Carl Goldberg Products Ltd.
P.O. Box 818 Oakwood, GA 30566 Phone # 678-450-0085 www.carlgoldbergproducts.com

30% Ultimate ARF
This R/C kit and the model you will build from it is not a toy! It is capable of
serious bodily harm and property damage. It is your responsibility, and yours
alone - to build this kit correctly, properly install all R/C components and
flying gear (engine, tank, radio, pushrods, etc.) and to test the model and fly
it only with experienced, competent help, using common sense and in accordance with all safety standards as set forth in the Academy of Model
Aeronautics Safety Code. It is suggested that you join the AMA and become
properly insured before attempting to fly this model. If you are just starting
R/C modeling, consult your local hobby dealer or write to the Academy of
Model Aeronautics to find an experienced instructor in your area.
Write to: Academy of Model Aeronautics, 5151 Memorial Dr. Muncie, IN
Carl Goldberg Products is proud of the care and attention that goes into
the manufacture of parts for its model kits. The company warrants that for
a period of 90 days, it will replace, at the buyers request, any part or material shown to the company's satisfaction to have been defective in workmanship or material at the time of purchase.
No other warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with respect to
the merchandise sold by the company. The buyer acknowledges and understands that he is purchasing only a component kit from which the buyer will
himself construct a finished flying model airplane. The company is neither
the manufacturer of such a flying model airplane, nor a seller of it. The
buyer hereby assumes the risk and all liability for personal or property damage or injury arising out of the buyers use of the components or the finished
flying model airplane, whenever any such damage or injury shall occur.
Any action brought forth against the company, based on the breach of the
contract of sale to the buyer, or on any alleged warranty there under, must
be brought within one year of the date of such sale, or there after be
barred. This one-year limitation is imposed by agreement of the parties as permitted by the laws of the state of Georgia.
Important Information
Covering coming loose is Not COVERED UNDER WARRANTY. Due to temperature changes the plane may develop some wrinkles in the covering that you
will need to remove with an iron. Be sure to seal the edges down first so that
you do not cause the covering to shrink and leave exposed areas of wood.
Please inspect the plane before beginning to assemble to make sure you are
happy with it. Af
ter assembly has begun you cannot return the kit
. If you find
a problem before beginning to assemble the plane you must contact us,
please do not return it to the dealer.

30% Ultimate ARF
30% Ultimate ARF 3-D ARF
30% Ultimate ARF 3-D ARF
Congratulations on your purchase of the Goldberg Ultimate ARF 3-D ARF.
This is a very unique aircraft, with great 3-D capabilities. Every effort has
been made to produce a lightweight, straight, easy to assemble aircraft.
Because of its oversize control surfaces which are double beveled to allow
for extreme throws, great care must be taken in the set-up and flying of this
airplane. Quality hardware components have been provided to allow for 3D
set-up while maintaining adequate mechanical advantage to eliminate flutter.
It is your responsibility as an advanced pilot to fly the aircraft in an intelligent manner. THR
OTTLE MANAGEMENT IS A MUST!!!!!!!! We at Carl goldberg
have put the 30% Ultimate ARF through a very rigorous flight-testing schedule and have stressed the airframe beyond all practical parameters without
a single failure. Carl goldberg will NOT warrant the Ultimate ARF against
flutter due to improper set-up or excessive speed maneuvers. having said that,
we believe you will find the Ultimate ARF to be one of the most responsive, inthe-grove aircraft on the market. The Ultimate ARF excels at high-alpha
maneuvers including Harriers (both upright and inverted), high-alpha rolls,
and high-alpha knife edge. Torque rolls, waterfalls, knife edge loops and elevators are all within the performance parameters of this unique aircraft.
Just remember to use common sense when flying this high performance

30% Ultimate ARF
Parts Layout
2.Removable cockpit
4.Top wing
5.Bottom wing
8.Elevator (2)
9.I-Struts (2)
10.Clear Canopy
11.Wheel pants (2)
12.Landing gear (2)
13.Aluminum angles (2)
14.Cabane struts (6) pcs.
16.Hardware bag (not

