Campbell Scientific RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather Station User Manual

RAWS-H Remote
Automated Weather Station
Revision: 12/13
Copyright © 2006-2013
Campbell Scientific, Inc.


“PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. are warranted by Campbell Scientific, Inc. (“Campbell”) to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless otherwise specified in the corresponding Campbell pricelist or product manual. Products not manufactured, but that are re-sold by Campbell, are warranted only to the limits extended by the original manufacturer. Batteries, fine-wire thermocouples, desiccant, and other consumables have no warranty. Campbell’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at Campbell’s option) defective products, which shall be the sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty. The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective products to Campbell. Campbell will return such products by surface carrier prepaid within the continental United States of America. To all other locations, Campbell will return such products best way CIP (Port of Entry) INCOTERM® 2010, prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, improper service, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. The warranty for installation services performed by Campbell such as programming to customer specifications, electrical connections to products manufactured by Campbell, and product specific training, is part of Campbell’s product warranty. CAMPBELL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Campbell is not liable for any special, indirect, incidental, and/or consequential damages.”


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Table of Contents

PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Introduction.................................................................1
2. Getting Started............................................................3
3. Station Siting and Orientation ...................................3
3.1 General Description .............................................................................3
3.2 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity..............................................3
3.3 Precipitation .........................................................................................4
3.4 Solar Radiation.....................................................................................4
3.5 Wind Speed and Direction ...................................................................4
3.6 Barometric Pressure .............................................................................4
3.7 Fuel Moisture and Fuel Temperature ...................................................4
4. Sensor Wiring .............................................................4
4.1 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity..............................................4
4.2 Rain Gage.............................................................................................5
4.3 Solar Radiation.....................................................................................5
4.4 Wind Speed and Direction ...................................................................6
4.4.1 SDI-12 Sensor...............................................................................6
4.5 Fuel Moisture and Fuel Temperature ...................................................6
4.6 Barometric Pressure .............................................................................7
5. Equipment Wiring and Troubleshooting ..................7
5.1 Solar Panels..........................................................................................7
5.1.1 General Description ......................................................................7
5.1.2 Wiring...........................................................................................8
5.1.3 Troubleshooting ............................................................................8
5.2 Charger/Regulator ................................................................................8
5.2.1 General Description ......................................................................8
5.2.2 Wiring...........................................................................................9
5.2.3 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................10
5.3 Battery................................................................................................10
5.3.1 General Description ....................................................................10
5.3.2 Wiring.........................................................................................10
5.3.3 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................10
5.4 GOES Transmitter..............................................................................11
5.4.1 General Description ....................................................................11
5.4.2 Wiring.........................................................................................12
5.4.3 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................13
5.5 CR1000 Keyboard/Display ................................................................13
5.5.1 General Description ....................................................................13
5.5.2 Wiring.........................................................................................14
5.5.3 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................14
Table of Contents
CR1000 Datalogger ........................................................................... 14
5.6.1 General Description.................................................................... 14
5.6.2 Wiring ........................................................................................ 15
5.6.3 Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 15
6. Desiccant ...................................................................15
7. Sensor and Equipment Maintenance ......................15
8. References.................................................................16
9. RAWS Orientation .....................................................16
9.1 Determining True North and Sensor Orientation .............................. 16
9.2 USGS Web Calculator....................................................................... 19
Equipment Wiring and Connector Panel
Jumper Location................................................... A-1
1-1. Color coded, keyed connector panel.................................................... 1
1-2. Inside environmental enclosure (optional equipment shown) ............. 2
5-1. 12 volt charger/regulator ..................................................................... 9
5-2. GOES transmitter .............................................................................. 12
5-3. CR1000 keyboard/display ................................................................. 13
5-4. CR1000 and printed circuit wiring panel........................................... 14
9-1. Magnetic declination for the contiguous United States ..................... 17
9-2. A declination angle east of True North (positive) is subtracted
from 360 (0) degrees to find True North........................................ 18
9-3. A declination angle west of True North (negative) is subtracted
from 0 (360) degrees to find True North........................................ 18
9-4. USGS web calculator ........................................................................ 19
A-1. RAWS-H equipment wiring............................................................ A-1
A-2. RAWS-H connector panel schematic 1 of 2.................................... A-2
A-3. RAWS-H connector panel schematic 2 of 2.................................... A-3
A-4. RAWS-H connector panel jumper location..................................... A-4
4-1. TEMP/RH Connector (color coded orange)........................................ 5
4-2. PRECIP Connector (color coded blue)................................................ 5
4-3. SOLAR RAD SDI-12 Connector (color coded green)........................ 5
4-4. WS/WD Connector (color coded red) ................................................. 6
4-5. SDI-12 Connector (color coded yellow).............................................. 6
4-6. FM/FT Connector (color coded brown) .............................................. 7
4-7. CS100-QD Wiring............................................................................... 7
5-1. GOES Transmitter Connections ........................................................ 12
RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather Station

