Read this manual completely before operating or maintaining this machine.
Failure to follow safety precautions could result in serious injury or death.
Keep this manual for future reference by you and by all those who operate
and maintain this machine.
Original Instructions
3670 5601 004
(in English)
90-1 Fukumasu, Yoshii-machi,
Ukiha-shi, Fukuoka, Japan 839-1396
Sales Headquarters (International) TEL +81-(0)943-75-2195
FAX +81-(0)943-75-4396
Authorized Dealer
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction of this material is prohibited.
Notice to Users and Maintenance Personnel
Thank you for purchasing this machine.
This manual provides information needed for safe and effective use of this machine to
those who operate or maintain the machine. Make sure to read and understand the manual
thoroughly before operating this product. Also make sure to read the separate operator's
manual for the engine.
• This machine can be very dangerous if the safety precautions in this manual
and on the l abels attach ed to this m achine are n ot fol lowed. Read and
understand this manual and the safety labels on the machine thoroughly before
using this machine. Always follow the instructions and safety precautions, or
serious injury or death could result.
• This machine should only be used for its intended purpose: hauling and
dumping. Any other use could be dangerous.
• This machine may not be operated on public road or what is considered to
be public road. It is the sole responsibility of the operator to consult the local
• Do not modify this machine, or do not operate this machine with the safety
covers removed or open. A serious accident could result.
• Store this manual in a safe, accessible place for easy reference.
Notice to Owner
• Be sure that everyone who uses this machine, including those who rent or
lease this machine, receives a copy of this Operator's Manual and understands
the importance of reading and following the information in this manual.
Warning Terms Used in this Manual
In this manual, the following four warning terms are used to signal the four levels of hazard
(or seriousness of possible accidents). Read and understand what they mean and always
follow the instructions in this manual.
Warning TermDefinition
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which will result
in death or serious injury if the user does not follow the
procedures or the instructions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result
in death or serious injury if the user does not follow the
procedures or the instructions.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result
in minor to moderate injury or damage to the machine if the
user does not follow the procedures or the instructions.
Indicates important information which needs particular
Warranty and After-Sales Service
Location of Model Label
CHIKUSUI CANYCOM, INC. guarantees this product, based on the terms of warranty. A
copy of this warranty is reproduced in the back of this manual.
After-Sales Service
Consult your local CANYCOM dealer or our company’s sales department regarding service
orders or any questions or problems that may arise when using this machine. Please
make sure to have the product name, serial number, and the make and type of the engine
handy at the time of contact. The model and serial number can be found on the model
label as shown below, and the make and type of the engine can be found in Chapter3
"Specifications" of this manual (Page17).
Location of Model LabelModel Label
Availability of Spare Parts
The replacement or repair parts for this product shall remain available for seven years after
the production of this type of machine is discontinued.
Warranty Certificate is attached at the end of this manual.
* Have the warranty certificate signed and sealed after you have received and fully
understood the instructions for handling this machine and received the receipt.
• Operator's Manual for the Engine
* Be sure to read and understand it together with this manual .
(Left and right)
<Both Models>
Safety Labels
The safety labels shown on the next page are attached to the machine. See the illustration
below for the location and the illustration on the next page for the content of each label on
the machine.
• Locate all the warning labels attached to this machine. Read and follow the
instructions and precautions in them. Failure to do so could result in serious injury
or death to the operator or bystanders.
• Keep the labels clean and legible. Do not use solvents or gasoline to clean the
• Replace these labels immediately if they have been removed, have fallen off or
become illegible. Use the part number, on the label or shown in this manual, to
order a replacement label from your CANYCOM representative.
(Back of load-deck)(Back of load-deck)
<Turn & Dump>
Ne surchargez jamais la benne.
Ne dépassez pas la vitesse limite
décrite sur la graphe ci-dessous
lorsque vous vous déplacez sur
une pente raide
Si vous allez trop vite, vous risquez
de ne pas pouvoir freiner la machine
avec le frein.
