Campbell Scientific Wireless Sensor Network User Manual

Wireless Sensor Network
Revision: 9/11
Copyright © 2010-2011
Campbell Scientific, Inc.


“PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. are warranted by Campbell Scientific, Inc. (“Campbell”) to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless otherwise specified on the corresponding Campbell invoice. Batteries, fine-wire thermocouples, desiccant, and other consumables have no warranty. Campbell's obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at Campbell's option) defective products, which shall be the sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty. The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective products to Campbell. Campbell will return such products by surface carrier prepaid within the continental United States of America. To all other locations, Campbell will return such products best way CIP (Port of Entry) INCOTERM® 2010, prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any Campbell products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, improper service, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. The warranty for installation services performed by Campbell such as programming to customer specifications, electrical connections to products manufactured by Campbell, and product specific training, is part of Campbell’s product warranty. CAMPBELL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Campbell is not liable for any special, indirect, incidental, and/or consequential damages.”


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Wireless Sensor Network Table of Contents
PDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Understanding a Wireless Sensor Network ..............1
1.1 General Description..................................................................................1
1.2 CWB100 Wireless Base Station ...............................................................2
1.3 CWS220 Wireless Infrared Radiometer ...................................................3
1.4 CWS655 Wireless Water Content Reflectometer.....................................4
1.5 CWS900 Wireless Sensor Interface..........................................................5
2. Specifications ..............................................................8
2.1 Wireless Sensor Network Radio...............................................................8
2.1.1 Electrical .........................................................................................8
2.1.2 Typical RF Range ...........................................................................9
2.1.3 RSSI ................................................................................................9
2.1.4 Service Discovery Protocol.............................................................9
2.1.5 Antenna Options ............................................................................10
2.2 CWB100 Specifications..........................................................................10
2.2.1 CWB100 Physical Specifications .................................................10
2.2.2 CWB100 Electrical Specifications................................................10
2.2.3 CWB100 Environmental Specifications .......................................11
2.2.4 Datalogger Compatibility..............................................................11
2.3 CWS220 Specifications..........................................................................11
2.3.1 CWS220 Physical Specifications..................................................11
2.3.2 CWS220 Electrical Specifications ................................................12
2.3.3 CWS220 Environmental Specifications........................................12
2.4 CWS655 Specifications..........................................................................12
2.4.1 CWS655 Physical Specifications..................................................12
2.4.2 CWS655 Electrical Specifications ................................................12
2.4.3 CWS655 Environmental Specifications........................................13
2.5 CWS900 Specifications..........................................................................13
2.5.1 CWS900 Physical Specifications..................................................13
2.5.2 CWS900 Electrical Specifications ................................................13
2.5.3 CWS900 Environmental Specifications........................................14
3. Getting Started: Creating a Wireless Sensor
Network ...................................................................14
3.1 Hardware and Software Required for a WSN ........................................14
3.1.1 A205 CWS to PC Interface...........................................................14
3.1.2 Required Cables............................................................................15
3.1.3 Configuration CD .........................................................................16
3.1.4 Configuration Software.................................................................16
3.1.5 Driver Installation .........................................................................16
Wireless Sensor Network Table of Contents
3.2 Creating a Model of the WSN ............................................................... 16
3.2.1 Wireless Sensor Planner and Network Planner............................ 16
3.2.2 Installing Wireless Sensor Planner............................................... 17
