Instructions for installation,
use, maintenance

1) Flap door
2) Grease filter supporting grill
3) Cooking surface lighting
4) Controls
- The hood must be installed at about 60 cm. above
electric burners or 65 cm. above gas or mixed
If the instructions for the installation of the gas
cooking appliance specify a greater distance,
please take this into account.
- Before making any electrical connection, make sure
the house voltage correspondes with the voltage
indicated on the data label, placed inside the hood.
If it is not supplied, fit a standard plug on the cord for
the load stated on the data plate. When connecting
the appliance directly to the mains, place between
the appliance and the mains an omnipolar switch
with minimum opening between contacts of 3 mm.
dimensioned for the load and corresponding with
prevailing standards. For the hoods in Class I, that
do not show on the data plate the symbol of the
double square, the connection must be made as
follows :
BROWN = L (Line)
BLUE = N (Neutral)
YELLOW\GREEN = (Earthed)
For the hoods in Class II, that show on the data plate
the symbol of the double square, the connection must
be made as follows :
BROWN = L (Line)
BLUE = N (Neutral)
You have to take the template relevant to fixing to
the wall, supplied with the hood, apply it to the wall
and make the holes where indicated. Apply the
expansion boss in the upper and lower holes.
Fix the hooks C in the upper holes, by means of the
screws 5x45. Apply to the hood the brackets B,
supplied with it, as showed in the enclosed illustrative leaflet. Adjust the position of the upper brackets
B according to the depth of the cupboards, fix the
hood to the hooks C and check that the appliance
is at the right height (to adjust the height you can
operate on the screws D, embodied in the brackets).
Turn the fixing screws of the angular frame A out,
such angular frame has a long side and a short side,
that you have to utilize depending on the depth of
the cupboard; remove the grill on turning the suitable
latches, extract the flap door 1 on turning the
releasing knobs 5, fix the angular frame A to the
wall, in the holes M, at the right height, through the
holes H (Fig. 1), by means of the screws 5x45. Fasten
the fixing screws to the angular frame of the hood.
Apply the template relevant to fixing to the
cupboards, supplied with the hood, on the side of
the right cupboard, so that the side B matches the
frontal part of the cupboard (disregards the thickness
of the flap door) and make two holes 2,5 mm.
diameter in the points B1 and B2. Then apply the
same template on the side of the left cupboard,
matching the side C with the frontal part of the
cupboard (disregard the thickness of the flap door).
Make two holes 2,5 mm. diameter in the points C1
and C2. Remove the grill turning the latches and
making it slide towards the bottom, extract the flap
door 1 turning the releasing knobs 5. Fix the hood
to the cupboards by means of the screws 4,5x16.
Adjust the angular frame till it will stick to the wall,
working on the apposite screws.
This angular frame has a long side and a short side,
to utilize depending on the depth of the cupboards.
Remove the grill and extract the flap door.
Apply the template relevant to fixing the frontal
panel in the rear side of the frontal panel, drill in the
points showed on the template and fix the flap door
to the frontal panel by means of the screws 4,2x13.
Replace the flap door, inserting it before in the upper
slides and then in the lower ones.
Replace the grill.
N.B. If the flap door does not completely close,
remove the grill, turn the screws out, close the flap
door and screw up again.
The hood is designed to be utilized either for suction
version at external evacuation or filtering version at
internal recirculation.
With the suction version, the dirty air is ejected outside
the house by an apposite pipe conduit connected to
the connection flange G fixed to the hole E (Fig. 1)
by the screw 2,9x13.
Connection flange has a diameter of 120 mm.
For fumes and vapours exhaust, you have to utilize
an exhaust pipe, made in not-combustible material,

of diameter 120 mm. The hood must not be connected
to fuel exhaust flues or to a duct in which hot air is
circulating, or is utilized to remove the fumes from
appliances stocked by an energy different from the
electric one. Pay attention when there is the
contemporary functioning of an hood and a burner
or furnace depending from the air of the surrounding
(stocked by an energy different from the electric one),
because the hood, suctioning, takes away from the
surrounding the air that the burner or the furnace
need for the combustion. So, for a sure functioning,
provide a suitable ventilation of the room by doors,
windows or other technical devices. For the external
exhaust, you have to follow the Authoritys rules. The
external exhaust must not be made in a flue utilized
for the combustible gas of appliances not stocked
by the electric energy.
inferior side.
- The charcoal filter, present only in the filtering
version, has the function of trapping odors and
purifying the air.
The saturation of the charcoal filter occurs after more
or less prolonged utilization, depending on the type
of cooking and on the regularity of cleaning of the
grease filter. In any case it is necessary to replace
the cartridge at least every four months.
The grate made of cold drawn aluminium should be
washed by hand or by dishwasher leaving it to dry
before fitting.
Disconnect the hood from the main.
Remove the grill.
Utilize only olive-shaped or tubular lamps.
When you do not have the possibility to eject the air
outside, you have to utilize a charcoal filter.
The filter purifies the air that after returns in the
surrounding. You have to act as follows :
- Remove the grid 2 (Fig. 1).
- Apply the carbon filter L (Fig. 1).
- Replace the grid.
On the connection flange G, you have to apply the
filtering deflector I, on utilizing the screws 2,9x13.
The deflector is utilized to deviate the air forward, to
avoid to soil the rear wall. This deflector can slide on
its axis to be fixed on an eventual upper wooden
The effective functioning of the hood depends on the
regularity with which the maintenance operations are
carried out, particularly in the case of the grease filter
and of the charcoal filter. The grease filter, which is
applied on the grill, has the function of catching the
fat and solid particles suspended in the air. It is thus
subject to clogging at various intervals, according to
use and the type of cooking.
In any case it is necessary to clean the filter at least
every two months, for this :
- Remove the filter and wash it with a solution of
lukewarm water and neutral liquid detergent,
allowing the dirt to soften.
- Rinse throughly with lukewarm water; allow to dry
and reapply the filter to the grill.
- When there is a default of washing instructions, you
have a fire risk.
- The filter with red stripes is not washable and it
must be replaced when the stripes appear in the
- Do not check filters with hood running
- Do not obstruct vented outlets
- Do not touch lamps or lamp-covers after long
periods of working
- Not to be used over eye-level grill
- No food must be cooked flambé underneath the
- The use of an unprotected flame is dangerous for
the filters and could cause fires
- When frying foods, never leave the pan alone,
because the cooking oil could flare up
- Before performing any maintenance operation,
disconnect the hood from the mains
- The manufacturer refuses to accept any
responsability for eventual damages to the hood,
because of failure to observe the above instructions.