Capricorn Electronics CL5000 User Manual

CL5000 OPERATING Instructions
Your CL5000 is a very powerful LTE communications gateway that can monitor and provide remote control from any cellular phone. In order to make it as accessible and as simple to use as possible, we have provisioned CL5000 at the factory to perform the more common functions "out of the box". It has many capabilities that we do not mention here, so contact us for any special requirements. First follow the separately provided instructions for the installation of the CL5000 into your application.
changing SIMCARD.
Remove screws. Make sure the Battery is disconnected. Locate the SIMCARD holder on the modem sub-board. Gently push an ac tiv at ed simcard into the holder until
it clicks and holds in place. Next, take the small white plug from standby battery and slide it i nto the power socket.
This only goes in one way. Do NOT force. You are now ready to load the phone numbers. Test with just one cellphone first, then load others later as required.
Set up your phone to send a text message (SMS) TO the phone number issued with the SIMCARD that you just loaded into CL5000. The SIMCARD phone number will have been issued along with the SIM card by the network provider. The first message you must send CL500 is your cell phone number. Send the following text message::
ADDPHONEn<>88888888<>+(country code)(area code)(your cellphone number) (n is ph 1 to ph 4.) eg : ADDPHONE3 88888888 +121234567899 ( T his is loaded as ph # 3) Spaces are indicated by <>. Don’t insert any spaces in the phone number itself. The eight 8's are a factory
password that you should change later. Now send this off CL5000 should respond with a confirmation message. If no response is received within
about 3 minutes, it means it either did not receive the message or there was a syntax error in the command. If this worked, you can close the unit up again carefully.
You can store up to four phone numbers. Add them using
ADDPHONEn<>PASSWORD<>+(country code)(area code)(your cellphone number)
eg : ADDPHONE3 88888888 +121234567899 (this is loaded as Ph. # 3)
Most SIMCARDS do not have a phone number stored internally, so you need to load the number assigned to the SIMCARD by the network provider. Do this by sending CL5000 the following command:
DEVPH<>+(country code)(area code)(SIMCARD phone number)
eg: DEVPH +121234567899 If you don’t add the Device Phone number, CL5000 will still work, but the TIME will not be updated from the network
To check the four recipient phone numbers stored in CL5000. Send the following command:
Send the following text to your CL5000 RMPH <>PASSWORD<> +(country code)(area code)(phone number) (n is ph # 1 to 4) eg: RMPH2 <>88888888 +12 141 234 567899 ( this removes ph # stored as #2) To change a number, you can load the new number over the old using ADDPHONE. If there is no room left, CL5000 will
advise with a message.
CHANGING PASSWORD To change the password, send CL5000 the following text message;
PASSWORD<>OLD password<>NEW password
eg: PASSWORD 88888888 12345678
"REPORT xy//info" sets CL5000 up to send an AUTOMATIC "INFO" report every "xy" hours. "TEMPRESET" alone, resets the Temperature Logs to present ambient temperature. "TEMPRESET <>F(
or C)<> Max Temp// Min temp " F or C selects units, <> is a space, Max and Min
temps sets the maximum and Minimum ALERT temperatures, Range is 14 F (-10 C) to 176 F ( 80 C).F: Fahrenheit, C: Centigrade. Eg: TEMPRESET F 110//38
"HELP" responds with Help info on command syntax. TEMPDEL n Temperature delay in minutes (n). Use to reduce transient alarms.
PWRDEL n Power loss alert delay in minutes (n). Use to reduce transient alarms. ARM Activates SMS messaging ( Factory default) DISARM Disables all SMS messaging. ASK<>code Used in USSD enabled networks to request network subscriber data like prepaid simcard balance amount. If code to get simcard dollar balance is say *120# from your cellphone, then send CL5000 the code as ASK *120# and it will return the network message with this information. Does not work with voice-only services. Requires USSD service. PLE Power Loss alert ENABLE. PLD Power Loss alert DISABLE.
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