Campbell Scientific Sentek TriSCAN User Manual

Version 1.2a
TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transcribed, translated into any language or transmitted in any form electronic or mechanical for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of Sentek Pty Ltd. All intellectual and property rights remain with Sentek Pty Ltd.
All information presented is subject to change without notice.
2003 Sentek Pty Ltd
EnviroSCAN, EnviroSMART, EasyAG, TriSCAN and IrriMAX are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sentek Pty Ltd.
EnviroSCAN, EnviroSMART, EasyAG, TriSCAN and IrriMAX are protected internationally by various patents (and/or patents pending).
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Copyright © 1991 – 200 4 Sentek Pty Ltd All rights reserved
TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
The access tubes, probes and sensors supplied by Sentek are specifically designed to be used together. Other brands of probe and access tube are not compatible with the Sentek products and should not be used as they may damage Sentek equipment. Damage to Sentek equipment through incorrect use will invalidate warranty agreements.
The TriSCAN sensor produces an output in volumetric ion content (VIC). VIC is a nominal instrument value that is produced by the sensor data processing model. VIC does not represent the exact soil Electrical Conductivity value. Changes of units of VIC represent changes in units of soil EC. The exact relationship between VIC and EC however, varies with soil type. If a relationship between VIC and EC needs to be established, please refer to section on “Benchmarking Soil Salinity –TriSCAN Calibration” in this manual.
Copyright © 1991 – 200 4 Sentek Pty Ltd All rights reserved
TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................4
List of Figures............................................................................................................i
List of Tables.............................................................................................................ii
Introduction ..............................................................................................................1
TriSCAN: Sentek’s Fertilizer/Salinity and Soil Water Monitoring System..................................................1
Important Definitions and Terms....................................................................................................................1
Salinity – the problem........................................................................................................................................2
Where does the salt come from? ......................................................................................................................3
Global impacts of salinization...........................................................................................................................3
Why measure salinity and soil water content?.................................................................................................3
Fertilizer management .......................................................................................................................................4
What is TriSCAN?....................................................................................................5
TriSCAN Features..............................................................................................................................................5
TriSCAN Applications.......................................................................................................................................6
Benefits of TriSCAN Applications...................................................................................................................6
How does the TriSCAN sensor work?....................................................................7
Sensor output and measurement units.............................................................................................................7
Measurement Range and Soil Suitability..........................................................................................................7
Resolution and Accuracy...................................................................................................................................7
Temperature Effects ..........................................................................................................................................8
Getting TriSCAN ready for logging........................................................................9
Probe Assembly and Sensor Addressing.........................................................................................................9
Probe Configuration and Normalization .......................................................................................................12
Site Selection...........................................................................................................18
What is site selection?......................................................................................................................................18
Relationship between macro and micro zones in the field..........................................................................18
Important factors for macro site selection....................................................................................................19
A general view of macro scale zone selection...............................................................................................23
Micro scale zone selec tion...............................................................................................................................25
Micro zone selection guidelines ......................................................................................................................25
Access Tube and Probe Installation......................................................................28
Standard TriSCAN Access Tube Installation Method.................................................................................28
EasyAG TriSCAN Installation.......................................................................................................................31
Benchmarking Soil Salinity – TriSCAN Calibration............................................33
Sampling Method.............................................................................................................................................33
Laboratory Methods.........................................................................................................................................35
Adjusting the Salinity scale from Volumetric Ion Content (VIC) units to EC or ECe units...................36
Salinity and Soil Water Data Interpretation..........................................................37
Example 1 .........................................................................................................................................................37
Example 2 .........................................................................................................................................................39
Example 3 .........................................................................................................................................................40
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
Appendix 1. Units of Salinity Measurement and Conversion Factors................41
Appendix 2: Guidelines for Interpretation of Water Salinity for Irrigation ........42
