventilation
to prevent overheating of the appliance, burner and
controls. If there is risk of overheating, you must
install ventilation air openings sized large enough
to provide air for cooling the equipment. Failure
to provide ventilation can result in severe personal
injury, death or substantial property damage.
The space and combustion air supply must not
contain corrosive contaminants, such as laundry
products, paints, varnishes or other chemicals.
Estimating free area
When specific information on the free area of louvers is not available,
estimate free area as follows:
1. Wood louvers — free area = area times 0.25.
2. Metal louvers or grilles — free area = area times 0.60.
3. Screens, when used must be no smaller than ¼ inch mesh.
Motorized vent dampers
Wire the vent damper end switch to prevent operation of the burner until
the air opening louvers are fully open.
Combustion air/ventilation opening checklist
• Verify that air openings are unobstructed.
• Verify that appliance space and air source spaces are free of:
• Gasoline or other flammable liquids or vapors.
• Combustible materials.
• Air contaminants, such as laundry products, paint, thinner, varnish, etc.
• Confirm with user that the area will be kept free of these materials at all
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
2. Prepare site • assemble burner • mount burner (continued)
Prepare the appliance
Burner input: Install a burner sized for the normal input rating
of the appliance. Do not install a burner with a higher firing
rate than the appliance rating. Do not install a burner with a
firing rate more than 10% lower than the appliance rating.
The appliance and vent system could be damaged due to
Clean the appliance: Clean the appliance thoroughly. Test
all electrical components and verify the relief valve works
(boilers only).
Seal the appliance:
all connections to the vent piping or breeching.
Verify combustion chamber dimensions comply with the
minimum dimensions recommended on page 9. Install or
replace chamber liner if required by the appliance manufacturer. The burner must not extend into the combustion
chamber. The end of the burner air tube must be within ¼”
of the inside face of the chamber. If the space around the
burner air tube is more than ¼”, wrap the burner air tube
with minimum 2300-°F-rated ceramic fiber blanket to seal
off the gap.
Repair or replace damaged appliance components.
Inspect the appliance thoroughly. Follow appliance manufacturer’s guidelines for repair or replacement of any component
found defective.
When cleaning the appliance or working with ceramic fiber
refractories or fiberglass insulation, see WARNING on this
Failure to comply with the above could result in severe per-
sonal injury, death or substantial property damage.
Seal all flue-gas containing joints. Seal
Avoid breathing dust and avoid contact with skin
Ceramic fiber removal: To prevent airborne dust,
Avoid blowing, tearing, sawing or spraying
Ceramic fiber or
Fiberglass insulation
Ceramic fiber materials, such as chamber liners, may
contain carcinogenic particles (chrystobalites) after
exposure to heat. Airborne particles from fiberglass
or ceramic fiber components have been listed as
potentially carcinogenic by the State of California.
Take the following precautions when removing,
replacing and handling these items.
or eyes. Wear long-sleeved, loose-fitting clothing,
gloves and eye protection. Use a NIOSH N95 certified
respirator. This respirator meets requirements for protection from chrystobalites. Actual job requirements
or NIOSH regulations may require other or additional
protection. For information, refer to the NIOSH website,
thoroughly wet ceramic fiber with water before
handling. Place ceramic fiber materials in a plastic
bag and seal to dispose.
fiberglass or ceramic fiber materials. If such operations are necessary, wear extra protection to prevent
breathing dust.
Prepare appliance for burner mounting
Positive overfire pressure applications: When firing with posi-
tive overfire pressure, do not exceed the pressure specified
in the appliance manual.
Positive overfire pressure reduces maximum burner capacity.
See Page 3 for estimated reduction in burner capacity with
pressurized firing and high altitude applications.
Failure to comply could result in severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage.
– 8 –
Wash work clothes separately from other laun-
dry. Rinse clothes washer thoroughly afterwards to
prevent contamination of other clothing.
NIOSH First aid procedures:
Eye exposure — irrigate immediately
Breathing — fresh air.
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
2. Prepare site • assemble burner • mount burner (continued)
Prepare burner and components
Do not install or operate the burner if any component is damaged
or if burner does not comply with the specifications of Table 2
and other guidelines in this manual.
Combustion chamber minimum dimensions
1. For applications that have not been specifically tested (OEM applications),
verify that the combustion chamber provides the minimum dimensions
shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. For specific OEM applications, the
appliance testing ensures suitability of the chamber.
2. Chamber dimensions may be larger than listed in Table 2, but should not
be excessively large.
Combustion chambers should be sized as recommended in
Table 2. They should be constructed of refractory materials with
the capacity to withstand 2600°F or higher.
It is difficult to include all possible chamber constructions in this
manual. Therefore, you should use the information presented
in this manual combined with commonly practiced techniques
when determining chamber design. If certain conditions are in
question, consult the factory.
