Carl Goldberg GBGA1041 User Manual

Extra 330 ARF
Extra 330 ARF
A radio-controlled model is not a toy and is not intended for persons under 16 years old. Keep this kit out of the reach of younger children, as it contains parts that could be dangerous. A radio­controlled model is capable of causing serious bodily injury and property damage. It is the buyer's responsibility to assemble this aircraft correctly and to properly install the motor, radio, and all other equipment. Test and fly the finished model only in the presence and with the assistance of another experienced R/C flyer. The model must always be operated and flown using great care and common sense, as well as in accordance with the Safety Code of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (5151 Memorial Drive, Muncie, IN 47302, 1-800-435-9262). We suggest you join the AMA and become prop­erly insured prior to flying this model. Also, consult with the AMA or your local hobby dealer to find an experienced instructor in your area. Per the Federal Communications Commission, you are required to use only those radio frequencies specified "for Model Aircraft."
Carl Goldberg Products, Ltd. has inspected and certified the components of this aircraft. The company urges the buyer to per­form his own inspection, prior to assembly, and to immediately request a replacement of any parts he believes to be defective for their intended use. The company warrants replacement of any such components, provided the buyer requests such replacement within a period of 90 days from the date of purchase and provided the defective part is returned, if so requested by the company.
No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the company with respect to this kit. The buyer acknowledges and under­stands that it is his responsibility to carefully assemble the finished flying model airplane and to fly it safely. The buyer hereby assumes full responsibility for the risk and all liability for personal or property damage or injury arising out of the buyer's use of the components of this kit.
P.O. Box 818 Oakwood GA 30566 Phone #678-450-0085 Fax # 770-532-2163
©copyright 2004
Congratulations on your purchase of the Extra 330ARF. This is a very unique dual-purpose air­craft, capable of flying any FAI pattern sequence with ease, while exhibiting remark­able 3-D capabilities. Every effort has been made to produce a lightweight, straight, easy to assemble aircraft. Because of its oversize con­trol surfaces which are double beveled to allow for extreme throws, great care must be taken in the set-up and flying of this airplane. Quality hardware components have been provided to allow for 3D set-up while maintaining adequate mechanical advantage to eliminate flutter. It is you responsibility as an advanced pilot to fly the aircraft in an intelligent manner. THROTTLE MANAGEMENT IS A MUST!!!!!!! Carl Goldberg Products has flown the Extra 330ARF through a very rigorous flight-testing schedule and have stressed the airframe beyond all prac­tical parameters without a single failure. Carl Goldberg Products will NOT
warrant the Extra 330ARF against flutter due to improper set-up or excessive speed maneuvers. having said that, we believe you will find the Extra 330ARF to be one of the most responsive, in-the-grove aircraft on the market. Just remember to use common sense when flying this high perform­ance machine.
We are very proud of the construction of the Extra 330ARF and all of our other ARF aircraft. Each aircraft is jig built to insure a straight true airframe. Every effort is made to build as light an aircraft as possible. As with any professional builder, glue is used sparingly. Please take a
moment during assembly and run a bead of CA or aliphatic resin into the high stress joints that you can reach such as the landing gear plate, servo mounting trays, wing hold down blocks, etc. Also, during the course of
shipping from the manufacturer to our facility in the United States, it is not uncommon for the air­craft to experience several changes in climate. This may cause the iron-on covering to develop wrinkles. This is not a fault of the manufacturer. Please take a few minutes with your heating iron and heat gun to iron down the seams and re­shrink the covering where needed. The results will be a beautiful aircraft with a breathtaking fin­ish that you will be proud to display at your flying club.
Before beginning assembly of your Extra 330ARF, we highly recommend that you study this manual in its entirety. You should begin planning your radio installation based on your choice of engine and equipment from the begin­ning.
Because the Extra 330ARF is intended for those with some degree of modeling experi­ence, every minute detail will not be covered. This is not a basic trainer. Assembly of this air­craft will be easy for the experienced modeler, and by following the instructions within this manual and using the skills you’ve gained dur­ing your modeling career you will be able to pro­duce a first class aircraft.
