CardinalHealth N250 Datasheet

Cardinal Health™ N250 Powder-free nitrile examination gloves
Standard protection nitrile exam glove
Cardinal Health™ N250 oers protection against chemicals and chemotherapy drugs, with more gloves per box.
Features and benets:
• Standard level protection within our High Use portfolio
• Tested for use with chemotherapy drugs and chemicals
• USP 800 compliant
• 25% more than FLEXAL, reducing packaging waste and frequency of box changes
* This Cardinal Health product helps healthcare facilities comply with
USP <800> st andard for the saf e handling of haz ardous drugs.
High Use Nitrile:
non-sterile exam gloves designed to serve a broad range of everyday clinical needs.
Cardinal Health™ N250 Powder-free nitrile examination gloves
Cat. No. Size Pkg.
88LC01XS X-Small 250/bx, 10 bx/cs
88LC02S Small 250/bx, 10 bx/cs
88LC03M Medium 250/bx, 10 bx/cs
• Powder-free
• Not made with natural rubber latex
• Ambidextrous
• Color: Blue
• Nominal ngertip thickness: 3.7 mil (.1 mm)
88LC04L Large 250/bx, 10 bx/cs
88LC05XL X-Large 230/bx, 10 bx/cs
88LC06XXL XX-Large 230/bx, 10 bx/cs
For more information or to order, contact your Cardinal Health sales
representative. Call 877.CARDINAL or visit
1 T his glove has been te sted for resist ance to permeatio n of various chemo therapy drugs pe r ASTM D6978, “Stand ard Practice for
Assessm ent of Resistanc e of Medical Glove s to Permeation by Che motherapy Drugs .” Caution: Gloves us ed for protect ion against chemoth erapy drug and lab oratory chemi cal exposure sho uld be selecte d specically f or the type of ch emicals being us ed. Note: Rev iew Safety Data S heets (SDS) for the ch emicals/drugs be ing used to determ ine required leve l of protection .
2 A STM F739 - Standard Test Me thod for Permeati on of Liquids and Ga ses through Prote ctive Clothing Ma terials under Con ditions
of Continu ous Contact
3 2 5% more N250 gloves per d ispenser box whe n compared to FLEXA LTM. 1000 gloves o f N250 require 8 perce nt less storage sp ace and
use 9 perce nt less packagin g material when comp ared to 1000 gloves of FL EXALTM.
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