3.2.3 Using Wireless Sensor Planner .................................................... 17 Simple WSN Example........................................................ 18
3.3 Configuring the Devices in the WSN .................................................... 21
3.3.1 Configuring the CWB100 ............................................................ 21
3.3.2 Configuring the CWS655............................................................. 23
3.3.3 Configuring the CWS900............................................................. 24
3.4 Sending the Sensor Configuration File to the Datalogger ..................... 24
3.5 Programming the Datalogger................................................................. 25
3.6 Connecting the CWB100 to the Datalogger .......................................... 27
3.7 Powering CWS Sensors and Initiating Auto-discovery......................... 27
3.8 Verify that Data is being Transmitted.................................................... 28
3.9 Physical Connections ............................................................................. 28
3.9.1 Connecting the Base Station to the Datalogger............................ 28
3.9.2 Connecting Sensors to the CWS900 ............................................ 29
4. Programming the Datalogger....................................29
4.1 Array Declaration................................................................................... 29
4.2 CWB100() Instruction ........................................................................... 30
4.2.1 Configuration String..................................................................... 31
4.2.2 Field Names ................................................................................. 32
4.2.3 Status Monitoring......................................................................... 32
4.3 ArrayIndex() Instruction ........................................................................ 33
4.4 CWB100RSSI() Instruction ................................................................... 34
4.5 CWB100Routes() Instruction ................................................................ 34
4.6 Program Example................................................................................... 35
5. CWS Button and LED Behavior ................................37
5.1 Sensor Link to Base Station................................................................... 37
5.2 Sensor Battery Voltage .......................................................................... 37
5.3 CWS Sensor Search for Base Station .................................................... 37
6. Testing the Network...................................................38
7. Maintenance ...............................................................40
7.1 Replacing a Sensor in the Network......................................................... 41
7.2 Stopping or Loading a New Datalogger Program................................... 41
8. Troubleshooting.........................................................42
A. Using DevConfig for CWS Setup ...........................A-1
Wireless Sensor Network Table of Contents
B. Measurement Names and Meanings ..................... B-1
B.1 CWS220 Default Names......................................................................B-1
B.2 CWS655 Default Names......................................................................B-1
B.3 CWS900 Default Names......................................................................B-2
B.3.1 Wind Vector Calculations ..........................................................B-4
C. Battery Life ..............................................................C-1
C.1 Battery Characteristics .........................................................................C-1
C.2 Effect of Polling Interval and Repeaters on Battery Life.....................C-1
C.3 RF Connection Type Setting................................................................C-2
C.4 Repair of a Lost Connection ................................................................C-3
1.2-1. CWB100 Wireless Base Station...........................................................2
1.3-1. CWS220 Wireless Infrared Radiometer...............................................3
1.4-1. CWS655 Wireless Water Content Reflectometer ................................4
1.5-1. CWS900 Wireless Sensor Interface .....................................................5
3.1-1. A205 CWS to PC Interface ................................................................15
3.1-2. Connection of A205 ...........................................................................15
3.9-1. CWB100 Wiring Connections ...........................................................28
3.9-2. CWS900 Connector Pin-Out..............................................................29
B.3-1. Input Sample Vectors ......................................................................B-4
B.3-2. Mean Wind Vector ..........................................................................B-5
B.3-3. Standard Deviation of Direction......................................................B-6
1.5-1. CWS900 Configurations and Outputs..................................................6
1.5-2. CWS900 Wind Sensor Configurations and Outputs ............................7
2.1-1. CWS FHSS Radio Specifications.........................................................8
4.1-1. Values Transmitted by CWS Sensors.................................................30
Wireless Sensor Network Table of Contents

