377 User Manual

Operating Manual
Model 377
Congratulations on your purchase of Excalibur Electronics’ innovative LCD Backgammon! You’ve purchased a part­ner who’s always ready for a game—and who can improve as you do!
Install the Batteries
Using a small Phillips screwdriver, remove the battery-compartment panel screw on the back of LCD Backgammon. Then remove the panel by pulling gently from the top. Install three fresh, alkaline AAA batteries, making sure to follow the diagram in each battery slot so that the polarity (+ or -) of the batteries is correct.
Replace the battery compartment panel.
Play a Game Right Away
After you have installed the batteries, the display will show the backgammon board with all the pips (pieces) on their starting triangles (see figure on right). The LCD will also show SidESidE. This indicates you are at the first move of the game and ready to roll the dice to see who goes first. If it doesn't display SidESidE, use a thin object to press RESET.
Deciding Who Goes First
Press the central direction button diaganolly down to the left or right. This activates the ROLL key. You will see the
dice roll, then stop. If the die on the left is less than the die on the right, LCD Backgammon will go first and play it’s move. If the die on the left is larger, you move first so the display will show
PLAyPLAy. If doubles (the same value dice)
are rolled, the display will show dOUbdOUb, which means the stakes for the game can be doubled. You may accept the double or decline it by pressing the ACCEPT or decline DECLINE keys.
After the computer’s move or after your move, the display will show rOLLrOLL, press a ROLLkey to roll the dice.
Making Your First Move
The way you select and make your move is very simple. You always have WHITE.
• Press on the SELECT key to choose the pip you want to move. An arrow will point to the pip if it can be legally moved.
• To play the die on the left, press the central direction button diaganolly up to the left. This activates the LEFT key.
• To play the die on the right, press the central direction button diaganolly up to the right. This activates the RIGHT key.
Special Messages
During the game the following messages may appear on the display:
PASSPASS - This means you or the comput-
er cannot use the dice or remaining die to make a legal move. Press either ROLL key to continue play.
rOLLrOLL - Press either ROLL key to roll
the dice.
dOUbdOUb - This means the computer wants
to double the stakes, because it thinks it is winning. To accept the double, press the ACCEPT key. To decline the double press the DECLINE key, BUT this means the computer wins, so the game will end.
LOSELOSE - Shows that the game is over,
and that you have lost. Press any key to continue.
_YOU Won_YOU Won - Shows that the game is
over, and that you have won. Press any key to continue.
Special Features and
Function Keys
Features are controlled by the function keys—the black keys on your LCD
Backgammon. But there are more special features than there are keys! So each one has two labels, one above and one below.
The black label below each key shows the primary function of the key. The gray label above the key shows its secondary function.
Below are the features available to you through the primary functions. Remember, to access any of these fea­tures, you simply push the proper key, looking at the black label below the key.
Primary Key Functions
MODE/ON KEY This is a special key, so both its upper and lower labels are gray. Use this key to turn on LCD Backgammon. Also use it to select the secondary function mode of the other keys. You can even use it as a clear or "escape" key to exit any of the special modes like OPTIONS, LEVEL, and CON ­TRAST.
HINT KEY Press this key if you want to get hints from your LCD Backgammon partner. It shows an arrow to the pip it thinks is the best one to move. It shows another arrow pointing to the triangle to which it should be moved. If you must move in from the bar, it will show an arrow to your best entry triangle. To make the hint move, just press the ACCEPT key.
• Before a game begins, press this key to see your winnings, rating, and other sta­tistics (see “Rating and Scoring” section).
• During the game, press this key to see your pip score. This is the total of all dice you need to roll in order to win the game. Press this key a second time to see the computer’s pip score.
SELECT KEY Press this key to select which pip you
would like to move. It will only point to pips that can be legally moved.
DOUBLE KEY Press this key if you think you are win­ning and want to double the stakes. You can only double if no one has the cube, or you have the cube. You have the cube when a WHITE cube and it’s value is shown on the screen. You may only dou-
Your Excalibur LCD Backgammon is packed with
features! Each key has two labels. To activate
the feature named below the key, just press
the button. To enjoy the feature given above
the key, first press MODE/ON and then the button.
ble before you roll the dice for your turn. TAKEBACK KEY
This key lets you take back a move or moves you’ve decided against, BEFORE you have pressed the ROLL key. Pressing the ROLL key enters your move, so the computer can roll the dice for it’s move.
OFF KEY This turns the unit off, automatically sav­ing a game in progress. Use the ON key to turn the unit back on. If no key has been pressed for 5 minutes, LCD Backgammon will automatically turn off, saving your game position. Use the ON key to resume the game.
Secondary Key Functions
Pressing the MODE key will show 2nd2nd on the display. This means the second function mode marked by a gray label above the key is active. You may press MODE again to stop using a secondary function.
OPTIONS KEY Pressing the OPTIONS key repeatedly
will display all selectable options. To select or change an option, use the ACCEPT or the DECLINE key. A colon (:) will be shown, if the option has been accepted.
First press of the OPTIONS key -
bEbE:EPEP - Sound is on. bEbE EPEP - Sound is off. However, the low
tone for illegal moves or illegal key presses does not turn off.
Second press of the OPTIONS key -
CUCU:bEbE - The doubling cube can be used. CUCU bEbE - Cube is off, so no doubling will
be permitted. Third press of the OPTIONS key -
rArA:tEtE - Rating is on, so games results
will be scored.
rArA tEtE- Rating is off. Turn the rating off
for player mode, or if someone else plays the game. This will prevent your rating and game statistics from being updated.
Fourth press of the OPTIONS key -
PLPL:yryr - Player is on, so you may play
against another player, and not against the computer.
PLPL yryr - Player is off, which means you
are playing against the computer. Fifth press of the OPTIONS key -
AUAU:tOtO - Autoroll is on, so the ROLL
key does not need to be pressed once the game has started.
AUAU tOtO - Autoroll is off.
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