1. Introduction

The RAWS-H allows customers who own a Handar Data Collection Platform to upgrade to a Campbell Scientific Remote Automated Weather Station, while using the sensors and tower that they already own. The RAWS-H contains an aluminum 14- by 18-in. environmental enclosure, a CR1000M Module, a 12 Vdc sealed rechargeable battery, a CH100 regulator, a Handar sensor connector panel, a wiring panel, and a CR1000KD Keyboard Display.
Handar sensors that measure wind speed and direction, air temperature and relative humidity, precipitation, and solar radiation can be attached to the Handar sensor connector panel. The RAWS-H provides a wiring panel for attaching additional sensors that measure barometric pressure, fuel moisture or temperature, snow depth, or stream flow.
FIGURE 1-1. Color coded, keyed connector panel
Keep this manual and the CR1000KD Keyboard Display with the RAWS. Review the station siting and orientation section before field deployment. If a problem is encountered, review the troubleshooting sections in this manual and Appendix A, Equipment Wiring and Connector Panel Jumper Location.
RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather Station
(1) Connect battery
SC12 Cable
CR1000KD packed in foam (may go here)
TX320 GOES Transmitter
VSP3 Vosponder
(2) Turn on CH100
CR1000 power in
RF Radio
CS100 Barometer
CR1000 Datalogger
CR1000 Wiring Panel
FIGURE 1-2. Inside environmental enclosure (optional equipment
Customized Handar sensor programming can be developed for a nominal fee. Program development will require datalogger support software (LoggerNet or PC400) purchased from Campbell Scientific.

2. Getting Started

Set up and test your station before field deployment.
RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather Station
Keep this manual and the CR1000KD Keyboard Display with the RAWS.
Review the station siting and orientation section before field deployment. If a problem is encountered, review the equipment wiring and troubleshooting sections in this manual.
After siting and leveling the RAWS, open the enclosure and (1) connect the battery cable and (2) verify the CH100 switch is in the ‘on’ position.
When this equipment is not in use (for example, transport or storage), disconnect battery cable to the CH100.

3. Station Siting and Orientation

3.1 General Description

Selecting an appropriate site for the RAWS is critical in order to obtain accurate meteorological data. In general, the site should be representative of the general area of interest and away from the influence of obstructions such as buildings and trees.
If any part of the weather station comes in contact with power lines, you could be killed. Contact local utilities for the location of buried utility lines before digging or driving ground rods.
See Section 8, References, for a list of references that discuss siting recommendations.

3.2 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity

A temperature and relative humidity (RH) sensor should be located over an open level area at least 9 m in diameter (EPA). The surface should be covered by short grass, or where grass does not grow, the natural earth surface. The sensor must be housed inside a radiation shield and adequately ventilated.
Situations to avoid include:
large industrial heat sources
steep slopes
sheltered hollow
high vegetation
shaded areas
RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather Station
areas where snow drifts occur
low places holding standing water after rains

3.3 Precipitation

A rain gage should be located over an open level area covered by short grass, or where grass does not grow, the natural earth surface. Level the rain gage.

3.4 Solar Radiation

A solar radiation sensor should be located to avoid shadows on the sensor at any time. Orient the solar radiation sensor where the solar radiation sensor faces the equator minimizing the chance of shading from other weather station structures. Reflective surfaces and sources of artificial radiation should be avoided. Level the solar radiation sensor.

3.5 Wind Speed and Direction

A wind sensor should be located over open level terrain and at a distance of at least ten times (EPA) the height of any nearby building, tree, or other obstruction.

3.6 Barometric Pressure

The CS100 barometric pressure sensor can be mounted to the back plate inside the RAWS environmental enclosure.

3.7 Fuel Moisture and Fuel Temperature

The fuel moisture and fuel temperature sensor should be left outside at the field site continually exposed to the same conditions as forest fuels. The fuel moisture and fuel temperature dowel rods absorb and desorb moisture from its surroundings. Install the probes horizontally on the mounting stake and face the sensors towards the equator above a representative forest floor duff layer. Place the sensor away from foot traffic areas.

4. Sensor Wiring

4.1 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity

The temperature/RH sensor attaches to the connector labeled TEMP/RH; this connector is color coded orange. This sensor is internally wired from the RAWS connector panel to the CR1000 datalogger.
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