Wireless Sensor Network

1. Understanding a Wireless Sensor Network

1.1 General Description

Why wireless?
There are situations when it is desirable to make measurements in locations where the use of cabled sensors is problematic. Protecting cables by running them through conduit or burying them in trenches is time consuming, labor intensive, and sometimes not even possible. Local fire codes may preclude the use of certain types of sensor cable inside buildings. In some applications measurements need to be made at distances where long cables decrease the quality of the measurement or are too expensive. There are also times when it is important to increase the number of measurements being made but the datalogger does not have enough available channels left for attaching additional sensor cables. Each of these instances can be resolved with a Campbell Scientific Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). A WSN provides a reliable, low maintenance, low power method for making measurements in applications where cabled sensors are impractical or otherwise undesirable.
What is it?
A Campbell WSN consists of a CWB100 Wireless Base Station and one or more Campbell Wireless Sensors (CWS). The base station communicates with a Campbell Scientific CR800-series, CR1000, or CR3000 datalogger, which serves as the gateway to the network. Although compatible dataloggers use the PakBus© communication protocol, PakBus© is not used for the datalogger to base station communication, nor for the base station to sensor communication. In other words, the CWB100 and wireless sensors are not PakBus© devices.
The base station communicates with all of the wireless sensors in the network. Any sensor can serve as an RF repeater to communicate with other wireless sensors. A sensor can route its transmissions through up to three other sensors on the way back to the base station.
Wireless sensors include the CWS220 Wireless Infrared Radiometer, the CWS655 Wireless Water Content Reflectometer, and the CWS900 Wireless Sensor Interface. Additional sensor types can be integrated into the network by connecting them to the CWS900 Wireless Sensor Interface.
How does it work?
The CWB100 Wireless Base Station and one or more wireless sensors are first configured using an A205 CWS to PC Interface and Campbell Scientific’s Wireless Sensor Planner, Network Planner or Device Configuration Utility software.
The datalogger is programmed with the CRBasic editor to interface with the CWB100 and determine a polling interval. After the polling interval has been received, the base station uses that information to poll the sensors prior to being polled by the datalogger. Power is applied to the sensors and a Setup button pressed to cause them to establish a route to the base station. The base
Wireless Sensor Network

1.2 CWB100 Wireless Base Station

station synchronizes wireless sensor measurements and polls all sensors, storing the collected measurements so that it can transfer them as soon as the datalogger requests them. This minimizes the amount of time the datalogger needs to wait for a response from the network through the CWB100 base station. At the start of each polling interval the datalogger polls the base station and sensor values are transferred to the datalogger for storage. This method of data transfer from the sensors to the datalogger provides the fastest and lowest power method available. An optional configuration string file may be downloaded to the datalogger to predefine sensor and field names along with the order in which values are returned to the destination array.
In order to conserve battery power, the sensors do not initiate any communication except during Network Discovery. Instead they transmit only when polled by the base station.
The CWB100 is the master radio in the wireless sensor network and serves as the interface between the datalogger and the wireless sensors. It holds information for the routes to all the sensors in the network and is responsible for polling the sensors. It synchronizes wireless sensors to make their measurements at the beginning of the datalogger’s scan. The CWB100 communicates using serial protocol or USB.
The CWB100 is packaged in an extruded aluminum housing, and needs to be sheltered in an enclosure. It has a terminal block for connecting power and data lines from the CWB100 to the datalogger wiring panel. It also has a USB port for connection to a computer during configuration. The CWB100 is powered through either the USB connector or the terminal block.
FIGURE 1.2-1. CWB100 Wireless Base Station
For specifications of the CWB100, see Section 2.2.

1.3 CWS220 Wireless Infrared Radiometer

The CWS220 is a Wireless Infrared Radiometer that incorporates Apogee Instrument's SI-111 infrared sensor to provide a non-contact means of measuring the surface temperature of an object. It senses the infrared radiation being emitted by the target. The CWS220 is used to measure leaf, canopy, and average surface temperature. Contact sensors have difficulty making measurements without influencing the temperature, maintaining thermal contact, and providing a spatial average.
The CWS220 is mounted at an appropriate distance from the target where it can measure an individual leaf, a canopy, or any surface of interest. Because the CWS220 is wireless, it can be mounted in many locations that would be problematic for a cabled sensor.
The CSW220 includes a thermopile for measuring a millivolt output dependent on the target to sensor body temperature difference. A thermistor measures the temperature of the sensor body. The sensor body temperature is used to reference the target temperature.
The calibration coefficients used for determining the target temperature by means of the Stefan-Boltzman equation are stored in the CWS220 at the time of calibration.
Wireless Sensor Network
FIGURE 1.3-1. CWS220 Wireless Infrared Radiometer
The CWS220 outputs 5 values: Target temperature, Sensor body temperature, Internal temperature, Battery Voltage, and Signal strength.
Additional detail regarding CWS220 output is available in Appendix B.
For specifications of the CWS220, see Section 2.3.
Wireless Sensor Network

