Cantek CT-IPC-SD65230-HNI, CT-IPC-SD6A230S-HNI User Manual

Auto Tracking Speed Dome Web3.0 Operation Manual
Version 4.0.0
Table of Contents
1 Network Connection ...................................................................................................................1
1.1 Preparation.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Log in ..............................................................................................................................1
1.3 Live Interface .................................................................................................................3
1.4 Encode Setup ................................................................................................................3
1.5 Video Window Setup ....................................................................................................4
1.6 System Menu.................................................................................................................5
1.7 Video Window Function Option ..................................................................................5
1.8 PTZ Control....................................................................................................................6
1.9 PTZ Setup/Menu ...........................................................................................................7
2 Setup...........................................................................................................................................10
2.1 Camera .........................................................................................................................10
2.1.1 Video......................................................................................................................10
2.1.2 Audio......................................................................................................................15
2.2 IVS.................................................................................................................................16
2.2.1 Global Setup.........................................................................................................16
2.2.2 Scene Setup .........................................................................................................17
2.2.3 Rule Setup ............................................................................................................21
2.2.4 Parameter..............................................................................................................31
2.3 Network.........................................................................................................................32
2.3.1 TCP/IP...................................................................................................................32
2.3.2 Connection............................................................................................................35
2.3.3 PPPoE ...................................................................................................................36
2.3.4 DDNS.....................................................................................................................37
2.3.5 IP filter....................................................................................................................38
2.3.6 SMTP e-mail.................................................................................................39
2.3.7 UPnP......................................................................................................................41
2.3.8 SNMP.....................................................................................................................42
2.3.9 Bonjour ..................................................................................................................44
2.3.10 Multicast .........................................................................................................45
2.3.11 IEEE802 .........................................................................................................46
2.3.12 Qos..................................................................................................................47
2.4 Event .............................................................................................................................48
2.4.1 Video detect..........................................................................................................48
2.4.2 Alarm......................................................................................................................53
2.4.3 Abnormity..............................................................................................................55
2.5 Storage .........................................................................................................................58
2.5.1 Record schedule and snapshot schedule........................................................58
2.5.2 Destination............................................................................................................58
2.5.3 Record control......................................................................................................60
2.6 System..........................................................................................................................61
2.6.1 General..................................................................................................................61
2.6.2 Account..................................................................................................................64
2.6.3 PTZ.........................................................................................................................68
2.6.4 Default....................................................................................................................69
2.6.5 Import/Export........................................................................................................70
2.6.6 Auto maintenance................................................................................................71
2.6.7 Firmware update..................................................................................................71
2.7 Information ...................................................................................................................72
2.7.1 Version...................................................................................................................72
2.7.2 Log..........................................................................................................................72
2.7.3 Online User...........................................................................................................73
3 Alarm...........................................................................................................................................75
4 Log out........................................................................................................................................76
Important z The following functions are for reference only. Some series products may not
support all the functions listed below.
z Usually we recommend IE 7 or higher version. For those versions below IE 7, it
may not support the operation of some functions.
z If it is your first time to login the WEB on the WINDOWS 7 OS or higher, please
login as the administrator.
1 Network Connection
1.1 Preparation
This series speed dome product supports the Web access and management via PC. Web includes several modules: monitor channel preview, PTZ control, system configuration, alarm and etc. Please follow the steps listed below for network connection.
z Make sure the speed dome has connected to the network properly. z Speed dome IP address and PC IP address shall be in the same network segment. If there is router,
please set the corresponding gateway and subnet mask.
z Use order ping ***.***.***.***(* speed dome address) to check connection is OK or not.
1.2 Log in
Open IE and input speed dome address in the address bar. For example, if your device IP is, then please input http:// in IE address bar. See Figure 1-1.
Input your IP address here
Figure 1-1
The login interface is shown as below. See Figure 1-2. Please input your user name and password. Default factory name is admin and password is admin.
Note: For security reasons, please modify your password after you first login.
