CLI-8, PGI-5 Cartridges
This is the refill procedure for OEM Canon CLI-8 and PGI-5 cartridges. We used the
yellow one to illustrate the instructions. They all fill the same way. Each CLI-8 refill uses
about 15 cc of ink and each PGI-5 refill used about 30 cc.
Here is what you will need to do this refill...
MIS Refill Kit which includes; syringe, needle, ink, yellow drill tool, rubber balls
Empty OEM Canon Cartridge
Small hammer
Black electrical tape
Newspaper and some paper towels
A bench to work on where no damage will be done if you spill some ink
Rubber gloves are optional (bleach and water will take ink off your hands)
Refilling Statement
The method for refilling cartridges that is outlined in this instruction set has been tested
and found to work without issue on OEM Canon CLI-8 and PGI-5 printer cartridges.
While we have had no problems refilling these cartridges please note that the ink level
monitor in the printer will need to be disabled in order to continue to print with refilled
cartridges. Each color cartridge’s ink counter will need to be disabled as it is reported
empty, and the message will not reappear for every refill there after.
It is the user's responsibility to monitor the actual ink levels and refill the cartridge when
necessary. This can be done by stopping the printer when it actually runs out of ink (no
ink is printed on the paper), refilling before every large print job to ensure no interruption
during the job, or visually inspecting the cartridge to determine the ink level. Running
this type of cartridge without ink may damage the print head in the printer.

The Troubleshooting section of your Canon manual discusses printer operation with
refilled cartridges. Canon advises that "Canon shall not be liable for any printer
malfunction or damage caused by refilled ink tanks. If you want to continue printing with
the refilled ink tank installed, press and hold the RESUME/CANCEL button for at least 5
seconds, and then release it. Using refilled ink tanks are memorized. * This operation
will release the function of detecting the remaining ink level."
*Our iP4200 has been refilled 5 times with no stoppages.
*Installing a new OEM cartridge will reactivate the ink counter for use with the new
Refill Instructions Canon CLI-8 and PGI-5 Inkjet Cartridges
1. Scrape away the thin plastic on top of the cartridge to reveal the ball in the
reservoir section.
2. Use our black tool and a small hammer or equivalent device to push the ball into
the reservoir. It does not take much, just one sharp blow right on the plastic ball.
(See step 9 for alternative.)