Appendix 3: Soil Salinity Classes and Cro p Growth.............................................43
Appendix 4: Crop Tolerance and Yield Potential of Selected Crops as
Influenced by Irrigation Water Salinity and Soil Salinity ....................................44
Appendix 5: Relative Salt Tolerance of Agricultural Crops.................................48
Appendix 6: Relative Effect of Fertilizer Materials on the Soil Solution............52
References ...............................................................................................................53
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
List of Figures
Figure 1. Cut-away view of the TriSCAN probe..............................................................................................................................5
Figure 2. Sensor output.........................................................................................................................................................................7
Figure 3. Example of sensor address 5.............................................................................................................................................11
Figure 4. Sensor addressing positions..............................................................................................................................................11
Figure 5. Example Water DU test results .........................................................................................................................................25
Figure 6. Example of EC distribution uniformity in a potato field..............................................................................................26
Figure 7: Example of localized salt accumulation in furrow irrigation (from Ayars & Westcott)........................................27
Figure 8: Field Correlation: Volumetric Ion Content vs. ECe .....................................................................................................36
Figure 9. Sensor response to fertigation...........................................................................................................................................37
Figure 10: Salinity response to incremental applications of fertilizer to a sand colunn..........................................................38
Figure 11. Soil Water and Salinity Graph ........................................................................................................................................39
Figure 12. Tracking movement of salts ............................................................................................................................................40
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List of Tables
Table 1. Salinity Measurement Units and their Abbreviations......................................................................................................2
Table 2. Expected air and water counts for different sensors.......................................................................................................14
Table 3. Default Calibration Coefficients........................................................................................................................................14
Table 4. Configuration Information for TriSCAN sensors...........................................................................................................16
Table 5. Examples of crop coefficients (FAO)...............................................................................................................................22
Table 6. Useful Conversion Factors..................................................................................................................................................41
Table 7. Guidelines for Interpretations of Water Salinity for Irrigation (from Ayars & Westcott).......................................42
Table 8. Soil Salinity Classes and Crop Growth.............................................................................................................................43
Table 9. Crop Tolerance and Yield Potential of Field Crops as Influenced by Irrigation Water Salinity (ECw) and Soil
Salinity (ECe) – from Ayars and Westcott 1994....................................................................................................................44
Table 10. Crop Tolerance and Yield Potential of Vegetable Crops as Influenced by Irrigation Water Salinity (ECw) and
Soil Salinity (ECe) – from Ayars and Westcott 1994............................................................................................................45
Table 11. Crop Tolerance and Yield Potential of Forage Crops as Influenced by Irrigation Water Salinity (ECw) and
Soil Salinity (ECe) – from Ayars and Westcott 1994............................................................................................................46
Table 12. Crop Tolerance and Yield Potential of Fruit Crops as Influenced by Irrigation Water Salinity (ECw) and Soil
Salinity (ECe) – from Ayars and Westcott 1994....................................................................................................................47
Table 13. Relative Salt Tolerance of Agricultural Crops..............................................................................................................48
Table 14. Relative Effect of Fertilizer Materials on the Soil Solution (from Ayars and Westcot) ........................................52
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
TriSCAN: Sentek’s Fertilizer/Salinity and Soil Water Monitoring System
Monitoring, understanding and managing irrigated water and nutrients, so that they stay within the active crop’s root zone, is one of the key challenges in modern agriculture. This is necessary in order to develop long term, environmentally sustainable irrigation and land management practices.
Today electronic sensor technology can be used in conjunction with analytical software to visualize and prevent leakage of water and nutrients from production systems into water tables and waterways through precision irrigation management.
Sentek Pty Ltd has developed a near continuous in -field fertilizer/salinity and soil moisture monitoring system called TriSCAN in order to help irrigators and land managers to efficiently utilize precious water resources and fe rtilizer. Implementation of this technology can lead to management of fertilizer, salinity and water movement to the benefit of the environment. It also has the potential to contribute to substantial savings in water, fertilizer and power (pumping costs) while at the same time increasing crop yields, quality and farm profits. Sustainable and profitable agriculture is the goal.
The TriSCAN sensor monitors soil water content and soil salinity on a near continuous basis. Sensors are placed at multiple depths on probes within the soil profile. Probes are connected to a data logger, where the data is recorded. Graphed data of soil water content and salinity of each depth level can be viewed simultaneously.
This manual describes the operation and use of the TriSCAN multi-sensor, profile probe and its data output, in the context of fertilizer, salinity and irrigation management. It introduces important definitions and terms, explains the problem and touches on the national and global impacts of salinity. It also stresses the importance of understanding the link between fertilizer management and salinity. TriSCAN features and applications are described, along with an explanation on how the sensor works. Known sensor specifications are provided.