Figure 1-2
If it is your first time to login in, system pops up warning information to ask you whether install control upgrading, it can overwrite the previous Web too. If you can’t download the ActiveX file, please check whether you have installed the plug-in to disable the control download. Or you can lower the IE security level. See Figure 1-3.
or not. Please click OK button, system can automatically install the control. When system is
Figure 1-3
1.3 Live Interface
After you logged in, you can see the live monitor window. Now you can operate the speed dome via the WEB. See Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4
There are six sections:
z Section 1: Encode setup bar z Section 2: Window adjust bar z Section 3: System menu bar z Section 4: Window function option bar z Section 5: PTZ control z Section 6:PTZ setup/menu
1.4 Encode Setup
The encode setup interface is shown as in Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Main stream
In normal network width environment, main stream can record audio/video file and realize network monitor.
Sub (Extra) stream
If network width is not sufficient, you can use sub stream to realize network monitor. It is to reduce network bandwidth usage. You can select video monitor protocol from the dropdown list. There are three options: TCP/UDP/Multicast.
1.5 Video Window Setup
The interface is shown as in Figure 1-6.
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 1-6
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
SN Parameter Function 1 Image
Click it to open picture setup interface. See Figure 1-7. This interface is on the top right pane.
2 Original
3 Full screen Click it to go to full-screen mode. Double click the mouse or
4 Width and
height ratio
5 Open/close
The picture setup interface is shown as in Figure 1-7.
Click this button to go to original size. It is to display the actual size of the video. It depends on the resolution of the video.
click the Esc button to exit the full screen. Click it to restore original ratio or suitable window.
Left click it to display or hide the PTZ control interface.
Figure 1-7
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Video
Reset Restore brightness, contrastness
Brightness setup icon. It is to adjust monitor video brightness.
Contrast setup icon. It is to adjust monitor video contrast ness.
Saturation setup icon. It is to adjust monitor video saturation.
Hue setup icon. It is to adjust monitor video hue.
saturation and hue to system default setup.
Note: z All the operations here
apply to WEB end only.
z Please go to Setup-
>Camera->Conditions to adjust brightness, contrast, hue and saturation setup.
1.6 System Menu
System menu is shown as in Figure 1-8. Please refer to chapter 1.3 Live, chapter 2 Setup, chapter 3 Alarm, chapter 5 Log out for detailed information.
Figure 1-8
1.7 Video Window Function Option
The interface is shown as below. See Figure 1-9.
Figure 1-9
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
SN Parameter Function 1/2 Alarm
3 Digital
4 Snapshot
5 Triple snap 6 Record
Click it to generate an alarm output. There are two alarm output icons since this series product supports two relay output.
Please note the alarm output interface may vary due to different series products.
When video is in original status, click this button you can select any zone to zoom in. After zoom in ,you can drag the zoom in area in the specified area. Right click mouse system restores original status. You can use the wheel to zoom out the video. You can snapshoot important video.
You can go to Setup->Camera->Video->Path to modify the local record save path.
Click it, system can snap at 1f/s for three times. All images are memorized in system storage folder. When you click local record button, the system begins recording.
You can go to Setup->Camera->Video->Path to modify the local record save path.
7 Manual
8 Audio
9 Bidirectional
10 Help Click it to open help file.
1.8 PTZ Control
Click it and then left click the mouse and drag the mouse in the video window to select any zone, you can enable the speed dome to auto track the object in the specified area.
Please note, you need to go to the Setup->IVS setup->Global setup interface to enable IVS auto track function. Otherwise, this function is null.
Turn on or off audio when you are monitoring. You can go to Setup->Camera->Audio to set.
Click it to begin audio talk. You can go to Setup->Camera­>Audio to set bidirectional talk mode.
Before PTZ operation, please make sure you have properly set PTZ protocol. (Please go to Setup­>System->PTZ to set.). Here you can view direction keys, speed, zoom, focus, iris button. See Figure 1-10. z PTZ direction: PTZ supports eight directions: left/right/up/down/upper left/upper right/bottom
left/bottom right./fast positioning.
z Speed: The step 8 speed is faster than step 1.
Figure 1-10
1.9 PTZ Setup/Menu
The PTZ setup/Menu interface is shown as in Figure 1-11.
Figure 1-11
Click PTZ set button, the interface is shown as in Figure 1-12.Here you can set scan, preset, tour pattern, assistant function and etc.
Figure 1-12
Please refer to the following sheet for PTZ setup information.
