n The long-term effects of electrical stimulation are
n Apply stimulation to only normal, intact, clean,
dry, and healthy skin.
n TENS is not effective in treating the original
source or cause of the pain, including
n TENS is not a substitute for pain medications
and other pain management therapies.
n TENS devices do not cure diseases or injuries.
n TENS is a symptomatic treatment and, as such,
suppresses the sensation of pain that would
otherwise serve as a protective mechanism.
n Effectiveness is highly dependent upon patient
selection by a practitioner qualified in the
management of pain patients.
n You may experience skin irritation or
hypersensitivity due to the electrical stimulation
or electrical conductive medium (gel) on the
n If you have suspected or diagnosed heart
disease, you should follow precautions
recommended by your physician.
n If you have suspected or diagnosed epilepsy,
you should follow precautions recommended by
your physician.
n Use caution if you have a tendency to bleed
internally, such as following an injury or fracture.
n Consult with your physician prior to using
the device after a recent surgical procedure,
because stimulation may disrupt the healing
n This stimulation should not be applied over the
menstruating or pregnant uterus.
n This stimulation should not be applied over
areas of skin that lack normal sensation.