1.4 CWS655 Wireless Water Content Reflectometer

The CWS655 is based on Campbell Scientific’s CS655 water content reflectometer. It measures volumetric soil water content, electrical conductivity (EC), dielectric permittivity, and ambient temperature of soils or other porous media.
The water content information is derived from the probe’s sensitivity to the dielectric permittivity of the medium surrounding its stainless-steel rods. Dielectric permittivity increases with volumetric water content in a predictable fashion. During water content measurements, the CWS655 is configured as a water content reflectometer with the two parallel rods forming an open-ended transmission line. A differential oscillator circuit is connected to the rods. An oscillator state change is triggered by the return of a reflected signal from one of the rods. The two-way travel time of the oscillator-induced electromagnetic waves on the rod increases with increasing volumetric water content of the surrounding media, hence the name water content reflectometer.
The electrical conductivity of the surrounding medium is derived from signal attenuation information. This is accomplished by exciting the rods with a known non-polarizing waveform and determining the signal attenuation due to EC. The EC measurement is used to correct the oscillator period and is also available to the user.
Temperature is measured with a thermistor that is in contact with one of the rods. The thermistor makes a point measurement near the top of the sensor rods. In a typical application this will correspond to a soil temperature reading near the soil surface so care should be taken in interpreting soil temperature data.
Because the CWS655 is wireless, it can be mounted in many locations that would be problematic for a cabled sensor.
The CWS655 is generally not intended for burial below the soil surface in typical installations as this will attenuate the radio signal and make it difficult to change the batteries. Submersion in water or saturated soil may cause damage to sensor electronics.
FIGURE 1.4-1. CWS655 Wireless Water Content Reflectometer
The CWS655 outputs 8 values: Volumetric water content, Bulk electrical conductivity, Dielectric permittivity, Soil temperature, Period Average, Voltage ratio, Internal temperature, Battery voltage, and Signal strength.
Additional detail regarding CWS655 output is available in Appendix B.
For specifications of the CWS655, see Section 2.4.