Parameter Function Scan
z Click Setup button, you can set scan left and right limit.
z Use direction buttons to move the camera to you desired
location and then click left limit button. Then move the camera again and then click right limit button to set a right limit.
z Input the preset value and then click Preset button, the camera
turns to the corresponding position of the preset.
z Click the Set preset button, you can set a preset. Use direction
keys to move the camera to your desired location and then input preset value. Click add button, you have set one preset.
z The preset value varies due to different protocols. z Click the Setup button, you can begin set tour. z Input tour value and then click the Set button. The tour value
ranges from 1 to 255. (It may vary due to different protocols.)
z Input preset value in the column. Click Add preset button, you
have added one preset in the tour.
Repeat the above procedures you can add more presets in one tour. Or you can click delete preset button to remove one preset from the tour. You can input pattern value and then click start button to begin PTZ movement. Please go back to Figure 1-10 to implement camera operation. Then you can click stop button in Figure 1-12. Now you have set one pattern. Please input the corresponding aux value here. You can select one option and then click AUX on or AUX off button.
Parameter Function Light and
You can turn on or turn off the light/wiper.
The Menu button can control the OSD for detailed speed dome or PTZ setup. See Figure 1-13.
It is the accurate positioning function. Please input corresponding horizontal angle, tilt angle, and speed dome zoom speed and then click Go to button to go to a specified position. One unit of the horizontal angle or tile angle stands for 0.1 degree. Begin or stop speed dome rotation movement.
Figure 1-13
2 Setup
2.1 Camera
2.1.1 Video Video bit stream
The video bit stream interface is shown as below. See Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Main
Bit stream type
It includes general stream, motion stream and alarm stream. You can select different encode frame rates for different recorded events. The frame rates of the motion detect and alarm is customized.
Parameter Function
Encode mode
There are four options: H.264, H.264B, H.264H, and MJPEG encode mode.
z H.264 : Main Profile encode mode. z H.264B :Baseline Profile encode mode. z H.264H: High Profile encode mode.
z MJPEG: In this encode mode, the video needs
general large bit stream to guarantee the video definition. You can use the max bit stream value in the recommend bit to get the better video output effect.
Resolution There are multiple resolutions. You can select from the
dropdown list. For each resolution, the recommended bit stream value
is different.
Sub stream
Frame Rate (FPS)
Bit Rate Type
PAL: 1~25f/s,NTSC: 130f/s.. The frame rate may vary due to different resolutions. There are two options: VBR and CBR.
Please note, you can set video quality in VBR mode. In MJPEG mode, the bit stream control mode can only be CBR.
Recommended Bit
Bit Rate
Recommended bit rate value according to the resolution and frame rate you have set.
In CBR, the bit rate here is a fixed value.
It is the max value in VBR mode.
I Frame Here you can set the P frame amount between two I
frames. The value ranges from 1 to 150. Default value is 50.
Recommended value is frame rate *2.
Important I frame interval setup is null if it is the MJPEG
encode mode.
This function allows you to verify the video is tampered or not. The max length is 128-digit. The character can only include number, character, underline and hyphen.
Please check the box here to enable extra stream function. This function is enabled by default.
Bit stream type
General bit stream.
Parameter Function
Encode mode
There are four options: H.264, H.264B, H.264H, and MJPEG encode mode.
z H.264 : Main Profile encode mode. z H.264B :Baseline Profile encode mode. H.264B is
mainly for Blackberry cell phone to realize the monitor. You need to enable the sub stream function in your camera and set the resolution as CIF. Then you can monitor via the Blackberry cell phone.
z H.264H: High Profile encode mode. z MJPEG: In this encode mode, the video needs
general large bit stream to guarantee the video definition. You can use the max bit stream value in the recommend bit to get the better video output effect.
Resolution There are multiple resolutions. You can select from the
dropdown list. For each resolution, the recommended bit stream value
is different.
Frame Rate (FPS)
Bit Rate Type
PAL: 1~25f/s,NTSC: 130f/s.. The frame rate may vary due to different resolutions. There are two options: VBR and CBR.
Please note, you can set video quality in VBR mode.
Recommended Bit
Bit Rate
Recommended bit rate value according to the resolution and frame rate you have set.
In CBR, the bit rate here is a max value. In dynamic video, system needs to lower frame rate or video quality to guarantee the value.
It is null in VBR mode.
Please refer to recommended bit rate for the detailed information.
I Frame Here you can set the P frame amount between two I
frames. The value ranges from 1 to 150. Default value is 50.
Recommended value is frame rate *2.