The manual also covers principles of site selection, and details the process of configuring the probe for connection to a range of different logging systems. Data from these systems can be imported into Sentek’s customised irrigation and salinity management software, IrriMAX®6 for graphical display.
A further section of the manual covers how to benchmark the TriSCAN salinity measurement units (Volumetric Ion Content, VIC), against the Systéme Internationale (SI) unit for electrical conductivity (deciSiemens per metre, dS m-1).
The manual closes with a collection of useful appendices and references. The manual should be used in conjunction with the SDI-12 and RS485 Modbus technical manuals, which
provide information on the interfaces, power consumption and wiring diagrams.
Important Definitions and Terms
The term salinity in this manual refers to the total dissolved concentration of major inorganic solutes or ions (principally Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, NH soils, it refers to the soluble plus readily dissolvable salts in the soil, or in an aqueous extract of a soil sample.
Ions can be classified in terms of the nature of their charge: Anion - a single atom or molecule with a net negative charge.
Cation - a single atom or molecule with a net positive charge.
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, CO
-, SO
and Cl-) in aqueous samples. As applied to
TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
When ionically bonded compounds like NaCl are added to water, they dissociate (break up) into their constituent positively and negatively charged ions (Na+ and Cl -). This phenomenon causes water, which in its pure state is a poor conductor of electricity, to become a good electrical conductor. The EC of a solution is dependent on the type of ions present, their concentration and the temperature of the solution. Therefore, if the EC of the solution is measured, and if the temperature is known, then the EC can be used to determine the concentration of ions in the solution.
Salinity is quantified in terms of the total concentration of such soluble salts, or more practically, in terms of the EC of the solution.
It is not a simple process to measure the concentration of ions in an aqueous soil solution. Soil consists of an intricate combination of organic and inorganic compounds, each with their own ionic properties. In an attempt to standardize measureme nts and to establish a reasonable reference for comparison purposes, soil salinity is commonly expressed in terms of the EC of an extract of a saturated paste (ECe) from a sample of the soil.
The value of EC for a particular soil sample will vary according to the preparation of the sample. Due to these differences, it is important to state the technique for sample preparation when defining soil salinity. The following terms are used is this manual to describe various preparation techniques:
Electrical conductivity of an extract of a 1:5 mixture of soil:water
ECe Electrical conductivity of a saturation paste extract ECp Electrical conductivity of an aqueous extract of a soil sample, or pore water salinity
The effect of dissolved or ionized salts on plant growth depends on their concentration in the soil solution at any particular time. Therefore there is a strong need to be able to measure the concentration of salts through the soil profile on a continuous basis. Current methods of measuring soil salinity based on destructive sampling make this extremely difficult. The TriSCAN technology overcomes this problem.
Table 1. Salinity Measurement Units and their Abbreviations
EC Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductivity of an extract of a 1:5 mixture of
Electrical conductivity of water
Electrical conductivity of the saturated soil extract
deciSiemens per meter (dS/m)
TDS Total dissolved solids
ppm Parts per million
Milligrams per litre (mg/L)
Grams per cubic meter (g/m
Salinity – the problem
Saline soils can be defined as soils containing sufficient soluble salts to adversely affect the growth of plants. The soluble salts are chiefly sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, but saline soils also contain appreciable quantities of chlorides and sulfates of calcium and magnesium. For purposes of definition, saline soils are those which have an electrical conductivity of the saturation soil extract of more than 4 dSm-1 at 25°C.
In field conditions, saline soils can be recognized by the poor growth of crops and often by the presence of white salt crusts on the surface. When the salt problem is only mild, growing plants often have a blue -green tinge. Barren areas and stunted plants may appear in cereal or forage crops growing on saline soils. The
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extent and frequency of bare spots is often an indication of the concentration of salts in the soil. If the salinity level is not sufficiently high to cause barren spots, the crop appearance may be irregular in vegetative vigour.
Where does the salt come from?
The presence of excess salts on the soil surface and in the root zone characterizes all saline soils. The main source of all salts in the soil is the primary rock minerals from which they derive. During the process of chemical weathering, the salt constituents are gradually released and made soluble. The released salts are transported away from their source of origin through surface or ground water streams.