Building supplies needed
Hobby knife w/#11 blades Thin CA Medium CA Canopy glue 30 minute epoxy Thread lock Diagonal wire cutters Pliers Assorted drill bits Various sized screwdrivers( both Phillips and standard head) Tape measure Dry-erase marker Paper towels Rubbing alcohol Electrical tape 4-40 Tap & Die Set 3/32, 7/64, 9/64 & 3mm Allen wrench Wax Paper
Thread lock must be used where ever any machine bolts are going into any type of nuts. If you do not use thread lock the bolts could become loose and fall out in flight.
CA adhesives are specially formulated to firmly glue the plywood, hardwood, and balsa used in your model and to withstand the vibration and stresses of high performance flight. However, there are times, such as when you are installing the stabilizer and fin on the fuselage and want more set-up time for careful alignment and positioning, then you should use epoxy. Occasionally, you also will want to use thin CA, which "wicks" into the surrounding areas. Aliphatic resin glue or similar water-based glues can also be used, but they will add to the assembly time because they dry so much more slowly than CA glue. Remember, when ever using any CA, you must be careful to read instructions thoroughly, as you will have only sec­onds for positioning of parts. Be sure to trial fit parts together before gluing. Also, never use watery THIN type CA glue for gluing plywood and hardwood parts. Thin CA's do not adequately bond these areas.
Some people may experience an allergic reaction when exposed to fumes from CA glue or epoxy. As with paints, thinners, and solvents, it is always important to use glues only where there is adequate ventilation to carry fumes away. A fan is recommended. Also, special care must be taken when using CA, as it will bond skin as well as other surfaces. Before using any CA, carefully read all label pre­cautions. When using CA, protective eye-wear and care in keeping the glue away from the face is highly recommend­ed. If CA does happen to get into the eye, hold lid open and flush with water only. Seek immediate medical atten­tion.
You will need a work area of approximately 24 x 48" which has been covered to protect it from adhesive, as well as cuts and other damage. Many people cover their work area with a sheet of dry wall (sheet rock) and/or waxed paper t o pre­vent CA Glue and Epoxy from ruining the work surface.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS READ A FEW STEPS AHEAD. This will alert you to coming instructions and will help you plan accordingly.
Using the Parts Identification section, familiarize yourself with the various items included in your kit box.
EExxttrraa 333300
ARF is covered in a premium polyester film chosen by many of the world's top flyers for its beauty, toughness, and ease of application and repair. It is not uncommon for ARF's to develop a few wrinkles in transit. If this is true of your model, the situation is easily correct­ed. Before you begin putting the pieces together, run around the edge of the seams first then over the surface of each section with an iron (either specially designed for airplane use or the more cumbersome household iron). Apply the heat (set at about 350° F), following along with a soft cloth and pressing down on the covering as you go around. This will more firmly set the covering adhesive into the wood and keep your aircraft covering tight and smooth in the future. Once you have ironed the seams stay away from them with the heat or the covering will slide when you try to shrink the middle. If this happens the wrinkles will not come out of the covering.
NOTE: The Extra 330 ARF covering closely
matches Bright Yellow (#872), Flame Red (#883), Deep Blue (#873) and White (#870) Oracover.
2. Locate the pre-drilled aileron hinge holes in both
wing halves. Using a 1/4” drill, drill each hole 1/8” deep. This will allow the center of the hinge to be inserted half way into each of the surfaces.
Repeat this process with the ailerons, making
sure all hinges insert half way.
3. Place 1 drop of oil on each of the hinges at the
center. This is to keep the hinges loose and prevent epoxy from sticking at the joint.
Caution: Do not get any oil on the length of the
hinge or it will not glue into the surface.
1. Collect the following parts:
(1) Left wing (1) Right wing (1) Left aileron (1) Right aileron (10) hinges
4. Select the aileron for the wing half on which
you are working.