Important I frame interval setup is null if it is the MJPEG
encode mode. Snapshot
The snapshot interface is shown as in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Snapshot type
Image size It has relationship with the resolution of the main stream. Quality Interval
There are two modes: general (schedule) and Event (activation). General (schedule) snapshot is to snap in the specified period. Event (Activation) snapshot Is to snap when the motion detect, camera masking, local alarm event occurrence. If you want to use this function, please make sure:
z The event occurred during the specified period. z Motion detect, video masking, local alarm and
corresponding snap function are all enable.
It is to set the image quality. There are six levels. It is to set snapshot frequency. The value ranges from 1s to 7s. Video Overlay
The video overlay interface is shown as in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Privacy mask
Here you can privacy mask the specified video in the monitor video.
System max supports 4 privacy mask zones.
Time Title
You can enable this function so that system overlays time information in video window.
There is no time title if you do not enable this function here.
You can use the mouse to drag the time tile position.
Channel Title
You can enable this function so that system overlays channel information in video window.
There is no channel title if you do not enable this function here.
You can use the mouse to drag the channel tile position.
Refresh After you successfully set privacy mask zone, channel title,
time title, you can click Refresh button to video the effect.
14 Path
The storage path interface is shown as in Figure 2-4.
Here you can set snap image saved path (
( default setup is C:\RecordDownload.
Please click the Save button to save current setup.
in the preview interface).The snap picture default setup is C:\PictureDownload and record file
in the preview interface) and the record storage path
Figure 2-4
2.1.2 Audio
The audio interface is shown as below. See Figure 2-5.
Important Please make sure you have enabled the video function, otherwise you can not enable the audio function.
Figure 2-5
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Audio enable z Main stream: Recorded file only contains video by default.
You need to check the audio box here to enable audio function so that the main stream the network transmitted is audio/video composite stream.
z Sub (Extra) stream: Recorded file only contains video by
default. You need to check the audio box here to enable audio function so that the extra stream the network transmitted is audio/video composite stream.
Encode mode The encode mode of the main stream and extra stream include
PCM, G.711A and G.711Mu. The setup here is for audio encode mode and the bidirectional
talk encode both.
2.2 IVS
2.2.1 Global Setup
The global setup interface is shown as in Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function IVS track
Check the box here to enable this IVS function.
Check the box, system can enable auto track when the corresponding alarm Alarm track enable
The alarm output is still proper if you do not check the box here. System will not
enable auto track when the corresponding alarm occurred
It includes: panorama track, single scene track and multiple-scene track.
Panorama track: Realize the intelligent track of current monitor video after you enabled the preview function.
Track type
Single scene track: Realize the intelligent track of one scene.
Multiple-scene track: It is to realize the intelligent track of several scenes and the scenes support tour function.
After system recognized the tracing object, it can delay a period of time to enable Track dealy
the alarm track.
Please note it is for panorama track mode only. Track time
You can set the track time after the alarm track is enabled.
Please note it is for panorama track mode only.
Appply scene The default setup is normal. De-jitter Here you can set device de-jitter rate. De-jitter enable Check the box here to enable de-jitter module.
2.2.2 Scene Setup
The scene setup is shown as in Figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Add scene Click it to add a scene.
Scene setup Click it to set current monitor video as the corresponding scene and get a number. Preview scene Click it to preview the selected scene.
Track time Here you can set the max track time for the moving object. Zoom
Set track rate
PTZ Speed It is to set PTZ movement speed. The value ranges from 1 to 8.
Limit track
You can select the rate via the zoom setup. Click
current rate as the initial track speed for selected scene.
Click PTZ button
Check the box here to set limit track of current scene. You can use the PTZ to set
the up/down/left/right limit of current scene.
The operation is similar to Scene setup and Preview scene.
to zoom in and click to zoom out.
to adjust scene position. Single Scene Track
button to set
In Figure 2-6, select the single scene track from the track type list, you can see the single scene track interface is shown as in Figure 2-8. Here you can select one item from the No. list to view one monitor scene.
Figure 2-8 Multiple-scene track In Figure 2-6, select the Multiple-scene track from the track type list, you can see the multiple-scene track interface is shown as in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9
In Figure 2-9, click Add scene button you can set tour point during the scene tour process. Move the mouse to the Scene name list; you can select several scenes as a tour. Move the mouse to the Stay time, you can set stay time period.
Figure 2-10
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