The salts in the groundwater stream are gradually concentrated as it moves from a wetter, more humid area to a drier, less humid one.
Geologic materials are highly variable in their elemental composition and some materials are higher in salts than others. The kinds of geologic formations through which the drainage water passes thus significantly influence the composition and total concentration of salts. Salt-affected soils generally occur in regions that receive salts from other areas. Although the weathering of rocks and minerals is the source of all salts, rarely are salt-affected soils solely formed from the accumulation of salts in situ.
However, salts released through weathering in the arid regions with limited rainfall are usually deposited at some depth in the soil profile, the depth depending on such factors as the water retention capacity of the soil and the annual rainfall. If the salts are deposited beyond the rooting depth of crops, they rarely affect the crops adversely unles s they are redistributed.
Global impacts of salinization
Accumulation of excess salts in the root zone resulting in a partial or complete loss of soil productivity is a worldwide phenomenon. Globally, approximately 400,000 square kilometres of land are affected by soil salinization and waterlogging. It has been calculated that the world is losing at least ten hectares of arable land every minute, three hectares of which are lost to soil salinization. Nearly 50 percent of the irrigated land in the arid and semi-arid regions is salinized to some degree, and it is in these regions that irrigation is essential to increase agricultural production to satisfy world food requirements.
Irrigation is often costly, technically complex and requires skilled management. Failure to apply efficient principles of water management results in wastage of water through seepage, over watering and inadequate drainage. This causes waterlogging, high salinity and erosion and reduces soil productivity, leading to a loss of arable land.
Why measure salinity and soil water content?
A salinity problem exists if salt accumulates in the crop root zone to a concentration that causes a loss of yield. Yield reductions occur where the salts accumulate in the root zone to such an extent that the crop is no longer able to extract sufficient water from the soil solution for growth.
The plant extracts water from the soil by three mechanisms: bulk flow, diffusion and osmosis. Bulk flow and diffusion are driven by transpiration. Water molecules los t to the atmosphere by the leaf and stems are physically connected by cohesive forces to adjacent water molecules in the plant. This line of force is connected throughout the plant and ends in the root -to-soil interface. Hence, any loss of water at the leaves draws water inward from the soil.
Osmosis dictates that water moves across a membrane (root) from a lower solute concentration (more water) to a higher solute concentration (less water). This force is referred to as osmotic or water potential. The wat er is said to move down an energy gradient from a higher energy state to a lower one. Salt in the soil water decreases the water potential and reduces the net influx of water into the plant. Hence, plants grown in salty water suffer water stress.
Salts are added to the soil with each irrigation. The crop removes much of the applied water from the soil to meet its evapotranspiration (ET) demand, but leaves most of the salt behind to concentrate in the shrinking volume of soil water. Salt concentration typically increases with depth due to plants extracting water but leaving salts behind. Each subsequent irrigation pushes the salts deeper into the root zone where they continue to accumulate until leached.
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. The crop does not respond to the extremes of low or high salinity in the rooting depth uniformly, but integrates water availability, and takes water from wherever it is most readily available. Irrigation timing is thus important in maintaining soil water availability. This reduc es problems caused when the crop must draw a significant portion of its water from the less available, highly saline soil water deeper in the root zone. For good crop production, equal importance must be given to maintaining soil water availability and to leaching accumulated salts from the rooting depth before the salt concentration exceeds the tolerance of the plant.
When the upper rooting depth is well supplied with water, salinity in the lower root zone becomes less important. However, if periods between irrigations are extended and the crop must extract a significant portion of its water from the lower depths, the deeper root zone salinity becomes important. In this case, absorption and water movement towards the roots may not be fast enough to supply the crop, and severe water stress results.
Leaching can be used as a management tool in controlling salinity in the crop root zone. However, this is only effective when the drainage within and below the crop root zone is sufficient.
Salinity problems encountered in irrigated agriculture are very frequently associated with an uncontrolled water table within one to two metres of the ground surface. In most soils with a shallow water table, saline water rises into the active root zone by capillary action. Salinization from this source can be rapid in irrigated areas in hot climates , where portions of the land remain fallow for extended periods. A good irrigation management plan strives to apply sufficient water to meet the crop water demand plus the leaching requirement.