Si vous decendez une pente avec une
charge, ralentissez si la pente
devient plus raide
La plage de sécurité
en charge maximum
est représentée avec
la coloration
Vitesse de déplacement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ne faites pas d marrer
le moteur dans un local
clos. Les gaz d' chappement
peuvent provoquer un
empoisonnement gazeux.
La machine doit tre charg e et d charg e
lentement,sur un terrain fe
rme et bien horizontal.
Le v hicule doit tre vide, les op rations se
faire lentement et on doit utiliser des planches
de roulage. Le v hicule doit monter en marche Avant
et descendre en marche Arri re. Le chargement et le
d chargement de la machine doit se faire prudemment,
parce que le centre de gravit peut bouger brusquement.
Si vous changez brusquement la direction alors que
vous tes sur les planches de roulage, cela risque
de faire tomber la machine. Ceci est donc ˆ viter.
Si une charge est pos e sur la
machine avec un quilibre mal
r parti, ceci peut faire ren
la machine. Assurez vous que la
charge est bien r partie
Barre de soutien
pour emp cher la
benne de descendre
Levier de
Plaque de
du levier
Ne laissez pas la machine avec la benne relev e tel quel. En effet,si quelqu' un
venait ˆ toucher au levier de benne par erreur, celle-ci pourrait descendre et
causer un accident.
Lorsque des v rifications sont en cours avec la benne relev e, vous riquez de
vous laisser prendre par la benne. Il faut donc tendre le v rin au maximum
de sa course,arr ter le moteur, puis verrouiller le levier de benne et soutenir
celle-ci fe
rmement au moyen de la tige anti-chute de benne.
Les op rations avec le levier de benne doivent se faire autant que possible
sur des terrains plats et fe
rmes. Sur des zones en pente ou de plan in gal, le
centre de gravit se d place et la machine risque de se ren
Avant d' actionner le levier de benne, assurez vous qu' il n' y a personne autour.
Ne pas conduire la machine avec la benne relev e. Cesi rend non seulement la
visibilit mauvaise, mais le centre de gravit devient plus haut, ce qui peut
voquer le renversement de la machine.
Avant d' actionner le levier de benne, retirez la tige anti-chute qui est sous la
benne. Si la benne est actionn e alors que la tige anti-chute n ' est pas enlev e,
le cadre ainsi que la tige anti-chute risquent d' tre ab”m s.
Kipper niemals überladen.
Bei Fahrten im Gefälle keinesfalls
die unten angegebene
Höchstgeschwindigkeit überschreiten.
Bei Überschreiten der
Höchstgeschwindigkeit besteht
Gefahr dass Bremsen das Fahrzeug
nicht zum Stehen bringen können.
Bei Gefällefahrten unter Last,
Fahrgeschwindigkeit zurücknehmen
wenn Gefälle zunimmt.
Arbeitsbereich unter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Motor nicht in
geschlossenen RŠumen
laufen lassen.
Vergiftungsgefahr durch
Be-und Entladen des Kippers nur auf ebenen,
festem Untergrund vornehmen.
Langsam beladen,und eine Rampe verwenden.
Wenn Rampe verwendet wird , auf
Schwerpunktverlagerung achten.
Rasche Ve
rlagerung des Schwerpunktes kann
zum Umschlagen der Maschine fŸhren.
BergwŠrts im
TalwŠrts im RŸckwŠrtsgang fahren.
Kipper nur gleichmŠssig beladen.
Bei einseitiger Beladung besteht
Gefahr dass Maschine sich
Kippvorgang mšglichst nur auf ebenem, festem Grund durchfŸhren.
Im GefŠlle und auf unebenem Boden besteht Gefahr dass die Maschine
aufgrund der Schwer punktverlagerung umschlŠgt.
Niemals zwischen ungesicherten Kipper und Maschine aufhalten.
MŸssen Wa
rtungen durchgefŸhrt werden erst Hubzylinder bis zum Anschlag
ausfahren, dann Kipphebel mit Kulissensicherung blockieren.
Danach Kipper mit Sicher ungsblock abstŸtzen. Erst danach Wartung durchfŸhren.
