Safety and care
Answer a call
Press the Multifunction button or Volume "+" or Volume "-"
Reject a call
Press and hold the Multifunction button for about 2 seconds.
End a call
Press the Multifunction button once.
End current call and answer new call
When a new call rings during a call, press the Multifunction
button once to answer new call and end current call
On hold current call and answer new call
When a new call rings during a call, Double the Multifunction
button to hold current call and answer new call.
Rejec t the new c all hol d the cur rent ca ll
During the call there is a new call, press and hold the multifunction
button for about 2 seconds to reject a new call, keeping the active call.
Enable voice prompts: en ter pa iring m ode: Pr ess the v olume
but ton for 3 s econd s, the wh ite LED l ights f lashe s 3 times ;
Dis able vo ice pro mpts: e nter pa iring m ode: Pr ess the v olume -
but ton for 3 s econd s, the re d LED lig hts fla shes 3 ti mes.
Clea r paired li st
1.When the earphone is connected to the phone, then disconnected
the phone, at the same time the earphone will enter into pairing mode.
2.Press volume "+" and volume "-" button at the same time until LED
flashes blue, then LED flashes red and blue alternately, the paired list
was cleared, the earphone will enter pairing mode after power on
next time.
Hard reset
If the earphone can't power on even when fully charged, reset earphone
as follows:
1. Press down multifunction button and connect earphone to the USB
port of a PC or an USB power adaptor.
2. Continue to press and hold the multifunction button until earphone
power on. The earphone is now reset.
Mute on/off
Press the Volume "-" for about 2 seconds to mute on/off.
Switch between the earphone and phone
Press the multifunction button for about 2 seconds during a call,
the call will be switched to the mobile phone, redo this
operation again, the call will be switched to the earphone.
Voice dial (Need phone support)
In standby mode double press the multifunction button wait for
phone prompt and then tell the phone to dial the name of a stored
Using at high to moderate volumes for extended periods
of time will result in permanent hearing damage .It is advised you
keep volume levels moderate to low at all times for your safety.
Do not use while driving a car, cycling, operating machinery, or
performing other activities that require hearing surrounding sounds.
Do not use in thunderstorm weather, the may
earphone earphone
not work properly in the condition, and increase the risk of being hit
by lightning .
E may not work properly under high temperature or high
humidity conditions.
Do not use any corrosive cleaner/oil to clean the .earphone
If the comes in contact with liquids, quickly wipe away .If
submersed in water, do not turn the earphone on until completely dried.
Tips: liquid submersion voids the warranty.
Keep the and packaging out of reach of children .earphone
(Ne ed medi a playe r suppo rt).
Music p lay / pau se
Press Multifunction button once to play / pause music. (Some
phones may require you to start a media player first) .
Track backward/forward
Press and hold Volume '-' button for about 2 seconds to skip
track backward.
Press and hold Volume '+' button for about 2 seconds to skip
track forward.
Switc h Music a nd Call
When a call rings during a music playing, the music automatically
pauses to allow you to answer or ignore the call. Once the call is
ignored or ends, the music is resumed.
Basic operation
Status indicator
Power on
Power off
Incoming call
Battery low
Volume up/down
Power on
Press and hold Multifunction button for about 1.5 seconds. The
earphone says "power on" and the LED flashes white four times
Power off
Press and hold Multifunction button for about 5 seconds. The
earphone says "power off" and the LED flashes red four times.
effective range, earphone disconnects with phone. Earphone will
pow er off au tomat icall y once no a ctive f or 15 min utes.
LED status
White light flashes four times
Red light flashes four times
Blink white once every 5 seconds
Flashes red and white alternately /
Flashes white quickly
Blink red
Stays on red while charging
Stays on white after fully charged.
Press the volume "+" to turn volume up
Press the volume "-" to turn volume down
Whe n the dis tance b etwee n the ear phone a nd phon e is beyo nd
Voice prompts
Power on
Power off
Battery low

Windows Phone 8
a.On y our pho ne, ope n the Set tings m enu.
b.Se lect Bl uetoo th. If Bl uetoo th is off , turn it o n.
The P hone wi ll sear ch for ne w devic es auto matic ally.
3. Select " ". If your phone asks, enter 0000 (four zeros) for
the pass code or accept the connection. The LED indicator stops flashing
red and white once successfully paired, you hear "Connection successful".
Some phone list an option to "Play through earphone", select to use the
Pair another phone
Multipoint technology enables you to pair another phone and take a
call from either.
To paired first smart phone power off the earphone, then power on and
paired the second phone and then power off and restart the earphone,
it will reconnect to second paired phone automatically for the first paired
phone link, your shall manual operation from the 1st smart phone's
bluetooth has paired list menu and select and click the “LEOPHILE POP"
Calling switch
Whe n the fir st phon e call ri ngs, pr ess the M ultif uncti on butt on
onc e to answ er the ca ll, if th e secon ds call r ings at t his mom ent,
you can answer the second phone by double click Multifunction
but ton, an d on hold t he firs t phone c all.
Start here
Following items are included
use guide
USB cable
Ear cushions
Product overview
1. Volume - / Track backward
2. Multifunction button
3. Volume + / Track forward
4. Talking mic
5. Charge jack
6. Battery
7. Status indicator
Your new has enough power to pair and make a few
calls. It takes 2 hours to fully charge the earphone; while charging,
the battery indicator light is red, the indicator light flashes white
once charging is complete.
Note: The lifetime of the battery will be significantly reduced if
earphone is left uncharged for a long period. We recommend
that you recharge your
earphone at least once a month.
Pair one phone
Not e: When t he earp hone an d phone h ave bee n paire d once,
the y will au tomat icall y conne ct when t he earp hone is o n and
Bluetooth is activated on the phone.
Pair one phone
1. Make sure the earphone is turned off end within 1 meter of your
phone, presss and hold the Multifunction button until the earphone
power on, then release Multifunction button, the earphone reconnect
the device in the paired device list, if fail, the earphone auto enter
pairing mode.
2.Activate Bluetooth on your phone (See below for more details).
a.On your phone, open the Settings menu.
b.Select Bluetooth. If Bluetooth is off, turn it on.
The iPhone will search for new devices automatically.
Android phone
a.On your phone, open the Settings menu.
b.Select Bluetooth (For old Android phone, Bluetooth is found in the
Wireless & Networks). If Bluetooth is off, turn it on. Select Search for
Devices if your phone does not automatically search for new devices.