Until now there has been no practical way to directly measure the degree of leaching achieved in a soil profile. The traditional leaching requirement calculation is based on an estimate of the amount of irrigation required to prevent excessive loss in crop yield caused by salinity build -up within the root zone.
TriSCAN offers the opportunity to directly track leaching of salts through the profile. From real-time measurements of soil salinity and moisture, one can determine whether salinity is within acceptable limits for crop production and whether leaching and drainage are adequate.
Fertilizer management
Fertilizers, manure and soil amendments include many soluble salts in high concentrations. Timing and placement are therefore important, and unless properly ap plied, may contribute to environmental problems. Proper timing, application and placement of fertilizer products can reduce nutrient and salinity movement from the soil into waterways. At present, best practice in fertilizer application relies on regular soil and tissue analysis to ensure that an adequate reserve of nutrients is available in the soil.
TriSCAN offers a practical means of tracking on a real-time basis where the applied fertilizer salts move within the soil and the rate of plant uptake of these nutrients. While the TriSCAN sensor cannot determine individual ion constituents, it can be used to optimize the timing of strategic soil sampling and so assist with nutrient management. This has the dual impact of an economic benefit for the operat or as well as a positive environmental benefit to our waterways.
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
What is TriSCAN?
TriSCAN Features
TriSCAN is the world’s first near-continuous in -field monitoring probe to measure soil water content and soil salinity throughout a soil profile. Soil water and salinity measurements are taken by the same sensor successively. The TriSCAN technology is protected by various world patents.
Sensor and Probe
The sensor consists of a tubular housing with two conductive surfaces. The electronic circuit contained within this housing connects into a ribbon cable running inside the extruded plastic support (probe rod) which carries the sensors. The probe rod can be fitted with multiple sensors, located at 100 mm intervals along its length. Each configuration of multiple sensors fitted to a probe rod constitutes a probe. A total of 16 TriSCAN sensors can be mounted to a probe at chosen depth intervals by the user.
Arrays of sensors can be typically installed to depths of 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2 m and 3 m. Special probe lengths can be ordered and installed to greater than 3 m pending favourable installation conditions. The
TriSCAN technology is also offered as an EasyAG probe version, where 4 smaller diameter sensors are fixed on to a probe rod at depths of 100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm and 500 mm.
Access Tubes
During installation, the probe is lowered into a specially extruded plastic tube inserted into the soil at the desired measuring location. Readings of soil water content and soil salinity are taken through the plastic access tube without any direct contact between the sensor and soil. The top and bottom of the access tube is sealed to prevent the entry of water and moisture. The top cap of the access tube allows cable entry from the probe to a suitable data logger through a water-tight grommet.
The TriSCAN EasyAG probes are lowered into the smaller diameter EasyAG access tube body.
Figure 1. Cut-away view of the TriSCAN probe
Probe Interface and Data Acquisition Systems
The TriSCAN can be fitted with two probe interfaces: SDI-12 and RS232/RS485 Modbus. This means that data loggers supporting the SDI-12 or RS232/RS485 Modbus protocol can be used to connect and log soil water and salinity data.
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
TriSCAN Applications
A Fertilizer Management Tool and Soil Salinity Early Warning System
Sentek has developed TriSCAN to provide a tool for monitoring, understanding and managing irrigation water and nutrients, so that they are maintained within the active crop root zone, where they are taken up to the benefit of the plant and irrigator. These are key challenges of irrigation management today to generate long term, sustainable irrigation practices.
TriSCAN is designed to be a pro -active day to day on-farm management tool for irrigation and fertilizer application, to visualize and prevent leakage of water and nutrients from agricultural production systems. TriSCAN is also designed to report rising salinity levels below or in the active plant root zone and so to provide an early warning system of salinity impact on the plant.
Note: If TriSCA N is to be used as an early warning system to detect damaging salinity concentrations,
salinity benchmarking (a soil salinity check) should be undertaken – refer the section on Salinity
Near-continuous data of soil water and soil salinity taken at multiple levels in the soil profile provides a picture of:
where the roots are taking up water
the depth of the active root zone
the day -to-day concentration changes of salts and applied fertilizers
This is a new, dynamic approach linking soil water and salinity to management of irrigation and fertilizer applications; an approach that practically and commercially cannot be achieved using soil sampling alone.