Sicherungsblock vor Einfahren des Kippers abrŸsten. Einfahren des
Kippers gegen Sicherungsblock fŸhr t zu BeschŠdigung von
Kipper, Sicherungsblock und Hydraulikzylinder
Maschine nicht mit aufgestelltem Kipper fahren. Der erhobene Kipper engt das
Sichtfeld ein, und fŸhrt zu hoher Schwerpunktlage
Dies kann zum Umschlagen der Maschine fŸhren.
Vor Einfahren des Kippers sicherstellen dass sich niemand im
Gefahrenbereich des Kippers aufhŠlt.
Maschine niemals mit erhobenem Kipper abstellen. Andere Personen kšnnten
irrtŸmlich den Kipphebel betŠtigen und zwischen Maschine und einfahrenden
Kipper geraten.
Safety Precautions
This section contains safety precautions to follow when operating and maintaining the
machine. Read and understand the precautions in this section as well as throughout this
manual and follow them when operating or maintaining the machine. Failure to follow safety
precautions could result in property damage, serious injury or death to the operator or
All operators and mechanics should receive practical instructions from their employer or
renter. Such instructions should cover the following issues:
• It is essential to familiarize yourself with the controls, safety labels and the proper
use of the machine.
• Never allow people unfamiliar with these instructions to operate or service the
machine. Do not let anyone under 18 years of age to operate this machine. Local
regulations may restrict the minimum age for operating the machine. Consult your
local authority.
• The operator is responsible for the accidents or hazards caused to other people or
their property.
• This machine has a riding capacity for one person only. Do not carry passengers
other than the operator.
• Always keep in mind that care and concentration is required when working with
ride-on machines.
• Loss of control on a slope cannot be regained by the application of the brake. The
main reasons for loss of control are:
→ insufficient grip of tracks.
→ excessive speed.
→ misjudging of the ground conditions, especially slopes.
→ excessive load.
→ incorrect distribution of load.
• Fuel is highly flammable. See Checking and Filling Fuel, page 19, for important
safety information on handling fuel.
• Always wear protective footwear, long trousers, hardhat, safety glasses and ear
protection when operating or servicing the machine. Proper clothing will minimize
the chance of injury. Do not operate the equipment if you have long hair, loose
clothing, or jewelry; all of which may get tangled in moving parts. Do not operate
the machine barefoot or with open sandals.
• Prepare beforehand the working rules and procedures such as signaling and trafic
control for the work place. Following such rules will reduce the risk of accidents.
• Never handle fuel or grease, service the engine, or recharge the battery in the
presence of fire or spark.
• Perform the daily pre-startup inspection (see Preparation, pages 19) before starting
the machine. Repair or replace damaged parts before starting the machine.
This machine is intended for carrying sand and dirt. Carrying other materials may damage
the machine. Avoid carrying liquid concrete. That will damage the machine.
The stability of the machine is affected by the speed, rate of steering, terrain and the load.
Always pay close attention to these factors or a loss of control or tip over could occur,
resulting in property damage, serious injury or death.
General Driving
• Do not operate the engine in a confined space where dangerous carbon monoxide
fumes can accumulate.
• Do not touch the engine, muffler or exhaust pipe while the engine is running or soon
after it has stopped. These areas will be very hot and can cause burns.
• Do not operate the machine under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Do not operate
the machine when you are tired, ill, or not feeling well.
• Always check for obstacles before operating on new terrain.
• Before starting the engine and moving the machine, scan around your surroundings
and make sure all persons and other vehicles are a safe distance away from the
machine. Sound the horn to warn bystanders.
• On the machine equipped with the ROPS, always wear the seat belt when in use.
• Always stay seated in the operator's seat when driving the machine. Never operate
the steering lever off of the machine.
• On a slippery surface, travel slowly and exercise caution to reduce the chance of
skidding or sliding out of control. Never operate on ice.
• Always make certain that there is no obstacle or a person behind the machine when
backing up. After confirming that it is safe to back up, move slowly and avoid sharp
• To reduce the risk of tip over, pay special attention when encountering an obstacle
or a slope, or when braking on a slope or during a turn. See Driving on a Slope on
the next page.