1.5 CWS900 Wireless Sensor Interface

The CWS900 is a Wireless Sensor Interface. The CWS900 measures analog voltages, low level AC, pulse counts, and can supply an excitation voltage for powering some sensors or making bridge measurements. It has a sealed connector for use with a variety of sensors, such as temperature/humidity probes, rain gages, wind monitors, or other low power sensors. The type of measurement that the sensor performs is configured using Wireless Sensor Planner, Network Planner, or DevConfig software.
Wireless Sensor Network
FIGURE 1.5-1. CWS900 Wireless Sensor Interface
The CWS900 outputs 4 - 12 values, depending on configuration. Tables 1.5-1 and 1.5-2 show available configurations and outputs.
It is important to note the units of the measurement being made by the CWS900. In some cases additional processing of the measurement by the datalogger program or post processing in a spreadsheet or database will be necessary to convert the measurement to engineering units.
Wireless Sensor Network
TABLE 1.5-1. CWS900 Configurations and Outputs
Single Ended Channel 1, V
Single Ended Channel 2, V
Single Ended Channel 3, V
Differential Channel, V
Total Count of Switch Closures
Interval Count of Switch Closures
Max Pulse Freq during polling interval, Hz
Avg Pulse Freq during polling interval, Hz
Probe Temperature, C
Probe Pressure, kPa
Relative Humidity
Leaf Wetness Sensor, V
Dissolved Oxygen, V
pH, V
Signal Strength
Battery Voltage, V
Single Ended Channel 1 Measurement * * * * Single Ended Channel 1 and 2 Measurement * * * * * Single Ended Channel 1, 2, and 3
*** * **
Measurement Differential Channel Measurement * * * * Switch Closure * * * * * Pulse Count * * * * * Low Level AC * * * * * Rain Gage * * * * * Pyranometer (or Quantum Sensor) * * * * 109 Temperature Probe * * * * HMP60 Temp/Humidity Probe * * * * * LWS Leaf Wetness Sensor * * * * CS511 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor * * * * CS525 ISFET pH Probe * * * * CS450 Pressure Transducer * * * * *
CWS900 Internal Temperature, C
Wireless Sensor Network
TABLE 1.5-2. CWS900 Wind Sensor Configurations and Outputs
05103, 05103-45, or 05106 RM Young Wind
Wind Speed Average, m/s
Wind Speed Maximum, m/s
Wind Speed Minimum, m/s
Wind Speed Std Dev, m/s
Wind Dir Avg Unit Vector Mean Wind Dir, deg
Wind Dir Std Dev, Yamartino Algorithm, deg
Resultant Mean Wind Speed, m/s
Resultant Wind Dir Avg, deg
Resultant Wind Dir Std Dev CSI algorithm, deg
Signal Strength
Battery Voltage, V
* * * * * * * * * * * *
CWS900 Internal Temperature, C
05305 RM Young Wind Monitor * * * * * * * * * * * *
03002 RM Young Wind Sentry Set * * * * * * * * * * * *
034B Met One Windset * * * * * * * * * * * *
#40C or #200P NRG Wind Set * * * * * * * * * * * *
Additional detail regarding CWS900 configurations and outputs is available in Appendix B.
For specifications of the CWS900, see Section 2.5.
Wireless Sensor Network

