Packaging Tips
When vacuum packaging:
• Vacuum packaging is NOT a substitute
for refrigeration.
• Use ONLY bags, rolls and canisters
that are recommended.
• Do not allow the Vacuum Channel
to ll up with liquids. This will render
the machine unusable. To prevent it,
avoid overlling the bags and freeze
liquids rst.
• You can prevent liquids from being
drawn into the appliance by placing a
folded paper towel at the top of the
bag, below the seal area, before
vacuum sealing.
• Do not attempt to create your own
side seals for a vacuum seal bag.
These bags are manufactured with
special side seams which are sealed
all the way to the outer edge. Creating
your own side seams can actually
leave air channels exposed which will
cause leakage and prevent a vacuum
from being formed.
• Always make sure you leave at least
2.5cm of extra bag material for each
time you plan to reuse the bag.
To avoid possible illness, do not
reuse bags.
• If you are not sure whether you have
achieved a complete seal, simply seal
the bag again about 1cm above the
rst seal.
• Bulky items sometimes make it
difcult to achieve a smooth sealing
surface. Gently stretch the bag at
along the Sealing Strip before closing
the lid.
• When packaging products with sharp
edges (dry spaghetti, silverware, etc.),
protect the bag from punctures by
wrapping the products in a cushioning
material, such as paper towels, styro
foam, tissue, etc. Products can also be
vacuum sealed in canisters to avoid
any possibility of puncturing a bag.
• Avoid drawing powdery or ne-grained
products such as our, sugar and
coffee grinds into the appliance. This
will inhibit the vacuuming and sealing
process and may clog the unit,
preventing it from drawing a good
vacuum. To prevent this from
occurring, avoid overlling the bags.
• If you are using the vacuum seal
appliance to re-seal packets, ensure
that these have previously been
commercially heat sealed. Do not
use the sealing strip to re-seal
conventional plastic wrap, sandwich
bags and plastic bags as they may
melt over the sealing strip.