Caution:r isk of fire(R60 0a)
Description of all components
Some features and compo nents of the fridge freezer you bought may not be exactly
the same as the legend here, but in accordance with the packing list in the fridge
War ning:connec t to the mains co ld water supply o nly.
When food needs to be frozen quickly, we recommend cooling
the food to room temperature first. Set the freezer to -24℃.
Select the quick freeze option and then add the fresh food.
Ic e-make r in sta llation
Un install
Lift the ice- make r up in the ① direct ion,
and pull i t out i n the direc tion ②, then t ake it o ut.
6 7 8
Freezer Door Tray
3 4
Freezer Shelf
Ice outlet
Freezer Drawer
In sta ll
Install the ic e-m aker , p ush it to the e nd
in the ① dir ection.
Refrigerator Lamp
7 8
Refrigerator Shelf
Ice Maker
Refrigerator Door Tray

Preparation before use
Proper use of refrigerator
lConstant- temperature p reservati on technology
The freezer has a s pecific air del ivery and cir culation syst em. It can contro l temperatu re
separately, so that the s torage temper ature is stab le and foods can be s aved longer.
lPre-cooli ng before defro sting
It can judge th e temperature i n the fridge fr eezer before de frosting an d do precooling t o
benefit the p re serving of th e foods with li ttle temperat ure change in t he fridge freez er
before and afte r defrostin g.
lIntellige nt defrost
According to ac tual use freq uency and fro sting speed, th e intelligent d efrost is ado pted
to save energ y.
lUltrathin , and luxury desi gn
It has ultrathin size, gr eat volum e, and la rge refri gerator a nd freeze r capabil ities. The
refrigera to r is made o f high-g rade tempered gla ss shelves and provided with a large
fruit and veg etable chambe r.
lFluorine-fr ee, frost-f ree and ful l air-coole d refrigerati on system provides qui ck
refrigera ti on and quick fr eezing.
lFun ction of automa tic default d isplay.
lIt is provi ded with a c ondensing unit and a fan for heat emi ssion, so that cooling
effect is p referable and t he life span of t he compress or is long.
lDoo r alarm.
lThe advised sto rage area for various foo ds in the refrigerato r (see the
Diagram on P1 )
lThe g lass shelf of the r efrigerat or: flour-bas ed foods, can s, milk, fast foo d,
dairy product s, cooked mea t, sausage an d so on.
lCri sper: fruits, v egetables a nd so on.
lSto rage box: eggs, b utter, chees e and so on.
lRef rigerator doo r tray: tear- off tins, c ans, condimen t, drinks and v arious
bottled foo ds .
The tempera ture in the freez er is very low, so t hat the foods can b e stored fres hly for a
long time. Therefore, food can be store d a long time in th is place. But, th e storage tim e
on the food packa ge must be obse rved.
lThe advised s torage area for v arious food s in the freezer (s ee the Diagra m on
lFre ezer door tray (t wo star level ) is used for short -term reser vation of food.
lFre ezer door tray is u sed to store fr ozen food.
lFre ezer glass shel f is used to stor e frozen food, su ch as fish, mea t, ice cream
and so on.
lThe i ce maker is used to m ake ice.
lFre ezer drawer is us ed to store fis h, meat and packa ged poultry m eat.
lExcept the ma nners recomme nded by the man ufacturer, no ot her equipme nt
and manners can b e used to speed u p the process of de frost.
lExcept the ty pes recommend ed by the manuf acturer, no othe r electric ap pliances
can be used in the fo od refriger ator.
lR600a refrige rant and cycl opentane foam m aterials us ed in CAFF205SS a re
flammable. The waste ref rigerator ies need to be isol ated from fir e and cannot be
Your new fridge fre ezer
lBefore the us e of the fridge fre ezer, remove a ll packages, in cluding bottom
cushion and foa m pads and rubb er belts in the fri dge freezer ;
lClear the outsi de and inside o f the fridge free zer
with a piece of warm wet cloth (li ttle deterg ent can be
added into the wa rm water. Clea n the fridge free zer with
fresh water l ast);
lPrepare a separ ate two-pol e grounding rec eptacle.
Do not share a mu lti-socket wi th other elec tric applianc es.
l The groun d wire must be well c onnected an d the
grounding pol e of the recept acle should be gr ounded
lOpen the door, tak e out the attac hments (the b ottom
decorative co ver), and thr ee setscrew s in the bag of the
Instructi on. And install it o nto the botto m beam of the fridg e freezer. For o peration
method, see t he right diagra m.
Bot tom-m ounte d
dec orati ve cove r
Scr ew
Transport and placement of refrige rator
lDo not invert, place horizon tally, squ eeze or shock the fridge freez er. And the
declination a ngle of the fri dge freezer mus t be no more than 4 5 when moving.
lWhen moving, do n ot force too mu ch on the door or t op for fear of defo rmation.
lPlace the fri dg e freezer at a we ll-ventil ated place and ke ep it away from hea t
and direct suns hine. Never p ut it at a damp or wa tery place, for f ear of rustin g or
weakening the i nsulation .
lThe top clearan ce outside th e fridge free zer must be no less t han 30cm, and t he
clearance fro m both sides an d back to the wal ls must be no less th an 10cm for the
convenience o f opening and h eat emission.
lPut the fridg e freezer on the fl at and solid gr ound. (adjust t he adjustab le legs to
get balance if un stable).
Switching on for the first time
lDo not switch o n the fridge free zer immedia tely after vert ical placem ent. Only
switch it on af ter 12 hours' sta nding to ensu re its proper ope ration.
To prevent damage t o the power cor d and any consequ ent inciden ts, the power cor d
should not be cov ered by the fri dge freezer or other objects .
Before swit ching on the refr igerator, pl ea se check the vo ltage range c arefully of the
fridge free ze r is the same as th at of the power s upply.