The TriSCAN technology is designed to reduce the soil sampling frequency and it is designed as a complementary technology that will allow soil sampling to be undertaken at strategic points in time.
Determination of EC or ECe in soil samples will verify the magnitude of salinity chang e detected by the TriSCAN sensors. This process is called “salinity benchmarking”, that sets the upper and lower limits of the soil salinity range encountered in the field during the crop season.
Benefits of TriSCAN Applications
The use of the TriSCAN technology can potentially lead to several benefits depending on the user, application and site conditions. These benefits include:
Optimizing fertilizer uptake by the crop
Fertilizer savings
Optimizing crop quality and yield
Improving economic return
Minimizing fertilizer leaching into groundwater
Preventing soil acidification from nitrate leaching
Providing water savings
Providing energy (pumping cost) savings
Improving soil & water conservation
Reducing leakage from field systems
Improving irrigation and salinity management
Reducing costs to the environment and grower
Conforming to regulatory compliance
Improving and contributing to the scientific understanding of the water and solute (salt/ fertilizer)
movement in soils
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
How does the TriSCAN sensor work?
Sensor output and measurement units
The TriSCAN sensor provides two outputs. The first output is a signal of dimensionless frequency (raw count), that is converted via a normalization
equation and then a default or user-defined calibration equation into volumetric soil water content. The measurement unit is thus volumetric water content (Vol %) or millimetres of water per 100 mm of soil depth.
The second output is also a dimensionless frequency (raw count) that, in conjunction with the first output signal, is proportional to changes in soil water content and salinity. A proprietary data model processes the changes of both output signals simultaneously to reflect the changes in soil salinity. The output of the data model is a nominal Volumetric Ion Content (VIC). Measurement units of VIC can be quantitatively related (benchmarked ) to the soil EC through site-specific soil sampling and analysis.
Figure 2. Sensor output
Both outputs can be presented as dynamic trend changes over a chosen time scale.
Raw Data
Soil Water Content
Soil Water Content
Soil Salinity
Soil Salinity
Measurement Range and Soil Suitability
The effective measurement range of TriSCAN is between 0 and 17 dSm-1 in sand, loamy sand and sandy loam textures (Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook). Use of TriSCAN at salinity levels and soil textures outside this range is currently unsupported by Sentek.
Resolution and Accuracy
The resolution and accuracy of the sensor can be considered in terms of the two different outputs.
Volumetric Water Content:
The sensor has a resolution of 0.1 mm of soil moisture. Consecutive readings in equilibrated soil have a coefficient of variation of 0.1% .
The accuracy of the system is dependent upon the similarity of the soil site to that of the original default soil type used by Sentek. Calibration coefficients based on this default soil type are used in normal operation. If site-specific (quantitative) values are required, then a calibration procedure is required to be performed (refer to “Calibration of Sentek Probes” Manual). A high level of accuracy can be attained with careful calibration.
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There are two levels at which resolution and accuracy may be considered with regard to the TriSCAN® sensor:
Resolution and accuracy of the electronic sensor
Resolution and accurac y of the benchmarking (correlation of VIC to EC) procedure
The resolution of the electronic sensor, i.e. the smallest measurable increment , has been determined to be as low as 1 microSiemen/cm (0.001 mS/cm) in dry soil conditions, and as high as 14 micoSiemen/cm (0.014 mS/cm) in saturated soil conditions.
The accuracy of the benchmarking of the VIC values to soil EC is dependent upon the degree of alignment possible as limited experimentally. This is affected by many things, including the ability of the operator to measure the physical EC, soil sampling technique and sample timing. In Sentek’s own field testing, strong relationships (r2=0.9) have been achieved (refer Figure 8, Benchmarking section).
At Sentek’s laboratories, the accuracy of the sensor to predict the EC has been determined at ±8.06% (range: 6.0 – 10.1%). This figure was determined through analysis of the inherent variability of discrete salinity measurements as taken over a range of water contents from 4% (dry sand) to 20% (saturated) and a salinity range from 0 to 4.9 mS/cm.