30% Ultimate ARF
Hardware List Quantity per kit Use
6-32x3/4" Socket head screws 20 2 canopy hold down
8 I-Struts
4 cabane struts at fuselage
2 top wing mount at cabane
4 Landing gear aluminum
6-32x1/2" Socket head screws 6 4 cabane strut braces
2 Wheel pant mounts
6-32 lock nuts 6 4 cabane struts
2 top wing mount
6-32 blind nuts 2 wheel pant mount
6-32x 3/4" sheet metal screws 2 tail wheel mount
6-32x 1/2” sheet metal screws 5 cowl mount
1/4-20x1-1/2" socket head screw 4 Landing gear mounts
1/4-20x1" Socket head screws 2 lower wing mount
1/4-20 lock nuts 4 landing gear mount
1/4" flat washers 4 landing gear mount
Tail wheel assembly 1
tail wheel 1
tail wheel tiller spring 1
1/8” wheel collars 2
set screws 2
3/16" axles 2
axle nuts 2
3/16" wheel collars 4
set screws 4
4" wheels 2
6-32x2" Flat head screws 6 4 aileron horns
2 elevator horns
6-32x3" threaded rod 1 rudder horn
6-32 nuts 12 4 aileron horns
2 elevator horns
4 Landing gear aluminum
2 rudder horn

30% Ultimate ARF
#6 flat washers 17 8 Control horns
4 Landing gear aluminum
5 cowl mount
4-40 golden clevis 16 8 aileron
4 elevator
4 rudder
4-40 jam nuts 16
clevis retainers 16
EZ connector body 1 throttle
screw 1
snap nut 1
2-56x12" throttle push rod 1
nylon snap link 1 throttle
4-40x2-1/8" pushrod 4 ailerons
4-40x5" pushrods 2 elevators
4-40x7-1/2" pushrods 2 rudder
24 oz tank-gasoline 1
14" tie wraps 2 fuel tank mount
laser cut tank mount 1
3/8" sq x1” spruce block 2 Throttle servo mount
Laser cut throttle servo mount 1
Goldberg horn bkts 10 4 aileron horns
2 elevator horns
2 rudder horns
2 tail wheel steering
#4 x1/2” sheet metal screws 10 Motor box cover
#4 flat washers 10 Motor box cover
1/8” dowel x 12” 1 Firewall pins

30% Ultimate ARF
Before starting to build this kit, we
urge you to read through these
instructions. They contain some
important building sequences as well
as instructions and warnings concerning the assembly and use of the
We expect that you have some building experience to take on this model.
This means, every minute detail is not
covered. This is not a basic trainer.
The instructions together with the
simplicity of this kit will allow you to
produce a first class Ultimate .
Hobby knife w/ #11 blade
Thin Zap CA
30 Minute Z-poxy
Thread lock
Wire cutters
Drill with bits: 1/8", 5/32", 5/64”
Phillips and standard screwdriver
Small clamps
Masking tape
Tape measure
Washable marker
Paper towels
Rubbing alcohol
Begin construction by locating the
two 1/4-20 x 1” socket head bolt used
to bolt the bottom wing on. Put the
bottom wing in place and remove the
covering over the mount holes at the
trailing edge. Bolt the wing down.
Next locate the stabilizer and fit into
opening in fuselage. Check alignment
with wing, it should be parallel when
sighted from the rear. It should not
be necessary to remove any material
to achieve alignment, simply pushing
up or down on one tip should do it. If
necessary remove material from the
bottom of the stab saddle on one side
to achieve alignment.

30% Ultimate ARF
Remove the stab and using a sharp
#11 blade, cut the covering about
1/8” inside the line you drew and
remove the covering. Be careful and
do not cut too deep and cut into the
balsa as this will weaken the stab.
Do this top and bottom. Check the
stab saddle in the fuselage and
remove the covering where the stab
will be sitting. Mix some 30 minute epoxy and apply to the bare wood on
the stabilizer where you removed the
covering. Slide the stab back into the
fuselage and align using the marks
you made. Use masking tape pulled to
the top of the fin and bottom of the
fuselage to hold parallel to wing.
Use rubbing alcohol and paper towels to clean up the excess epoxy.
Recheck your alignment and set aside
to dry.
When satisfied with the alignment,
measure to make sure the stab is
square and centered. Measurement A
should be the same on both sides and
measurement B should be the same on
both sides. When stab is aligned, use a
marker and draw a line on top and
bottom of the stab, on both sides next
to the fuselage.
remove covering
Top Wing Mounting
Locate the aluminum brackets that
make up the cabane struts. It consist
of six pieces. The two long straight
pieces are the diagonal supports. The
two longer of the pieces with angles
go to the rear and the two shorter
ones go to the front. The sharper of
the two angles are the bottom of the
front brackets