2. Specifications

2.1 Wireless Sensor Network Radio

The CWB100 and CWS sensors use a 25 mW FHSS radio. Three models are available depending on location of usage. Table 2.1-1 shows model numbers and locations used for all models.
2.1.1 Electrical
TABLE 2.1-1. CWS FHSS Radio Specifications
CWSxxx, CWB100
CWSxxxA, CWB100A
CWSxxxE, CWB100E Europe 868 MHz 16
Transmitter Power Output: 25 mW (+14 dBm)
Receiver Sensitivity: -110 dBm (0.1% Frame Error rate)
Current Drain Standby: Receiving: Transmitting:
Average operating current w/1 second access time:
Operating Temperature Range: -25° to +50°C (-13° F to + 122°F)
Additional Features
Where Used Frequency
U.S. Canada,
Australia, and New Zealand
902-928 MHz 50
3 μA 18 mA typical (full run) 45 mA
15 μA
FHSS Channels
GFSK modulation
Data interleaving
Forward Error Correction BCH (31,21)
Data scrambling
Quality of Service management RSSI
2.1.2 Typical RF Range
RF range is affected by antenna height and by obstacles between the two antennae. The following ranges represent typical distances of RF range as measured with a 0 dBd Omnidirectional 1/2 wave whip antenna connected to the CWB100 radio base station:
Wireless Sensor Network
Dense Corn Field 2.1 m (7’) tall 1.2 m (4’)
Inside Industrial Building 1.2 m (4’) 0.9 m (3’) > 76 m (250’)
Mixed Juniper/Maple Forest 1.2 m (4’)
Residential Street (Line of Sight) 1.2 m (4’)
2.1.3 RSSI
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) is a measurement of the power present in a radio transmission received by a wireless sensor. RSSI is a unitless number between 0 (no signal) and 32 (full signal). RSSI is measured periodically when the CWB100RSSI instruction is executed in the datalogger program. The RSSI measurement may be used to determine whether a sensor in the WSN is well positioned for reliable data transmission. See Section 5.3 for details on the CWB100RSSI instruction.
2.1.4 Service Discovery Protocol
Base Height
1.2 m (4’)
1.2 m (4’)
1.2 m (4’)
Sensor Height
0.9 m (3’)
0.0 m (0’)
0.9 m (3’)
0.0 m (0’)
0.9 m (3’)
0.0 m (0’)
RF Range
152 m (500’) 131 m (430’)
156 m (513’) 103 m (340’)
392 m (1285’) 329 m (1080’)
The CWS radio incorporates a service discovery protocol (SDP) which allows the network of wireless sensors to auto-discover their connection to the base, and the route used for that connection. The end result of this auto-discovery is a list of sensor node addresses, and the route through other wireless sensors, if any, used to reach these sensor nodes. The base station then uses these routes to poll the sensors for data. The CRBasic instruction CWB100Routes may be used to retrieve the routing information from the CWB100 radio. See Section
5.4 for details on the CWB100Routes instruction.
The sensors periodically check the synchronization status and, if the connection to the base station is lost, it is automatically re-established, through routers if necessary. It may take up to a day for a sensor to rediscover the base station if early attempts fail, but the process may be manually triggered by pressing the Setup button on the back of the sensor and holding it in for 8-10 seconds (see Section 5 Button and LED Behavior).
The only parameter needed by the service discovery protocol is the base station radio address. This parameter is used to prevent overlapping sensor networks from “joining” each other. All sensors that are part of one network are configured with the same base station address and that is the only base station to which they will establish a communication link.
Wireless Sensor Network
2.1.5 Antenna Options
All CWS wireless sensors contain a built-in 0 dBd 1/4 wave antenna. No other antenna options are available for the wireless sensors.
The CWB100 Wireless Base Station has a RPSMA connector for use with one of several models of antenna. The base station does not automatically ship with an antenna, so one must be ordered as a separate item. Antenna options available for the CWB100 and CWB100A include the following:
Model Description
15730 900MHz 0dBd Omni 1/4 Wave Whip Antenna w/Right Angle
15731 900MHz 0dBd Omni 1/4 Wave Whip Antenna, Straight 2 inches
14204 900MHz 0dBd Omni 1/2 Wave Whip Antenna
15970 900MHz 1dBd Dipole Antenna w/Adhesive Mount
14221 900MHz 3dBd Omni Antenna
14201 900MHz 9dBd Yagi Antenna
Larger outdoor antenna models require a cable to connect to the CWB100. Available options include COAXRPSMA-L LMR195 cable and COAXNTN-L RG8 cable. A surge suppressor kit, part number 14462, is required for connecting the COAXNTN-L cable to the CWB100.
For antenna options for the CWB100E 868 MHz Wireless Base Station, contact Campbell Scientific.

2.2 CWB100 Specifications

2.2.1 CWB100 Physical Specifications
Dimensions (including mounting bracket): 10.8 cm x 4.4 cm x 4.4 cm (4.25” x 1.75” x 1.75”)
Weight: 140 g (5 oz)
2.2.2 CWB100 Electrical Specifications
Power: 4.5 - 22 VDC
Current Drain (@12V) Standby: Receiving: Transmitting:
< 1 mA 10 mA 20 mA
Radio: Internal 25 mW FHSS Radio
Communication: Serial Protocol or USB
Wireless Sensor Network
Terminal Block Connector: Bi-Directional Serial datalogger
USB Port: Computer connection for
Antenna: RPSMA antenna connection
Memory: Can store data table for up to 50
wireless sensors.
Operating Temperature Range:
Terminal Block Pin-Out: I/O Name Description In +12V 12V Supply n/a GND Supply Ground i/o DATA/A CPI “A” i/o B CPI “B” n/a ISO_GND CPI Signal Reference
2.2.3 CWB100 Environmental Specifications
Temperature Range: -25° to +50°C (-13° F to + 122°F)
Humidity Range: Store and use in non-condensing
2.2.4 Datalogger Compatibility
The CWB100 is compatible with Campbell Scientific datalogger models CR800-series, CR1000, and CR3000. These dataloggers use the CRBasic instruction CWB100() to communicate with the CWB100. See Section 5 for programming details.
-25° to +50°C (-13° F to + 122°F)
(desiccated) environment.
Datalogger operating systems that support the CWB100 and CWS sensors are:
CR800-Series CR800.Std.21 and higher
CR1000 CR1000.Std.21 and higher
CR3000 CR3000.Std.21 and higher

