Quick Merchant Operator Guide – ICT250
ICT250 Terminal Features
Yellow OPTION buttons
MENU button
Red CANCEL button
Yellow CLEAR button
Blue FUNCTION button
Green OK button
Note: The first three yellow option buttons will be used as the ‘Cheque’, ‘Savings’ and ‘Credit’ keys. The
fourth soft key will not be used.
During Idle state, only the [Menu] and [Func] buttons are operable. Pressing either button will open the
Main Functions Menu.
Key functions
Power ON/OFF
To POWER ON, plug the terminal’s external power cable in and it will power up automatically. To REBOOT,
hold down both the [FUNC] and [CLEAR] keys on the terminal at the same time. To POWER OFF, unplug
the terminal’s external power cable.
Terminal Functions Menu
1. Press the [MENU] key
2. Press [1] to enter the EFTPOS menu
3. Press [2] to enter the TERMINAL menu
4. Press [4] to enter the PCEFTPOS menu
CBA2955 300415
5. Status Bar
When the terminal is powered-on, the terminals’ Operating System provides data to display the Status
Bar as follows, and consisting of the information as described below.
Information Indicator Description
System Date and Time This shows the current system time and date.
Security Status This indicates that Ingetrust keys have been injected and
that terminal data is secure.
Smart Base Indicator
This indicates that the terminal is paired with a smart base.
Note: This is only displayed for the cordless IWL252.
Power Condition This indicates that the terminal is connected to mains
po w e r.
Battery Level
This is the charge level on the por table device and indicates
whether or not the battery is currently charging.
Note: This is only displayed for the cordless IWL252.
Dial-up Modem Status This indicates that the internal (dial-up) modem on the
base is configured but not enabled.
This indicates that the internal (dial-up) modem on the
base is enabled and connection established.
While the modem is dialling, the Host number icon is
coloured yellow, turning green and displaying ‘PSTN’
text when connection is made.
Base Serial Number
This is the serial number of the base (cradle) to which the
portable device is paired.
Note: This is only displayed for the cordless IWL252.
Bluetooth Icon This indicates the status of the Bluetooth link between
the portable device and the base.
Note: This is only displayed for the cordless IWL252.
Contactless LEDs
The first LED, when continuously turned on (i.e. not
flashing), indicates that contactless processing is enabled
for the transaction. The rest of the LEDS are only turned
on whilst the contactless transaction is being processed.
Quick Merchant Operator Guide – ICT250 Page 2
Purchase – Swipe and EMV with PIN/Signature
1. Initiate a purchase transaction on the POS
2. If tipping enabled, enter tip and press [OK ] or to bypass just press [OK]
3. Swipe or insert the card
4. Select the account by pressing the function keys below the CHQ, SAV, CR text
5. Enter PIN or press [OK] for signature (Note: signature is only for credit transactions)
6. Wait for processing to be completed
7. Remove card when prompted by the terminal
8. Verify signature if it is a signature transaction. Press [YES] to approve or [NO] to decline
9. Transaction is approved and merchant copy of the receipt is printed
10. Press [YES] to print customer copy or [NO] to suppress
Purchase – Contactless (total purchase amount less than $100)
1. Initiate a Purchase transaction on the POS
2. If tipping enabled, enter tip and press [OK ] or to bypass just press [OK]
3. Tap card on the contactless reader once “Present Card” sign is displayed
4. Transaction is approved
Purchase - Contactless (total purchase amount above $100)
1. Initiate a Purchase transaction on the POS
2. If tipping enabled, enter tip and press [OK ] or to bypass just press [OK]
3. Tap card on the contactless reader once “Present Card” sign is displayed
4. Enter PIN and press [OK]
5. Transaction is approved
For contactless transactions, the merchant receipt will only be printed if a signature is required (based
on the terminal and contactless card processing rules). A customer copy or a duplicate receipt may be
printed on request.
Purchase – Manual Entry (Damaged Card)
1. Initiate a purchase transaction on the POS
2. If tipping enabled, enter tip and press [OK ] or to bypass just press [OK]
3. Press [Func] on the keypad
4. Key in the card number on the keypad and press [OK ]
5. Enter the card expiry date and press [OK]
6. Enter the CCV and press [OK]
7. Transaction type defaults to credit, press [OK]
8. Wait for processing to be completed
9. Verify signature on printed merchant receipt, press [YES] to approve or [NO] to decline
10. Transaction is approved and customer copy of receipt is printed
Quick Merchant Operator Guide – ICT250 Page 3