Mix up a liberal amount of 30 minute epoxy.Working with 1 hinge at a time, place a dab of
epoxy and insert the hinge half way into one of the aileron holes.
Repeat for each of the other hinges for that
Working quickly, place some epoxy on the
second half of each hinge and insert the aileron into the wing.
Slide the aileron toward the wing until no gap
remains between the aileron and the wing.
When satisfied with the alignment, flex the
aileron up and down to confirm that the hinges are working freely. remove any excess epoxy.
Apply a few strips of masking tape to keep the
pieces in place.
Allow to dry before flexing the aileron.
Repeat the above steps for the other half of
the wing.
1. Collect the following parts:
(1) Left wing (1) Right wing (4) Servos (2) 24” “Y” Harness
2. Locate the two servo holes in the bottom of
Carefully cut the covering over the servo
3. Attach the 24” “Y” harness to one of the servos.
IMPORTANT! To ensure that any connections locat-
ed inside the wing will not come loose, either when the wires are pulled, or during flying, always tape
them securely together with electrical tape.
4. Starting from the outer servo hole, insert
the “Y” harness and the servo wire into the servo hole.
Allow the wire to fall straight down through
though the wing till it exits the root rib
5. Tape the end of the plug to the root rib.
Mount the outer aileron servo to the wing
6. Pull the second half of the “Y” harness out
the inner servo hole.
Plug the second aileron servo into the wire
Always tape them securely
together with electrical tape.
Install the second aileron servo into the wing.
2. With the aileron servo in place, make a mark
on the aileron at a 90º degree angle to the trailing edge and in line with the servo.
1. Collect the following items
(8) 4-40 Metal Clevis (8) 4-40 Hex Nut (4) 4-40 x 3-3/4" Double Threaded Wire (4) 6-32 x 2” Bolt (4) 6-32 Hex Nut (4) #6 Washer (4) 6-32 Adjustable Horn Bracket (4) Clevis Clips
3. Position the control horn bolt so that it is 1/2”
back from the hinge line on the mark that you just made.
Using a 9/64" drill bit, make a hole in the
aileron through to the top side.
5. Insert the 6-32 x 2” screw from the top through
the aileron.
Place the #6 washer and the 6-32 hex nut on
the bolt and tighten. Make sure that you use thread lock on the bolt and nut.
Screw the adjustable horn bracket on to the
6. Thread on to each end of the 4-40 x 3-3/4”
pushrod a hex nut and a metal clevis.
Install the metal clevis onto the horn bracket
and the servo arm.
Install a clevis clip on to each clevis and tight-
en the hex nut against the clevis.
Repeat the above steps for the second aileron
Repeat steps 2 thru 6 for the second wing
HINT: Drill the hole from the bottom half way.
Then measure and mark the top of the aileron and drill down to the hole from the top of the aileron.
Make sure each snap link is fully closed and a
clip is installed before and after each flight.
Now is the time to decide if you want
to glue the stabilizer to the tubes and
the fuselage, or if you wish to have
removable stabilizers.
Collect the following parts:
(1) Left Stabilizer (1) Right Stabilizer (1) 1/2” x 16-1/4” Stabilizer Tube (2) 4-40 x 1/2 bolts
Mounting Stab
1. Slide the small stabilizer tube into one side of
the stab. Then slide the assembly into the hole in the fuselage till the stab is flush against the fuse. (The side of the stab with the hole is the bottom of the stabilizer). Slide the second stab onto the tube sticking out the other side of the fuselage. Squeeze both stab pieces together firmly on to the fuselage.
Check that the stabilizer is level with the wing.
Shim the tube in the fuselage up or down if necessary. Do not go any farther till the stab is level to the wing.
The Stabilizer can be mounted to the
fuselage two ways:
Removable Stabilizer
Using 4-40 bolt, drill and tap the stabilizer tube
at the hole location. This method will allow you to remove the stab as needed. CAU- TION:You must watch the bolt holes for fatigue and drill another hole by rotating the tube when this happens.
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