2.3 CWS220 Specifications

2.3.1 CWS220 Physical Specifications
Dimensions: 15 cm x 6 cm x 4.5 cm (6” x 2.4” x 1.8”)
Weight: 270 g (9.6 oz)
Wireless Sensor Network
2.3.2 CWS220 Electrical Specifications
Power: 2 AA Batteries
Average Current Drain:
Radio: Internal 25 mW FHSS Radio
Absolute Accuracy: ±0.2°C @ -10° to +65°C; ±0.5°C @ -40° to +70°C
Repeatability: ±0.05°C @ -10° to +65°C; ±0.1°C @ -40° to +70°C
Response Time: <1 s to changes in target temperature
Wavelength Range: 8 to 14 μm (corresponds to atmospheric window)
Field of View (FOV): 22° half angle
300 μA with 15 minute polling
2.3.3 CWS220 Environmental Specifications
Temperature Range: -25° to +50°C (-13° F to + 122°F)
Humidity Range: 0 to 100%
Weather Resistance: IP67 rating for sensor and battery pack (battery pack must be properly installed; each sensor is leak tested)

2.4 CWS655 Specifications

2.4.1 CWS655 Physical Specifications
Dimensions Body: 14.5 cm x 6 cm x 4.5 cm (5.7” x 2.4” x 1.8”) Rods: 12 cm (4.7”)
Weight: 216 g (7.6 oz)
2.4.2 CWS655 Electrical Specifications
Power: 2 AA Batteries
Average Current Drain:
Radio: Internal 25 mW FHSS Radio
Soil Water Content Accuracy:
EC Accuracy:
Temperature Accuracy: ± 0.2°C
300 μA with 15 minute polling
± 2% when using Topps equation
±(5% of reading + 0.05 dS/m)
2.4.3 CWS655 Environmental Specifications
Temperature Range: -25° to +50°C (-13° F to + 122°F)
Humidity Range: 0 to 100%
Weather Resistance: IP67 rating for sensor and battery pack (battery pack must be properly installed; each sensor is leak tested)

2.5 CWS900 Specifications

2.5.1 CWS900 Physical Specifications
Dimensions: 15 cm x 6 cm x 4.5 cm (6” x 2.4” x 1.8”)
Weight: 184 g (6.5 oz)
2.5.2 CWS900 Electrical Specifications
Power: 2 AA Batteries
Wireless Sensor Network
Average Current Drain:
Radio: Internal 25 mW FHSS Radio
Single-Ended Analog Channels: SE1, SE2, SE3
Differential Analog Channels: DF1
Analog Input Range: -1 to + 2.5 VDC
Accuracy: ±(0.02% of reading + 2 µV) @ 0° to +50°C;
Excitation Voltage: 2.5V, 3.3 V, 5.0 V
Excitation Voltage Accuracy: ±2% @ -35° to +70°C
Bridge Measurement Accuracy (+2.5 excitation only):
300 μA with 15 minute polling (depending on attached sensor)
±(0.05% of reading + 2 µV) @ -35° to +70°C
0.3 μV
20 mA maximum
±(0.03% of reading + 3 µV) @ 0° to + 50°C; ±(0.07% of reading + 3 µV) @ -35° to + 70°C
Low Level AC Input: 20 mV minimum
10 kHz maximum frequency
Switch Closure Maximum Count Rate: Minimum Open Time: Minimum Closed Time: Maximum Bounce Time:
Temperature Accuracy: ± 0.2ºC
100 Hz 5 ms 5 ms 4 ms
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