Temperature Effects
The precise temperature effects on TriSCAN data output are currently unknown. It is however, known that there is a minor positive relationship between VIC and soil temperature. The TriSCAN model currently does not include temperature correction.
In the field the graph pattern produced is easily discernable as a small temperature effect distinct from salinity changes.
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TriSCAN Manual Version 1.2a
Getting TriSCAN ready for logging
Probe Assembly and Sensor Addressing
Assembling the Probe
The TriSCAN probe consists of the following components:
Handle set with screws
Interface board
TriSCAN sensors
Probe Rod
Assemble the probe following these steps:
1. Insert the probe handle into the top of the probe rod, with the lugs on the handle facing the connector side of the probe rod.
2. Attach the interface board to the probe rod. Fit the interface board between the lugs on the handle and the probe rod guides, with the green phoenix connector facing the top of the probe. Plug the interface into the first available connection on the probe rod.
3. Gently move the interface board along the probe rod so that the holes at the top of the board align with the holes in the probe rod handle behind. Insert the two small scre ws into these holes, being careful not to over-tighten.
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4. Insert the large screws into the holes in the side of the handle and tighten to hold them in place. Be careful not to over tighten the screws, as this may damage the interface board.
5. Locate the desired sensor positions on the probe rod, keeping in mind that each probe connection is spaced 100 mm apart.
6. Position the sensor at the bottom of the probe rod with the ribbon cable facing towards the bottom of the probe and the connec tor facing the side of the probe rod that holds the connector plugs.
7. Depress the lever on the bottom side of the sensor, and slide the sensor along the probe rod into position.
8. Align the lug on the back of the sensor with the notch in the probe rod, and click into position by pushing the lever outwards with a finger or screwdriver inserted behind the lever.
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9. Firmly plug the sensor into the connector on the probe rod, ensuring that all the pins are correctly aligned.
10. Repeat for the other sensors.
Addressing the Sensors
After positioning and securing each sensor in its proper location, every sensor on a probe needs to be assigned a unique address. The sensor address is set by changing the position of the address link on the ribbon cable board of the sensor. This address is a means of differentiating between each sensor on the probe, and can be assigned a numerical value between 1 and 16. The sensor address is not necessarily related to the sensor position on the probe rod.
Figure 3 below shows the address link in position 5 on the sensor.
Figure 3. Example of sensor address 5
Figure 4 below outlines the sensor address link positions for all the different possible addresses.
Figure 4. Sensor addressing positions
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For each probe, assign the top sensor with the lowest address (e.g. address 1) and then address each sensor below it with a sequentially higher address, such as 2, 3, 4 and so on.
Probe Configuration and Normalization
The probe is now ready to normalize. The following paragraphs outline the procedure for normalizing the probe using the IP Configuration Utility Software Version 1.4.1 or later. For more details on the IP Configuration Utility Software, refer to the IP Configuration Utility User Guide.
Step 1 – Powering the probe
Connect a 12 volt power supply to the probe. Refer to the relevant SDI-12 or RS232/ RS485-Modbus Manual for the correct wiring procedure. Power can either be supplied from the logger power source or directly to the probe.
Incorrect wiring may lead to damage to the probe, or blow the fuse on the probe interface. Any damage
due to incorrect wiring will void the warranty. Therefore it is recommended that the wiring procedure be
checked prior to connecting the power to avoid such damage.
Step 2 – Connecting to IP Configuration Software Utility
1. Connect the IP Configuration Utility Cable to the probe interface and to the serial port on the computer.
2. Open the IP Configuration Utility Software.
3. Select which serial port the probe is connected to from the Serial Port drop down list. Also select the baud rate to use from the Baud Rate drop down list. If you are unsure of the baud rate you can select “Auto” for the baud rate which will use auto detection of the baud rate when connecting.
4. Click the Connect button to connect to the probe. If connection is successful then the status bar will now display “Connected” and the Connect button will have changed to Disconnect. If “Auto” was specified as the baud rate then the correct baud rate will now be displayed in the Baud Rate drop down list. On successful connection, the probe’s information (name, serial number, address and firmware version number) will be displayed, and the probe will be queried for its configuration settings.
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