WARNING! If the information in this manual is
not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may
result causing property damage, personal injury
or death.
• Do not try to light any appliance
• Do not touch any electrical switch
• Do not use any phone in your building
Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbors
phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
• If you can not reach your gas supplier, call the
fire department.
Ins tal lat ion and se rvi ce must be performed by a
qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
The appliance and its individual shutoff valve must
be disconnected from the gas su ppl y piping
system during any pressure testing of that system
test pre ssur es i n ex cess of 5 ps i (3 5 kp a).
The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply
piping system by closing its individual manual
shutoff valve during any pressure testing of the
gas supply piping system at test pressures equal
or less than 5 psi (35 kpa).
WARNING! Disconnect Power before installing.
Bef ore turni ng power ON, be sure that all
controls are in the OFF.
IMPORTANT! Installation must conform with local
codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the
National fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.
• Smother flames with a close fitting lid, or any
metal tray.
Turn OFF the burner. Be careful to prevent burns.
If the flames do not extinguish, immediately
evacuate and call the fire department.
• NEVER pick up a flaming pan. By doing so, you
may be burned.
• DO N OT u se w ater or a we t di shcl oth on f ire.
A violent steam explosion will result. Use a fire
extinguisher only if:
• You have CLASS ABC extinguisher and
you know how to operate it.
• The fire is small and contained in the
area where it started.
The fire department has been called.
You can fight the fire with your back to
the exit.
FOR YOUR SAFETY! If You Smell Gas:
Shut off gas to the appliance. Extinguish any
open flames. If odor persists, immediately call
your gas supplier.
Th i s a ppl ian ce w as des ign ed f or eas e of
in s ta l la t io n and ope rat ion . How eve r, we
recommend that you read all sections of thi s
manual before beginning installation and that
your range is ins ta lled by an approv ed gas
installation technician capable of reviewing and
performing the manufacturers installation checklist
included in your information packet.
The i nsta llat ion o f app lian ces assigned f or
manu fact ured (mobile) home installation must
conform with the Manufactured Home Construction
and Safety and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part
3280 or, when such standard is not applicable,
the S tand ar d f o r M a n u f actu re d H o m e
Inst al l a tion s, ANSI/NCSBCS A225.1, or with
local codes as applicable.
The installation of a ppl ian ces designed f or
Recreation Park Trailers must conform with state
or other codes or, in the absence of such codes,
with the standard for Recreational Park Trailers,
ANSI A119.5.
The appliance, when installed, must be electrically
grounded in accordance with local codes or, in
the abs en ce of lo ca l codes, wi th th e N at io na l
Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70
WARNING! If the information in this manual is
not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may
result, causing property damage, personal injury
or death. Please read the installation, operating
maintenance instructions thoroughly before use.
IMPORTANT! All ranges must be installed with
a back-guard. One of three available backguards must be ordered separately and installed
at the back of the range. The three back-guard
choices include Island Trim, Low Back or HighShelf. Before using the range insure that it is
equipped with a proper back-guard. Refer to the
Ins tal lat ion I nst ruc tio ns ac com pan yin g this
CAUTION! When connecting the unit to
propane gas, make certain the propane tank is
equipped with its own high-pressure regulator
in addition to the pressure regulator supplied
with the range. The pressure of the gas
supplied to the appliance must not exceed 14”
(34.57 mB) water column from the propane
gas tank to the pressure regulator.
CAUTION! Do not store or use gasoline or any
other flammable liquids in the vicinity of this or
any other appliance.
R E F E RE N C E !
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, gas
connection must be performed by a licensed
plumber or licensed gas fitter.
W A R N I N G S !