• Never attempt to drive over a large obstacle such as rock or fallen tree.
• Always travel slowly and use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Be
alert when traveling on changing terrain.
• Never operate on terrain that you are not comfortable with. Avoid terrain that is so
rough, slippery or loose that you feel like you could tip over.
• Do not operate the machine near the edge of a cliff, an overhang or a slide area.
• Do not make sudden maneuvers. A sudden start, stop, or turn can make the machine
lose control and could cause a tip over. Be especially cautious when traveling on
soft or wet ground.
• Drive at a safe speed, taking into account the surface gradient, surface conditions
and load.
• Use an observer to help direct the machine when the visibility is poor, terrain is
rugged or hilly, or maneuvering room is limited. The observer should be able to see
the machine and its immediate surroundings, and should give pre-arranged signals
to direct the operator.
Driving on a Slope
• Never use on a slope steeper than 20 degrees.
• Driving on a slope can be dangerous. It can result in a tip over and cause
serious injury or death. Take the following precautions.
• Always follow proper procedures for driving on a slope as described in this manual.
• Driving on a slope in a wrong manner can cause a loss of control or a vehicle tip
over. Check the terrain carefully before attempting to drive on a slope.
• Never drive on a slope that you are not comfortable with. Avoid a slope that is so
rough, slippery, or loose that you feel like you could tip over.
• When driving up a slope, proceed at a steady rate of speed and throttle position.
• Never move the throttle lever or the control lever suddenly.
• If the engine stalls or loses traction during a climb and cannot make it to the top
of the slope, do not try to turn the machine around. Carefully back down slowly,
straight down the slope.
• Drive straight up or down slopes. Avoid turning on a slope.
• When going over the top of a slope, go slow; an obstacle, a sharp drop, or another
vehicle or person could be on the other side of the crest.
• Avoid driving the machine across a slope.
• Without a load, drive the machine backwards up a slope (operator's seat toward the
top) when climbing, and drive it forward when going down a slope.
• With a load, drive the machine forward up a slope (operator's seat away from the
top) when climbing, and drive it backwards when going down a slope. Be especially
cautious when operating on a slope with a load.
• When driving down a slope, use the steering levers so that the machine travels
down at the minimum speed. Use the engine speed to help keep the machine speed
Loading and Driving with a Load
• The maximum payload for this machine is 24.5kN (2500kg). Do not exceed this
maximum payload under any circumstance.
• Do not operate on a slope steeper than 20 degrees when carrying a load. Do not
carry more than 1250 kg when operating on a slope between 15 and 20 degrees.
• Load cargo in the bucket so the weight is evenly distributed. When carrying a
cargo, strap the cargo to the load deck to prevent the cargo from shifting. Ensure
that cargo does not obstruct the operator's field of view.
• When carrying a load, drive at a reduced speed. Allow a greater distance for
• Before crossing a bridge or an overpass, make certain that the total combined
weight of the machine, the load and the driver is within the stated weight limit for
the bridge or the overpass. Then, proceed carefully and at a constant speed.
When turning the bucket and dumping material from the bucket, take the following
• Always follow the proper procedures for dumping or turining as described in this
• Only operate the bucket with the engine running.
• Always stay seated in the operator's seat when dumping or turning the bucket.
Never operate the dump or turn lever off of the machine.
• Perform the dump operation on a flat, level and stable surface whenever possible.
Raising or lowering the load deck on a slope or rough terrain could result in a tip
• Pay special care when dumping with the bucket turned to a side. Be tentative when
raising the bucket which is turned to a side.
• Make certain that all persons are at a safe distance away from the machine when
raising, lowering, or turning the bucket.
• Do not move the machine or leave it unattended with the bucket in the raised
• Engage the bucket safety prop if you must place any part of your body under the
bucket in the raised position.
• Park the machine on a flat, level and stable surface. Never park on a slope steeper
than 15 degrees. Avoid parking on a slope less than 15 degrees. If parking on
a slope less than 15 degrees is unavoidable, turn the bucket straight, apply the
parking brake and block the tracks at the lower end of the machine.