Using chamber linings
1. When using refractory liners or lightweight chambers, use insulatingtype refractory rated 2600°F minimum, or as specified by the appliance
2. You must install a target wall liner if flame length is close to the length of
the chamber.
3. Use a floor liner when possible. The floor liner will improve firing in most
applications. Extend floor liner 3 to 4 inches up the side walls.
4. Target wall liners — Extend target wall liners at least 3 to 4 inches above
the center of the flame corbel the top 1½ to 2½ inches deep.
5. Use preformed chamber liners when available. Lining the floor and target
wall water-backed combustion chambers with lightweight insulating refractory will accomplish the same.
6. When converting coal-fired units, install a combustion chamber in the
ashpit area, or fill the ashpit with sand up to 2 inches above the “mud
ring” of the boiler (firing through the door). Install a lightweight refractory
liner on the target wall.
Air tube insertion length (UTL)
1. Usable air tube length (UTL) is the distance from mounting flange to end of
air tube. Verify that the end of the air tube will be flush with, or no more than
¼ inch short of, the inside of the appliance combustion chamber front wall
when the burner is mounted. See Figure 3 for further information.
Figure 3 Chamber dimensions & tube configurations
Table 2 Minimum combustion chamber dimensions
(see Figure 3)
High re
High re
Refactory combustion chamber applications
Refactory combustion chamber applications
W/ target
(all dimensions in inches)
(all dimensions in inches)
No target
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
– 9 –
Model 702GAS Advanced gas burners — Instruction manual
Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
2. Prepare site • assemble burner • mount burner (continued)
Inspect burner and components
• Check the air tube length. Verify the usable length of the tube UTL will be
long enough (see “Mount burner in appliance”).
• Visually inspect all burner components and wiring.
• Verify that wiring is intact and leads are securely connected.
• Verify that all burner components are in good condition.
Do not install or operate the burner if any component is
damaged or if burner does not comply with other guidelines
of this manual and the appliance manual.
Mount burner in appliance
Welded-flange burners
1. Verify the bolt pattern on the appliance chamber matches the flange
2. Verify the insertion depth (UTL) matches the depth of the appliance opening (so the end of the air tube is flush with, or slightly short of, the inside
surface of the combustion chamber).
3. Place gasket onto boiler front plate.
4. Slide the end of the air tube into the opening and secure the flange to the
boiler front plate.
Burners with adjustable flanges
1. Verify the flange mounting slots will line up with the appliance bolts. (See
Figure 4 for adjustable flange dimensions.)
2. Place the flange gasket in position on the appliance mounting plate.
3. Measure the distance from the inside of the combustion chamber to the
outside of the appliance mounting plate. Slide the adjustable flange on the
air tube until it is this distance from the end of the air tube.
4. Mark this position of the flange on the air tube with a pencil or pen so you
can verify the flange is correctly positioned as you complete the installation.
The end of the air tube must be flush, or almost flush, with the inside of
the combustion chamber wall. (See Figure 3, page 9)
5. Tighten the flange locking screws finger tight.
6. Insert the air tube/flange assembly into the appliance opening. (Rotate the
flange if needed to align with the mounting bolts.) Secure the flange to the
appliance front plate. Tighten the flange locking screws.
7. See the following instructions to install the burner pedestal, needed to
properly support the burner.
A forced draft adjustable flange must be sealed to the air
tube to prevent possible leakage of flue products. Failure
to comply could result in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
Figure 4 Adjustable flange
Install the burner pedestal
702GAS burners supplied with an adjustable flange are
also supplied with a pedestal for supporting the burner. (The
pedestal is available as an option for a burner equipped with
a welded flange.)
1. Adjust the pedestal so that the height of the air tube matches the location
of the burner opening.
2. The pedestal has approximately 3” of adjustment. If the burner opening is
too high for the pedestal to rest on the floor, then construct a base. Two
solid cement blocks, side by side, is recommended. Alternate the direction
as layers are put down.
3. Place a spirit level on the air tube. Adjust the pedestal so the air tube
slopes down slightly toward the appliance. The slope should be about
2 degrees.
4. Tighten the pedestal bolt securely.
Install the combustion head
1. Follow the instructions on page 22 to remove the combustion head assembly.
2. Check the position of the flame scanner sight pipe. The flame scanner sight
pipe assembly should be positioned so that the 3/8” pipe fits against the
retention ring assembly. Adjust if necessary. Then tighten the 1/8” Allen
screw to secure the tube in place.
3. Check the electrodes and reposition if necessary. Position the electrodes
as shown in Figure 5. These settings are critical in ensuring a reliable
4. Once the electrodes are set, check all clamps to be sure they are securely
5. Insert the combustion head assembly into the burner and secure in place.
See instructions on page 22.
– 10 –
Carlin part number MN702G Rev. 03/14/11
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