→ Without a load, park the machine with the operator's seat facing downhill
→ With a load, park the machine with the operator's seat facing uphill
→ Do not park sideways on a slope.
• Observe all the previous precautions for driving, driving on a slope, loading and
driving with a load, and dumping.
• Whenever you park the machine, apply the parking brake and stop the engine.
Rem ov e the k ey wh en ev er yo u le ave t he ma ch in e u na tt en d ed t o pre ve nt
unauthorized use or accidental starting.
• Diesel fuel is flammable and can be explosive. When parking the machine indoors,
make certain that the building is well ventilated and that the machine is not close to
any source of flame or spark, including appliances with pilot lights.
• Do not service the machine when the engine is running. If it is absolutely necessary
to run the engine while servicing, pay attention to the moving parts; keep hands,
feet, clothing and any part of the body away from any moving part, especially the
cooling fan and the belts at the side of the engine.
• Do not operate the engine in a confined space where dangerous carbon monoxide
fumes can accumulate.
• Make sure all hydraulic line connectors are tight and all hydraulic hoses and lines
are in good condition and leak-free before applying hydraulic pressure to the
• Keep your body and hands away from pinhole leaks or nozzles that eject hydraulic
fluid under high pressure. Use paper or cardboard, not your hands, to search
for leaks. Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure can have sufficient force to
penetrate the skin and cause serious injury.
• Check all fuel lines on a regular basis for tightness and wear. Tighten or repair them
as needed.
• Do not touch the engine, muffler, or exhaust pipe while the engine is running or
soon after it has stopped. These areas will be very hot and can cause burns.
• The engine must be shut off before checking or adding oil.
Controls and Components
Head Lamp
Roller Bracket
Upper Roller
Parking Brake Lamp
Hour Meter
Horn Button
Lock Plate
Lamp Switch
Dump Lever
Turn Lever
(Turn and Dump Model)
Oil Puressure Lamp
Temperature Lamp
Parking Brake Switch
Steering Lever
Accelerator Lever
Ignition Switch
H/L Speed Selecter Switch
Fuel Gauge
Charge Lamp
Name and Function of Controls
Controls and Components2
Accelerator Lever
Steering Lever
Dump Lever
Lock Plate
H/L Speed Selecter Switch
Parking Brake Switch
Lamp Switch
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is used to raise or lower the dump body.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is used to lock the dump lever.
. . . . . . . . . . This increases or decreases the engine speed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . T hi s is us ed when turnin g the m ac hine an d when
. . . . . . . This is used when parking the machine. (When the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressing this button lights up the head lamps.
changi n g t h e d i r ec t i o n o r tr a v e l ( F O R WARD o r
. . . This is used to switch the travel speed between [HI] and
parking brake switch is at the [P] position, the machine
does not move even when the steering lever is operated.)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This lever is used when turning the load deck body (turn
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This lever is used when dumping the load deck body.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . This also acts as the main switch. When the key is turned
and dump model).
to the [ ] position, electric current passes through the
electrical circuits of the machine. If the key is turned
further to the [ ] position, the starting motor is cranked. If
the key is turned to the [ ] position, electricity flows to the
glow lamp.
. . This lights up when the engine cooling water temperature
rises abnormally (overheats).
Controls and Components
Oil Pressure Lamp
Parking Brake Lamp
Charge Lamp
Fuel Gauge
Hour Meter
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This shows the remaining amount of fuel.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This displays the total number of hours that the machine
. . . . . . . . . . This shows if the engine oil pressure is normal. When the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . This displays the condition of the battery charge. When
engine starting switch is turned to the [ ] position,it lights
up, and if the conditions are normal it will go out after the
engine starts.
. . . . . . . . This lights up when the parking brake switch is at the [P
(parking)] position.
the engine starting switch is turned to the [ ] position, it
lights up, and if the condition is normal, it will go out after
the engine starts.
has been working in units of 0.1 hour.
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